Friday, 24 July 2020

FoMT aka Story of Seasons for Switch by Freyashawk Introduction

Twenty years ago, I wrote my first strategy guide for my daughter.  IGN discovered I wrote a guide, and asked me if I wished to write more for them.  I wrote at least 250 FAQs and one printed guide... but that was long ago.  In the past seven years, I only have maintained a constantly updated strategy guide for an online game called Family Farm Seaside.

Now, Nintendo has released a new version of Friends of Mineral Town for the Switch.  That was the first game I played in the Harvest Moon series, and that was the subject of my first strategy guide.

A number of players (many of them friends) who used my guides in the past have asked if I intend to write a guide for this new version of FoMT.

I told my friends that I would try to write whatever strategy tips or details of changes in the game I could.  I am not the same Freyashawk who wrote 250 guides two decades ago.  I suffer from severe chronic pain and other bedevilments, not that long ago went through treatment for Stage 3 cancer, and am not certain what I can do here...

If you wish to take this journey with me, however, I will do what I can!

I will publish my results as a series of posts.  First, though, to review the game and the new platform.


I feel Nintendo made a big mistake here.  The original version had simple controls.  They worked well.  Why do they have to make it more complex simply because the Switch has so many buttons and actual joysticks?  These are unnecessary and the actions required by the game become almost impossible to a new player.

The friend who sent me the game started to play at the same time as I did.  We were on the telephone together exploring the first day or two of gameplay.  Neither of us could give an item to any one.  Giving gifts is one of the most important aspects of Harvest Moon.  It should be possible simply to press the action button 'A' to give an item to some one.

This is NOT the case.  


I read the little manual.  I even went online.  No one explains this properly.

Essentially, you have two joysticks, and two sets of buttons, left and right.  Beyond this, there are two buttons at the top on either side of the Switch.

Here is where they have made matters infinitely more complicated than they should have been.

Your tools are controlled by the left joystick. 
Your items are controlled by the right joystick.

So you see the two very poor photographs above.  The top one shows the controls you need to use to perform basic actions.

In the lower photograph, you see two Menus at the bottom.  The one on the left represents all Tools in your Pocket and the one on the right represents the Items in your Pockets.

Here is where it becomes overly complex.

The first action you need to take is to place an item in your hands.  You do this by using the right joystick.  It automatically will engage the little Menu shown on the bottom right of the screen.  By pushing to the left or right, you can highlight any item in your pockets and place it in your hands (although it looks like it is on your head).  Once you do this, you can press 'A' to give it to any one in front of you who is close enough to be able to 'Talk'.

The Menu on the bottom left, on the other hand, is the Tools Menu.  The left joystick does NOT automatically control this Menu.  Instead, you need to press the Left or Right Buttons on the left side of your Switch to cycle through the tools in your Pocket.

So what do you think about this?  It is too complicated for words! But there you have it.


You can purchase an adult chicken from the Poultry Farm that will lay an egg the very next morning.  You can place that egg in the incubator and it will hatch, giving you a chick in a couple of days.

The Horse is given to you almost immediately.  It is a colt and you must raise it, but it requires no feeding.  You can purchase a Brush from Saibara.  There is a little glitch or problem with the Horse.  You should be able to ring the Bell to bring the Horse outside or send it back into the Barn.  My horse simply bolts outside at the crack of dawn, and often becomes stuck in the little area to the right of the barn, where he desperately turns one way and the other.... luckily by dawn, he somehow has gone back into the Barn.  I wasted a lot of time trying to get him out of his little prison.


There are advanced goals like creating the Gem of Truth and finding Power Berries, and my old guide appears to remain valid about those, but that should not be your initial goal.

Essentially, Harvest Moon is based on a few simple goals.  Shipping is critical to progress.  Many new items are unlocked by shipping specific totals of existing items like Crops and Grasses.  Ship as much as possible.  In other games, one can store items for future use, but the only items to store initially are the sticks and stones you find on your farm.  You have the tools but will not have sufficient energy to transform them into Mineral Stone and Wood, so store them.

Another goal is to forge the best possible relationships with every one.  Every character has a different set of likes and dislikes, but initially the main focus should be on meeting and greeting every one as often as possible and experiencing as many events as possible.

One important group of Characters is the Harvest Sprites.  Do focus on raising their friendship levels so they will be willing to work on your farm.  Farm work is arduous.  You will be hard pressed to perform even necessary chores like watering all of your Crops.


You can recover all of your energy by spending time in the Hot Spring.  It takes TIME, so try to push through until night after shops are shut and people are behind locked doors and then spend all the time needed to restore all of your Stamina and energy.  You do not jump directly into the Hot Spring.  You need to enter by the door.  Watch as stamina levels are restored and do not exit until you have regained all hearts.

Another useful aspect of the Hot Spring is the ability to boil an egg, transforming it into a Hot Spring Egg.  Rick will give you one in his first event.  To create more of them, simply toss an ordinary egg directly into the Spring.


This is not comprehensive, and simply consists of Events I have experienced initially.

Tuesday, Spring, 1st Week:

Anna, Grandma, Stu (now Yu), Thomas in their houses

Ran downstairs in Inn

Brandon in his bedroom at the Workshop at 4.00 p.m. No event.

Cliff, Church at Noon.  Rainy day.  Cliff in Church; Grey upstairs at Inn.

Rick in house at 5.00 p.m.

Popuri and Lillia in Poultry Farm (house) at 5.00 p.m.

Thursday, Spring, 1st Week:

1st Heart Event with Cliff.  Enter Church at 10. or noon on 3 Spring.  Rainy Day.  Choose 'Take your time'.

1st Heart Event with Elli. 10.30 a.m.  Enter Clinic.  The 1st response will please both Yu and the Doctor, but it is the second response that pleases Elli

1st Heart Event with Marie.  Enter Library on Wednesday after noon, 2.40 p.m.

1st Rival Heart Event between Grey and Marie.  Enter forge on Wednesday, 4 Spring, 11.40 a.m.  When you exit, experience Popuri's 1st Heart Event immediately.  Follow her home and experience Rick's 1st Heart Event.  He will give you a Hot Spring Egg.

1st Rival Heart Event between Doctor and Elli, 2.00 p.m., entering Clinic on rainy day

Saturday, 7 Spring:  Enter screen walking from farm path towards Hot Spring and Lake to experience Jennifer's 1st Heart Event.  Choose second option to the effect that your own chakras are aligned.  Leave screen to walk towards farm, but immediately turn back to go towards Lake and Hot Spring to trigger the event between Jennifer and Harris.  She gives him Power Stone and tells you that you do not need one.


Please be aware that my vision has become extremely poor.  It is very difficult for me to see numbers, especially when the item is flashing in the Menu.  If I make an error in any price, that is what causes it.


General Store: Shut Tuesday and Sunday
  Open 9 to 5

Mineral Clinic: Shut Wednesday
  Open 9 to 4

Winery: Shut Saturday
  Open 10 to Noon

Library: Shut Monday
  Open 10. to 4.

Workshop: Shut Saturday
  Open 11 to 4

Yodel Ranch: Shut Monday
  Open 10 to 3

Poultry Farm: Shut Sunday
  Open 11. to 4.

Forge: Shut Thursday
  Open 10 to 4

Poultry Farm:

Chicken: 1500 G
Brown Chicken: 1500 G
Angora Rabbit: 3000 G

Chicken or Rabbit Feed: 10G

Saibara upgrades Tools but you must give him the Ores needed for each upgrade

He sells the following:

Brush: 800 G
Milker: 2000 G
Clippers: 10000 G

Sells jewellery as well.

Mugi sells:


  Calf: 5000G
  Coffee, Strawberry, Fruit Calf: 10000G

Sheep: 4000G

Alpaca: 4000G

Fodder: 20G

Breeding Kits: 3000G

You will have some mature Grass on the southeast corner of your field, and can use your Sickle to cut it.  Place it in the Silo.

General Store:

Sells Seeds initially:


Basic Bag: 3000 G
  (You really need this as it expands your pockets!!!)



Bamboo: Lake

Grapes: Farm and Mountain

Honey: Tree on farm

Moondrop:  On paths 

Blue Grass: On paths

Yellow Grass: Beach

Orange Grass: Beach

Harvest Moon DS Shipping List Guide

Harvest Moon DS Shipping List Guide

by Freyashawk

email: castleenchanted · aol

Created 21 September 2006
Updated on 11 July 2007


Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the game or my 
guide.  I try to answer all serious requests for help but I will not open any 
email with an attachment.  AOL sometimes considers a 'signature' or a simple 
icon as an attachment.  Please send your emails as plain text or I shall not 
be able to respond.  Thank you.


This is intended as a Quick Reference Guide for all items that can be shipped 
in Harvest Moon DS with their shipping value.  In many cases, these items can 
be sold to Van for a higher price.  Please note that items sold at Karen's 
Supermarket can and must be shipped in order to complete the list.  Cooked 
Items must be shipped as well to complete your shipping list, although they 
have no shipping value and cannot be shipped directly.  You must be shipped 
them through the Cannery or place them in your basket and then dump them into 
a shipping container.

A General Guide for Harvest Moon DS that deals with every aspect of the game 
can be found at:

Harvest Moon DS General Guide

A guide that deals with the eligible girls in the game, all Heart and Rival 
Heart Events can be found at:

Harvest Moon DS Heart and Rival Heart Events Guide

A simple Calendar Guide that lists all Birthdays and Festivals can be found at:

Harvest Moon DS Calendar Guide

Please refer to the above Guides for all other aspects of life in Forget-Me-
Not Valley in the DS version of Harvest Moon.

The recipes for every 'cooked item' can be found in my Harvest Moon DS Cooking 
101 Recipes Guide at:

Harvest Moon DS Cooking 101 Recipe Guide

Items that are made in the kitchen cannot be shipped in the ordinary manner 
using ordinary shipping containers.  The only way to ship a 'Recipe' item 
directly is through the Cannery.  The Cannery is a 'Maker' that can be ordered 
from Saibara.   You will need to order a Maker Barn from Gotz before any of 
the Makers will become available from Saibara.  (Another way to ship cooked 
items is to place them in your Basket and then dump them into a shipping 

The following is a complete list of all items that can be shipped.   Items are 
given in the order in which they will appear in the Shipping List in your Menu.

