Friday, 24 July 2020

More Friends of Mineral Town Walkthrough by Freyashawk

Detailed MFoMT Walkthrough

by Freyashawk

Updated on 24 October 2005 with more events

Updated on 22 October with 'How to Cook' section under 'Common Questions'

Updated on 18 October with Daily Events Calendar at the end of each day of 

Updated on 16 October 2005 with instructions on how to gain the selling option 
from Won in your first week

Updated on 15 October 2005 with 'Common Questions' section

Created 14 October 2005

Please feel free to email me with any questions or feedback at:

castleenchanted · aol


Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the game or my 
guide.  I try to answer all serious requests for help but I will not open any 
email with an attachment.  AOL sometimes considers a 'signature' or a simple 
icon as an attachment.  Please send your emails as plain text or I shall not 
be able to respond.  Thank you.

Although I have created a number of comprehensive guides both for FoMT and 
MFoMT, I never created an actual walkthrough.  I intended my Events Calendar 
Guides to take the place of a walkthrough but some players prefer an actual 
Walkthrough format, so I have decided to provide a simple walkthrough here.

This is a work in progress at this point.

At the beginning of MFoMT, you will be given a brief tutorial on how to use 
the Controls and how to perform simple farming tasks.  After that, you will be 
free to do as you please in terms of how you play the game.  

This Walkthrough for MFoMT is organised for the best advantage of the player 
in all respects.  Using it, you should be able to elevate all ordinary 
bachelors to red heart level, make all necessary upgrades, propose and be 
accepted by 17 Winter if you choose to do so.  I have made it possible as well 
for you to gain the selling option from Won on your 6th day in Mineral Town if 
you follow the walkthrough scrupulously!  You will gain his Apple Challenge 
option, giving you two mini-games from which you win valuable prizes, by 
Friday, 13 Spring.  This will change the entire game, because with the money 
made from selling those prizes back to Won, you will be able to fill your barn 
with livestock, buy all necessary tools (such as clippers and milker) and 
order your first house expansion before you have spent three weeks in Mineral 

If you do not gain these options from Won, your first opportunity to make 
substantial money will be the Spring Horse Races on 18 Spring.  The 
Walkthrough will include the method by which you can make maximum profit at 
the Races as well as every other means to make money.

MFoMT is a complex game, because the player must become an expert at 'multi-
tasking' in order to gain the maximum benefits that the game has to offer.  It 
is not like most other games, where there are goals that one can pursue 
singlemindedly.  The player must be able to focus on many different tasks each 
day, and most goals are long-term.

Basically the player must be conscious of all of the following aspects of life 
in Mineral Town:

1.  winning the friendship of all the townspeople;
2.  courting one or more of the eligible bachelors in Mineral Town;
3.  acquiring livestock and chickens and caring for them well in order to gain 
the highest quality of product from them;
4.  clearing the field and planting crops and grass in order to gain the 
maximum use of the field as well as the maximum income from the harvests, 
making certain that grass planted will yield enough fodder for all livestock;
5.  experiencing as many events as possible
6.  mining in order to make money and find special items
7.  fishing in order to make money and catch all types of fish, including the 
King Fish
8.  upgrading all tools to the highest level;
9.  upgrading the farm and all buildings
10.  completing the Cookbook 
11.  winning all competitions 
12.  choosing a husband and having a child
13.  matchmaking in order to make certain that all other couples marry
14.  making money
15.  attaining your Farming Degree by gaining 1000 Points in each category

You will attain your Farming Degree by pursuing all of these goals.  This 
Walkthrough is based on the assumption that the player will want to derive the 
maximum benefit from the game.  If, however, you do not wish to play this game 
with that sort of determination, you can choose which tasks in the Walkthrough 
that you wish to ignore or pursue at a later date.  I will try to make it 
clear whenever a task or event MUST be experienced at a specific time.  Events 
that cannot be experienced and tasks that cannot be performed later in the 
game are rare, but they do exist.  For example, inviting Cliff to help with 
the winery job is a task that must be performed on 14 Fall in your first year 
if you wish to keep Cliff in Mineral Town.

There are events that cannot be triggered in certain seasons.  I will try to 
make it clear when this is the case.

The first day of gameplay will be Monday, 2 Spring.  

Monday, 2 Spring Walkthrough:

Monday is the day when the Library is shut.  The Librarian, Mary as well as 
her father, Basil, and mother Anna, walk to the Mountain on Monday mornings to 
gather plants for Basil's research.  Any day but Monday, you can visit the 
Library between 10.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m.  If you are interested in Grey, you 
will find him at the Library in the afternoon after 1.40 p.m. on every day but 

Monday is the day when Yodel's Farm is shut as well, so remember this fact if 
you need to purchase either livestock, fodder or animal medicine.  Animal 
medicine can be purchased at the Poultry Farm as well.  (The Poultry Farm is 
shut on Sundays, so if you need animal medicine on a Monday, you can buy it at 
the Poultry Farm.)

The first order of business each day is to look at the Weather Forecast for 
the next day.  This is one of the four television channels on your 
television.  It is the Northern (Up control) Channel.  On the whole, you will 
want fine weather.  Always try to make certain that the weather will be fine 
the next day BEFORE you save your game, unless you are trying to experience an 
event that requires bad weather.
You will want a forecast of sunny weather now as your first week should be a 
week in which you experience about 20 events, and almost all events require 
fine weather.  If you get a weather forecast calling for rain, therefore, you 
should reload your game without saving, reload and keep trying until you 
obtain a forecast of sunshine.

As soon as you enter your house, therefore, look at the weather channel.  If 
the weather forecast for the next day is sunshine, go ahead and save your 
game.  If not, reload without saving until you do obtain a sunny forecast.  
After you have watched the weather channel to make certain that the weather 
for the next day will be fine, save your game immediately.

After saving for the first time, you are ready to begin your life in Mineral 

I would recommend that you first find your dog, pick him up and put him inside 
the house in order to begin raising his affection level.   When you put him 
down, he will display a big red heart.   The reason for keeping him in the 
house at this stage of the game is because he will not respond to your whistle 
until he has a higher level of affection for you.  If he is in the house, it 
never will take more than a moment to find him.  As you need to hold him at 
least once each day, it is more practical to keep him inside the farmhouse.

Next, turn on the television and find the Western Station (the station to the 
left).  Play the Counting Game with the Harvest Goddess five times.  Save each 
time BEFORE you play and if you do not make either 2 correct guesses or 10 
through 13 correct guesses, reload without saving.  For 2 correct guesses, you 
will win a random grass.  The most valuable grass to win is White Grass, which 
ships for 150G, but you can accept any grass apart from Black Grass which is 
worth only 10G.  If you have the patience, however, you would be wise to save 
only when you make 10-13 correct guesses to win Relaxation Tea Leaves.  
Relaxation Tea Leaves ship for 1000G.  You only have the capacity to carry 3 
items and 3 tools with the original rucksack that you are given at the start 
of the game, so after winning three items, you will have to ship them outside 
in the Shipping Bin in order to empty your hands and rucksack to play two more 
times.  If your hands are full when you play, you will lose any prize that you 
otherwise would have won!  If you can win 5 bags of Relaxation Tea Leaves, you 
will be in the best position possible, as that will give you 5000G from the 
Counting Game after 5.00 p.m. today, when your shipment is collected by Zack.  

After you have played the Counting Game 5 times, ship the last two items that 
you won and go to your Toolbox.  Take out the Axe and the Hoe but do not worry 
about your field yet.  The most important tasks before 5.00 p.m. today are to 
ship as many items as possible and meet as many of the townspeople and 
bachelors as you can, experiencing all possible events.

Before 7.00 a.m., collect the two blue grasses in the Forest and the one blue 
grass at the Spring.  At the same time, chop the three branches in the Forest 
with your Axe.  Any wood that you chop automatically will become lumber and be 
stored in your woodshed.  Ship the three grasses and then go back to the 
Forest to meet Gotz at 7.00 a.m. on the path outside of his house.  Give him 
one of the Moon Drop flowers that you will find in the Forest.  After meeting 
him, take the other Moon Drop Flower, go to the Spring and throw it into the 
water as an offering to the Harvest Goddess.  She will appear and thank you 
for your offering.  (You will repeat this procedure every day for the next 10 
days in order to gain a Red Power Berry.)
There will be two girls at the Spring at this point.  They are Ann and 
Popuri.  Speak to both of them.  Ann is your rival for Cliff and Popuri is 
your rival for Kai, but you will want to make friends with every one in 
Mineral Town.  Making friends with your rivals will not harm your chances of 
marrying any of the bachelors.  

Go up to the moutain now, chop the branch south of the Lake with your Axe, 
collect the three bamboo shoots and ship all of them.  

By now, it will be about 10.00 a.m.   You have one more task to perform before 
you go into town for the first time.  Make certain that you have no items but 
that you have the Hammer and Hoe in your rucksack.  Go to the Spring Mine, 
located next to the waterfall at the Spring.  If there is no stone to obstruct 
your path into the mine, save your game now.  If there is a stone, walk out of 
the mine and then return to find a new ground floor plan.  Do this repeatedly 
if necessary until you can enter the mine without having to smash any stones.  
Now save your game.    You do not need to smash any stones on this floor 
unless you fail to find the stairs on any of the free squares of the mine.  
Using your hoe, search for the stairs, but do not save your game!  Stairs 
never will be located on a square next to a wall or next to another set of 
stairs, so you need not waste your time digging in those locations.  When you 
find the stairs, do not save your game but remember where the stairs are 
located.  Now reload your game and you will be back at the same location 
BEFORE you did any digging with your hoe.  Now go directly to the location of 
the stairs, dig once with your hoe to uncover them and save immediately.    

Now you have a major strategy decision to make.  Many players prefer to play 
FoMT and MFoMT using BOTH save slots.  I am one of these as it makes mining so 
much easier.  You must realise that everything in both mines is random.  You 
will find yourself occasionally on a floor in one of the mines without any 
stairway to descend to a lower level!  If you are trying to go to the 255th 
floor of the Spring Mine to find the Teleport Stone in your third year and you 
find yourself on the 120th floor without any stairs to get to the 121st floor, 
you will have wasted a great deal of time and energy for no reward.  There is 
a way to avoid this, however, if you play your game in both slots.  Each time 
you find a stairway to the next floor, save your game in both slots.  Then 
playing in Slot 1, descend to the next level.  If, when you arrive there, you 
find that you are able to move freely and search for stairs without having to 
smash any stones, save immediately in Slot 1, but do not touch Slot 2.  Now, 
playing still in Slot 1, you can dig with your hoe to find the stairs.  When 
you find them, do not save but reload as you did before on the ground floor, 
remembering the location of the stairs and going there immediately after 
saving to uncover the stairs with your hoe.  Only after doing this do you save 
again in BOTH slots.  

The reason for saving your game in both slots immediately after uncovering the 
descending stairway is so that, if you go to the next floor and discover that 
there are no stairs to be found, you will be able to load the game in Slot 2 
at the previous floor.  Overwrite the game on the floor that had no stairs and 
start again, using the new game in Slot 1 to descend again, save immediately 
and then search for the stairs on the new floor.  Always keep an untouched 
game in Slot 2 at the last floor where you found a stairway.

