Friday, 24 July 2020

Harvest Moon DS First Years Events Guide

Harvest Moon DS First Year Events Guide

by Freyashawk

email: castleenchanted · aol

Created 14 September 2006
Updated on 2 April 2007 


Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the game or my 
guide.  I try to answer all serious requests for help but I will not open any 
email with an attachment.  AOL sometimes considers a 'signature' or a simple 
icon as an attachment.  Please send your emails as plain text or I shall not 
be able to respond.  Thank you.

This is a Quick Reference guide to Birthdays, Festivals and all Events that 
can occur in the first year in the Harvest Moon DS game.  You will find 
characters both from Forget-Me-Not Valley of A Wonderful Life and Mineral Town 
of Friends of Mineral Town in this game.   It is set in Forget-Me-Not Valley 
but there will be some differences in terms of the Map.    A few new colourful 
characters have been added.  You will play a male in this game and eligible 
girls consist of Celia, Flora, Lumina, Muffy and Nami as well as the Harvest 
Goddess, the mermaid Leia, an underground beauty named Keria and the rival to 
the Harvest Goddess, the 'Witch Princess'.  If you insert an FoMT cartridge in 
your DS at the same time as the new HM DS game, you will be able to meet and 
court the eligible girls from FoMT as well.

N.B.  If you do decide to marry a girl from Mineral Town, you will be forced 
to move to Mineral Town and your game will end.  After all, THIS game is set 
in Forget-Me-Not Valley!

As in other Harvest Moon games, however, it is important to befriend all 
characters and not only those who offer a 'romantic interest'.  The best way 
to befriend any one in Harvest Moon is to give a gift on the individual's 
birthday.  The gift must be an item that is liked rather than disliked.  I 
have listed one or two items in brackets after each individual's name that 
would constitute a suitable gift.  These are not the 'Most Favourite' items 
but rather items that are inexpensive or easy to acquire.  If the character 
likes flowers, grasses or eggs, I have suggested those gifts as they are 
plentiful and inexpensive.

There are two different kinds of points in HM DS that raise Heart Levels.  
There are 'Affection Points' and 'Friendship Points'.  'Affection Points' are 
connected to Romance and only are assigned to girls that are eligible for 
marriage.  Friendship Points are assigned to every character, including 
eligible girls.  When you give an item that an individual likes, it will raise 
the FP level.  When you give an item that an eligible girl likes, it should 
raise both AP and FP.  Unlike FoMT/MFoMT, you can give more than one gift in 
the course of a day to an individual and continue to gain FP points.  With 
respect to AP, however, only the first gift given in a day will affect those 

The AP and FP of any gift given on an individual's birthday will be multiplied 
by 5.  This is one of the reasons that birthdays are important in this game as 
well as any other Harvest Moon games.

Note that an individual will not acknowledge his/her birthday if you give an 
item that he/she does not absolutely love.  The individual may thank you for 
the item, but will make no mention of his/her birthday unless it is an item 
he/she really likes.  There are one or two individuals who do not mention the 
word 'birthday' after being given a favourite item on their birthdays, but 
their response still will differ from that on any other day.   Sebastian is 
one of those who does not make any actual reference to his 'birthday'.

More details about eligible girls and the specific items that raise their 
Heart levels can be found in my Courtship and Marriage Guide for HM DS.

Festival dates are included here as well.  Crops, fruits and wild items 
available at each season are included in the regular Calendar Guide.  This 
guide is specific to the First Year.

A section with a Calendar giving all 101 Sprite Birthdays according to season 
is included at the end of my regular Calendar guide. 

For all other aspects of life in Forget-Me-Not Valley in the HM DS game, 
please see my General Guide.  It can be found at:

Harvest Moon DS General Guide

A guide that deals with the eligible girls in the game, all Heart and Rival 
Heart Events can be found at:

Harvest Moon DS Courtship and Marriage Guide

I have written other Reference guides for this game as well including one for 
the Shipping List and one for all 101 Sprites.  They will be found at:

Harvest Moon DS Shipping List Guide

Harvest Moon DS 101 Sprites Guide

Here is a full Calendar for the First Year of the game.  Data is included from 
two separate games.  One is designated as Freyr1 and the other is designated 
as Freyr2.  As you will notice, Freyr2 was able to experience events far 
earlier than Freyr1.  Pay attention to any weather information included with 
events.  If an event requires bad weather, that information has been included 
with the event time and location.