Spring Crops:

Turnip  60G   (5 days, single harvest)
Potato:   80G  (8 days, single harvest)
Cucumber:  60G  (8 days, multiple harvest, 2 days for subsequent harvests)
Strawberry: 30G  (7 days, multiple harvest, 2 days for subsequent harvests)
Cabbage:  250G  (N.B.  Van will pay up to 397G for a Cabbage)  (15 days, 
single harvest)

Summer Crops:

Tomato:  60G  (10 days, multiple harvests, 3 days for subsequent harvests)
Corn:  100G (15 days, multiple harvests, 3 days for subsequent harvests)
Onion:  80G (8 days, single harvest)
Pumpkin:  250G  (15 days, single harvest)
Pineapple:  500G  (21 days, multiple harvests, 5 days for subsequent harvests)

Autumn Crops:

Eggplant: 80G  (10 days, multiple harvests, 3 days for subsequent harvests)
Carrot:  120G  (8 days, single harvest)
Sweet Potato  100G (6 days, multiple harvests, 2 days for subsequent harvests)
Spinach:  80G  (6 days, single harvest)
Green Pepper:  40G (8 days, multiple harvests, 2 days for subsequent harvests)


Moondrop Flower:  60G  (wild/cultivated in Spring)  (7 days, single harvest)
Pinkcat Flower:  70G   (wild/cultivated in Summer)  (7 days, single harvest)
Blue Magic Grass:  80G  (wild/cultivated in Autumn)  (11 days, single harvest)
Red Magic Grass: 200G  (wild/cultivated in Autumn)  (11 days, single harvest)
Toy Flower: 130G  (wild/cultivated in Spring)  (13 days, single harvest)

Cultivated Fruits:

Peach: 250G  (cultivated: harvest in Summer)
Banana:  200G  (cultivated: harvest in Summer)
Orange:  200G  (cultivated: harvest in Summer)
Apple:  100G (cultivated: harvest in Autumn)
Grape:  200G  (cultivated: harvest in Autumn)

Ranch Products:

Chicken Egg (S):  50G  
Chicken Egg (M): 60G
Chicken Egg (L) 80G
Duck Egg (S): 80G
Duck Egg (M): 100G
Duck Egg (L): 150G
Mayonnaise (S) : 100G  (Maker/Kitchen)
Mayonnaise (M): 150G  (Maker/Kitchen)
Mayonnaise (L): 200G  (Maker/Kitchen)
Milk (S): 100G  (Milker with or without TouchGlove)
Milk (M): 150G  (Milker with Touchglove)
Milk (L): 200G  (Van: 266G)  (Milker with TouchGlove)
Cheese (S): 300G  (Maker)
Cheese (M): 400G  (Maker)
Cheese (L): 500G  (Van:  807G)  (Maker)
Yoghurt (S): 150G  (Maker)
Yoghurt (M): 200G  (Maker)
Yoghurt (L): 300G  (Maker)
Shitake Mushroom (S): 50G  (cultivated year-round in Mushroom House)
Shitake Mushroom (M): 80G  (cultivated year-round in Mushroom House)
Shitake Mushroom (L): 120G  (cultivated year-round in Mushroom House)
Toadstool (S): 100G  (Van:  144G)  (wild in Autumn/cultivated year-round in 
Mushroom House)
Toadstool (M): 130G  (cultivated year-round in Mushroom house)
Toadstool (L): 160G  (cultivated year-round in Mushroom house)
Matsutake Mushroom (S): 350G  (wild in Autumn/cultivated year-round in 
Mushroom house)
Matsutake Mushroom (M): 500G  (cultivated year-round in Mushroom house)
Matsutake Mushroom (L): 800G  (cultivated year-round in Mushroom house)
Wool (S): 100G  (clippers with or without TouchGlove)
Wool (M): 400G  (clippers with TouchGlove)
Wool (L): 500G  (clippers with TouchGlove)
Yarn: (S):  300G  (Maker)
Yarn (M): 700G  (Maker)
Yarn (L): 800G

Items Collected in Wilds:

Spa Egg:  80G  (throw any egg into a Hot Spring)
Bamboo Shoots: 50G  (wild in Spring)
Wild Grapes:  50G  (wild in Summer)
Blue Grass: 100G  (wild in Summer)
Green Grass: 100G  (wild in Summer)
Red Grass: 110G  (wild in Summer and Autumn)
Yellow Grass: 120G  (wild in Spring)
Orange Grass:  100G  (wild in Spring)
Purple Grass:  120G  (wild in Summer)
Indigo Grass:  100G  (wild in Summer)
Black Grass: 10G  (found in mines year-round)
White Grass:  150G  (wild in Winter)

Items from Shops:

Turbojolt:  500G  (Van/Kitchen)
Turbojolt XL:  1000G  (Van/Kitchen)
Bodigizer:  250G  (Van/Kitchen)
Bodigizer XL:  500G  (Van/Kitchen)
Wine:  150G  (Supermarket)
Grape Juice:  100G  (Supermarket)
Riceballs:  50G  (Supermarket)
Bread:  50G  (Supermarket)
Oil: 25G  (Supermarket)
Flour: 25G  (Supermarket)
Curry Powder:  25G  (Supermarket)
Dumpling Mix:  50G  (Supermarket)
Chocolate:  50G  (Supermarket) 
Relax Tea Leaves: 1000G  (Casino/Kitchen)

Items from Festivals:

Buckwheat Flour: 50G  (Year-End Festival)
Rice Cake: 50G  (New Year Festival)


Fish (S): 50G
Fish (M): 120G  (Van:  648G)
Fish (L): 200G    (Van: 1256G)

Items from Mines:

Copper:  15G  (1st and 3rd Mines)
Silver: 20G  (1st and 3rd Mines)
Gold: 25G  (1st and 3rd Mines)
Mystrile:  40G  (1st and 3rd Mines)
Orihalcon:  50G  (3rd Mine)
Adamantite: 50G  (3rd Mine)
Moonstone: 55G  (2nd Mine)
Sandrose:  60G  (2nd Mine)
Pink Diamond:  10,000G  (2nd Mine)
Alexandrite:  10,000G   (2nd Mine)  (Van will pay 16442G)
Mythic Stone: 20,000G  (3rd Mine only after you have 6 Blessed Tools)
Diamond:  100G  (2nd Mine)
Emerald: 80G  (2nd Mine)
Ruby:  75G
Topaz:  70G
Peridot:  68G
Fluorite:  65G
Agate:  62G
Amethyst:  60G
Spring Sun:  1G
Summer Sun: 1G
Fall Sun: 1G
Winter Sun: 1G
Bracelet: 2000G  (Van will pay 3270G for any piece of jewelry.)
Necklace: 2000G   (Van will pay 3270G for any piece of jewelry.)
Earrings: 2000G  (Van will pay 3270G for any piece of jewelry.)
Brooch: 2000G  (Van will pay 3270G for any piece of jewelry.)


Weed: 1G
Stone: 1G
Branch: 1G

Special and Miscellaneous Items:

Lithograph: 1G
Bottled Message: 4G
Dog Ball: 1G
Pirate Treasure: 10,000G  (Van will pay 65516G)
Fish Fossil:  5000G
Empty Can: 1G
Boot: 1G
Fishbone: 1G
Perfume: 40G
Witch Princess' Gift: 1G
Harvest Goddess' Gift: 1G
Title Bonus: 1G  (Obtain this when you win the Gladiator Girls game.)
Dress: 50G
Facial pack: 47G
Skin Lotion: 40G
Sunblock: 43G
Wood Lumber: 1G
Stone Lumber: 1G
Golden Lumber: 1G
Fodder: 1G
Bird Feed: 1G
10,000G Ticket:  10,000G
100,000G Ticket: 100,000G

Frying Pan Cooked Items:

Stir Fry: 0G
Fried Rice: 0G
Savoury Pancakes: 0G
French Fries: 0G
Croquette: 0G
Popcorn: 0G
Cornflakes: 0G
Happy Eggplant: 0G
Scrambled Eggs: 0G
Omelet: 0G
Omelet Rice: 0G
Apple Souffle: 0G
Curry Bread: 0G
French Toaat: 0G
Doughnut: 0G
Grilled Fish: 0G
Fried Thick Noodles: 0G
Fried Noodles: 0G
Tempura: 0G
Pancake: 0G
Pot Stickers: 0G
Risotto: 0G
Dry Curry: 0G

Pot Cooked Items:

Hot Milk: 0G
Hot Chocolate: 0G
Wild Grape Wine: 0G
Pumpkin Stew: 0G
Fish Stew: 0G
Boiled Spinach: 0G
Boiled Egg: 0G
Candied Potatoes: 0G
Dumplings: 0G
Strawberry Jam: 0G
Apple Jam: 0G
Grape Jam: 0G
Marmalade: 0G
Cheese Fondue: 0G
Noodles: 0G
Curry Noodles: 0G
Tempura Noodles: 0G
Buckwheat Noodles: 0G
Tempura Buckwheat Noodles: 0G
Mountain Stew: 0G
Rice Soup: 0G
Porridge: 0G
Tempura Rice: 0G
Eggs over Rice: 0G
Stew: 0G
Curry Rice: 0G
Blue Curry: 0G
Green Curry: 0G
Red Curry: 0G
Yellow Curry: 0G
Orange Curry: 0G
Purple Curry: 0G
Indigo Curry: 0G
Black Curry: 0G
White Curry: 0G
Rainbow Curry: 0G
Ultimate Curry: 0G
Finest Curry: 0G
Relax Tea: 0G

Oven Cooked Items:

Baked Corn: 0G
Toasted Riceballs: 0G
Roasted Rice Cake: 0G
Baked Yam: 0G
Toast: 0G
Jam Bun: 0G
Dinner Roll: 0G
Pizza: 0G
Doria: 0G
Gratin: 0G
Buckwheat Ball: 0G
Sweet Potatoes: 0G
Cookie: 0G
Chocolate Cookie: 0G
Cake: 0G
Chocolate Cake: 0G
Cheesecake: 0G
Apple Pie: 0G

Mixer Cooked Items:

Pineapple Juice: 0G
Tomato Juice: 0G
Peach Juice; 0G
Banana Juice: 0G
Orange Juice: 0G
Apple Juice: 0G
Strawberry Milk: 0G
Fruit Juice: 0G
Fruit Latte: 0G
Vegetable Juice: 0G
Vegetable Latte: 0G
Mixed Juice: 0G
Mixed Latte: 0G
Ketchup: 0G
Butter: 0G
Fish Sticks: 0G

Steamer Cooked Items:

Moon Dumpling: 0G
Green Dumpling: 0G
Chimaki: 0G
Steamed Bun: 0G
Cheese Steamed Bun: 0G
Shaomi: 0G
Steamed Egg: 0G
Chinese Bun: 0G
Curry Bun: 0G
Steamed Dumpling: 0G
Sponge Cake: 0G
Steamed Cake: 0G
Pudding: 0G
Pumpkin Pudding: 0G

No Utensil Cooked Items:

Salad: 0G
Sandwich: 0G
Fruit Sandwich: 0G
Pickled Turnip: 0G
Pickled Cucumber: 0G
Bamboo Rice: 0G
Truffle Rice: 0G
Mushroom Rice: 0G
Sushi: 0G
Raisin Bread: 0G
Sashimi: 0G
Chirashi Sushi: 0G
Buckwheat Chips: 0G
Ice Cream: 0G
Elli Leaves: 0G

Burnt Items:

Burnt Food (Steamer): 0G
Burnt Food (Mixer): 0G
Burnt Food (Pot): 0G
Burnt Food (Oven): 0G
Burnt Food (Frying Pan): 0G
Burnt Food (No Utensil): 0G

Harvest Moon DS General Guide

Harvest Moon DS Heart and Rival Heart Events Guide

Harvest Moon DS Shipping List Guide

Harvest Moon DS 101 Sprites Guide

Harvest Moon DS Calendar Guide

Harvest Moon DS Cooking 101 Recipe Guide

Harvest Moon DS Crops Guide

Harvest Moon DS Ultimate Guide to Mining

Harvest Moon DS First Year Events Guide

Harvest Moon DS Characters Guide

Harvest Moon DS Perpetual Calendar Guide

Harvest Moon DS Calendar

by Freyashawk

email: castleenchanted · aol

Created 14 September 2006
Updated on 4 May 2007


Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the game or my 
guide.  I try to answer all serious requests for help but I will not open any 
email with an attachment.  AOL sometimes considers a 'signature' or a simple 
icon as an attachment.  Please send your emails as plain text or I shall not 
be able to respond.  Thank you.