On your first trip to the Mine, you will be going only to the third floor, 
because the third floor is the first floor where you can find gold ore.  Gold 
is one of Won's favourite gifts and befriending the wandering salesman, Won, 
is an important goal in MFoMT.   You therefore need to follow the mining 
instructions given above to go down to the third floor.  Do not smash any 
stones until you reach the third floor if you can avoid doing so.  You only 
have three item slots and you will want to keep those free for gold ore.

When you reach the third floor, save immediately.  Now equip your hammer and 
without saving again, smash stones on this floor until you find gold ore.  
When you find the first piece of gold ore, do not save!  Instead, reload your 
game and go directly to the stone where the gold is hidden and smash it 
immediately.  Now you can save again.  After you have placed the gold in your 
rucksack, smash stones again until you find another piece of gold ore.  Again, 
reload instead of saving, only remembering where the gold ore is to be found.  
Go directly to the stone where the gold is hidden, smash the stone and stow 
the gold in your rucksack.  You have no more space in your rucksack, but you 
can carry one item in your hands, so if you like, you can repeat the procedure 
one more time, finding a third piece of gold ore before you leave the mine.  

Stairs, by the way, are not the only item to be found by digging with your hoe 
in the Mines.  Black grass, which restores energy and is worth 10G, can be 
found only in the Mines.   When you search for stairs on any floor, you should 
make note of any black grass you find and when you uncover the stairs again, 
dig up the black grass as well.  You either can eat it immediately to restore 
a little energy or (once you have the largest rucksack and basket), you can 
place it in your rucksack to use whenever you begin to lose all energy.  On 
this trip to the mine, you have no space for black grass in your rucksack so 
you either can eat it if you find it or choose not to bother to search for it 
at all.

You now should have three pieces of gold ore.  You must ship one immediately 
in order to free your hands, but if you wish to ship another, do so.  If, 
however you are interested in courting Grey, the blacksmith's grandson and 
apprentice, gold ore will make a perfect gift for him and you are about to go 
into town for the first time to meet him.

It is your choice, then, whether to ship one or two pieces of gold.  

Now go into your house and put all three tools back in your toolbox so that 
your tool slots are free.

When you have done these tasks, go into town, stopping first at Saibara's 
forge to introduce yourself to Saibara and Grey.  If you have kept two pieces 
of gold ore, you can give Grey one of them.  You must keep one piece of gold 
ore for Won, though, so if you shipped two pieces of gold ore, you will have 
nothing to give to Grey at this point!

After your visit to the Forge, continue north past the Library (which is shut 
on Mondays) to the duplex.  You will find an old lady named Ellen and her 
grandson Stu in the house on the left.  It is important to befriend Ellen as 
it is she who will knit you a stocking for Yule in Winter.  Ellen loves all 
flowers, but you had neither room in your rucksack nor time to collect any 
today, so simply introduce yourself to both Ellen and Stu. 

The house on the right side of the duplex belongs to the Mayor, Thomas, and 
his son Harris, the local constable.  You need not visit Thomas now, but make 
certain to go into the next building to the right, which is the local 
Supermarket.  Here you will find the owner Jeff behind the counter.  Introduce 
yourself to him by walking round the counter to the side and speaking to 
him.   You have 500G and you need to buy your first two packets of seed, so 
buy 1 packet each of cucumbers and turnips.   The turnips are the fastest 
growing Spring crop, maturing in 5 days.  Cucumbers are one of the most 
important Spring crops in your first year as the Kappa loves them.  If you are 
interested in courting Cliff, you will find that cucumbers are one of his 
favourite gifts as well.  So grow turnips and cucumbers first and do not 
bother with potatoes today.

After you leave the Supermarket, go into the next building to the right.  This 
is the Mineral Clinic.  When you enter, you will experience your first 'heart 
event' with the Doctor.  Make certain that you tell the Doctor that you are 
willing to try his new tonic when you are asked and his affection for you will 
rise.  At the end of the event, speak to both Doctor and Elli.  It is a good 
idea to speak to every one present at the end of any event as often they will 
say something different from their usual responses.  

After leaving the Mineral Clinic, you will do something rather strange.  You 
will return instantly to the Mineral Clinic to experience another event.  This 
event will be your first 'rival heart event' between the Doctor and Elli.  By 
experiencing this event, you will gain 5 Event Points.  

Quickly go into the Church to the right of the Mineral Clinic to meet the 
pastor, Carter and another one of the bachelors, Cliff.  Carter will ask you 
if you wish to listen to his sermon.  Say that you would be glad to listen, as 
it will raise his level of affection for you.  By befriending Carter, you will 
gain access to a Secret Garden behind the Church in autumn.  The Secret Garden 
contains valuable items that can be shipped.   In future, you can bring eggs, 
turnips or fish to Carter as gifts, but even if you do not have a gift for 
him, always listen to his sermon.  That alone counts for quite a lot with him.

Now you must not make any other stops because you need to experience another 
event.  This one occurs at the Poultry Farm in the south of Mineral Town.  The 
Poultry Farm is across the road from Saibara's forge.  Go down the road from 
the Church and cut through Rose Square, where all the festivals take place.  
On the other side of Rose Square, you will find a road leading past two 
farms.  The first is Yodel's Farm, where Barley and his granddaughter May 
live.  Do not stop there now as it is shut on Monday.  Instead, keep going 
until you reach the Poultry Farm.

Entering the Poultry Farm, you will experience your first heart event with 
Rick.  Tell him that you love eggs and he will give you a spa egg, as well as 
teaching you how to make them.  

It would be wise to go home after experiencing the event in order to ship the 
spa egg, unless you would prefer to re-enter the Poultry Farm and give it to 
Rick.  Spa eggs are Rick's favourite gift.

Once you have disposed of the spa egg, go back up the road to the Market.  You 
may meet three people on the road: Manna, Barley and Harris.  Introduce 
yourself quickly and go back into the Market to meet Mary and her mother Anna 
who are doing their weekly shopping, and Jeff's pretty daughter Karen, who 
works in the Supermarket.  Mary is your rival for Grey and Karen is your rival 
for Rick.  Having met these townspeople, you will go on to a little hut that 
is situated to the right of the Church at the end of a narrow path.  This is 
the home of the Harvest Sprites.  If you befriend them and give them flour, 
they will be willing to work on your farm once they reach a level of three 
hearts.  Today you will introduce yourself to all of them.   Look at your 
Earnings page to see the heart levels of every Sprite.  See how many have only 
1 heart for you.  Return quickly to the market and buy flour for the Sprites 
with only one heart and give it to them.  This should raise their heart level 
to two.  No Sprite will have more than a level of two hearts and giving a 
Sprite with two hearts flour is a waste of flour today as it will not raise 
any Sprite's heart level to three at this point.  (You will be able to raise 
one Sprite to three hearts on Wednesday.)

After meeting the seven Harvest Sprites, stop at Ellen's house to experience 
the Doctor's 2nd rival heart event, sometimes known as the 'purple rival heart 

As soon as this event ends, go to the road that goes south from the Church.  
Go back down through Rose Square.  This time, do not exit through the south, 
but go to the exit in the East.  This will take you to Mineral Beach.  

It should be about 2.30 p.m. now, and you about to meet one of the most 
important characters in MFoMT, Won.  He lives at Zack's house with Zack and 
has a stall there during the day where he sells special seeds and a couple of 
items that you will find very useful in the future.  At this point, however, 
you simply want to meet him and experience a critical scene.

When you enter Zack's house for the first time, you will experience another 
scene.  It is a brief scene, but when it ends, you will be the proud owner of 
your first fishing rod!

The fishing rod is an important tool and you need to begin to use it as soon 
as possible.  Before doing so, however, you need to re-enter Zack's house in 
order to give your last piece of gold ore to Won.  To give him the gift, 
simply walk to the side of the counter and offer it to him.  He will be very 
surprised and pleased by this valuable gift.  

Do not neglect this step whatever else you do or do not do today.  If you give 
Won gold every day, you can gain the option to sell items to him by Saturday, 
7 Spring!  So make the effort to dig for the gold each day until then.

During the Spring season, you will find four grasses on the beach each day.  
Unfortunately, you have the capacity to carry only three items at this stage, 
so you will have to leave one grass behind.  Gather the other three and go 
home to ship them at once.

Before the day ends, you will need to return to the Beach for the last wild 
grass and ship that.  You probably will not be able to do this before 5.00 
p.m., however.

Make certain that you have collected all items that can be found in the wilds 
in Spring and have shipped them.  The items are as follows:

 Items to collect daily from wilds in Spring:  Honey from tree at farm (50G); 
two Blue Grasses in Forest above Gotz' house (100G each, total for 2: 200G), 
(optional: two Moon Drop flowers); 1 Blue Grass at Spring (100G); 3 bamboo 
shoots on Mountain, (50G each, 150G for 3), (optional:  Moon Drop and Toy 
Flowers on mountain); 2 orange grasses (100G each), 2 yellow grasses (120G 
each) at Beach (total for 4: 440G): total of all items gathered from wild in 
Spring: 940G

As you see, you can make almost 1000G each day simply by gathering and 
shipping all the items found in the wilds in this season.  You can make up to 
5000G each day during the first five days of Spring if you win Relaxation tea 
leaves each time you play the Counting Game.  

Now, however, you need to begin the real business of farming by tilling the 
soil.  Go into your house and go to the toolbox.  Put away the Fishing Rod 
temporarily and replace it with the Hoe.  You should now have two bags of 
seeds and a Hoe in your rucksack.

Go to your field and look for a 9 square section close to your farmhouse that 
is fairly clear of weeds, lumber and stones.  Dig with your hoe to till a nine 
square plot.  A red Power Berry can be found by digging with your hoe in your 
field.  Its location is random.  Unfortunately, you cannot find it the way you 
find items in the mines by digging and locating it, then reloading without 
saving, because its location will change from one reloading to the next.  What 
I do recommend, however, is digging two plots of nine squares and then, if you 
have not found the Power Berry, reload without saving.  Dig two plots of nine 
squares again (even the same two plots as before if you like) and if you do 
not find it, reload without saving again.  In other words, do not use more 
energy than it takes to dig two full plots of nine squares each.  You will 
need two plots in order to plant the Cucumber and Turnip seeds.

When you have found the Power Berry and tilled two full plots in your field, 
save your game, then plant your seeds.  Once the seeds are planted, you should 
have two empty tool slots in your rucksack.  Return to the farmhouse and get 
the Watering Can and the Fishing Rod out of the toolbox.  Equip the Watering 
Can and fill it with water at your pond, then water each square where a seed 
has been planted.  Your first watering can will water only one square at a 
time.  When it is upgraded, it will water more.

You have a choice of activities now.  In fact, if you wish to postpone the 
watering in order to visit the local Inn, you may do so.  

The Inn will shut at 9.00 p.m. so if you wish to meet more of the townspeople 
and give gifts to any of the three bachelors that you will find there at 
night, you may leave your farm now and go north to the Inn.  Before you do so, 
however, you may wish to take the honey from your tree.  (I left this out of 
the walkthrough earlier so that you would be able to use it as a gift.)  It 
would be better if you could give flowers from the mountain, but if you walk 
back to the mountain to collect them, you may not reach the Inn before the 
door locks for the night.