I have included a few 'milestone' accomplishments for Freyr2, such as the date 
at which he caught his first King Fish, opened the 2nd Hot Spring as well as 
the offerings of the Shopping Network.   I have added some information as to 
the dates when his Makers were completed and the date on which he rescued the 
60th Sprite, thereby rescuing the Harvest Goddess.  This should provide 
players with a sort of guide as to what can be accomplished in the first year, 
provided all requirements are met in each case.

In the game involving Freyr2, I wished to include all possible First Year 
Events.  I therefore boosted the heart levels of individuals (especially the 
girls from Mineral Town) with many secondary gifts in order to bring them to 
100 FP and then 200 FP in the first year, in order to be able to add all those 
events to the First Year Calendar.  In other words, if you simply give a girl 
from Mineral Town one gift each time she visits the Valley, you will not 
experience the 200 FP events until later in the game.  

Shopping Network Strategies and Marriage

You will notice that Freyr2 did NOT expand his house for the second time until 
he had purchased all the Kitchen implements from the Shopping Network.  The 
Shopping Channel in this game has three separate levels of offerings.  The 
first level has no requirements and the items that are offered include the 
Beauty Box, the Coffee Table, the Clock and the Tool Box.

The requirement for the second level of offering is that you have expanded 
your house for the first time.  As soon as you have done this, the second 
level of item will be offered, even if you did not purchase all the first 
level items yet.  The second level items are:  Refrigerator, Cabinet (Shelf), 
Kitchen, Mixer, Frying Pan, Steamer, Oven and Pot.

The requirement for the third level of offering is that you have expanded your 
house for the second time.  As soon as you have done this, the third level of 
item will be offered.  There is only one item that requires the second house 
expansion, e.g. the Big Bed.  Even if you have not purchased all the second 
level items yet, the Big Bed will be the next item to be offered as soon as 
your second house expansion is complete.  

If you wish to marry quickly, and are not interested in experiencing the heart 
events of other girls, then you can expand your house twice as soon as you 
have the money to do so in order to acquire the Big Bed which is one of the 
requirements for marriage.  I personally prefer to have storage items, like 
the Refrigerator and Shelf, as well as a Kitchen and all kitchen implements 
first, as I like to experience as many events as possible.  Once you have the 
implements for cooking, you will be able to boost the levels of Mineral Town 
girls (and other individuals as well) quickly, as 'Most Favourite' items often 
are cooked items.

Freyr2's game therefore follows this strategy, although I have added notes 
showing the first date when he could propose and marry after finally 
purchasing the Big Bed.   He did not propose to any of the Valley girls at 
this point, however, because he wished to experience all the Heart Events of 
the Mineral Town girls as well as Leia's 4th Heart Event, which cannot be 
experienced until Spring of the Second Year.  As the Mineral Town girls visit 
the Valley only once each week, it takes longer to raise their heart levels.  

First Year Events Calendar:

Monday, 2 Spring:  Romana's Birthday  (Moondrop, Toy Flower)
First Day of Gameplay

7.20 a.m. exit Villa to experience Witch Princess' 1st Heart Event (Freyr2)
5.20 p.m. at Blue Bar:  Muffy's 1st Heart Event (Freyr2)

Tuesday, 3 Spring:  Gustafa's Birthday  (all flowers)

Van opens stall on 2nd Floor of Inn

11.20 a.m. coming out of Sprite Tree:  Lumina's 1st Rival Heart Event (Freyr1) 
12.00 noon, coming out of Romana's Mansion, Witch Princess' 1st Heart Event  
4.40 p.m. at Vesta's Shop, Karen's 1st heart Event (Freyr1)  (Freyr2)
5.00 p.m. at Vesta's Shop, Celia's 1st Rival heart Event  (Freyr1)  (Freyr2)
9.30 p.m. at Excavation Site, Flora's 1st Heart Event  (Freyr2)
10.00 p.m. at Excavation Site, 1st Mine Event with Carter (Freyr2)
10.30 p.m. at Excavation Site, 2nd Mine Event with Carter (you must have gone 
to 10th Floor of 1st Mine first)  (Freyr2)

Wednesday, 4 Spring:

10.20 a.m.  at Excavation Site, Flora's 1st Rival Heart Event  (Freyr2)
3.50 p.m.  exiting Beach towards Turtle Pond, Nami's 1st Rival Heart Event  
7.40 p.m. at Villa, Lumina's 1st Heart Event  (Freyr2)
7.40 p.m. in Romana's bedroom at Villa:  Romana's Painting Event (100FP)  

Thursday, 5 Spring: 