Table of Contents:

Calendar of all Festivals and Birthdays
Calendar of Sprite Birthdays
Text of all Annual Festivals
  New Year's Day Rice Cake Festival
  Duck Festival
  Cooking Festival
    Cooking Festival Glitch Text
  Beach Festival
  Chicken Festival
  Cow Festival
  Fireworks Festival
  Harvest Festival
  Sheep Festival
  Winter Thanksgiving Festival
  Starry Night Festival
  Year End Noodle Festival

(Text from all Festivals will be added as time permits in the next day or two.)



This is a Quick Reference guide to all Birthdays and Festivals in the new 
Harvest Moon DS game.  You will find characters both from Forget-Me-Not Valley 
of A Wonderful Life and Mineral Town of Friends of Mineral Town in this 
game.   It is set in Forget-Me-Not Valley but there will be some differences 
in terms of the Map.    A few new colourful characters have been added.  You 
will play a male in this game and eligible girls consist of Celia, Flora, 
Lumina, Muffy and Nami as well as the Harvest Goddess, the mermaid Leia, an 
underground beauty named Keria and the rival to the Harvest Goddess, 
the 'Witch Princess'.  If you insert an FoMT cartridge in your DS at the same 
time as the new HM DS game, you will be able to meet and court the eligible 
girls from FoMT as well.

N.B.  If you do decide to marry a girl from Mineral Town, you will be forced 
to move to Mineral Town and your game will end.  After all, THIS game is set 
in Forget-Me-Not Valley!

As in other Harvest Moon games, however, it is important to befriend all 
characters and not only those who offer a 'romantic interest'.  The best way 
to befriend any one in Harvest Moon is to give a gift on the individual's 
birthday.  The gift must be an item that is liked rather than disliked.  I 
have listed one or two items in brackets after each individual's name that 
would constitute a suitable gift.  These are not the 'Most Favourite' items 
but rather items that are inexpensive or easy to acquire.  If the character 
likes flowers, grasses or eggs, I have suggested those gifts as they are 
plentiful and inexpensive.

There are two different kinds of points in HM DS that raise Heart Levels.  
There are 'Affection Points' and 'Friendship Points'.  'Affection Points' are 
connected to Romance and only are assigned to girls that are eligible for 
marriage.  Friendship Points are assigned to every character, including 
eligible girls.  When you give an item that an individual likes, it will raise 
the FP level.  When you give an item that an eligible girl likes, it should 
raise both AP and FP.  Unlike FoMT/MFoMT, you can give more than one gift in 
the course of a day to an individual and continue to gain FP points.  With 
respect to AP, however, only the first gift given in a day will affect those 

The AP and FP of any gift given on an individual's birthday will be multiplied 
by 5.  This is one of the reasons that birthdays are important in this game as 
well as any other Harvest Moon games.

Note that an individual will not acknowledge his/her birthday if you give an 
item that he/she does not absolutely love.  The individual may thank you for 
the item, but will make no mention of his/her birthday unless it is an item 
he/she really likes.

More details about eligible girls and the specific items that raise their 
Heart levels can be found in my Heart and Rival Heart Events Guide for HM DS.

Festival dates are included here as well.  Crops, fruits and wild items 
available at each season will be added to this guide as time permits.

A section with a Calendar giving all 101 Sprite Birthdays according to season 
is included at the end of this guide.  I did not incorporate Sprite Birthdays 
in the general Calendar section as I felt it would become too cluttered.

For all other aspects of life in Forget-Me-Not Valley in the HM DS game, 
please see my General Guide.  It can be found at:

Harvest Moon DS General Guide

A guide that deals with the eligible girls in the game, all Heart and Rival 
Heart Events can be found at:

Harvest Moon DS Heart and Rival Heart Events Guide

I have written other Reference guides for this game as well including one for 
the Shipping List and one for all 101 Sprites.  They will be found at:

Harvest Moon DS Shipping List Guide

Harvest Moon DS 101 Sprites Guide

Calendar of Birthdays and Festivals


1 Spring:  New Year Festival:  at Beach from 6.00 p.m. to midnight. (10 Rice 
Cakes given)

2 Spring:  Romana's Birthday  (Moondrop, Toy Flower)  
For Moondrop:   'Is this a birthday present?  Wow.  You are very thoughtful.  
Thank you so much.'

3 Spring:  Gustafa's Birthday  (all flowers) 
For Moondrop or Hot Milk:  'You remembered my birthday!  Thank you!' 

6 Spring:  Celia's Birthday  (all flowers, wild grape)
For Moondrop:  'What, a birthday present!?  Thank you.  I'm happy.'

8 Spring:  Harvest Goddess' Birthday  (strawberry, all flowers, vegetables)
For Strawberry:  'Thank you for your offering on my birthday.  Just so you 
know, your offering is my favourite thing.  See you.'  

9 Spring:  Rock's Birthday  (Moondrop, Toy Flower, chocolate, cut gems)
For Moondrop or Toy Flower: 'Huh?  Is this for my birthday?  This is pretty 
cool! Thank you!'  

11 Spring: Carter's Birthday  (Turnip, sashimi)
For Turnip or sashimi:  A birthday present?  Really, you shouldn't have... 
Thank you so much!

12 Spring:  Hardy's Birthday  (all grasses, gems)
For orange grass:  'It was really nice of you to remember my birthday... 

14 Spring:  Spring Thanksgiving:  boys give cookies to girls (only eligible 
girls recognise the gift in this game)

16 Spring:  Elli's Birthday  (all grasses, Pinkcat Flower, Toy Flower, Magic 
Grass Flowers)

18 Spring:  Duck Festival at Beach between 10.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. (submit 
entry on previous day)

20 Spring:  Chris' Birthday (chocolate, all flowers)
For chocolate:  'Today is my birthday.  Thank you.'

22 Spring:  Cooking Contest at Beach; visit Gourmet there between 10.00 a.m. 
and noon to register, then return with prepared dish before 6.00 p.m. to 
participate in contest

24 Spring:  Marlin's Birthday  (wine, wild grapes, fruits)
On his birthday, for wine:  'My birthday?  Yeah, it's today.  Thanks.'

28 Spring:  Nina's Birthday  (Moondrop, Toy Flower, all grasses)
For yarn;  'I can't believe it!  A birthday present!  Thank you so much!'

29 Spring:  Lumina's Birthday (all flowers, chocolate, gems)
For Toyflower:  'A birthday present?!  It is really alright?  Thank you very 


1 Summer:  Beach Festival at Beach from 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.  (Order 
something from Kai's Concession Stall)

3 Summer:  Popuri's Birthday  (chocolate, eggs, Toy Flower, Pinkcat flower)

4 Summer:  Barney's Birthday  (eggs, bamboo shoots)

5 Summer:  Muffy's Birthday  (chocolate, Moondrop, flour)

6 Summer:  Cliff's Birthday  (wild grapes, chocolate, wine)

7 Summer:  Chicken Festival at Beach 10.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. (submit entry on 
previous day)

11 Summer:  Ruby's Birthday  (Bamboo Shoot, Wild Grape, Egg)
For an egg:  'You shouldn't have... How did you know it's my birthday?  Thank 

13 Summer:  Griffin's Birthday (egg, small fish, ores, gems)
For an egg:  'What a treat on my birthday!  Thank you so much.'

15 Summer:  Kate's Birthday  (chocolate, cheese, mystrile)
For mystrile:  'How did you know my birthday?  Thank you very much.'

17 Summer:  Ann's Birthday  (chocolate, egg)
For Cheese Fondue:  'A birthday present!  Yes, I'm happy (heart).  Thank you.

18 Summer:  Takakura's Birthday  (large Fish, Cheese, sashimi)
For Large Fish:  'A birthday present?  You really didn't need to... Thanks!'

20 Summer:  Cow Festival at Beach from 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.  (submit cow on 
previous day, neither pregnant nor sick)

21 Summer:

If you have a child, this is the day of the Family Picnic.

22 Summer:  Kai's Birthday  (pineapple, egg, flour)
For Flour:  What's this, a birthday gift?  You didn't have to do that.  
Thanks, though!

24 Summer:  Fireworks Festival at Beach, 6.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m.

25 Summer:  Thomas' Birthday  (wine, Bamboo Shoot, Egg)
For wine:  'I guess it is my birthday!  Thank you, Freyr!'

28 Summer:  Vesta's Birthday  (all flowers)
For Pinkcat flower:  'Wow, you remembered my birthday!  Thank you!'

29 Summer:  Daryl's Birthday  (small fish)
For small fish:  Oohh... That's right, it's my birthday!  I really appreciate 

30 Summer:  Leia's Birthday  (Large fish, Toy Flower, fish)
For big fish:  'Wow, it's a birthday present!  I'm happy!!  Thank you!!!


1 Fall:  Van's Birthday  (chocolate, ores and gems)

2 Fall:  Gotz's Birthday  (egg)

9 Fall:  Harvest Festival  (bring something for the pot)

10 Fall:  Wally's Birthday (Salad, wild Grapes, grasses)
For Wild Grape:  'Ha ha ha ha!  I didn't think that I would get a birthday 

15 Fall:  Karen's Birthday  (bamboo shoots, all flowers, eggs)
  Last day to shear any sheep you want to enter in the Sheep Festival!

19 Fall:  Trent's Birthday  (Toadstool, Bamboo Shoots, All Grasses)

21 Fall:  Sheep Festival at beach from 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.  (submit entry 
the previous day, neither sick nor pregnant)

23 Fall:  Sebastian's Birthday (all flowers)
For any flower:   For me?  Are you sure?  Thank you very much.
(He does not mention the word 'birthday' but his response is different on this 

24 Fall:  Nami's Birthday  (wild grape, fish, bamboo shoot, chocolate)
For small fish:  'A birthday present?  Oh... thank you.'

27 Fall:  Rick's Birthday  (egg, Birdfeed)

28 Fall:  Hugh's Birthday  (milk, chocolate:  as a child)
For yoghurt:  Today is my birthday.  I'm so happy.

29 Fall:  Murrey's Birthday  (egg)
For egg:  Today's my birthday, moi.  Thank you, moi.

30 Fall:  Pumpkin Festival:
      Hugh visits from 6.00 a.m. to 7.00 a.m.
      Katie visits from 8.00 a.m. to 9.00 a.m.
      Popuri visits from 10.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m.

After your marriage, no one will visit you again.  The Pumpkin Festival will 
not be celebrated again even when you have a child.


1 Winter:  Mukumuku's Birthday  (all flowers)
Mukumuku for flower:  Mofaaa! (note x 3)  Mofu mofu!

2 Winter:  Thomas' Winter Request

3 Winter:  Grant's Birthday  (wine, all grasses)
For wine:  Today is my birthday.  I gratefully accept.

6 Winter:  Grey's Birthday  (egg, ores and gems)

9 Winter:  Galen's Birthday  (Sashimi, wild grape, grasses turnip)
For small fish:  Is this my birthday present?  I don't know if I should...  
Thank you!

11 Winter:  Kassey's Birthday  (wine, all flowers)
                 Patrick's Birthday  (wine, Moondrop Flower, Toy Flower)
Patrick for wine:  Oh, what's this?  At my age, a birthday present is a 
wonderful thing.
Kassey for wine:  You shouldn't have.  To get a present at this age makes me 
very happy!