If you go to the Inn, you will find Cliff and Grey in the room that they share 
on the second floor.  Speak to both of them and give the honey to Cliff if you 
like.  (I am assuming that you gave a piece of Gold ore to Grey in the 
morning.)  If you arrive at the Inn after 8.20 p.m., you will find Rick at the 
Bar.  You should speak to him as well.  Speak to all the other townspeople who 
are present.  You have a chance now to meet Basil and Duke, and to speak again 
to Saibara and Ann.  

If you gave the spa egg to Rick after experiencing his first heart event, you 
will have given 4 out of 8 bachelors gifts on your first day in Mineral 
Town.    You will not be able to give Kai a gift until he arrives in Mineral 
Town for the Summer, and the Kappa does not accept any gifts apart from 
cucumbers.  There is only one day each year when you will be able to see the 
Gourmet Judge and give him a gift and that is the day of the Cooking 
Festival.   Tomorrow you will give a gift to the Doctor as well as giving 
gifts again to the other bachelors.

Whether or not you visit the Inn, you should have an hour or two left before 
bedtime.  This would be a good time to catch your first fish.   You can fish 
from many different locations in Mineral Town.  The closest is the river that 
runs along the southern border of your farm.  You can fish from the bridge or 
from the shoreline.  With your first fishing rod, you will catch only small 
fish, but you can ship them or use them as gifts.  Fishing will not take as 
much energy as digging or mining for ore so it is a good way to end your first 
day on the farm.

When you are ready to go to bed, pick up your dog, stand facing the bed, and 
then save your game before turning in for the night.

Events Calendar for Monday, 2 Spring:

11.00 a.m. at Clinic: Freyashawk: first heart event with Doctor (black heart 
event) #
 11.00 a.m. at Clinic: Freyashawk: first rival heart event with Doctor 
(black heart rival event) @
(to experience this event, simply go back into the Clinic after exiting after 
the first event)
 12.00 p.m. at Poultry Farm: Freyashawk: Rick's 1st heart event, aka 
Rick's black heart event # (obtain spa egg from him)
 12.50 p.m. at Ellen's house: Freyashawk: second rival heart event with 
Doctor and Elli (purple heart rival event) @
 4.00 p.m. at Zack's house: Freyashawk:  scene with Zack and Won: got 
fishing rod! (met Won and could buy seeds from him now as well) (could get 
this scene any time between 11.00 a.m. and 4.20 p.m.)

Tuesday, 3 Spring:  

The Supermarket is shut on Tuesday so whatever money you made yesterday 
through your shipment cannot be used there today.  (The Supermarket is shut on 
Sundays as well, but is open all other days between 10.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. at 
the start of the game.  If you make friends with the entire family, you will 
find the market open both earlier and later, and will be able to shop between 
9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. but at this point in time, you will find the door locked 
if you try to go there earlier than 10.00 a.m. or later than 5.00 p.m.)

You need to save at least 3000G to buy a larger rucksack tomorrow when the 
market re-opens.  If you did win Relaxation Tea Leaves in the Counting Game, 
you should have enough money today to buy your first Chicken.  A chicken will 
cost 1500G.  You will buy your first Chicken at the Poultry Farm today.  When 
you first awaken, however, the Poultry Farm will not be open.
So first things first...

When you awaken, first look at the Weather Channel and save your game only if 
the forecast for the next day is sunshine.
Then put down your dog.  He will display a big red heart.  You will not have 
to pay attention to him again until you pick him up to take him to bed with 
you at the end of the day.

After you have confirmed a weather forecast for fine weather tomorrow, you 
should save your game.  Now you really ought to play the Counting Game five 
times again with the Harvest Goddess before you do anything else.  Again, 
being able to carry only three items, you will have to ship the first three 
before you play again.  Remember that you will obtain no prize if your hands 
are full!

When you go outside at 6.00 a.m. today, Won will be at the door to introduce 
himself.  If you followed the walkthrough, you will have introduced yourself 
to him yesterday at the Beach and will have given him gold.  He still will act 
as though you never met him before, but it signifies nothing.  It is a scene 
that lets players know that seeds are for sale at a location other than the 
Supermarket.  In fact, as the Supermarket is shut today, you could go to Won's 
house to buy Cabbage seeds with your new wealth if you choose to do so.  I 
would advise against this, however.  Cabbage seeds cost 500G and although 
Cabbages are worth 250G each, they take 15 days to mature.  (Cabbages are the 
only Spring crop sold by Won.)  There are other more vital purchases that you 
need to make in your first Spring, especially now.  So do not buy any seeds 
from Won at this point.

When Won leaves, you will be able to begin your daily routine of gathering 
items from the wilds.  First, though, make certain that you have the Hammer, 
the Hoe and the Axe in your rucksack.  It can be very annoying to be forced to 
load and unload tools constantly from your rucksack but this situation will 
improve tomorrow when you buy the larger rucksack. 

Again, go first to the Forest to chop the three branches and collect the two 
Blue Grasses there.  Collect a Moon Drop flower and give it to Gotz as he 
exits his cottage.  Collect the other Moon Drop flower and take it up to the 
Spring as an offering to the Harvest Goddess.  Greet Ann and Popuri if they 
are at the Spring and then collect the third Blue Grass.  Ship all three Blue 
Grasses.  Go back up the mountain path, chop the branch with your Axe and 
collect the three bamboo shoots.  Ship two of those, then go to the mine and 
repeat yesterday's procedure to find gold ore.  This time you will be able to 
obtain only two gold ores, as you have a bamboo shoot still in your rucksack.

Visit your farmhouse before you go into town to put away your hoe, hammer and 
axe.  Take only your fishing rod with you now.

Your first stop again will be the forge.  It should be about 10.00 a.m. now.  
When you enter the forge, you may experience either Grey's first heart event 
or his first rival heart event.  If you experience neither, simply give him a 
piece of gold ore, speaking to him twice after he thanks you, then exit and re-
enter.  (Sometimes you will not be able to experience an event if you are 
carrying an item in your hands.)  Now you will experience one of the two 

After experiencing whichever event comes first, re-enter the forge again to 
experience the second event.  No time will elapse during either event, by the 
way.  Heart events have their own musical theme and rival heart events have a 
different theme.  In time, you will learn to recognise each of these.  For 
now, though, you can tell the difference between the two because you will be 
forced to make a response in Grey's heart event but not in the rival heart 
event.  In Grey's heart event, when he complains about his grandfather's 
exacting standards, you should respond that this is the nature of training.  
In Grey's rival heart event, Mary will bandage a cut for Grey and you simply 
will witness the event.  

From the forge, go north to the Library.  When you enter the Library at about 
10.30 a.m., you will experience an event with Mary.  The 'heart event' music 
will be playing throughout this event, because it was Mary's first heart event 
in FoMT and all the girl's first heart events are included in MFoMT.  It is 
NOT a heart event in this game, however, but experiencing it will give you 5 
Event Points and 1 People Point.

After you experience Mary's event in the Library, carry on along the road 
until you reach the Mineral Clinic.  It should be about 10.50 a.m. when you 
enter the Clinic to experience Elli's event.  Like Mary's event at the 
Library, Elli's event is her first heart event from FoMT, and it will be 
accompanied by the 'heart event theme'.  Experiencing it will give you 5 Event 
Points and 1 People Point.

Return quickly to the Clinic afterwards to give the Doctor a bamboo shoot and 
speak to him twice after he thanks you.  If you take a medical examination 
from the Doctor for 10G, his affection for you will increase.  If you are 
interested in the Doctor, it is worth taking the medical exam every day.

From the Clinic, go to the Church.  When you enter the Church, you will 
experience Cliff's first heart event.  It should be about 11.10 a.m. when you 
experience this event.  As with Grey's heart event, you will be required to 
make a response.  Your choices will be to tell Cliff to relax or to 'be a 
man'.  If you tell him to relax, his affection for you will increase.  If you 
tell him to 'be a man', you will undo him completely and he will ask you to 
leave!  So be kind to the poor chap if you have any interest in him at all.  

Curiously enough, you only gain Points in MFoMT for the first heart event of 
any colour that you experience.  In this game, the Doctor's black heart event 
was the first you experienced, so you will have received points for that, but 
you will not receive any points for the black heart events of any other 
bachelor.  If you wish to experience as many events as possible, however, you 
will need to experience ALL the heart events for every bachelor, whether or 
not you intend to marry them.  You then will be obliged to reduce their heart 
levels later in order to allow the bachelors that you do not marry ultimately 
to marry your rivals.

After experiencing Cliff's event, go quickly back into the Church to listen to 
Carter's sermon.

After leaving the Church, go to the Inn.  If you did not visit the Inn last 
night, you will find it in the middle of Mineral Town.  There are two roads 
that will take you to the Inn from the Church.  One is the road that goes to 
Rose Square.  The other is a road that cuts through the middle of the town, 
going north to south from the Supermarket.  When you reach the bottom of the 
road that begins at the supermarket, turn left to find the Inn.  

Entering the Inn, you will experience Ann's first heart event from FoMT and 
gain another 5 Event Points and up to 4 more People Points in so doing.

From the Inn, you must go west, then south down the western road.  If you keep 
going to the very end of the road, you will find yourself back at your own 
farm.  Before reaching your farm, however, you need to go east past Saibara's 
forge to the Poultry Farm.  

When you reach the Poultry Farm, you may find Sasha visiting Lillia.  Buy your 
first Chicken and name it.  Then make certain to buy at least 10 portions of 
Chicken Feed.

Before you return home, you need to go to Zack's house at Mineral Beach to 
visit Won and give him another piece of gold ore.  Your backpack then will be 
empty and you will be able to collect three of the four grasses at the Beach.  
Ship those, then return for the fourth.  

At this point, you will have gathered all items from the wilds apart from the 
honey at your farm.   You either can save the honey to give to Cliff or you 
can ship it and return now to the mountain to collect two flowers.  If you 
want to give gifts to both Cliff and Rick today, ship the honey and collect 
two flowers on the mountain, then go back to the Inn.  

If you arrive before 8.20 p.m., you will find only Grey and Cliff there again 
on the second floor.  Speak to both of them twice and give Cliff a flower.  
(You gave Grey gold ore earlier so there is no need to give him another gift 
today.)  If Rick is not downstairs at the bar, go out onto the road and find 
him there (if you walk towards Rose Square)  to give him the other flower.   
If it is after 8.20 p.m., however, he will be at the bar and you can give him 
his gift there.

If you did not have time to water your crops before going to the Inn, do so 
when you return home.  Make certain to water every square in both plots.

Tomorrow you will be able to hire Bold to water your crops for you, so take 

From now on, you will visit your Chickens in the morning, but as you bought 
the Chicken later in the day, you need to visit her now and make certain to 
feed her.  Take one portion of chicken feed from the food bin on the wall and 
throw it into one of the food stalls.  Pick up your chicken and hold her for a 
second.  When you put her down again, she will display a big red heart.  Doing 
this each day will raise her heart level.

After watering your crops, try to catch one or two fish from the river south 
of your farm then pick up your dog and save your game before leaping into bed.