9.00 a.m. at Blue Bar (rainy day):  Muffy's 1st Rival Heart Event (Freyr2)
10.00 a.m. at Vesta's house (rainy day):  Celia's 1st Heart Event (Freyr2)

6.00 p.m. at Blue Bar:  Muffy's 1st Heart Event (Freyr1) (sunny day)

Friday, 6 Spring:  Celia's Birthday (all flowers)

3.50 p.m. exiting crossroads to take path to Waterfall, Celia's 2nd Heart 
Event (Freyr2)
8.00 p.m. at Romana's Mansion, Lumina's 1st Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Saturday, 7 Spring:  

12.10 p.m. Galen's House, Fishing Rod event  (cannot have tool equipped when 
you enter)  (Freyr1)  (Freyr2)
3.20 p.m. exiting Beach, Nami's 1st Rival Heart Event (Freyr1)
8.40 p.m. in Romana's Bedroom, Romana's 100 FP Event, 1st Painting Event  
11.20 p.m. at Excavation Site, Flora's 1st Heart Event (Freyr1)

Sunday, 8 Spring (rainy day):  Harvest Goddess' Birthday (she will not be able 
to receive gifts this Spring)

6.40 a.m. entering basement at Daryl's house, Leia's 1st Heart Event (Daryl at 
100 FP today)  (Freyr2)
8.00 a.m. crossing bridge to East, Roller's Event, Opening of Casino  
(Freyr1)  (Freyr2)
9.20 a.m. entering Blue Bar on rainy day,  Muffy's 1st Rival Heart Event  

Monday, 9 Spring:  Rock's Birthday  (Moondrop, Toy Flower, chocolate)

8.00 a.m. in Lumina's Bedroom, Mary's 1st Heart Event (Freyr2)
10.00 a.m. at Excavation Site, Flora's 1st Rival Heart Event  (Freyr1)
4.00 p.m. at farmhouse, Takakura brought horse (shipped 1000 items)  (Freyr2)
7.00 p.m. at 255th floor of Second Mine:  obtained Legendary Sword from Keira  
(Must have a tool at mystrile level for sword)  (Freyr2)
10.00 p.m. at Excavation Site: Carter's 3rd Mine Event  (must have reached 
255th floor of 2nd Mine, defeating all Dark Creatures) (Freyr2)

Tuesday, 10 Spring: Rainy Day

6.40 a.m. in Griffin's room at Blue Bar:  Griffin's Event (100FP)  (Freyr2)
9.10 a.m. on rainy day,  entering Beach, Muffy's 2nd Heart Event  (Freyr2)
12.10 p.m. on rainy day at Inner Inn, Nami's 1st Heart Event  (Freyr2)

Wednesday, 11 Spring:  Carter's Birthday  (Turnip, wine, sashimi)

Thursday, 12 Spring:  Dr. Hardy's Birthday (all grasses)

6.10 a.m. in Gustafa's yurt, Gustafa's Event (100 FP)  (Freyr2)

1.00 p.m. on rainy day in Cody's caravan, Grey's Event.  (No FP requirement 
for either Grey or Cody)  (Freyr2)

Friday, 13 Spring:

8.40 a.m. entering Inner Inn:  Ann's 1st Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Saturday, 14 Spring:  Spring Thanksgiving

9.00 a.m.  Shopping Channel becomes available when item purchased from Karen's 
Supermarket today if you have purchased an item each day the Supermarket has 
been open for business:  Beauty Box offered by Shopping Network  (Freyr2)

Sunday, 15 Spring:

6.00 a.m. on sunny day at farmhouse, Popuri's 1st Heart Event (Freyr2)  (You 
must have purchased at least one chicken from her before you can experience 

11.00 a.m. on rainy day at Vesta's Farmhouse:  Celia's 1st Heart Event  

Monday, 16 Spring:  Elli's Birthday (grasses, ToyFlower, strawberry)

6.00 a.m. Beauty Box delivered by Thomas if ordered on Saturday
6.00 a.m. on a rainy day at Hardy's house, Celia's 3rd Heart Event (Freyr2)
6.10 a.m. on a rainy or sunny day at Daryl's house, Leia's 2nd Heart Event 

8.00 a.m. in Lumina's Bedroom, Mary's 1st Heart Event (Freyr1)

6.30 p.m. at Blue Bar, Kassey's 100 FP Event (rain or sun)

Tuesday, 17 Spring:

Wednesday, 18 Spring:  Duck Festival at Beach

Thursday, 19 Spring:

6.10 a.m. in Cody's caravan, Cody's 100 FP Event (Freyr2)

Friday, 20 Spring:  Chris' Birthday (chocolate, all flowers)

6.00 a.m. at Inner Inn:  Nami's 2nd Heart Event  (Freyr2)
6.10 a.m. at Grant's house:  Grant and Kate's 100 FP Event  (Freyr2)
5.10 p.m. at Inner Inn, Flora's 2nd Heart Event (Freyr2)
5.20 p.m. in kitchen of Villa, Sebastian's 200 FP Event  (Freyr2)
6.00 p.m. in Blue Bar, Muffy's 3rd Heart Event  (Freyr2)

3.30 p.m. on path, Celia's 2nd Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Saturday, 21 Spring:

Coffee Table offered by Shopping Channel: order today

Sunday, 22 Spring:  Gourmet Cooking Contest at Beach

Monday, 23 Spring:

Coffee Table delivered by Thomas if ordered on Saturday; First House Expansion 
becomes available
Order First House Expansion today (Freyr1)
Bought DVD player and DVDs from Van today  (Freyr2)

Tuesday, 24 Spring: Marlin's Birthday (wine, fruit)
6.00 a.m. at farmhouse, Lumina's 2nd Heart Event (must have DVD player and a 
DVD)  (Freyr2)
6.20 p.m. at Blue Bar, Karen's Earring Event (100 FP)  (Freyr2)

Wednesday, 25 Spring: 
6.00 a.m. in Daryl's Basement, Leia's 3rd Heart Event (Freyr2)
6.10 a.m. in Romana's bedroom, Romana's Event with Elli (Romana at 255 FP)  
10.00 a.m. at Dr. Hardy's house, Trent and Elli's 100 FP Event  (Freyr2)

Thursday, 26 Spring:

5.40 p.m. in kitchen of Inner Inn, Ruby's 150 FP Event  (Freyr2)
5.40 p.m. in Vesta's storeroom, Murrey's 100 FP Event (Freyr2)

Friday, 27 Spring:

Saturday, 28 Spring:  Nina's Birthday  (Moondrop, Toy Flower)
If 1st House Expansion completed, Refrigerator will be available from Shopping 
Channel today; if not, Clock will be available.
Ordered Refrigerator (Freyr2)

1.00 p.m. at Inner Inn Lobby, Cliff and Nami's 100 FP Event

Sunday, 29 Spring:  Lumina's Birthday  (all flowers, chocolate)  
For chocolate:  'A birthday present!? Is it really alright?  Thank you very 

6.00 a.m. at Farmhouse, Maker Barn completed  (Freyr2)
6.00 p.m. on rainy day in kitchen of Inner Inn, Nami and Popuri's 100 FP 
Event  (Freyr2)

6.00 a.m. at Farmhouse:  Popuri's 1st Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Monday, 30 Spring:

6.00 a.m. at Farmhouse:  Kai's introduction
1.20 p.m. exiting Sprite Tree, Lumina's 3rd Heart Event  (Freyr2)

9.00 a.m. on rainy day entering the Beach:  Muffy's 2nd Heart Event  (Freyr1)
6.30 p.m.on rainy day entering Inner Inn, Flora's 2nd Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Tuesday, 1 Summer:  Beach Festival  10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. at Beach

Wednesday, 2 Summer:

6.00 a.m. at Farmhouse, Lumina's 2nd Heart Event  (Freyr1)
6.00 p.m. at  Inner Inn, Flora's 2nd Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Thursday, 3 Summer:  Popuri's Birthday  (chocolate, egg, Toy Flower)

2.10 on second floor of Inn at Van's orange crate, Van's 100 FP Event with 
Murrey (Freyr2)

Friday, 4 Summer:  Barney's Birthday (not able to give him a gift this year)

Saturday, 5 Summer:  Muffy's Birthday  (Moondrop, chocolate, flour)

Cabinet (Shelf) offered by Shopping Network (Freyr2)  
N.B.  If Freyr2 had expanded his house for the 2nd time, the Big Bed would 
have been offered today instead.  This is a choice then:  do you want to 
complete your storage items, kitchen and cooking implements or do you want to 
buy the Big Bed immediately?  You will not be able to marry any one this early 
in the game.  I prefer to hold off on the 2nd House Expansion so that the 
Shopping Network will offer the Shelf, then the Kitchen and kitchen 
implements.  When all the Kitchen implements have been purchased, I then 
proceed to expand the house for the 2nd time.  This will put the second house 
expansion in the middle of the Autumn season.  At that point, I will have 
experienced all 4 heart events for every Valley girl as well as rescuing the 
Harvest Goddess and buying the Blue Feather.  I then will be able to marry as 
soon as I buy the Big Bed.