14 Winter:  Winter Thanksgiving:  Girls give cake to the boys they like.  Any 
girl with Purple Heart or greater will bring you cake at the following times:
     Lumina:  visits from 6.00 a.m. to 7.00 a.m.
     Celia:  visits from 8.00 a.m. to 9.00 a.m.
     Flora:  visits from 10.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m.
     Muffy:  visits from 12.00 noon to 1.00 p.m.
     Nami:  visits from 2.00 p.m. to 3.00 p.m.

N.B.  Magical girls do not visit even though both the Witch Princess and the 
Harvest Goddess, if you give them Cookies on the Spring Thanksgiving, will 
promise to return the favour on the Winter Thanksgiving.  They do not do so, 

After your marriage, your wife will place a piece of chocolate cake in your 
rucksack in the middle of the night in a mini-event after you go to bed.

16 Winter:  Flora's Birthday  (chocolate, fish, all fruits, vegetables)

20 Winter:  Mary's Birthday  (Toadstool, all grasses)

24 Winter:  Starry Night Festival.  Find partner on 23 Winter to see if you 
will obtain an invitation.

25 Winter:  Yule Festival (Stocking Event).  You must have a stocking from 
Nina and you must go to bed after 9.00 p.m. to receive a visit from Santa.

26 Winter:  Keira's Birthday  (valuable ores and valuable gems)

28 Winter:  Cody's Birthday  (copper, all ores, all flowers)

29 Winter:  Witch Princess' Birthday  (Toadstool, fishbone, gems, ores, all 

30 Winter:  New Year's Eve Festival:   At Beach from 6.00 p.m to midnight 
(obtain 10 Buckwheat Noodles or 10 Buckwheat Flour)

Calendar of Harvest Sprite Birthdays:

Spring Birthdays

3 Spring:  Woody  (Red Team)
4 Spring:  Tricky  (Indigo Team)
5 Spring:  Stewart  (Red Team)
7 Spring:  Johnny Yellow Team)
9 Spring:  Kamar (Green Team)
10 Spring:  Walter  (Blue Team)
12 Spring:  Sante  (Purple Grass)
13 Spring:  Chorori  (Blue Team)
15 Spring:  Chamy  (Red Team)
17 Spring:  Rainy  (Blue Team)
19 Spring:  Ridge  (Green Team)
20 Spring:  Nette  (Purple Team)
21 Spring: Joro  (Blue Team)
23 Spring:  Kali  (Yellow Team)
24 Spring:  Fry  (Happy Eggplant, Indigo Grass)
26 Spring:  Ali  (Green Team)
27 Spring:  Beta  (Yellow Team)
26 Spring:  Enzo
28 Spring:  Paddy  (Green Team)
30 Spring:  Canary  (Yellow Team)

Summer Birthdays

2 Summer:  Ceruleano  (Blue Team)
3 Summer:  Blue  (Blue Team)
5 Summer:  Pompom (Yellow Team)
6 Summer:  Pierre
8 Summer:  Potty
9 Summer:  Forest  (Risotto, Green Grass)
10 Summer:  Bade
12 Summer:  Liam
14 Summer:  Misty  (Blue Grass)
16 Summer:  Veggie
18 Summer:  Magic
19 Summer:  Canal  (Yellow Grass)
21 Summer:  Sammy  (Tempura Buckwheat Noodles, Indigo Grass)
22 Summer:  Wooly
23 Summer:  Valie
25 Summer:  Rosh
27 Summer:  Aaron  (Yellow Team)
28 Summer:  Anime
29 Summer:  Fisher  (Apple Pie, Indigo Grass)

Autumn Birthdays

1 Fall:  Zoo  (Yellow Team)
3 Fall:  Roli
4 Fall:  Moor  (Green Team)
5 Fall;  Mick
7 Fall:  Woohoo
8 Fall:  Koto
10 Fall:  Rocky
11 Fall:  Maddox
12 Fall:  Alpen
13 Fall:  Vail  (Green Team)
14 Fall:  Gerik  (Salad, Indigo Grass)
16 Fall:  Ole
17 Fall:  Violetto
18 Fall:  Tilus
20 Fall:  Junior
22 Fall:  Oran
23 Fall:  Eviran
24 Fall:  Veggie (Green Grass)
25 Fall:  Yacht  (Truffle Rice, Indigo Grass)
26 Fall:  Spirity  (Purple Grass)
27 Fall:  Cady
28 Fall:  Brushy  (Yellow Grass)
29 Fall:  Karaf

Winter Birthdays

1 Winter:  Holt
2 Winter:  Riviera  (Cheesecake, Indigo Grass)
3 Winter:  Bali
4 Winter:  Decoy
6 Winter:  Powery  (Purple Grass)
7 Winter:  Pedro  (Indigo Grass)
8 Winter:  Stony
9 Winter:  Fraw  (Green Grass)
10 Winter:  Pedro  (French Fries, Indigo Grass)
11 Winter:  Meow  (Yellow Grass)
12 Winter:  Red Ribbon  (Red Grass)
13 Winter:  Carey
15 Winter:  Mouton  (Yellow Team)
17 Winter:  Matthew  (Green Team)
18 Winter:  Rod/Reese  (Pickled Cucumber, Indigo Grass)
19 Winter:  Bran
20 Winter:  Boohoo  (Yellow Team)
21 Winter:  Sage
22 Winter:  Fen
23 Winter:  Paolo
28 Winter:  Souly

Festival Celebrations:

This section gives the actual text of Festivals in HM DS.  Festivals in the 
Valley all are held at the Beach.  The Beach is the venue for all 
celebrations, including Weddings.  The only Festival that is not celebrated at 
the Beach is the Starry Night Festival, which is held either at your house or 
the home of the girl who invites you.

New Year's Day Rice Cake Festival:

Held on 1 Spring,
At Beach from 6.00 p.m. to midnight:

Thomas presided in front of a long trestle table that was completely empty, 
with no food in sight.  I could see the rice pounding machine in the middle of 
the beach, however.

Thomas:  What's up, Freyr?  Have you also come to eat rice cakes?  I also have 
a weakness for rice cakes.  I believe I'll eat quite a lot of them today.

Patrick:  I was surprised that Kassey once choked on rice cake.
Kassey:  In the past, I choked on rice cake and almost died...

Ruby:  Rice cake is very useful in cooking.  It'll be so fun!!
Van:  The rice cakes are great!  Even if I eat a lot on this special day, the 
Harvest Goddess will forgive me for breaking my diet!

Romana:  Rice cake is something you don't get to eat very often.  If you 
always eat rice cake, then it loses its importance.  That's why on days like 
today eating it is so special.
Sebastian:  I'm only here as Ms. Romana's escort, but I must say that I really 
do like rice cake!

Gotz:  The thing about rice cake is that it keeps you going.   For my job, 
would you say that climbing a mountain on an empty stomach is not good?
Dr. Hardy:  I'm worried that some old people will choke with the new year's 
rice cakes.  Then:  Or what if I choke?  Of all the people, that would be 

Elli:  If you hurry to eat, it will get stuck in your throat.  Be careful.

Ann:  The Valley's rice cakes look really delicious too!  Let's eat.  

Marlin:  Whaat?  Is it so strange to like rice cake?

Murrey:  A lot of food is here, moi.  I'm happy, moi.  It's heaven, moi.

When I had spoken to every one, I went to the other side of the table.

Thomas:  All right, is it okay if we start the New Year Festival?

My options:

Let's do it!
Wait a minute...

Thomas:  Now let's start then!

I heave a rice cake above my head.

Thomas:  Okay, shall we eat?


Thomas:  Geee, we made a lot, so there are leftovers.  It's a waste like 
this.  Let's all take some home.  Freyr, don't hesitate to take some home.

My last thoughts:  Ahh, that was delicious.  I got a souvenir, so I made out 
(It was 10 Rice Cakes.)

Duck Festival:

On 18 Spring,
From 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. at the Beach:

Popuri will be at your door on the 17th at 6.00 a.m.

In the first year of the game, she will say:

The Duck Festival will take place at the beach tomorrow.  Please come if you'd 
like.  I'm Popuri, and I'm on the executive committee.  Any duck that's not 
sick can participate in the Duck Frestival.  I'd like a duck from your farm to 
enter next year.  So, Freyr, I'll be waiting tomorrow.

If you go to the Beach on the morning of the festival before 10.00 a.m., 
Thomas will say:  So the Duck Festival will be held here from 10 AM today.  
Preparations for it are taking place now.  If you have time, you should come 
back at 10 AM too.

At noon, I went to the Festival:

Popuri:  I'd like to start judging now.  are you ready?

Carter:  Those ducks must really love taking baths.  I guess that they love 
being clean.
Rick:  Today you can see how much the ducks improved, so I'm really excited.
Flora:  Oooh.  That's so cute.'

Muffy:  Ducks are white and cute.  I wish I could be that white.
Celia:  Ducks are really cute, aren't they?  Maybe I'll raise them.

Thomas:  Even among ducks, there are differences in facial features.
Takakura:  Next year let's enter a duck.  What do you say?

Rock:  You can't really tell what goes on in a duck's head, can you?
Lumina:  When I look at them like this, ducks are cute.

The winner is Craig!  Congratulations.
The runner up is Treviano.
The 3rd place is Tora.
The 4th place is Andrew.
Good job, everyone!

Popuri: Enter next year, okay?  I'm looking foward to it.

Thomas:  Well, this festival was also well worth seeing.
Takakura:  You have to enter next year.  It wouldn't hurt, you know.

Rock:  With so many ducks here, soon we'll start dreaming about them!
Lumina;  Those ducks were so cute.

Muffy:  Ducks look slimmer than chickens.  I wonder if they diet?
Celia:  Ducks become attached to people, don't they?  If you raise them with 
love they do, don't they?

Flora:  Those ducks were totally cute.  It's so comforting to watch.
Carter:  Do you think the duck would be useful at a dig site?  Ah, don't 
listen to me.
Rick:  This year's Duck Festival was really spectacular.  My sister did a fine 
job as hostess, too.

That was fun!  Okay, back to work.
At 6.00 p.m., I found myself back in the farmhouse.

Second Year:

Thomas:  Hey, Freyr.  Your duck has an attractive head.
Takakura:  Hey, there will be entries from our farm as well.  It will be so 
cool to win.

Rock:  Didn't you say that your duck will be in the Duck Festival?  I'll be 
cheering for you!
Lumina:  Ducks from your farm are entered?  I'm looking forward to that.  Good 

Celia:  Your duck is entered?  I have to cheer it on.  Leave it to me.

Flora:  Your duck is entered...?  It's amazing.
Rick:  Isn't your duck going to be in it?  I'm looking forward to that.
Carter:  Hey, your duck is iin the contest.  All right!  We'll be cheering for 

Popuri:  I'd like to start judging now.  Are you ready?
Yes, I'm ready.

Okay.  Every one!  We're going to start judging now.

Entry 1:  Big.
Entry 2: Shakira.
Entry 3: Phil.
Entry 4: Athene.

Popuri:  Oh, so you lost... Just so you know, I was rooting for your duck to 
win...  That's too bad.

Thomas:  How disappointing.  I thought your duck would win for sure, Freyr...
Takakura:  We lost big time.  Well, there's always next year.  Don't worry 
about it.