Events Calendar for Tuesday, 3 Spring:

 10.00 a.m. at Forge: Freyashawk: Grey's 1st heart event
 10.10 a.m. at Forge: Freyashawk: Grey's 1st rival heart event
 10.30 a.m. at Library: Freyashawk: Mary's FoMT heart event
 10.50 at Clinic: Freyashawk: Elli's FoMT heart event
 11.10 at Church: Freyashawk: Cliff's first heart event
 11.20 at Inn: Freyashawk: Ann's FoMT heart event

Wednesday, 4 Spring:

Wednesday is the day when the Mineral Clinic is shut.  If you wish to find the 
Doctor on Wednesdays, you will find him on sunny mornings on the southern 
shore of the Lake.  He actually returns to the Clinic afterwards briefly but 
can be found in the afternoon on the second floor of the Library, engaged in 
medical research.  We will visit him at the Lake today.

Today is Bold's Birthday, and by giving him one of his favourite gifts, a box 
of flour, you will gain his friendship and thereby will gain the ability to 
employ him as a worker on your farm.  Harvest Sprites, if they have three 
hearts with you, can help with watering, harvesting or caring for your 
animals.  When they first begin to work for you at any particular task, they 
will be slow and rather indifferent to the results.  Often you will find a 
Sprite that has been hired to water your crops sitting in the middle of your 
field playing the flute while half the field remains unwatered.   It is 
important, therefore, not to trust that any Sprite hired at the beginning will 
complete ALL necessary tasks, and you may have to work with him if you want to 
see all tasks completed each day.  Once you have made friends with more than 
one Sprite, it may be a good idea to hire at least two to work in each 
category of labour until their skills improve.  There is a 'skills' bar 
beneath each Sprite's name on your Earnings page that shows his level of 
expertise in each category of farm labour.  When any bar is filled, you will 
receive 25 People Points.  In any case, you ought to be able to make your 
first Sprite friend today and then be able to hire him to help water your 

As soon as you awaken, look at the television as usual to see the weather 
forecast and save only when the forecast for tomorrow is sunshine.

Before you leave your house, you ought to play the Counting game again five 
times with the Harvest Goddess.  Tomorrow will be the last day in the year 
that you will be able to play the game, so if you have the patience to win 
five more bags of Relaxation Tea Leaves, that would be your best course of 
action.  If you do not have the patience any longer to do that, at least try 
to win wild grasses that are worth at least 100G each.  (In other words, 
accept any grass apart from Black Grass as a prize.)

After you have played the Counting game, make certain that you have your Hoe, 
Hammer and Axe in your rucksack before you leave the house.

The moment you open your door, you will be met by Won, the wandering 
salesman.  He will be selling his 'special apples'.  His 'special' apples in 
fact have no special properties and are worth no more than any ordinary apple 
when shipped.  Although you will need to buy them in the future if you wish to 
complete your shipment list and in order to complete your Cookbook, it would 
be foolish to waste any money on them now.  So tell him very politely that you 
do not choose to buy any of them.
He will insult you by telling you that you are a very poor person if you have 
not the money to buy even one of his apples, but do not let that ruin your day!

The first order of the day now is to pay a visit to the henhouse.  You will 
find that your Chicken has laid her first egg!  Place it immediately in the 
incubator so that you will be able to have another Chicken in three more 
days.  Make certain that you feed your Chicken, taking chicken feed from the 
bin on the wall and placing it in one of the food stalls.  Do not forget to 
pick up your Chicken to raise her affection for you.

The next order of business is to gather the two blue grasses in the Forest, 
chop the three branches and meet Gotz with a Moon Drop flower as he exits his 
house at 7.00 a.m.  Speak to him twice after he thanks you for the gift 
(always speak to EVERY ONE twice after giving a gift for maximum benefit) and 
then take the other Moon Drop flower to the Harvest Goddess at the Spring.  
Again you will find Ann and Popuri there, so speak to both of them twice.  
Collect the third blue grass and return home very quickly to ship all three.  
Now make haste to go to the Mountain where you will find both Gotz and the 
Doctor on the southern shore of the Lake.  Give the Doctor one of the bamboo 
shoots that you collect and speak to him twice, then collect the other two for 
shipment.  Chop the branch on the mountain with your axe.  You have a choice 
now either to collect a flower from the mountain to give to some one later as 
a gift or to simply take the two bamboo shoots home to ship.   You still need 
to go to the Spring Mine before visiting town, so you may prefer to be able to 
bring three pieces of gold ore from the mine.  If you collect a flower now, 
you will be able to mine for only two pieces of ore.

There is good news, however.  After you visit the Market this morning, you no 
longer will be so limited in the number of items that you are able to carry.  
Now, though, you must visit the Spring Mine.

After you have shipped the bamboo shoots, return to the Spring and enter the 
Mine.  Using the same strategy as before, make your way to the third floor and 
find three pieces of gold ore.  

When you return home with the ore, ship one piece of gold, then go to your 
toolbox.  Place the hammer, the hoe and the axe in the toolbox and take only 
the fishing pole with you.

It should be after 10.00 a.m. by now so the forge will be open.  Go first to 
the forge then and give Grey a piece of gold ore.  After he thanks you, speak 
to him twice.  Speak to Saibara twice as well, even though you have no gift 
for him.  

As you come out of the forge, you will experience a scene with Popuri.  This 
is her first 'heart event' from FoMT, and involves an escaping chicken.  Tell 
her that you love chickens in order to advance your friendship with her.  You 
will gain 5 Event Points from this event.

Save after experiencing this event and then go north to the Market.   It 
should be about noon now.  When you enter the Supermarket, you will experience 
Karen's first heart event from FoMT.  One of the reasons that you emptied your 
rucksack of all tools apart from the fishing rod is because you must have an 
empty tool slot in order to experience this event.  When she asks, tell her 
that you could use her help and she will give you a bag of grass seeds!  As 
grass seeds cost 500G each and grass is made into fodder for livestock, a bag 
of grass seeds is a valuable and useful gift.  For this event, you not only 
gain 5 Event Points, but you also will gain 4 People Points and 1 Heroine 

Save after the event and then return immediately to the Market to buy the 
larger rucksack for 3000G.  When you purchase the rucksack, you will gain 20 
Tool Points.

You may choose to buy your first bag of Potato seeds today or tomorrow.  

You have a busy day ahead of you now and you are going to 'lose' a couple of 
hours when you experience the next event, so you need to use every moment to 

Go into Ellen's house now to experience a scene with Stu.  This is neither a 
heart nor rival heart event, but it is a good event to experience.  You will 
be asked to take Stu to the Clinic.  When the event ends, you will find 
yourself outside of the Clinic and it will be 3.00 p.m.  You will have gained 
1 Event Point and 8 People Points for experiencing this event.

Now, though, you have very little time and much to do.  You need to rush back 
to the Market to purchase 4 or 5 boxes of flour, then take them to the Sprites 
at their Hut.  When you enter the Sprites' Hut, look at your Earnings page.  
You will see that some of the Sprites remain at 2 hearts but that others have 
only 1 heart for you.  Make certain first that you give Bold a box of flour 
for his birthday.  His heart level will be raised by two, so he either will be 
at three or at four hearts.  Immediately hire him to water your crops.

Now you must give flour to all the Sprites that have only 1 heart to raise 
their heart levels to 2.  That is the best you can do at this point in time.  
If you give any Sprite with 2 hearts a box of flour, it will not raise the 
heart level to 3 at this time, so do not waste your money on this.  Simply 
give every Sprite with 1 heart a box of flour.

If you go into the Church between 1.00 p.m. and 4.00 p.m. on Monday or 
Wednesday afternoon, you will find Carter in the Confessional.  By confessing 
either of two 'sins' against animals and being forgiven, you will gain either 
1 or 2 Animal Points.  If you wish to try this now, save your game immediately 
before you enter the confessional and confess either that you 'do not care for 
animals' or that you have been cruel to animals.  If you are not forgiven, 
reload without saving.  When you are forgiven, save the results.  There is no 
point in doing this, however, if you have not purchased your first animal yet.

Now race to Zack's house at the Beach.  You must arrive there before 4.20 p.m. 
or you will find the door locked.  When you enter Zack's house, you will 
experience another scene with Won.  This scene involves Karen and shows Won in 
a less than favourable light, but it will give you 1 Event Point, 7 People 
Points and 1 Heroine Point.  This event is sometimes known as 'Golden Service 
Time'.  After the event, go back immediately into the house to give Won your 
last piece of gold ore.

By the way, you may notice that you will lose a Tool Point when you give the 
ore to Won.  This is a strange aspect of MFoMT.  Every item placed in your 
rucksack will give you a tool point but every item removed from your rucksack 
will lower your Tool Points by 1.  Do not pay much attention to this as once 
you gain the maximum of 1000 Tool Points, you never lose any points again.

Collect the four wild grasses at the Beach, take them home and ship them 

The rest of the day can be spent as you choose, but it may be a good idea to 
do some fishing and then return to the Inn with flowers for Cliff and Rick.   
You will find both Toy Flower and Moon Drop flower on the Mountain.  You can 
take two or three to the Inn and give them as gifts to Cliff and Rick and to 
one of the townspeople if you like.  

Fishing at the bridge over the river south of your farm, you ought to be able 
to catch two or three small fish.  Whenever you catch a new type of fish, you 
will gain 5 Fishing Points.  Whenever you catch the maximum size of any 
species of fish, you will gain 1 Fishing Point.  Small fish ship for 50G each.

If you did not ship the honey yet, gather it and store it in your rucksack to 
use in the morning as a gift for Bold, when he comes to water your crops.  
Then pick up your dog and save your game before leaping into bed.

Events Calendar for Wednesday, 4 Spring:

 11.10 on road outside forge: Freyashawk: Popuri's FoMT heart event
 12.00 noon at Supermarket: Freyashawk: Karen's FoMT heart event
 12.50 p.m. at Ellen's house: Freyashawk: event with Stu, ending at 
Clinic at 3.00 p.m.
 4.00 p.m. at Zack's house: Freyashawk: Golden Service Time scene with 

Thursday, 5 Spring:

Thursday is the day that Saibara's forge is shut so you will neither be able 
to order tool upgrades nor to pick up any upgraded tools on Thursdays.  If you 
are interested in Grey, you will find him on the Peak with his grandfather on 
Thursday mornings.  He will be at the forge later in the morning, but you will 
not be able to do any business there.  He visits the library every afternoon 
except Monday, when it is shut.

As soon as you awaken, watch the television weather forecast and save your 
game only when the forecast is sunshine.
This is the last day that you will find the Counting Game on the television.  
If you have the patience to do so, try to win at least three more bags of 
Relaxation Tea Leaves and two wild grasses worth at least 100G each before you 
pursue any other activities today.  

When you go outside, Barley from Yodel's Farm should be waiting at your door 
with a surprise.  He will offer you a colt!  It is not a gift but a loan.  
Even so, he will ask you to name him.   To care for your colt properly, you 
must speak to him at least once each day.  You will need to purchase a brush 
from Saibara when you can afford to do so as brushing him each day will raise 
his heart level for you.  When he is older, you will be able to leave him 
outside in fine weather and only keep him in the barn when the weather is 
foul, but for now, he is best left in the stable.  Make certain, however, that 
you visit him once each day.  Like your dog, you will not need to feed him or 
give him water.  