6.00 a.m. at farmhouse, Nami's 3rd Heart Event (Freyr2)
11.20 p.m. on path from Vesta's house to tent, Flora's 3rd Heart Event (Freyr2)
1st Hot Spring built as result of Flora's Heart Event (Freyr2)

Sunday, 6 Summer:  Cliff's Birthday  (chocolate)

9.20 a.m. at farmhouse on sunny day, Muffy's 4th Heart Event (Freyr2)

Monday, 7 Summer:  Chicken Festival at Beach  10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.

Tuesday, 8 Summer:

12.10 p.m. on second floor of Inner Inn, at Van's orange crate:  Van's 200 FP 
Event with Daryl (Freyr2)
6.30 p.m. at Blue Bar, Karen's Event with Kassey (Freyr2)
8.00 p.m. at Villa, Van's 200 FP Event with Romana (Freyr 2)
Obtained two Cursed Tools at 3rd Mine, Cursed Fishing Rod and Cursed Watering 
Can (Freyr2)
On 255th floor of 3rd Mine, defeated Dark Creatures to experience Keira's 1st 
Heart Event  (Freyr2)
Obtained Cursed Harvest Goddess Hat in 3rd Mine  (Freyr2)

8.00 a.m. at Dr. Hardy's house/clinic on rainy day:  Celia's 3rd Heart Event  

Wednesday, 9 Summer:

Thursday, 10 Summer:

Friday, 11 Summer:  Ruby's Birthday  (Bamboo Shoot, Egg)

9.20 a.m. at Inner Inn:  Nami's 2nd Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Saturday, 12 Summer:

Kitchen offered on Shopping Network (Freyr2)
Church transformed Cursed Fishing Rod to Blessed Fishing Rod (Freyr2)
Caught Pirate Treasure with Blessed Fishing Rod  (Freyr2)
Caught first King fish, 'Angler' with Blessed Fishing Rod (Freyr2)
All tools now at Mystrile level; bought Mystrile Necklace from Jet (Freyr2)

Sunday, 13 Summer:  Griffin's Birthday
For small fish:  'What a treat on my birthday!  Thank you so much.'

8.40 a.m. in Griffin's bedroom: Griffin's 100FP Event  (Freyr1)

Monday, 14 Summer:

Experienced 2nd Hot Spring event after entering 1st Hot Spring 100 times 
Transformed Cursed Watering Can to Blessed Watering Can (Freyr2)
Cast Fishing Rod into 2nd Hot Spring to rescue Reese (Freyr2)

Tuesday, 15 Summer:  Kate's Birthday

Thursday, 17 Summer:  Ann's Birthday  (egg, chocolate)  only in Valley on 

6.00 a.m. Cheese Maker completed (Freyr2)
4.10 p.m. at Blue Bar, Celia's 4th Heart Event (Freyr2)

6.20 p.m. at Blue Bar:  Muffy's 3rd Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Friday, 18 Summer:  Takakura's Birthday  (large fish, cheese, sashimi)
For sashimi:  A birthday present?  You really didn't need to... Thanks!

6.00 a.m. in field, first giant Pumpkin to be harvested (Freyr2)

11.40 p.m. walking from Vesta's farmhouse towards the tent, Flora's 3rd Heart 
Event.  (Freyr1)

Saturday, 19 Summer:

Mixer offered on Shopping Network (Freyr2)
Pedometre counted 100,000 steps  (Freyr2)

3.40 p.m. coming out of Sprite Company Tree, Lumina's 3rd Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Sunday, 20 Summer:  Cow Festival at Beach 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.

Tuesday, 22 Summer:  Kai's Birthday (pineapple, egg, flour)

Rescued 60th Sprite, thereby rescuing Harvest Goddess (Freyr2)
Rescued Baby Sprite in Pot at Sprite Company Tree (Freyr2)

Wednesday, 23  Summer: 

7.20 a.m. entering Romana's bedroom, event with Elli and Romana  (Freyr1)

4.40 p.m. at Villa, Kate and Lumina's 200 FP Event (Freyr2)
8.50 p.m. in farmhouse, passed out from Exhaustion deliberately to experience 
Elli's 1st Heart Event (Freyr2)  (must have passed out 50 times)

Thursday, 24 Summer:  Fireworks Festival at Beach  6.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m.  By 
simply attending, you will raise the Heart Levels of all eligible girls who 
are there  (You go directly to bed afterwards, so make certain to complete all 
tasks before you go to the Festival.)