Lumina:  That's too bad... Surely you'll win next time.
Rock:  Can't lose hope now!  Every one knows that winning is just a matter of 

Muffy:  Oh, you lost...  But you really did well.
Celia:  You lost.  But cheer up.  Okay?

Flora:  Keep your chin up.  You did really well, Freyr.
Rick:  Well, don't feel bad.  There's always next year.
Carter:  Oh, too bad this time.  But don't lose heart.  If you work hard, it 
will pay off.

Cooking Festival:

The Cooking Festival requires that you make two trips to the beach.  The first 
trip, between 10.00 a.m. and noon, is for the purpose of hearing the 
announcement of the type of dish that is to be entered.   A different type of 
dish will be announced each year.   When you have heard the announcement, 
return home to make a recipe, then go back to the Beach with your cooked dish 
before 6.00 p.m. to enter your dish in the Contest.

Cooking Festival:  First Year:

Gourmet:  The requirement is to cook with a Frying Pan.  I'm so looking 
forward to lots of delicious food!
Thomas:  I'm looking forward to seeing what dishes are presented.

Ruby:  Every year I look forward to the Cooking Festival.  I'll give it my 
Carter: It seems there's lots of food you can eat for free here.  Makes for a 
good festival.
Flora:  Haaa... What shall I make?

Daryl:  Yeah hooo!!
It's a chance to replenish my nutrients for free.

Celia:  Hmm, I want to enter the competition but I don't know what to make.
Karen:  Hmmm... What should I make...?

Ann:  Let's give it our best today.
Popuri:  You are entering?  Good luck!

Rock:  I'm so excited for today!  I'll be able to eat all kinds of food!

Gotz:  I look forward to this day.  I always get really happy this time of 

Murrey:  It smells like food, mine.

After you leave:
I wonder what I should make...
You will find yourself in your house instantly.

Thomas:  Hey, Freyr.  did you bring a dish to enter? 

Just join us and watch who will win this year.  Ar you ready to start the 
Gourmet:  I hope everyone's enthusiasm will come across loud and clear in 
their creations.

Gotz:  It looks like it's going to begin pretty soon.
Rock:  Guys who can cook sure have it made with girls.  Me?  I don't have to 
do things like that to get girls to come flocking to me.

Ann:  We did come all the way from mineral Town, so let's do it!
Popuri:  I feel like eating some sweets... I wonder if some one will make it 

Daryl:  Yeah hooo!!  At last!  Let's eat.

Flora:  I've only ever made outdoor food.  That's why I'm uneasy.
Carter:  When you go out on stage give it your best shot.
Ruby:  Alll right, let's do it!

Murrey:  Food's not ready yet, Moi?

Karen:  I don't want Gourmet to say my food is awful again this year.
Celia:  I'll make something that I'm really confident about.

All right, then.  Let's ask Mr. Gourmet to start judging.  Now, we'll begin 
the cooking contest.  When I call your name, please step up.  the first 
contestant, Flora!

Gourmet:  Hmm... I say it's average...  I can't really tell if these Fried 
Noodles are good or bad.  Interesting flavour...
thomas:  next, Ann!
gourmet:G O O D  This is very delicious.  The fluffy egg and the rice inside 
match perfectly.
Thomas:  Next, Celia!
Gourmet:  G O O D  Oh!  This is delicious!  all of the vegetables complement 
each other.  
Thomas:  Next, Ruby!
Gourmet:   GOO D  Hmm, delicous!  These potstickers are perfectly cooked.
Thomas:   The last ocntestant is Karen!
BAD  What is this black piece of bread?  I thought my tteth were going to 

If you did enter Grape Juice (not in the right category even), but still an 
And finally, Freyr!
(...)  Th... this is exceptional.  (You will see his face across the screen 
again with a 'ching'.
Gourmet:  Wrong dish!  You're disqualified!
Thomas:  Now Mr. Gourmet has finished tasting all the entries.  Thank you, Mr. 
gourmet.  Please wait for a moment until we announce the winner.  It's time to 
find out who the winner is this year!  Step up when I call your name.  The 
winner is...  Celia!!
Calia goes up.
Gourmet:  It was truly delicious.  I congratulate you from the bottom of my 

That was a lot of fun! Now back to work...

Second Year:

Thomas:  I'm looking forward to seeing what dishes are presented.
Gourmet:  The requirement is to cook with a Pot.  I'm so looking forward to 
lots of delicious food!

Karen:  Hmm... what should I make...?
Celia:  Hmm, I want to enter the competition but i don't know what to make.

Ann:  Let's give it our best today.
Popuri:  You are entering?  Good luck!

Rock:  I'm so excited for today!  I'll be able to eat all kinds of food!

Gotz:  I look forward to this day.  I always get really happy this time of 

Murrey:  It smells like food, mine.

Flora:  Haaa...  What shall I make?
Ruby:  Every year I look forward to the Cooking Festival.  I'll give it my 
Carter:  It seems there's lots of food you can eat for free here.  Makes for a 
good festival.

Daryl:  Yeah hooo!!  It's a chance to replenish my nutrients for free.

My thoughts:  I wonder what I should make...

After making my recipe, I returned.

Gotz:  It looks like it's going to begin pretty soon.

Murrey:  Food's not ready yet, Moi?

Rock:  Guys who can cook sure have it made with girls.  Me?  I don't have to 
do things like that to get girls to come flocking to me.

Ann:  We did come all the way from Mineral Town, so let's do it!
Popuri:  I feel like eating some sweets... I wonder if some one will make it 

Karen:  I don't want Gourmet to say my food is awful again this year.
Celia:  I'm make something that I'm really confident about.

Daryl:  Yeah hooo!!  At last!  Let's eat.

Flora:  I've only ever made outdoor food.  That's why I'm uneasy.
Carter:  When you go out on stage give it your best shot.
Ruby:  All right, let's do it!

Hey, Freyr.  Did you bring a dish to enter?
Gourmet:  I hope every one's enthusiasm will come across loud and clear in 
their creations.

All right.  Let's put it on the table.  Mr. Gourmet will judge which dish is 
the best.  I wonder who will win this year...  Are you ready to start the 

Now, we'll begin the cooking contest.  When I call your name, please step up.
The first contestant, Flora!
gourmet:  Hmm... I say it's average...   I can't really tell if these Curry 
Rice are good or bad.  Interesting flavour... (curry rice)
Thomas:  Next, Ann!
Gourmet:  G O  O D  This is very deliciious.  It's very crispy, and the sauce 
is perfect.  (tempura rice?)
Next, Celia!
Gourmet:  G O O D  Oh!  this is delicious!  It reminds me of my mother's 
cooking.  (stew or mountain stew)
Thomas:  Next, Ruby!
Gourmet:  G O O D  Hmm, delicious!  The texture is so outstanding that it's 
indescribable.  (rice soup or porridge)
Thomas:  Next, Karen!
Gourmet:  B A D What is this Something in a pot?  The mixture of bad flavours 
is out of this world.
And finally, Freyr!
Gourmet:  ...  Th... this is exceptional.  G O O D  Delicious!  You should 
become a professional chef.  It reminds me of old times.
(Ultimate Curry)
Now Mr. Gourmet has finished tasting all the entries.  Thank you, Mr. 
Gourmet.  Please wait for a moment until we announce the winner.

It's time to find out who the winner is this year!  Step up when I call your 
The winner is...  Freyr!!
(My face goes ching across the screen.)
Gourmet:  It was truly delicious.  I congratulate you from the bottom of my 
that was a lot of fun!  Now back to work...

If I had made Finest Curry:
'Th... this is exceptional.  B A D  I have nothing to say about this food... 

N.B.  Although 'Finest Curry' is alleged to be superior to the 'Ultimate 
Curry', evidently the Gourmet does not agree and you will lose the Contest if 
you enter it.  You are guaranteed to win if you enter 'Ultimate Curry', on the 
other hand.

Third Year Glitch:

When you return to the Cooking Festival with your dish, nothing will be on the 
trestle table  If you attempt to give your dish as an entry, Thomas will say:
We can't start the contest if you keep carrying that stuff.  Put it away.

If you say that you are not ready, Thomas will say:  Do whatever you need to 
do, and let me know when you are ready to start the judging.

It will enter automatically your entry from the previous year, which will 
disqualify you!  Nothing will be on the table from any one until you agree to 
allow him to start the judging part of the Contest.  At that point, entries 
cooked with a Mixer will appear and your dish from the previous year will 
appear with them.

The first contestant is... Flora.
(Grape juice)
Hmm... I say it's average...  I can't really tell if these Grape Juice are 
good or bad.  Interesting flavour.

Next, Ann! 
G O O D!  This is very delicious.  All the fruits are making the perfect 

Next, Celia!
Green drink
G P O D!  Oh!  This is delicious!  The vegetables are carefully selected to 
make the flavour.

Next, Ruby!
Fish Sticks
G O O D!  Hmm, delicious!  All the fish seem to go well togehter.

Next, Karen!
Failed Dish with a Mixer.
B A D  What is this Black drink?  I bet my life is now shorter by 10 years...

And finally, Freyr!
(....)  Th... this is exceptional.
With cross hurt)  Wrong dish!  You're disqualified!

The winner is Celia!!

Beach Festival:  
Held on 1 Summer:
From 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. at the Beach.

Daryl:  Yeah hooo!!  I've been waiting for this day!!
Thomas (beneath the umbrella next to the stand):  When it comes to serving a 
big meal, Kai is the man.
Murrey (right next to the stand):  I'm going to eat a lot, moi.

Marlin:  Hmm.  We don't have to cook today.
Vesta:  I also contributed some vegetables from my farm.  Please eat your fill.

Ann:  It's all you can eat!!  I'm so happy... (musical note)
Rock:  Every year, there's a feast at the Harvest Festival.  It's pretty 
good.  (He is speaking of a different festival: how rude!)
Ruby:  All you can eat?  That's really something!  (speaking as an innkeeper, 
with a good knowledge of economics)

At the benches, Wally's family:

Hugh:  Yeeeeaaaaaah!  Man, there's so much food!
Chris:  'All you can eat' events are helpful for a housewife.
Wally:  Eating while looking out at the ocean is the best.  (showing a 
surprisingly poetic spirit)

If you try to speak to Kai on the other side of the counter:  You're going to 
eat, right?  If so, please go up to the counter.

Kai:  Oh, ask me for anything as long as it's things that I can make, of 

Your choices:
Place an order now.
Don't place an order.

When you choose to place an order, he will say:  'All right, just wait a sec.'
There is no menu from which to choose.  The screen darkens for a moment, then:
Kai:  Yes!  I't ready!  Please, enjoy your meal!'
You have a plate on your head.  It may be spaghetti.  When you eat it 
automatically:  (Ching)  Your character's face across the screen, signifying a 
farming point.  
Me:  G O O D
Kai:  So, how is it?  Great, huh?  Eat lots, all you want.
I nod.

The event does not end here.

You cannot give him a gift at this event.  (This is true of all events.)  If 
you speak to him at the wrong side of the counter, he will say:  You're going 
to eat, right?  If so, please go up to the counter.

After you have ordered and eaten, you can speak to every one again:

Murrey:  I'm full, moi.
Thomas:  Boy, that was delicious!  Did you also eat your fill, Freyr?
Daryl:  Yeah hooo!!  Let's fill a doggy bag up.  Get out of the way!!