You do have to feed your Chicken each day, however, until you have been able 
to create a little pen outside.  Even then, you must make certain that all 
Chickens are inside the chicken coop and fed on rainy or snowy days.  For now, 
however, it is best to keep your Chicken inside all the time.  There is a Wild 
Dog that will come to the farm at night from time to time and he is a threat 
to your chickens and livestock.  You can train your dog to chase away the wild 
dog when his heart level is higher.  At the moment, though, your dog is best 
kept inside the farmhouse, as he probably will not even come to you yet when 
you whistle to him.  Go to the henhouse then and feed your Chicken as you did 
yesterday.  Today, though, you must leave the egg on the ground.  Do not touch 
it.  You will come back for it later.  For now, however, it is best left on 
the floor as otherwise it would use valuable space in your rucksack that you 
will need for other items.  Pick up your Chicken though and hold her for a 
second before putting her down again.

As you have done each day this week, you need to collect the items from the 
wilds to ship.  It should be a little easier now that you have a larger 
rucksack.  First collect the two blue grasses from the Forest, chopping the 
three branches along the way, and then give a Moon Drop Flower to the Harvest 
Goddess at the Spring before speaking to Ann and Popuri there, and collecting 
the third blue grass.  Run home quickly to ship all three and then go up the 
mountain path.  Today you will want to go to the very top of the path, to the 
Peak, because you will find Saibara and Grey there.  The forge is shut on 
Thursdays and Saibara forces Grey to accompany him on a meditative walk each 
Thursday morning.  If you collect two Toy Flowers or Moon Drop Flowers on the 
Mountain, you will be able to give one to Grey and one to Saibara.

On the way down the mountain path, stop at the southern shore of the Lake to 
find Gotz and give him a Moon Drop or Toy Flower before chopping the single 
branch that is there and collecting the three bamboo shoots. Collect two more 
flowers on the mountain before going home to ship two of the bamboo shoots, 
keeping the third in your rucksack as a gift for the Doctor.

Go into town and make your first stop at Ellen's house to give her a Moon Drop 
or Toy Flower.  You will want to give her a gift every day you can in order to 
win her friendship before the Winter season.  Go then to the Market and 
purchase the Basket, which can hold 30 items for shipment.  The Basket will 
cost 5000G.  Once an item is placed in the basket, you will not be able to 
retrieve it so never put any items that you intend to give as gifts in the 
basket.  The basket is strictly for items that you intend to ship.  When you 
take the Basket home, you can 'dump' its entire contents into one of the three 
shipment bins at your farm.

You need to stay in the northern part of town now until 1.40 p.m., when you 
will be able to experience an event at the Library.  Go, therefore, to the 
Church to listen to Carter's sermon and speak to Cliff.  Greet any townspeople 
you find on the road. 

Stop at the Mineral Clinic to give the Doctor his bamboo shoot, speaking to 
him twice afterwards, and take a medical examination for 10G.

If you did not purchase a bag of potato seeds yesterday, buy one today at the 
Market.  I would advise you to save as much of your money as possible though, 
for the purchase of the largest rucksack when it becomes available in a couple 
of days. 

At about 1.30 p.m., you will see both Saibara and Grey walking towards you on 
the Northern Road.  Greet Saibara and speak to him.  Wait for Grey to enter 
the Library and then follow him inside to experience his 2nd rival heart event 
with Mary.

This Event should give you 5 Event Points and 1 Heroine Point.

You need to move quickly now, because you have to go all the way to the Spring 
Mine before 3.00 p.m.  Enter the Spring Mine and then exit immediately to 
trigger another event.  You probably still have your basket, so leave it in 
the Mine when you exit or you may fail to experience the event.  (Many events 
cannot be triggered if you have anything in your hands.)

When you exit from the Mine, you will experience Rick's 1st rival heart event 
with Karen.  You will not have an opportunity to speak to either one of them 
as they leave together at the end of the event.  

This event should give you 5 Event Points and 1 Heroine Point as well.

Now return to the Mine and make certain that you go to the third floor.  You 
can fill your basket with 30 items if you like, but make certain to keep at 
least one Gold ore in your rucksack for Won.  Every new item that you ship 
will give you 5 Shipment Points, so if you have not shipped Copper, Silver or 
Black Grass yet, make certain that you put at least one of each in your 
basket.  Junk ore is almost worthless at 1G but is worth 5 Shipment points, so 
add one of those to the basket.   Gold is worth more than silver, copper, 
black grass or junk ore, so you should fill the basket primarily with gold.

If you do not find 30 items on the third floor, save your game and search for 
stairs to the fourth floor.  When you find the stairs, do not save but rather 
reload as usual, going directly to the location of the stairs afterwards to 
uncover them, and then and only then save your game.  

Every new floor that you visit in either Mine will give you 1 Heroine Point.

When your basket and rucksack are filled, go home to dump the contents of the 
basket in the shipping bin and all ship any items that are in your rucksack 
apart from one piece of gold ore.  Now you must rush to the beach to enter 
Zack's house before it locks at 4.20 p.m.  Trust me here.  Giving gold to Won 
EVERY DAY now is one of the most important tasks on your agenda.   After 
giving Won the gold, speak to him twice after he thanks you.  Then collect the 
four wild grasses at the Beach and take them home to place in the shipping bin.

Now you should have a little time to till another plot of soil and to plant 
your Potato seeds.  Bold probably will water them before he leaves for the day 
if you do not wait too long to perform this task.  Collect the honey from your 
tree and give it to Bold to maintain his friendship.   

Collect the egg that you left on the floor in the henhouse.  Go back to the 
Forest to collect the last Moon Drop flower there, then walk to the Inn.  You 
should reach the Inn between 7.50 p.m.  and about 8.10 p.m.

Greet every one on the ground floor of the Inn and speak to them twice, then 
go upstairs to the 'bachelors' quarters'.  Give the Moon Drop flower to Cliff 
and speak to him twice.  Speak to Grey twice as well.  You need not give him 
anything as you gave him a flower in the morning.  Only one gift each 
day 'counts' in terms of raising heart levels.  

If you have reached the Inn before 8.00 p.m., you will not find Rick at the 
Bar.  You will have to walk down the road towards Rose Square or simply wait 
in front of the Inn until 8.10 p.m. when he reaches the Inn.  Give him the egg 
and speak to him twice. 

Now you have a choice: you either can go to the Beach to fish or you can 
return home to fish from the bridge.  

When you have filled your rucksack or when it is nearly midnight, go home.  
Ship any fish that you caught. 

If you did not visit your horse in the stable earlier today, visit him now and 
speak to him.

Go into your little house, pick up your dog, save your game and leap into bed.

Events Calendar for Thursday, 5 Spring:

 6.00 a.m. at farm: Freyashawk: Barley brought colt, named him Shadowfax
 1.40 p.m. at Library: Freyashawk: Grey's 2nd rival heart event
 2.50 p.m. coming out of Spring Mine: Freyashawk: Rick's 1st rival 
heart event

Friday, 6 Spring:

As always, look at the weather forecast as soon as you awaken and save your 
game only when the forecast is sunshine.
Today when you go outside, you should find a letter from Saibara in your 
postbox.  It will advise you to purchase a brush if you have any animals on 
your farm.  You will want to do this, but not yet.  You need to save your 
money for the largest rucksack and for your first cow.  This will be your 
first letter and, like any new letter you receive, it will give you 11 Letter 

You should be growing accustomed to your daily routine now.  The Counting Game 
no longer airs on the television so you can go outside immediately to begin 
your chores.  

You either can visit your horse in the morning or at night before you go home 
to bed.  Make certain though that you visit him every day and speak to him in 
order to raise his heart level.  Until his heart level is high enough to 
persuade him to come to you when you whistle, you should keep him inside.

You will discover that your Turnips are ready to harvest today.  Do not 
harvest any of them yet, however.  You need to do other chores first.

You can collect the Honey this morning from the tree to ship immediately.  Go 
then to the chicken coop and feed your chicken.   Pick her up and hold her for 
a second, as you do every day.  Again, leave the egg on the floor for now.  

As you have done every other day, you now need to collect the items from the 
wilds to ship.    You have the Basket now, so you will not have to make as 
many trips to the Mountain as before.  Collect the two blue grasses from the 
Forest, chopping the three branches along the way, and place them in your 
Basket.   Collect one of the Moon Drop Flowers in the Forest and take it to 
the Harvest Goddess at the Spring before speaking to Ann and Popuri there.  
Place the third blue grass in your basket and then continue up the mountain 
path.  Collect one flower on the mountain and give it to Gotz there.  (He 
reaches the Lake at about 8.00 a.m. each morning.)  Collect the three bamboo 
shoots  and place two of them in the Basket.  Keep the third bamboo shoot in 
your rucksack as a gift for the Doctor.  

On your way home, stop at the Spring Mine and go directly to the third floor.  
Fill your basket with ores but make certain to keep at least one piece of 
copper and one piece of gold in your rucksack as gifts for Grey and Won.  (As 
Grey is as happy to receive copper as gold, there is no need to give him 
gold.  Won, however, detests both copper and silver, and only is happy to 
accept gold, so you must give gold to him.)  When you leave the mine, go home 
to ship the contents of your basket.  You now can return to the chicken coop 
for your egg.  Return to the Forest for the last Moon Drop there.

Leaving your basket at home, go to your field and harvest two of your Turnips, 
placing them in your rucksack.  Harvest one more turnip to ship immediately. 
(You will gain 5 Shipment Points for shipping your first turnip.)   Leave the 
rest of the turnips where they stand for now.

When you go into town, your first stop as always will be the Forge where you 
will give Grey a piece of copper ore, speaking to him twice after he thanks 

Rick will not be at the Poultry Farm until 11.00 a.m., so if it is earlier, 
simply take the Northern road towards the market and you should meet Rick 
along the way.  Give him the egg and speak to him twice after he thanks you 
for it.  (Rick leaves the Poultry Farm early every morning to go to the 
Market.  He sits on the bench outside the Market until 10.00 a.m., in the hope 
that Karen will join him.  On every sunny day except Sunday, Karen sits with 
him for an hour at 9.00  a.m.  At 10.00 a.m., Rick begins his walk home.)

Go to Ellen's house and give her the turnip, speaking to her twice after she 
thanks you for it.  (Many of the older townspeople, including Ellen, Carter 
and Saibara, love turnips.)  Speak to Stu twice, then go to the Mineral 
Clinic.  Give the Doctor his bamboo shoot, speaking to him twice after he 
thanks you.  As usual, take a medical exam for 10G.

Go then to the Church and give Carter the other turnip.  Listen to his sermon 
and then speak to Cliff.   Give him the Moon Drop flower, speaking to him 
twice after he thanks you.  

Go to Zack's house at Mineral Beach and give Won the gold ore, speaking to him 
twice after he thanks you.  After this, collect the four wild grasses from the 
Beach and ship them at home.

It is very important that you return to the Inn this evening at 7.40 p.m.  It 
takes about half an hour to walk to the Inn from your farm.  Any time that 
remains now can be spent fishing.  A little after 7.00 p.m., walk back to the 

Speak to every one downstairs at the Inn, then go upstairs at 7.40 p.m. to 
experience Cliff's 1st rival heart scene with Ann.
Afterwards, speak to both Cliff and Grey before you leave.

Again, you either can do some fishing at the Beach or go home immediately to 
fish from the bridge.  Before midnight, go into your farm, pick up your dog, 
save your bed and leap into bed.