Friday, 25 Summer:  Thomas' Birthday  (Bamboo Shoot, Egg)

6.10 a.m. in Cody's caravan, Cody's 200 FP Event (Freyr2)

Saturday, 26 Summer:

Frying Pan offered on Shopping Network (Freyr2)

Sunday, 27 Summer:  

Seedmaker completed (Freyr2)

Monday, 28 Summer:  Vesta's Birthday  (all flowers)

9.30 a.m. in Lumina's bedroom, Mary and Lumina's 200 FP Event  (Freyr2)

Tuesday, 29 Summer:  Daryl's Birthday (small fish)
For fish:  'Oohh... That's right, it's my birthday!  I really appreciate it.

6.00 a.m. at your farmhouse:  Nami's 3rd Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Wednesday, 30 Summer:  Leia's Birthday  (large fish, toy flower)
For big fish:  'Wow, it's a birthday present!  I'm happy!!  Thank you!!!


Thursday, 1 Fall:  Van's Birthday  (chocolate)

6.00 a.m. in Twins' Tower, Kassey and Patrick 100 FP Fireworks Event (Freyr2)  
(must be Autumn)

6.40 p.m. in Kitchen at Romana's Mansion:  Sebastian's 200 FP Event  (Freyr1)

Friday, 2 Fall:  Gotz's Birthday  (egg)

Saturday, 3 Fall:  Music Festival in Mineral Town:  All Mineral Town shops 
shut today

6.00 a.m. exiting farmhouse, Nami's 4th Heart Event (Freyr2)
10.00 p.m. in Lumina's bedroom, Lumina's 4th Heart Event (Freyr2)

Sunday, 4 Fall:

Monday, 5 Fall:

7.40 a.m. in Daryl's Basement:  Leia's 3rd Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Tuesday, 6 Fall:

Wednesday, 7 Fall:

Thursday, 8 Fall:
6.00 a.m.  at farmhouse, Vesta announces Harvest Festival tomorrow

Friday, 9 Fall:  Harvest Festival  (bring something for the pot):  If you 
bring something good, every one's heart level will go up by 5 points.  If you 
bring toadstools, almost every one will be ill, and you will lose energy as 
well but you will not lose friendship with any one.   If you do not attend, it 
will be the same as if you gave a toadstool.

Saturday, 10 Fall:  Wally's Birthday (wild Grapes, grasses)

Oven offered on Shopping Network (Freyr2)

11.10 a.m. at the Excavation Site, Flora's 4th Heart Event (Freyr2)

Sunday, 11 Fall:

5.40 p.m on a rainy day at Blue Bar, Popuri's 200 FP Event (Freyr2)

Monday, 12 Fall:

Oven delivered by Thomas (Freyr2)

Tuesday, 13 Fall:

Wednesday, 14 Fall:

Thursday, 15 Fall:  Karen's Birthday  (bamboo shoots, all flowers, eggs)

As Karen is in the Valley only on Tuesdays, you will be unable to give her 
anything this year for her birthday.

Friday, 16 Fall:

Saturday, 17 Fall:

Sunday, 18 Fall:  All Mineral Town shops and businesses are closed today.

4.00 p.m. at Blue Bar:  Celia's 4th Heart Event  (Freyr1)
5.00 p.m. at Vesta's Farm:  Murrey's Event  (Freyr1)

Monday, 19 Fall:  Trent's Birthday  (Toadstool, grasses)

Tuesday, 20 Fall:

6.40 p.m. at the Blue Bar, Karen's 2nd Heart Event (Freyr2)

Wednesday, 21 Fall:  Sheep Festival at beach from 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.  
(submit entry the previous day, neither sick nor pregnant)

Thursday, 22 Fall:

Friday, 23 Fall:  Sebastian's Birthday (all flowers)

6.00 a.m.  at farmhouse, 2nd House Expansion complete (Freyr2)  (waited until 
he had the Pot to order this House Expansion)
Ordered 1st Basement from Gotz  (Freyr2) 

1.40 p.m. on rainy day at Twins' Tower, Kassey, Patrick and Ann's 200 FP Event 
(Freyr2)  (must be Autumn)

Saturday, 24 Fall:  Nami's Birthday  (wild grape, fish, bamboo shoot,curry 

Big Bed offered on Shopping Network as 2nd House Expansion completed (Freyr2) 
11.30 a.m. at Excavation Site:  Flora's 4th Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Sunday, 25 Fall:

12.40 p.m. at Takakura's house, Popuri's 2nd Heart Event (Freyr2)

9.30 p.m. in Lumina's bedroom:  Lumina's 4th Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Monday, 26 Fall:

6.00 a.m. at farmhouse, Big Bed delivered  (Freyr2)
N.B.  As he has experienced all 4 Heart Events for each of the Valley girls, 
has them at deepest red heart, has rescued the Harvest Goddess and purchased 
the Blue Feather, he could propose to any of the Valley girls today and be 
accepted.  His wedding then would occur in a week.  Freyr2 chooses NOT to do 
this in order to be able to continue to experience all the Mineral Town girl 
Heart Events.

8.00 a.m. in Mushroom House, Mary's 2nd Heart Event (Freyr2)

Tuesday, 27 Fall:  Rick's Birthday  (egg, Birdfeed)
N.B.  Rick only visits the Valley on Sunday with his sister Popuri

9.00 p.m. at Blue Bar: Muffy and Karen's Earring Event  (Freyr1)

Wednesday, 28 Fall:  Hugh's Birthday  (milk, chocolate:  as a child)
For yoghurt:  Today is my birthday.  I'm so happy.

3.00 p.m. on a rainy day, walking up the staircase towards the Villa, Elli's 
2nd Heart Event (Freyr2)

Thursday, 29 Fall:  Murrey's Birthday  (egg)

Friday, 30 Fall:  Pumpkin Festival:
      Hugh visits from 6.00 a.m. to 7.00 a.m.
      Katie visits from 8.00 a.m. to 9.00 a.m.
      Popuri visits from 10.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m.


Saturday, 1 Winter:  Mukumuku's Birthday  (all flowers)

Shopping Network offers Tool Box (Freyr2)

N.B.  From 1 Winter, can experience Nina's 200 FP Stocking Event at any time 
when Nina is in her house: I have experienced this at 6.00 a.m. and at 9.40 
p.m., but only during the Winter season and only if Nina is at 200 FP or higher

Sunday, 2 Winter:  Thomas' Winter Request  (random item requested)

6.00 a.m.  Thomas' Winter Request made at farmhouse
6.00 a.m.  Mukumuku's Gift Event (Big Fish)  (Mukumuku at 100 FP) (Freyr1)
5.00 p.m. Gave Thomas the Black Grass he requested (item is random)  (Freyr1)

6.00 a.m.  Thomas' Winter Request made at farmhouse (Peach)  (Freyr2)
6.00 a.m.  Mukumuku's 100 FP Gift (Big Fish) Event  (Freyr2)
Third Basement completed today  (Freyr2)
5.00 p.m.  Gave Thomas the Peach he requested (Freyr2)

Monday, 3 Winter:  Grant's Birthday  (wine)

6.00 a.m. at farmhouse, Thomas delivered Tool Box (Freyr2)
N.B.  You cannot find the sixth and last Cursed Tool in the 3rd Mine until you 
have a Tool Box
Freyr2 found the sixth Cursed Tool, had it Blessed, then returned to the 3rd 
Mine to find his first Mythic Stone

6.00 a.m. at Galen's house, Nina's Stocking Event (gave her ball of yarn)  
5.00 p.m., with Fishing Team working at the Beach, obtained 1,000,000,000G 
Fishing Bonus  (Freyr2)
Ordered Bathroom from Gotz (Freyr2)

7.30 p.m. at Romana's Mansion:  Van's Event (Freyr1)

Tuesday, 4 Winter:

6.10 a.m. at Galen's House:  Stocking Event with Nina (gave her a ball of 
yarn) (Nina at 200 FP)  (Freyr1)
7.20 p.m. at Gustafa's Yurt:  Gustafa's event (100FP)  (Freyr1)

Wednesday, 5 Winter:

9.20 a.m. at Dr. Hardy's house:  Event with Elli and Trent  (100 FP)  (Freyr1)

10.50 a.m. at Dr. Hardy's house:  200 FP Event with Elli, Trent and Hardy 

Thursday, 6 Winter:  Grey's Birthday  (egg, ores and gems)
Grey for Baked Corn:  Huh?  A birthday present?  This is great!  Thank you!
N.B.  Grey visits the Valley on Thursdays.  This year, therefore, you can give 
him a gift on his birthday.