Marlin:  That was pretty good.
Vesta:  I was glad that I contributed my vegetables.  They came out so well.

Ann (scowling):  Uuhhh... I ate to much... It hurts... (Natsume misspelling 
of 'too' as 'to')
Rock:  The food is pretty good.  I think my cooking is better, though.  Yet I 
never cooked before...
Ruby:  Kai, your cooking has improved a lot this year too!  I really admire 

Wally:  Whoa, I ate a lot... See me at practice tomorrow!
Chris:  Shall we take the leftovers home with us?
Hugh:  Mmm, my stomach is full!  Heh heh hehehe.

Speak to Kai across the counter again and he will say:  So, how was it?  
Buddies for a month, you & me.
Speak to him on the wrong side of the counter and he will say:  So, how was 
it?  I hope I won't be too much trouble!

To end the event, you must leave the beach area.  You will find yourself at 
home after the thought:  That was fun!  Okay, back to work...

Incidentally, Kai's fine festival junk food will NOT restore any of your 
energy on this occasion, unlike the food he serves ordinarily.

Chicken Festival

The Chicken Festival is held on 7 Summer at the Beach.  In the first year, you 
should have an adult chicken eligible to be entered, but you cannot win unless 
the bird has 9-10 hearts.  Enter a Chicken, nonetheless and attend the 

Thomas:  Your chicken is cute, isn't it, Freyr?
Takakura:  Now we'll see the results of your hard work.  Don't worry, it'll be 

Griffin:  Oh, Freyr.  So your chicken is competing?  Good luck.
Nami: I heard you're entereing.  Well, good luck.

Mary:  You're entering?  I'll cheer you on.  Good luck.
Celia:  Your chicken is entered?  I'm looking forward to it!

Grant:  Freyr, are you gonna have an entry?  I'm so looking forward to it.
Rick:  Isn't your chicken going to be in it?  What's it like?
Kate;  Will you enter, freyr?  I can't help you win, but I will cheer for you!

Popuri:  I'd like to start judging now.  Are you ready?

Your options:
Yes, I'm ready.
Wait a second.

Popuri:  Okay.
Everyone!  We're goikng to start judging now.
(Great cheer)
Popuri:  Umm... The entry number 1.  Here she is.  Umm... Her name is Seal!
Umm... The entry number 2.  Here she is.  Umm... Her name is Attie!
Umm... The entry number 3.  Here she is.  Umm... Her name is Charla!
Umm... The last one is... The entry number 4.    Here she is.  Umm... Her name 
is Glittr!
Now we have looked at all the contestants.  Wait for the results!
(Great cheer)
Here are the results!
This year's ranking is as follows...!
The winner is... Charla!  Congratulations!
The runner-up is Seal.  The 3rd place is Attie.  The 4th place is Glittr.  
Good job, every one!

In another game:
The winner is... China!!  The runner-up is Flowbelle.  The 3rd place is 
Glittr.  The 4th place is Tonya.  (Glittr had 5 hearts)

Popuri:  Keep your chin up.  You have next year!

Rick:  That was too bad.  Better luck next year.  You can do it the next time.
Grant:  Freyr... That's too bad.  Don't lose heart.
Kate:  Darn!  Even though I cheered for you!  That's a shame.

Celia:  Oooh, that's too bad...
Mary:  Oh no...  That's too bad... Cheer up.

Thomas:  Truly disappointing!  Next year you will surely win, though.
Takakura;  I really thought that you could win... Better luck next year.

Nami:  That's too bad.  But it can't be helped.  Go for it next year.
Griffin:  You gave it your heart.  Too bad about the result.

Cow Festival

The Cow Festival is held on 20 Summer at the beach.  Rick will come to your 
farmhouse at 6.00 a.m. on 19 Summer to ask if you wish to enter one of your 
cows.  The cow must be a full adult and neither sick nor pregnant.

In the first year, it is almost impossible to have a Cow that is eligible to 
win even third prize at this Festival, but you should enter a Cow if 
possible.  Incidentally, no one recognises second or third prize if you win 
that in any case.  The only time the responses will be different is if you win 
1st prize with your Cow.

Here is the text from the first year:

Rick:  I'd like to start judging now.  Are you ready?

Wally  Yo, Freyr!  I hear your cow will compete.  If you enter here, she'll 
win top prize!
Hugh:  Hey Freyr, are you going to enter you cow?  R-really?  That's so cool!
Chris:  I can tell the future.  i say your cow has a 99% chance of winning the 

Trent:  I heard you've got an entry.  it would be great if you won.
Elli:  No problem.  I thin you'll win.
Hardy:  You're going to enter?  It's your chance to show what you're made of.  
Good luck.

Mary:  You say that you'll enter/  I'll cheer you on.  Good luck.
Kai:  Hmm, I see you're entering.  I'm not crazy about this stuff but, I'll be 
cheering for you.

Takakura:  I hope your cow does her best.  Everthing should go fine.
Thomas:  I think your cow is really good.  It must be true if I said it.

Enntry number 1:  Lisa.  Spotted black and red.
Next is... The entry number 2.  Here she is.  Brown cow Lyle.
Next is... The entry number 3.  Here she is.  Rider.  (Looks like mine.)
The last one is... The entry number 4.  Here she is.  This is Meri.

Rick:  It was so close.  I think your cow did great today, though.

Thomas:  That's really too bad.  Try harder next year!
Tak:  How disappointing.  next time we'll definitely win, right?

Kai:  it looks like you lost, huh?  Don't fret about ti.  You'll do better 
next year!
Mary:  Why?  I thought your cow was going to win...

Hardy:  Don't let it get you down.  There's always next year.  you'll do 
better then.
Elli:  Aaaah... I thought you'd win... That's too bad...
Trent:  That was too bad... I really don't know what I should say...

Chris:  What the...?  My prediction was totally wrong.  Well, I did say there 
was only a 99% chance...  I guess that 1% caught up with you.
Hugh:  Freyr, there's always next year.  Don't be discouraged.
Wally:  Don't be disappointed.  You should train your cow until next year.  
Keep working at it.

Fireworks Festival:
Held on 24 Summer,
From 6.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. at the Beach

In every year:

If you go early to the beach, Kassey will stop you saying:  So, we're gonna' 
shoot Fireworks here today from 6.PM.  Preparations for it are taking place 
now.  If you have time, come back again at 6.00 PM.  The fireworks will be 

(If any ordinary Valley girl  or Mineral Town girl is at green heart or 
higher, she will invite you to watch the show with her when you speak to her 
at the Beach.  If not, speak to every one and simply enjoy the show!  In your 
first year, you probably will not have any girl at a high enough level.   
N.B.  The 'magical' girls will not attend and there is no opportunity to 
invite any of them.

Popuri: Yaaay, fireworks!  I love fireworks
Ann:  I'm looking forward to the Valley fireworks.  Aren't you, Freyr?
Elli:  Good evening.  Looks like it's going to start.

Nami is alone at the shore.  
Nami:  Fireworks displays are rare, so I came to watch.

On the right, Flora and Muffy are with Kassey and Patrick.

Kassey:  Look at our skills.  They'll be totally in awe of us.
Patrick:  Kassey and I made this year's fireworks together.
Muffy:  There'll be fireworks today.  It's romantic to watch the fireworks at 
the beach.
Flora:  The fireworks will be fun.  I'm excited.

Mary and Lumina are together at the top right of the screen.
Mary:  Valley fireworks are made by the world's top craftsmen.  They're quite 
a sight to see.
Lumina:  Good evening.  This day has come around again.

Up at the top left are Karen and Celia.
Karen:  Mineral Town's fireworks are nice but the Valley's fireworks are good 
Celia:  Did you come to watch the fireworks too?  The fireworks here are best.

If you reject the option to watch with all girls, after you decline the 
invitation of the last one, you will find yourself between Kassey and Patrick 
at the shore watching.  During the fireworks:

Kassey:  Yup, there is no doubt that our fireworks are the best.
Patrick:  You got that right.

For any girl whose heart level is high enough, you will see the following 
options after you speak to her:

Let's watch them together.
See you later.

If you try to go to the island:
Kassey and Patrick;  Where are you going?  Our fireworks are just starting!

If you don't accept any invitation, you have to watch with Kassy and Patrick 

Kassey:  of course, our firewoarks are the best.
Patrick:  That's right.

Here are the responses of each of the eligible girls if you agree to watch the 
show together.  In each case, the girl will accept then make a statement 
during the show.  

Muffy:  I'd be happy too.
During:  Absolutely beautiful.  The city is so crowded that you can't see 
much.  The Valley isn't crowded, so you can watch comfortably.

Nami:  Hm?  Whatever.  Let's watch together.
During:  The amount of explosives, the way they're lined up, and the shapes 
change.  Humans really think up a lot of things, don't they?  It's impressive.

Lumina:  Will you watch with me?  Thank you very much.
During:  Watching fireworks at the beach is romantic, isn't it?  It makes me 
feel happy.

Flora:  Watch with you.  It would be my honour.
During:  Owww...!  How beautiful!  It's a different kind of beauty than gem 

Celia:  With me?  Okay.  Let's watch them together.
During: I think the fireworks in this town are the best.  They are so 

For the Mineral Town girls, you will see the following option if her heart 
level is at green or higher:

Watch fireworks with her?

Your choices:
Let's watch them together.
See you later.

If you agree to watch with the girl:

Ann:  Okay... Let's watch together.  I was hoping we would.  At any rate, 
fireworks really are loud, aren't they.  Boom ... Heeeee, Bang!  I think it 
will startle the animals e in the Valley.  (The e is included by Natsume for 
some reason.)

Karen:   Bravo!!   What?  Don't you yell out when the fireworks go up?  You 
should try it.  It feels good.

Mary:  Oh, sure.  Let's watch them together.
That's what the world's best fireworks craftsmen can do.  It's rare to see 
fireworks like this.

Popuri:  With you, Freyr?  Yay, I'll watch them with you.
Wow, they're pretty!  The biggest punch of the firework is at the blast off.  
I love the blast off!

Elli:  You will watch with me?  I'd love to.  Pretty, isn't it...?  The 
fireworks in Mineral Town are pretty, but the ones in the Valley are prettier.
My last thoughts:  A great view from the beach.

Harvest Festival:

In the first year:

Gotz:  I love doing this every year.  Every one can eat like crazy.
Daryl:  Yeah hooo!!  I'll eat my fill today!!
Ann:  It got a little cold so that hot pot is the best.  I'm looking forward 
to it.
Murray:  It smells good, moi.  I brought ingredients, moi.  I'm going to eat a 
lot, moi.
Cody:  This is just the thing for a bachelor like myself...

Kate:  Dad... I told you I would come alone, but you followed me!!
Grant:  Today, my whole family came to eat at this festival.  The food looks 

Marlin:  Yeah, today I brought some healthy-looking food.
Vesta:  How nice that you came.  Did you bring ingredients?  We brought a lot 
of fresh vegetables.  Prepare to enjoy.
Celia:  I can't wait to start eating.  I brought some mushrooms and stuff.

Ruby:  Today I brought my SPECIAL SPICE!  It's an ancient family secret, and 
really tastes good.

Sebastian:  I came here hoping Ms. Romana would try the hot pot from the 
Harvest Festival.  Ms. Romana has been really looking forward to this.