Events Calendar for Friday, 6 Spring:

 7.40 p.m. at Inn, 2nd floor: Freyashawk: Cliff's 1st rival heart event 
with Ann

Saturday, 7 Spring:

If you bought your first chicken on Tuesday, and incubated your first egg on 
Wednesday, you will awaken today to the birth of your first chick.  You will 
be asked to name her.   After this, your day will begin as usual at the 
farmhouse,  breakfast in hand.
As usual, look at the Weather forecast on the television and make certain that 
sunshine is forecast for tomorrow before saving your game.

Saturday is the day that the Shopping Network airs on the television.  This is 
a very important programme and you must watch it each Saturday if you hope to 
complete your house with all items that you will need both to cook and to 

The Shopping Network airs on the left channel, the same channel that aired the 
Counting Game during the New Year season.  Today the Shopping Network will 
offer a Mirror for 1000G.  The Mirror is offered in FoMT as well as MFoMT, but 
it serves more purposes in MFoMT.  Using the Mirror, you will be able to 
change your outfit.  Changing your outfit before seeing a bachelor will raise 
his affection for you.  In any event, you need to purchase all items offered 
by the Shopping Network in order.  Ultimately, if you do this, you will be 
able to buy a Refrigerator, a Shelf, a Kitchen, all Kitchen Appliances, A Big 
Bed and even a Red Power Berry.  

To order an item from the Shopping Network, you must use the telephone on the 
counter at the Inn.  It will cost you 10G to use the telephone.  You never 
will be able to buy your own telephone in this game, and the only function of 
the telephone is to order the items offered by the Shopping Network.  If you 
do not watch the Shopping Network, you will be unable to order anything, but 
if you watch it and forget to go to the Inn to make the order the same day, 
you will be able to order it the next day.  The Shopping Network airs only on 
Saturdays, though, so if you forget to watch it, you will not be able to order 
anything until the next week.

After you have watched the weather forecast today and saved your game, 
therefore, you will watch the Shopping Network so you will be able to order 
the Mirror later today.

Saturday is the day when Gotz's carpentry business is shut, so you never will 
be able to buy lumber or order upgrades on Saturdays.  You will find that his 
schedule on Saturday is the same, however, in terms of his early morning hike 
to the Mountain.  In the early afternoon, you will find him on the Peak.

After watching the Shopping Network, you will perform all your usual chores.   
Take your Basket with you when you leave the house this morning.  Visit your 
horse in the stable and speak to him, then go to the tree to harvest the honey 
and ship it.  From there, go to the henhouse and put two portions of chicken 
feed out for your chickens.  Pick up both the adult Chicken and the chick.  
You can pick up the egg and put it in your rucksack as you will have the 
Basket with you today.

Go to the Forest and if you meet Gotz coming out of his house, give him a Moon 
Drop flower.  Collect the two blue grasses from the Forest and put them in the 
basket.  Chop the three branches, then take the other Moon Drop flower to the 
Spring as an offering to the Harvest Goddess.  Speak to Ann and Popuri twice, 
then go up the Mountain to collect the three bamboo shoots and to chop the 
branch there.  Place two of the bamboo shoots in your Basket and keep the 
third in your rucksack for the Doctor.

Go to the Spring Mine on your way home and descend to the third floor once 
again to collect gold for Won.  Fill your basket with ore if possible and make 
certain to keep one copper ore in your rucksack for Grey.

Go home to dump the contents of the basket into the Shipment bin.  Harvest two 
more turnips and, leaving the Basket at home, go into town.

Stop first at the forge to give Grey a piece of copper and speak to him twice 
after he thanks you.    From there, go to the Inn to use the telephone there.  
Order the Mirror for 1000G.  Zack will deliver it to your farm on Monday.  If 
you see Rick on the road, give him the egg and speak to him twice afterwards.  
If not, you can find him later at the Poultry Farm.  Go to the Mineral Clinic 
to give the Doctor the bamboo shoot and take your medical exam.  Speak to him 
twice after he thanks you for the gift.

Make certain that you go to the Church before 1.00 p.m. so you can listen to 
Carter's sermon.  Give him a turnip.  Speak to Cliff if he is there.  (You 
will have to give him a gift later.)    Visit Ellen at her house and give her 
the other turnip.  Speak to her twice after she thanks you for the gift.  

You should buy at least one more bag of turnip seeds and another bag of 
cucumber seeds today at the Supermarket.  The Market will be shut tomorrow so 
if you buy them today, you will be able to plant two more crops either today 
or tomorrow.

If you did not see Rick earlier, go to the Poultry Farm.  You should find him 
either in the yard or in the farm itself.  Give him the egg and speak to him 
twice afterwards.  

You need to go to Zack's house at the Beach to give Won his gold.  Try to 
arrive there at 3.50 p.m.  Give him the gold and speak to him twice after he 
thanks you.  Leave the house and then immediately go through the door to enter 
the house again.  You should experience a very important event with Won now.  
Won will say: 'Oh, Freya.  Welcome.  Now you can sell some of your items to 
me.  Just bring what you want to sell to me.  It's easy, huh?'   From this 
point onward, you can sell your items to Won!

This is the reason I insisted upon mining for gold each day and visiting Won 
every day to give him the gold.  Won will buy items that cannot be shipped 
with Zack.  For example, he will pay up to 108G for each Toy Flower and up to 
127G for each Moon Drop Flower.  These are items that cannot be shipped.  For 
items that can be shipped, it is better at this stage to ship them with Zack 
as you gain 5 Shipment Points for every new item shipped and 1 point for every 
100 of each item shipped.  When it is an item that cannot be shipped with 
Zack, however, sell it to Won.

Won will bargain as well, so if he does not offer the highest price for an 
item, you can refuse to sell it to him and offer it to him again until he does 
give you the highest price for it.  A list of all items with the prices that 
both Zack and Won will pay can be found at:

Items Listing and Values FAQ

After experiencing Won's event, you may collect the four grasses from the 
Beach and ship them if you do not have more than 10,000G.  If you do have more 
than 10,000G as your total Earnings, you should return to the Supermarket to 
buy a few bags of seeds.  You can buy any seeds you like now, although I would 
recommend buying a bag each of cucumbers, potatoes and turnips.  If you ship 
100 cucumbers, 100 turnips and 100 potatoes, you will be able to buy a new 
type of seed, strawberry seeds, from the Supermarket during the Spring season.

If you do not have more than 10,000G, simply collect the four grasses and ship 
them.  If you do buy the seeds, remember to collect the 4 grasses at the beach 
afterwards and ship them.  The reason I suggest going to the Supermarket first 
is because it will shut at 5.00 p.m.  Collecting items from the wilds always 
takes time and you will not have enough time to do it before you go to the 
Supermarket.  Once you become friends with Jeff, Sasha and Karen, the door to 
the Supermarket will be unlocked earlier and will stay open longer in the 
evening.   (8.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.)  Now, however, the hours are 10.00 a.m. - 
5.00 p.m.  The reason that it is important to buy any seeds you can afford 
today is that the market will be shut tomorrow.

After this, you need to return to the mountain for at least one flower for 
Cliff (if possible, gather two or three as gifts for townspeople such as 
Basil) and then visit the Inn again between 7.30 and 8.00 p.m.  Speak to every 
one twice and give a flower to Cliff.

If you have time to till another plot with your hoe and plant some seeds 
before you go to the Inn, do so.  If not, do it upon your return.  If Bold has 
gone home by the time they are planted, get your Watering Can from your 
toolbox and fill it at the Pond, then water the crops that have not been 
watered today.

Now that you have the selling option with Won, you may wish to go to the 
Mountain to collect a flower.  If you do this now, you can use the flower in 
your rucksack tomorrow morning as a gift for the Harvest Goddess rather than 
collecting the flowers in the forest.  Later in the day, you will find it 
easier to collect the 2 Moon Drop Flowers in the Forest than to be forced to 
climb the Mountain again for flowers to sell to Won.

Fish until bedtime.  If you have planted seeds today, as well as mined for 
ores, you may be rather tired.  If you become too tired at night, you will 
oversleep the next morning and lose precious hours.  If you have found 
yourself mopping your brow or staggering a little, it would be a good idea to 
visit the Hot Spa before you go to bed.  By the end of the year, you should 
have your own bath at home, but for now, you need to walk to the Spring in 
order to use the Hot Spa.  Staying in the Spa for half an hour will restore 
your energy.  It is worth the effort and the walk.  Go home after that,  pick 
up your dog, save your game and leap into bed.

Events Calendar for Saturday, 7 Spring:

 3.40 p.m. at Zack's house: Freyashawk: got selling option from Won 
after giving him gold every day since Monday

Sunday, 8 Spring: 

Today is the birthday of the Harvest Goddess.  I have published a First Year 
Events Calendar that shows all birthdays and all festivals as well as all 
events that can be experienced in the first year.  It is very important to 
remember every one's birthday by giving the individual a gift.  On birthdays, 
an individual will accept any item he/she does not actively dislike happily.  
It is not necessary to give the person a 'favourite' item as a birthday gift.  
Gifts given on birthdays count more towards friendship than a gift given on 
any other day.

As you have been giving the Harvest Goddess an offering every day, this day 
will be no different.  She will acknowledge the fact that it is her birthday, 
however, and be particularly grateful to you.  In a couple of days, you will 
receive a reward from her for all the offerings that you have made.

The Poultry Farm is shut on Sundays, but if you followed my instructions, you 
should have enough chicken feed to feed your chickens.  You may wish to buy 
more tomorrow.

Your first chore today is to care for the chickens.  Pick up both Chicken and 
chick and hold them for a moment to raise the levels of their affection.  Fill 
two of the food stalls with chicken feed.  Leave the egg on the floor for now.

Look at your Earnings page now before you leave your farm.  If all Sprites, 
apart from Bold, still have two hearts, you can wait until tomorrow to visit 
them and give them gifts.   Sometimes, however, one Sprite will have lost a 
heart today.  You need to give the honey from your tree to that Sprite today, 
but for now, leave it there. 

Take your basket and go to the Forest now to collect the two blue grasses.  
Place them immediately in the basket so that you retain empty item slots in 
your rucksack.   Sunday is the only day of the week that Gotz does not hike to 
the Mountain to look for lumber.  If you wish to find Gotz to give him a 
flower, you will have to enter his house later this morning to do so.  Until 
you are good friends with him, his door will be locked in the early morning.  
Go to the Spring to give the Harvest Goddess the flower from your rucksack.  
She will thank you for remembering her birthday.  Collect the third blue grass 
and place it immediately in your Basket.  

Go now to the Mountain and collect the three bamboo shoots, placing one in 
your rucksack and the other two in your Basket.  You should have 3 empty item 
slots in your rucksack still.  You will need two of those for copper and gold, 
but you can collect one flower from the mountain to fill the last slot.

On your way back to the farm, stop at the Mine and go directly to the third 
floor.  Fill your basket with ore and collect one copper for Grey and one gold 
for Won.  You need to keep giving Won gold as there are other 'heart events' 
with him that will benefit you greatly in the future.

If you wish to give a flower to Gotz, you probably will have to put down your 
basket and collect one of the flowers in the Forest for him as your rucksack 
will be full.  Go to his house to give it to him.