6.00 p.m. in Kitchen of Inner Inn:  Event with Ruby  (Ruby at 150 FP)  (Freyr1)

Friday, 7 Winter:

1.20 p.m. on snowy day at Twins' Tower, Kassey and Patrick's Winter 200 FP 
Fireworks Event (Freyr2)  (could occur at 6.00 a.m. as well)

6.30 a.m. at Grant's house: 1st Event with Grant and Kate  (both at 100 FP)  
6.50 a.m. at Cody's house:  1st Event with Cody  (Freyr1)
8.00 a.m. in Kitchen at Inner Inn:  Event with Ruby and Ann  (Ann at 100 FP)  

Saturday, 8 Winter:  

Sunday, 9 Winter:  Galen's Birthday (wild grape, turnip, sashimi)
For sashimi:  Is this my birthday present?  I don't know if I should...  Thank 

6.10 p.m. in Kitchen of Inner Inn on snowy day:  Event with Nami and Popuri  

Monday, 10 Winter:  

2.20 p.m. at Romana's Mansion:  Event with Kate and Lumina  (both at 200 FP)  
6.30 p.m. at Blue Bar:  Event with Kassey and Muffy  (Kassey at 100 FP)  

Tuesday, 11 Winter:  Kassey's Birthday  (wine)
                 Patrick's Birthday  (wine)

Wednesday, 12 Winter:

Thursday, 13 Winter; 

1.40 p.m. on 2nd floor of Inner Inn:  Event with Van (and Murrey)  (Freyr1)

Friday, 14 Winter:  Winter Thanksgiving:  Girls give cake to the boys they 
like.  Any girl with Purple Heart through Blue Heart will bring you chocolate, 
and any girl at Orange or Red Heart will bring you cake at the following times:
     Lumina:  visits from 6.00 a.m. to 7.00 a.m.
     Celia:  visits from 8.00 a.m. to 9.00 a.m.
     Flora:  visits from 10.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m.
     Muffy:  visits from 12.00 noon to 1.00 p.m.
     Nami:  visits from 2.00 p.m. to 3.00 p.m.

N.B.  The Magical Girls will not bring gifts, nor will the Mineral Town girls 
visit on this day.

Received Winter Thanksgiving gifts from all eligible Valley girls (Freyr2)

Saturday, 15 Winter:  

6.00 a.m. at Farmhouse:  Nami's 4th Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Sunday, 16 Winter:  Flora's Birthday  (chocolate)

Monday, 17 Winter:

Tuesday, 18 Winter:  

6.10 a.m. at Cody's house:  Cody's second event  (200 FP)  (Freyr1)
10.40 a.m. on 2nd floor of Inn:  Van's event with Daryl (200 FP)  (Freyr1)
6.30 p.m. at Blue Bar:  Kassey's Event with Karen (Karen at 100 FP)  (Freyr1)

Wednesday, 19 Winter:

Thursday, 20 Winter:  Mary's Birthday  (toadstool, chocolate)
N.B.  As Mary visits the Valley only on Monday, you will not be able to give 
her a birthday gift this year.

Friday, 21 Winter:

Saturday, 22 Winter:

Sunday, 23 Winter:

Monday, 24 Winter:  Starry Night Festival.  Find partner on 23 Winter to see 
if you will obtain an invitation.  

Tuesday, 25 Winter:  Yule Festival (Stocking Event).  You must have a stocking 
from Nina and you must go to bed after 9.00 p.m. to receive a visit from Santa.

Wednesday, 26 Winter:  Keria's Birthday  (valuable ores and valuable gems, 
Golden Lumber)

Thursday, 27 Winter: 

Friday, 28 Winter:  Cody's Birthday  (copper or any other ore, flowers, wood 
lumber, stone lumber)

29 Winter:  Witch Princess' Birthday  (Toadstool, fishbone, gems, ores, all 

30 Winter:  New Year's Eve Festival:   At Beach after 6.00 p.m.:  obtain 
Buckwheat Flour or Buckwheat Noodles

N.B.  Events given in this Calendar that are not Heart Events or Rival Heart 
Events will occur in the 1st year only if the individuals involved are at 100 
FP or 200 FP.


Links to all Freyashawk Harvest Moon DS Guides:

Harvest Moon DS General Guide

Harvest Moon DS Heart and Rival Heart Events Guide

Harvest Moon DS Shipping List Guide

Harvest Moon DS 101 Sprites Guide

Harvest Moon DS Calendar Guide

Harvest Moon DS Cooking 101 Recipe Guide

Harvest Moon DS Crops Guide

Harvest Moon DS Ultimate Guide to Mining

Harvest Moon DS First Year Events Guide


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