This is one festival where you are allowed to leave and return later if you 
forget to bring an item for the Big Pot.

Thomas:  What's up, Freyr?  Are you carrying something for the hot pot?

If you did not bring an item:  
Thomas: So you didn't  bring anything.  If you want to join in, could you 
bring some food?

If you are holding an item in your hands:
Thomas: Well just drop it in then.  Understand?  Drop it right in and then 
let's eat, okay?

If you give a Toadstool:

Thomas: That's strange... I must have made a mistake...  I tested the flavour, 

Celia:  Don't you think it's terrible?  Who's fault is this?
Vesta:  What happened?  We put our vegetables in, so how could it taste so bad?
Marlin:  Ughh, I don't feel so good...

Kate:  That was awful!  Compared to that, even my cooking tastes good.
Grant:  Mmm... Just thinking about it... I have to go to the hospital...

The following were standing alone:
Thomas:  It's because we all made it.  Well, these things happen.

Gotz:  Did you get enough?  You'll be cursed if you don't eat it all---  even 
if it 's bad!

Cody:  Why is every one so excited?  I had fun...

Sebastian:  What should I do?  I just can't let Ms. Romana eat this...

Daryl:  Yeah hooo!!!  Oh... my stomach is killing me!!! I should go get some 

Ann:  Uuhhh... I may faint from the bad taste...
Murrey:  Delicious, mine.  Even with my best ingredients, it tasted horrible...
(Oddly enough, you do not lose FP with any one by contributing a Toadstool.  
You do not gain any FP either.  Moreover, although you will faint at the 
Festival if you contribute a Toadstool to the Pot, you will not lose any 
energy or gain any Fatigue.  If you go to the Festival with 100 SR and 0 FR, 
you will return home with the same.)

If you give good food:

Thomas:  Did you have fun?  It's good to have a meal and bring every one 

Ruby:  These vegetables taste so good when I eat them with you.  My stomach is 
so full!

Celia:  That was delicious!  Every one brought something good.
Marlin:  My body feels so warm.  Well, it is full of nutrition so probably 
good for my body.
Vesta:  That was delicious, hmm?  Weren't our vegetables great?

Sebastian:  This savoury dish will surely please Ms. Romana.

Gotz:  Man, that's good!  I came all the way from Mineral Town to attend!

Daryl:  That was truly delicious!  This is why I love this festival so much.

Ann:  Oh I'm full!  That was really delicious.  Let's come next year, too.

Cody:  I ate well.  I'll have a brilliant idea or two soon.

Murray:  That was delicious, moi.  My ingredients were great.

Kate:  That was yummy!  Murray put something in it.  I wonder if that's why?
Grant:  Mmm, that's really good.  This soup is excellent!  I wonder if Ruby's 
spice made this so good...

N.B.  You need to contribute a Toadstool to the Pot for five years if you wish 
to marry the Witch Princess.  If you have connected your DS game to FoMT or 
MFoMT, you may find that different girls from Mineral Town will attend each 

Sheep Festival:

At 6.00 a.m. on 20 Fall, Rick will be at the door:

Freyr, the Sheep Festival is at 10 a.m. tomorrow on the beach.  Would you like 
to enter a Sheep from your farm?

Your options:
I will enter.
I will not enter.

If you choose to enter, only Sheep who are adults, in good health, not 
pregnant AND UNSHEARED will be eligible, so do not shear your Sheep for one 
week prior to this date.  Moreover, make certain that you do not hire the 
Sprite Team to care for your animals during that period or they will shear 
your Sheep for you!

Rick will say:  Any sheep that can be sheared is okay, but it can't be 
pregnant or a lamb.

When you go to the Beach after 10.00 a.m. on 21 Fall:

Gustafa:  Freyr, I've been rooting for you.  Good luck.
Dr. Hardy:  I just heard that you entered the sheep contest.  Best of luck.

Galen:  I heard that your sheep will be in the festival.  I'll be cheering for 
Kassey;  With every on looking at the sheep, nothing is done.  Course, I can't 
talk... Anyway, I'll cheer you on.
Patrick:  It's a sure win, right?  Probably... Most likely...

Griffin:  This one is from your place?  If you win, you should treat me to 
something.  I'm just joking.  Hey, don't make that face...
Muffy:  Are you entering?  You keep sheep, don't you?  Let me touch them 

Nami:  Hmm, you're entering.  You must be busy preparing.
Rock:  Entering the Sheep Festival?  It'd be great if you win!  I'll be 
watching from here!

Rick:  I'd like to start judging now.  Are you ready?

Yes, I'm ready.
Wait a second.

Rick:  Okay.
Every one!  We're going to start judging now.

1.  Here she is.  Lilina. (or Aden)
Next is... 2.  Here she is.  Silvia. (Emil)
Next is... 3.  Here she is.  Tommy.  (phalo)
The last one is... 4.  Here she is.  
This is Isola.
Now we have looked at all the contestants.  Wait for the results!
Here are the results!
This year's ranking is as follows...!
The winner is... Lilina!  Congratulations!!
The runner up is Isola.
The 3rd place is Silvia.
The 4th place is Tommy.
Good job, every one!

Gustafa:  That's too bad.  i can really feel how much it hurts, Freyr.
Hardy:  That was too bad.  You did well, though.

Nami:  Oh my.  You lost.  That's too bad.
Rock:  Ah, too bad!  There's always next year...

Muffy:  Dont' worry, don't worry.  There's always next year.  Cheer up.
Griffin:  Well, that's life.  That's the way it goes.  Sometimes you win, and 
sometimes you lose.

Galen:  Argh... That's too bad.  Well, you tried hard.
Kassey:  Aah, just as I thought.  You didn't try hard enough.  Try harder.
Patrick:  Kassey is talking like that, but actually he's frustrated.  He 
expected a better result.

Rick:  Taht's too bad.  Good luck next year.

When you actually win the festival with a Sheep with 10 hearts:

No. 1 Here she is.  Aden.
Next is ... 2.  Here she is.  Emil.
Next is.... 3.  Here she is.  Phalo.
The last one is... 4.  This is Iceni.
Now we have looked at all the contestants.  Wait for the results!
Here are the results!
This year's ranking is as follows...!

The winner is ... Iceni!  Congratulations!!
The runner up is Aden.
The 3rd place is Phalo.
The 4th place is Emil.
Good job, every one!

Rick:  Your sheep did so great today.  What's your secret?

Gustafa:  Wow!  You won!  You must feel like your heart is racing!
Hardy:  Your victory is unbel---  Um, nothing.

Rock:  Isn't it awesome you won?  It must be well cared for... Iceni looks 
Nami:  Congratulations on your win.  But there's no reward money, right?  I 
thought maybe you'd take me out...  (this notwithstanding the fact that both 
of us are MARRIED to other people!)

Muffy:  Congratulations on the win!  I'm as happy as if I'd won.
Griffin:  it's a big deal.  It sure didn't seem like you'd win this Sheep 

Patrick:  That was good.  Good luck next year, too.
Kassey:  Hohoo.  That was splendid!
Galen:  All my cheering was worthwhile I see.  That's great.

When you win the Sheep Festival with a Level 1 Sheep, you immediately will 
obtain Wool S Lv 2 when you shear your sheep manually.  If you shear it using 
the Touchglove, obviously you can obtain any size of wool from small to large, 
or a combination of these, but in every case the wool  you obtain will be Lv2 

Pumpkin Festival:

On 30 Fall, when you first leave your house at 6.00 a.m., you will have a 
visit from Kate.

Kate:  Hey, open the door.

When she comes inside:

Kate: I hear that today is a Pumpkin Festival.  I came to get some sweets.

If you try to leave:
Kate:  Where are you going?

Give her chocolate.
Kate: Thanks.  You sure are cool.

Go back into your house at 8.00 a.m. and attempt to leave again in order to 
see Hugh.

Hugh:  Open the door, come on!
Today is the Pumpkin Festival!  You have to give kids candy today.  So, trick 
or treat!

Give him chocolate.
Hugh:  Thanks, Freyr!

At 10.00 a.m., return home and then leave the farmhouse again to experience a 
visit from Popuri:

Popuri:  Please open the door.
She entered.
Popuri:  Share the snacks with me!  Just for kids... it's not fair.

Give her chocolate.

Popuri:  Thank you, Freyr.

Unlike other 'festivals', the village shops will be open today.

Thomas and his Winter Wager:

On 2 Winter each year, Thomas will be at your door at 6.00 a.m. to make a 

Thomas: Freyr, I have a favour to ask you, friend to friend.  Well, the thing 
is that...  You know, I had a little wager with the mayor from the next town 
over.  A 'Peach' *  must be delivered there by the end of the day.  I asked 
Mineral Town's ranch owner, but they said no.  So, I want to ask you to get it 
for me.  You are the only one I can ask.  Please!  My reputation depends on 
this!  What do you think?  Will you accept my offer?

Your options:
Accept the offer
Reject the offer

Thomas: You will accept my offer?  You are the best!   As usual, I will pick 
up the shipment around 5 p.m.  Please hand it over then.  
Well, that is everything.

* The item he will request is random.  It could be 'Green 
Dumpling', 'Marmalade' or anything else.

At 5.00 p.m., speak to Thomas as he stands next to the shipping container.

Thomas:  Hi, Freyr, did you get it?  If you got it show me please.
Oh!  This is what I want!  It figures.  You really are a remarkable person!  I 
will go to the next town now.  I want to give this to you.  Please take it.
It's called.... Golden Lumber.  It's very valuable.

If I had rejected his offer, he would have said: Okay... It looks like I 
overestimated you.  I guess in the long run that's just the sort of man that 
you are.  I understand.  I'll just do it myself.

Winter Thanksgiving:

If the girl is at orange or red heart, she will bring you a piece of chocolate 
cake.  This is the dialogue:

Lumina:  Can I come in?  I just have some business with you, Freyr...
Go up to her to speak to her when she enters.
Lumina:  You always take such good care of me so... I made it the best I 
could.  Please eat some if you'd like.

at 8.00 a.m., Celia was at the door.
Celia:  Can I come in?  I have some business with you, Freyr.
Go up to her to speak to her when she enters.
Celia:  You're always so nice to me, so...  Here, have this.

At 10.00 a.m., Flora was at the door.
Flora:  Can I come in?  I have some business with you, Freyr.
Go up to her to speak to her.
Flora:  You're always very kind, so... Please eat this.

At 12.00 noon, Muffy was at the door:
Muffy;  Can I come in?  I have a bit of business with you, Freyr.
Go up to her to speak to her.
Muffy:  You're being so kind to me.  Here you go.  Eat it all.

At 2.00 p.m., Nami was at the door:
Nami:  Can I come in?  I have some business.
Walk up to her to speak to her.
Nami:  My gratitude for every day.
She leaves.

If you gave the girl Cookies at the Spring Thanksgiving, but her heart level 
is lower than orange, she will bring you chocolate instead.  Here is the 

At 6.00 a.m., I walked out the door and...

Lumina at 6.00 a.m.:  Can I come in?  I just have some business with you, 
Freyr?  To thank you for those cookies you gave me in the spring.  Please eat 
some if you'd like.
(She gave me chocolate as I had decreased her heart level to green.)

Celia at 8.00 a.m.
Celia:  Freyr, this time I wanted to give you a gift.  Please eat this.