You may notice when you return to your farm and dump the contents of the 
basket in the shipping bin that you still have ripe turnips in the field.  You 
may use these at your discretion as gifts for Ellen and Carter if you have any 
empty item slot in your rucksack.  Do not ship them if you can avoid doing so.

You should have more turnips planted now that can be shipped later when they 
are ready to harvest.  If there is any Sprite with only one heart for you now, 
collect the honey from the tree to take it into town with you.  If there is 
only one empty item slot in your rucksack or can carry an item in your hands, 
take honey rather than a gift for Ellen or Carter.  Leave the basket at home 
so you will be able to carry the honey.

Go first to the forge to give Grey a piece of copper.  Speak to him twice 
after he thanks you.  Speak to Saibara twice behind the counter.

Stop at Ellen's house to greet her.  The Mayor may be there visiting her.  If 
so, speak to him twice as well.  The market is shut today so your next stop 
will be the Mineral Clinic.  Give the Doctor a bamboo shoot and speak to him 

You need to go to the Church between 11.10 a.m. and 12.50 p.m. to experience 
another event.  If it is too early to experience the event, go to the Sprite 
Hut to give the honey to the Sprite who has only one heart now.

When you enter the Church, you will experience Cliff's 2nd rival heart event 
with Ann.  When you find yourself outside the Church afterwards, re-enter 
immediately to speak to Cliff and to give him a flower and to listen to 
Carter's sermon before he goes outside at 1.00 p.m.  Speak to Cliff twice 
after he thanks you for the flower.

After you leave the Church, go to Zack's house at the Beach to give Won the 
gold.  You have a choice now with respect to the four wild grasses that you 
collect each day from the Beach.  If you are unable to return to the farm 
before 5.00 p.m. to ship them today, or if you wish to make more of a profit 
from selling them, sell them to Won instead of shipping them with Zack.  Won 
will pay up to 170G for orange grass and up to 127G for yellow grass.   
Selling items to Won will mean that you will not receive any Shipment points 
for them, but at this point in time, you may need the cash.  There are a 
couple of items that you will need to purchase in the next few days:

Largest rucksack: 5000G
Your first cow:  5000G
Fodder for cow: at least 200G
More chicken feed: at least 200G
A brush: 800G

Vase from Won: 5000G

(The Vase is not strictly necessary unless you want to gain the Apple 
Challenge option from Won as soon as possible.  By buying the Vase from him 
and by continuing to give him gold ore each day, you ought to be able to raise 
his affection to the point where you will be able to experience the Apple 
Challenge option on Friday, 13 Spring.  Paying 5000G for the Vase is nothing 
compared to the profit you will be able to make when you have the Apple 
Challenge and slot machine option!)

If you did not sell the grasses to Won, take them home and ship them.   Spend 
the rest of the evening planting any seeds that you did not plant yesterday, 
fishing or collecting flowers to give to Gotz and the Harvest Goddess tomorrow 

If you feel that your energy is low, spend half an hour in the Hot Spa before 
you go to bed.  Pick up your dog, save your game and go to sleep.

Events Calendar for Sunday, 8 Spring;

12.30 p.m. at Church: Freyashawk: Cliff's 2nd rival heart event with Ann

Monday, 9 Spring:  

Monday is the day that the Library is shut.  Basil, Anna and Mary are to be 
found on the Mountain on Monday mornings when the weather is fine.   Yodel's 
Farm is shut on Mondays as well, so you will be unable to purchase livestock 
or fodder on Mondays.  Barley and his granddaughter can be found at the Hot 
Spa on Monday afternoons.  On Monday mornings, Barley visits the Mayor.

There are no events to experience today, so you can concentrate on your daily 
chores and on the task of meeting and speaking to as many of the townspeople 
as possible.  Another goal  today is to make some extra money by selling 
flowers to Won.  

It would be a good idea to do all your daily chores as quickly as possible so 
that you will be able to make two trips to the Beach between 11.10 a.m. and 
4.20 p.m.  Feed your chickens and pick them up and hold them for a moment.  
Taking your basket, collect the three blue grasses from the Forest and Spring, 
giving Gotz and the Harvest Goddess each a flower.  Go to the Mountain and 
collect the three bamboo shoots, placing one in your rucksack and two in your 
basket.  Stop at the Spring Mine on your way home and go directly to the third 
floor, filling your basket with ore and remembering to stash a piece of copper 
and a piece of gold in your rucksack for Grey and Won respectively.  

Dump the contents of your basket in the shipping bin and then leave the Basket 
at home.   Take the egg from the henhouse now to give to Rick.

Stop first at the forge to give Grey the copper and speak to him twice.  Speak 
to Saibara as well.  (Always speak to every one if possible!).  If you have at 
least 13000G, go ahead and buy the brush from Saibara so you will be able to 
brush your horse.
You will need most of the money that remains to purchase a cow, the Vase and 
the large Rucksack.

Go to the Poultry Farm now and give Rick an egg.  Buy at least 10 portions of 
chicken feed from Lillia.  Speak to every one twice.  The Poultry Farm will be 
shut if you arrive before 11.00 a.m.  If you find that you are early, go home 
first to harvest one turnip to give to Ellen.

If you have a turnip for Ellen, take it to her at her house.  Otherwise, 
simply speak to her twice.  Speak to Stu as well.  Go from there to the 
Mineral Clinic and give the Doctor a bamboo shoot.  Speak to him twice and 
take a medical examination.  From there, go to the Church.  Give Cliff a 
flower if you have one and speak to him twice.

Go to Won's stall to give him the gold ore.  Speak to him twice afterwards.  
Collect the grasses at the beach and either sell them to Won or take them home 
to ship them.  From there, return to the mountain and fill your rucksack and 
hands with Moon Drop Flowers.  You will make another trip to Won's stall to 
sell them to him.

If you did not give Cliff a flower at the Church, make a visit to the Inn 
tonight between 6.30 p.m. and 8.30 p.m. to give him a flower and speak to 
every one there.  If you see Rick on the road, you either can give him an egg 
or simply speak to him twice.  If you do not wish to give him an egg, ship it.

Fish from your bridge or at the Spring or begin to construct a pen for your 
chickens until bedtime.

Constructing pens for your animals:

There is a detailed section on this in my Beginners' Tips and Tactics Guide.  
Basically, you will make two pens, one for your chickens and one for your 
livestock.  The pen for the chickens should be as close to the door of the 
henhouse as possible.  The pen for the livestock should be centred at the door 
to the barn.  You will need a total of fifteen squares for the chicken pen, a 
9 square plot for the chickens surrounded by stones in a square.  For the 
livestock, you need two of these squares side by side.  That will be a total 
of 40 squares: plant grass in two plots of 9 squares each, side by side, and 
surround the plots with stones.  The stone directly in front of the barn door 
can be your 'gate'.  You will pick it up and put it in your rucksack each time 
you push your livestock into the pen.  Then you will seal the pen by replacing 
the stone.

At this point in time, it would be unwise, even when the pens are built, to 
keep any animals out at night.  They will be in danger of attack by wild 
dogs.  When your dog has a higher heart level, he will be able to defend the 
farm from attack.  Now, however, he is not trained even to respond to your 

Again, however you choose to spend the evening, at the end of the day you 
should pick up your dog, save your game and then leap into bed.

Tuesday, 10 Spring:

The Market is shut again today. You will experience an event at Zack's house 
in the early afternoon today, so try to organise your chores in such as way as 
to arrive at the Beach between noon and 1.00 p.m.  Before you go to the Beach, 
you need to visit Yodel's Farm to buy your first cow.  Make certain that you 
buy at least 10 portions of fodder as well.

When you enter Zack's house, you will experience an event that involves Zack 
and Popuri.  

Events Calendar for Tuesday, 10 Spring:

 12.50 p.m. at Zack's house: Freyashawk: mail order scene with Popuri 
and Zack

Wednesday, 11 Spring:

The Mineral Clinic is shut on Wednesdays.  If the weather is fine, the Doctor 
hikes to the Mountain Lake on Wednesday mornings to collect herbs.  When you 
find him there today, you will experience an event with him.

Events Calendar for Wednesday, 11 Spring:

  9.00 a.m. at Lake: Freyashawk: scene with doctor
 Freyashawk bought Vase from Won

Thursday, 12 Spring:

Events Calendar for Thursday, 12 Spring:

 1.00 p.m. at Zack's house: Freyashawk: 'heart scene' with Won with 
apples in confusion on floor

Friday, 13 Spring:

N.B.  If you watch the news channel (right channel) on the television today, 
the picture will be out and show only 'snow' because it is Friday the 13th.  
As the H.G. would say:  'That's all!'
Events Calendar for Friday, 13 Spring:

 12.50 p.m. at Zack's house: Freyashawk: '3rd heart scene' with Won: 
Apple Challenge

Saturday, 14 Spring:

Events Calendar for Saturday, 14 Spring:

Freyashawk: orders Clock
 6.00 a.m. at farm: Freyashawk: Doctor brings 'cookies wrapped as a 
 10.50 a.m. at Mineral Clinic: Freyashawk: experiences Doctor's 2nd 
heart event
 2.00 p.m. at farm: Freyashawk: Grey brings 'cookies wrapped as a 
 7.30 p.m. at Inn, 2nd floor: Freyashawk: experiences Grey's 2nd heart 

Sunday, 15 Spring:

Monday, 16 Spring:

Tuesday, 17 Spring:

 Barley's Birthday: give him a toy flower at his farm

Wednesday, 18 Spring:
 Freyashawk:  Van's first visit to Mineral Town: he introduces himself 
and announces that he will have a stall every 
Wednesday on the 2nd floor of the Inn

 Spring Horse Races:  take an empty Basket and empty rucksack and 
exchanging the medals you win for 39 brooches; leave the basket at Rose Square

Thursday, 19 Spring:

 Lillia's Birthday: give her a toy flower at the Poultry Farm after 
11.10 a.m.

Friday, 20 Spring:  A RAINY DAY

Events Calendar for Friday, 20 Spring:

 Freya: Bought brush and milker and ordered upgrade to Axe from Saibara 
(giving him copper ore)

 Freya: Bought first Cow and first Sheep from Barley
 Freyashawk: attended Sprites' Tea Party today as it was a rainy day  
(must arrive before 5.00 p.m. to be able to attend)

Saturday, 21 Spring:

Events Calendar for Saturday, 21 Spring:

 Thomas at farm at 6.00 a.m. to announce Cooking Festival tomorrow.

 TV Shopping Channel will air today if you have expanded your house and 
it will offer the Shelf.  If you have not expanded your house but do so by 
next Saturday, it will offer the Refrigerator then.

 11.10 a.m. at Mineral Clinic:  Freyashawk: experienced Doctor's 3rd 
heart event, obtained Negative Ion Item  (would have occurred any time after 
9.00 a.m.)
 Freyashawk: obtained Blue Power Berry from Kappa today when gave him 
daily cucumber offering

Sunday, 22 Spring:

Events Calendar for Sunday, 22 Spring:

Cooking Festival 

 before 12. noon: at Rose Square, announcement of theme
 after 1.00:  actual Cooking Festival with announcement of winner, ends 
at 6.00 p.m.