Flora at 10.00 a.m.
Flora:  Can I come in?  I have some business with you, Freyr.
Hi, Freyr.  I thought it's my turn to give you something.  Have this.

Muffy at noon.
Muffy:  Can I come in?  I have a bit of business with you, Freyr (heart).
Freyr, this is in return for the cookies.  I did my best.

Nami at 2.00 p.m.
Nami:  Can I come in?  I have some business.
This is for you.  (chocolate )

After marriage, you need to go to bed before you will obtain any gift for the 
Winter Thanksgiving.  You then will experience a little scene wherein your 
wife smuggles a piece of chocolate cake into your rucksack.

With Leia:

drip... drop... rustle... whew...
Oh, I'm tired...
There's no water here so I'll dry right up.
But I want him to have my special homemade chocolate.
Enjoy eating it.

Starry Night Festival:

On the 23rd, when you speak to any eligible Valley girl who has a high enough 
heart level, she will invite you to spend the Starry Night Festival with 
her.   Of the magical girls, only Leia and the Witch Princess will participate 
in this ritual, inviting themselves to your house rather than inviting you to 
their homes.  The Harvest Goddess, even at yellow or red heart level, will not 
mention the Festival at all.  Any Mineral Town girl in the Valley on the 23rd, 
whatever her heart level, will not mention the Festival at all.

Here is the text of the event with each of the girls.

Starry Night Festival with Celia:

On the 23rd:

Celia:  Freyr, The Starry Night Festival... You know it, right?  I'm having a 
party at 6PM, so come by if you'd like.

If I decline:
Celia:  Oh... that's too bad.

If I accept:

I'm glad.  I'll be waiting.

I went to Vesta's house at 6.00 p.m. on 24 Winter to be greeted with the 
Festival music from Mineral Town.
Both Vesta and your rival Marlin will be there as well.
Celia:  Welcome.  Freyr...
Vesta:  We were waiting for you.  Don't just stand there, come this way.
Marlin:  Oh, it's you.  You'd better go home right away, or else.
Vesta (furious):  No food for anyone who would say such a thing!  Just leave 
the guy alone.  Let's start.
The screen goes dark and I had no chance to talk to any one.  Then:  I had fun 
at the Starry Night Festival with Celia's family.

Starry Night Festival with Flora:

I met Flora at the Tent at 6.30 a.m. and she said:
'The Starry Night Festival.  We're having a party with the professor, won't 
you come?

If I decline:
Flora:  That's too bad.  I'll invite you again.

If I accept:
Flora:  I'm happy.  So, I'll be waiting.

At 6.00, I was able to enter the tent where I found Flora and Carter facing 
one another across a table on which three places were set with cake with a 
cherry on top and a jar filled with milk.

Flora:  Welcome.
Carter:  We're glad you came, Freyr.
Flora:  I worked hard to make this.  There's a lot more so start eating.  I 
think I made a little too much.
The screen darkens and then:   I had fun at the Starry Night Festival with 
Flora.  (No mention of the surprisingly jovial Carter.)

Starry Night Festival with Leia:

Leia will say:  'Will you spend the Starry Night Festival with me?  Can I come 
over to your house?

If I decline:  That's no fun.  It's alright!

If you accept she will say:  'That's great!!  I'm looking forward to it!  Huh, 
how am I getting there?  I'll ask Daryl so don't worry.

At 6.00 p.m. I opened the door to my farmhouse to see if Leia would be 
anywhere in sight.
Leia:  Freyr, it's me.  Open up.

The next thing I know, she is seated at the head of the table and I am 
standing at the foot of it.  There is neither food nor drink in sight.  The 
table is absolutely bare.

Leia:  How did I get here?  I lured Daryl with food and he carried me.  You 
take me home, okay?  We don't have Starry Night Festival where I'm from.  This 
will be fun.  What?  Where's dinner?
Me:  (...)
Leia:  Really!  No dinner?  I was looking forward to eating your food!  OK.  
I'll cook for you.  My food is delicious so look forward to it.
Me (with music)

The screen goes dark and then:  I had fun at the Starry Night Festival with 

Starry Night Festival with Lumina:

Lumina:  B... by the way, tomorrow is the Starry Night Festival... We're 
having a party at the Villa, would you like to come?


If you decline:

Lumina: I see... I'm sorry.  Sorry for wasting your time.

Her heart level stays the same, however, as does any girl if you decline her 
invitation.  If you accept:

Lumina:  So... I'll be waiting for you...

When I entered the Villa at 6.00 p.m.  I heard the Festival Music from Mineral 
Town festivals.
Oddly enough, you will be in Lumina's bedroom but the food is set out on the 
small round table there.  The food consists of a chocolate bar and an 
orange/reddish beverage, possibly a Latte.  Romana and Sebastian are standiing 
on the left side of the room, one in front of the other in a very unrealistic 
Romana:  Welcome.  It will be lively this year.  Lumina's been looking forward 
to it.
Sebastian:  Welcome.  Eat as much as you want today, please.  I'll go get the 
food now.  If you're hungry, you can help yourself to what's on the table.
Lumina:  Well then, let's begin...
Unfortunately the screen goes black then so you never get to see what is 
served after the odd 'starter'.
Then:  I had fun at the Starry Night Festival with Lumina's family.

Starry Night Festival with Muffy:

On the 23rd:

Muffy:  The Starry Night Festival... Why don't we spend a memorable night at 
the Blue Bar?


If I declined:

Muffy:  Oh... If you're busy I guess there's nothing that can be done.

If I accepted:  

Muffy:  Yeah!!  I'm happy.  I'll be waiting for you.

At 6.00 p.m. on 24 Winter,  I entered the Blue Bar to find Muffy and Griffin 
behind the counter.  There were three bottles of wine on the counter with a 
jar filled with some sort of juice (orange/red) and absolutely NO food at all!
Muffy:  Oh... I think it's about time to get started.
Griffin:  Muffy made the drinks and food today so be prepared.
Muffy (miffed):  Well, excuse me!  You don't have to drink, Griffin!!
On this note, the screen goes black and then:  I had fun at the Starry Night 
Festival with Muffy.

Starry Night Festival with Nami:

When I see her at 6.00 a.m. in her room, Nami tells me:  The Starry Night 
Festival... Apparently there'll be a party in the inn's kitchen.  Won't you 


If I decline:
Nami:  I see... I understand.

Nami:  All right.  I'll be waiting.

when I enter the Inn at 6.00, I go directly to the Kitchen.  Ruby is in front 
of the cooker and Nami is in front of the table to greet me.
Nami:  We've been waiting for you.
Ruby:  we made so much food so we better start eating. It's good that Freyr 
came isn't it, Nami.  You've been looking forward to it.
Nami:  No... No I haven't!!!  Let's get started.
And with that, the screen goes black.  then:  I had fun at the Starry Night 
Festival with Nami.

Starry Night Festival with Flora:

I met Flora at the Tent at 6.30 a.m. and she said:
'The Starry Night Festival.  We're having a party with the professor, won't 
you come?

If I decline:
Flora:  That's too bad.  I'll invite you again.

If I accept:
Flora:  I'm happy.  So, I'll be waiting.

At 6.00, I was able to enter the tent where I found Flora and Carter facing 
one another across a table on which three places were set with cake with a 
cherry on top and a jar filled with milk.

Flora:  Welcome.
Carter:  We're glad you came, Freyr.
Flora:  I worked hard to make this.  There's a lot more so start eating.  I 
think I made a little too much.
The screen darkens and then:   I had fun at the Starry Night Festival with 
Flora.  (No mention of the surprisingly jovial Carter.)

Starry Night Festival with the Witch Princess:

The Witch Princess will say;  It's Freyr.  Tomorrow's the festival.  Can I go 
over to your house tomorrow, Freyr?


That's great, Freyr.  I'll look forward to it.

When I left the farmhouse after 6.00 p.m. on the 24th,  the Witch Princess was 
at the door and the Festival Music was playing loudly in the background.

Witch Princess:  Freyr, I'm here.

She sat at the head of the table and I sat at its foot.

Witch Princess:  This is a special day for witches.  I'm glad I can spend it 
with you.  
(Then with a worried expression on her face):  By the way... ... Where's 
Me: (...)
Witch Princess:  No dinner?  I was looking forward to it.  
(Now laughing):  Well, it can't be helped.  I'll make it for you.  I'll make 
you the Witch Princesses special food.
Me: (with music)

My last thoughts:  I had fun at the Starry Night Festival with Witch Princess.

Year's End Noodle Festival:

Held on 30 Winter,
6.00 p.m. to midnight at the Beach:

If you have the Valley News Channel, you will experience a News Flash at 6.00 
a.m. on the morning of the last day of the year.

Valley News Flash:  The Annual Year End Noodles will be served today.   If 
you're going to take part, arrive at the beach venue between 
6 p.m. and 12 a.m.

Go to the Beach after 6.00 p.m. and you will hear the sweet sounds of the 
Mineral Town Festival Music.  Thomas will be presiding over a long trestle 
table on which there are three large bowls filled with noodles.

Ann:  There are so many different ways to make noodles that I just don't  get 
tired of making and eating it.

Grant:  Year End Noodles for the businessman are essential!  They're cheap and 
taste good, and you can eat them quickly.  In the city, there are fast food 

Gotz:  Hey, Year End Noodles are good for your health.  Make sure you eat 
plenty, Freyr.
Cliff:  Thomas is fired up, isn't he?  It seems Thomas prepared these Year End 

Sebastian:  I thought of having Year End Noodles for tonight's dinner.  I came 
here to have some.

Patrick:  My brother is picky about how to eat Year End Noodles.  He used to 
get angry at me.
Kassey (frowning slightly):  The experts say that Year End Noodles should go 
down smooth like you're drinking them.
Galen:  year End Noodles are good, too.  When you get old, you can only digest 
good things.

Murrey:  The aroma is good, moi.  I'll eat a lot, moi.

Murrey stands against the table, determined to take what he can as quickly as 

Thomas:  What's up, Freyr?  Did you also come here to eat Year End Noodles?  
Eat your fill before you go.

You must stand on the other side of the table and press 'A' in order to hear 
Thomas say:  Then shall we have some Year End Noodles?

Your options:
Let's eat!
Wait a minute...

Thomas:  Okay, shall we eat?

You hoist a bowl of noodles over your head and Thomas says once again:  'Now, 
shall we eat?

Thomas:  Geee, there are ingredients left.  It's a waste like this.  Let's all 
take some home.  Freyr, don't hesitate to take some home.

Ahh, that was delicous.  I got a sourvenir, so I made out well.

You find yourself the next morning with 10 Buckwheat Noodles or 10 Buckwheat 
Flour.  The option is random.  If you want Buckwheat Flour, an item needed to 
complete your Recipe Cookbook, you should save your game BEFORE you attend the 
Festival and reload if you obtain the Noodles instead.

Links to all Freyashawk Harvest Moon DS Guides:

Harvest Moon DS General Guide

Harvest Moon DS Heart and Rival Heart Events Guide

Harvest Moon DS Shipping List Guide

Harvest Moon DS 101 Sprites Guide

Harvest Moon DS Calendar Guide

Harvest Moon DS Cooking 101 Recipe Guide

Harvest Moon DS Crops Guide

Harvest Moon DS Ultimate Guide to Mining

Harvest Moon DS First Year Events Guide

Harvest Moon DS Quick Q & A Guide