 6.00 p.m. at Rose Square: can meet the Gourmet Judge after the 
Festival to speak to him and/or give  him a gift; he will be found at the 
Square until 8.00 p.m.; this is your only opportunity to interact with him 
until  the next Cooking Festival; although cooked items are his favourites, 
any edible item will be accepted as a gift; give Gourmet an egg at Rose Square 
before 8.00 pm.

Monday, 23 Spring:

Events Calendar for Monday, 23 Spring:

 6.00 a.m. at farm: Freyashawk: Grey's 3rd heart event; obtained brooch
 6.00 a.m. at farm: Freyashawk: Shelf delivered

Tuesday, 24 Spring:

Wednesday, 25 Spring:

Events Calendar for Wednesday, 25 Spring:

 12.50 p.m. at Ellen's house: Freyashawk: playtime with Stu; ends at 
7.00 p.m.
Thursday, 26 Spring:

Events Calendar for Thursday, 26 Spring:

 Aqua's Birthday: give him flour at the Sprite Hut

 2.40 p.m. at Rose Square (coming from Yodel's farm in south): event 
between Manna, Sasha and Anna

Friday, 27 Spring:

Events Calendar for Friday, 27 Spring:

 11.10 a.m. at Poultry Farm: Freyashawk, Rick's 3rd heart event, 
obtained watch

Saturday, 28 Spring: A RAINY DAY

TV Shopping Channel:  offers REFRIGERATOR (provided you purchased the other 
items offered and  have your house expansion completed); Freyashawk ordered 
Refrigerator (cost is 2500G plus 10G for telephone  call)

Events Calendar for Saturday, 28 Spring: 

 1.50 p.m. at Inn: fight between Doug and Duke (will occur between 
1.50 - 3.50 p.m. as  both Harris and Mayor must be present)

Sunday, 29 Spring:

Events Calendar for Sunday, 29 Spring:

 8.40 p.m. at Inn:  Freyashawk: scene between Karen and Duke, drinking 

Monday, 30 Spring:

Events Calendar for Monday, 30 Spring:

 Sasha's Birthday: give her a toy flower at the Market

  6.50 p.m. at Crossroads (between your farm and the forge): 
Freyashawk, scene with Popuri, May and Kai (could have occurred at 11.40 a.m. 
as well)

Tuesday, 1 Summer:

Items to collect daily from the wilds in Summer:  Honey from tree at farm 
(50G); 1 Red Grass (110G), two Blue  Grasses (100G each: total 200G), 1 Wild 
Grape (50G)  in Forest above Gotz' house (total items in forest: 360G); 1  
Blue Grass (100G), 2 Red Grasses (110G each: total 220G), 1 Green Grass (100G) 
at Spring, (optional: two Pink  Cat Grasses) (total items at Spring: 420G); 1 
Red Grass (110G), 2 Green Grasses (100G each: total 200G), 1 Wild  Grape (50G) 
on Mountain, (optional:  many Pink Cat flowers on mountain)(total items on 
Mountain: 360G); 4  purple grasses (120G each) at Beach (total items at Beach: 
480G); 1 Red Grass (110G) in graveyard at Church ( total items at Church: 
110G);  total of all items gathered from wild in Summer: 1780G

Today is the day of the Beach Festival and Frisbee Competition at Mineral 
You cannot enter the competition in your first year as your dog is a puppy, 
but you should take an  empty basket and empty rucksack and equip your fishing 
pole as you can fish during the tournament as long as  you wish without time 
passing and without acquiring any fatigue or loss of Stamina: Always fill your 
basket and  rucksack with fish during this festival; N.B.  When your dog is an 
adult, if he wins the Tournament, he will  obtain a crown and your character 
will obtain a Power Berry (see Year Two Events Calendar)

 Planting Schedule for Summer Crops: Onions take 8 days to ripen with 
no new crop; Tomatoes take  10 days to ripen, with a new crop after 3 more 
days;  Corn takes 15 days to ripen with a new crop after 3 more  days; 
Pumpkins take 15 days to ripen, with no new crop; Pineapples take 21 days to 
ripen, with a new crop after  5 more days; N.B.  must have shipped a total of 
100 Onions, 100 Tomatoes, and 100 Corn in order to be able to  purchase 
Pumpkin Seeds from Supermarket

 Planting Schedule for Flowers:  Pinkcat Flowers take 6 days to blossom 
with no new blossoms  afterwards

Events Calendar for Tuesday, 1 Summer:

 Beach Tournament from 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. at Mineral Beach

Wednesday: 2 Summer:

Events Calendar for Wednesday, 2 Summer:

 12.10 at Ellen's house:  Freyashawk: scene with Elli, Ellen, Stu:  
letter from Ellen's deceased husband (would  occur until 12.50 p.m.)

 1.10 at Mineral Beach:  Freya:  scene between Rick and Kai, rather 

 5.00  p.m. at Mineral Beach: Freyashawk: Kai's 1st heart event (can 
experience Monday or Friday as well, 11.10 a.m. to 12.50 p.m.) #

Thursday, 3 Summer: 

Events Calendar for Thursday, 3 Summer:

 Popuri's Birthday: give Popuri a pink cat flower at Spring or at 
Poultry Farm

Friday, 4 Summer:

 Harris' Birthday: give Harris a pink cat at Yodel's Farm at 10.00 a.m. 
or at Inn in afternoon

Saturday, 5 Summer:

Sunday, 6 Summer:

Events Calendar for Sunday, 6 Summer:
 Cliff's Birthday: give him a cucumber at the Church until 4.00 p.m. or 
at the Inn after 5.00 p.m.

 11.10 a.m. at Gotz' house: patrol scene between Gotz and Harris 
(requires friendship between you and both Gotz and Harris)

 11.10 a.m. in Forest, exiting from Gotz' house: Rick's 2nd rival heart 
 2.10 p.m. at Mineral Beach:  Kai's 1st rival heart event

Monday, 7 Summer:

Events Calendar for Monday, 7 Summer:

 Chicken Festival at Rose Square: 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Tuesday, 8 Summer:

Events Calendar for Tuesday, 8 Summer:

 11.20 a.m. at Poultry Farm:  scene between Sasha and Lillia, 
discussing husbands
 12.40 p.m. at Mineral Beach: Kai's 2nd rival heart event  (can occur 
between 11.50 a.m. - 3.50 p.m.)
 12.40 p.m. at Beach Cafe: scene between Kai and Grey
 6.40 p.m. at Beach Cafe:  scene with Kai, Popuri bringing customers; 
ends at bedtime

Wednesday,  9 Summer:

Events Calendar for Wednesday, 9 Summer:

 12.10 a.m. at Beach Cafe: Freyashawk:  Kai's 2nd heart event, aka 
Kai's purple heart event
 8.20 p.m. at Church: Freyashawk:  secret delivery event between Zack 
and Carter


If players find this Walkthrough helpful in any way, I will be happy to 
continue it.

Actually, all festivals, birthdays, events and upgrades are covered in my 
Events Calendars and every aspect of life in MFoMT is dealt with in my 
Beginners' Tips and Tactics Guide. 

For information on all aspects of MFoMT, consult the MFoMT Beginner Tips and 
Tactics Guide at:

MFoMT Beginner Tips and Tactics

For all birthdays, festivals and events that occur in the first four years in 
Mineral Town, please see the Event Calendar Guides at:

First Year Events Calendar

MFoMT Second Year Events Calendar

MFoMT Third Year Events Calendar

MFoMT Fourth Year Events Calendar

MFoMT Fifth Year Events Calendar

Other MFoMT Guides:

Items Listing and Values FAQ

Bachelor and Heart Events FAQ

Recipe/Cookbook FAQ

Riddle Book Questions and Answers

Character FAQ

Ultimate Mining FAQ

Freyashawk on IGN

Back to Top


Can I marry more than once?

No, you can have only one husband, even if you play for 255 years, so choose 
carefully and wisely.  You could marry one of five bachelors at the end of 
your first year:  Cliff, Doctor, Grey, Rick or Won.  You could marry Kai in 
your second Summer.  You could marry the Kappa in your fifth year and the 
Gourmet Judge in your sixth, provided all other requirements are met.

How many children can I have?

In FoMT and MFoMT, you can have only one child and you have no choice as to 
gender.  In FoMT, your child always will be a boy and in MFoMT, it always will 
be a girl.  Your child will go through a few stages of growth, but will never 
become an adult.  There is no hope that you ever will have help with farming 
tasks from ANY member of your family.  Your husband at best will cook for you 
on a few special occasions.  Whatever occupation he had before your marriage 
will continue, but his earnings will not be added to yours!  Apart from 
accepting gifts and speaking to you, your child will do nothing but wander 
about the house all day. 

What is the Big Bed and where can I find it?

The Big Bed is one of the pre-requisites to marriage to ANY of the bachelors 
and it is found only on the Shopping Network that airs Saturdays on your 
television.  To order any of the items on the Shopping Network, you must go to 
the Inn and use the telephone there.  It will cost 10G to use the telephone.  
You cannot ignore the Shopping Network's other offers, though, if you wish to 
purchase the Big Bed.  You must purchase the item offered by the Shopping 
Network if you wish to be offered another item.  The only exception to this 
rule is the offer of the Clock and the Mirror.  It is best if you order both, 
however, as ultimately you will have to buy them in order to be offered a red 
Power Berry.  If you buy all items that the Shopping Network offers in order 
from the start of the game, and make all necessary upgrades to your farm, you 
will be able to order the Big Bed on Saturday, 15 Winter.  It will be 
delivered to your farm by Zack on Monday, 17 Winter.

When can I buy my own telephone?

You never will be able to acquire your own telephone in this game.  Do not 
confuse Harvest Moon with the Sims games, in which a telephone is a major 
asset that allows you to invite townspeople to visit.  The only use for the 
telephone in FoMT and MFoMT is to order items from the Shopping Network that 
airs on Saturdays.  The telephone at the Inn is more than adequate for this 
and it costs only 10G to use it.  Mineral Town is a very small town and there 
are few modern conveniences.  Remember that your character chose to leave the 
city and all of its mod cons in order to experience a simple country life.  

How do I cook?

As soon as you have your first kitchen appliance, the Mixer, you will be able 
to make your first recipes.  You will be able to make only juices until you 
order more appliances, but it is a good start.   Many people love juices or 

Here are some of the simplest recipes you can make with only a Mixer:

Fruit Juice:  Mixer, Apple or Strawberry (or both)  (Honey is optional)
Grape Juice: Mixer, Grape
Tomato Juice:  Mixer, Tomato
Vegetable Juice: Mixer, Carrot, Cucumber or Cabbage (or you can add all of 
these and Tomato to it)

If you have Milk, you can make:
Fruit Latte: Mixer, Fruit Juice, Milk  (Honey is optional)
Vegetable Latte: Mixer, Vegetable Juice, Milk
Strawberry Milk: Mixer, Strawberry, Milk  (Honey is optional)

There are better recipes for all of these, but you will need a Seasoning Set 
to make them.  You can find all the 'best' and 'basic' recipes in my Cookbook 
Recipe Guide.
Here is how to cook:

To cook, go into your kitchen and press the 'A' button.

You will see three options:

View recipes

Choose Cook by pressing the 'A' button again.

Highlight your mixer and press 'A'.  Now press the 'Start' button.

You will see a message: 'Tool selection done.  Next ingredients.'

Press the 'A' button again.

You will see the items that are in your rucksack.  If you scroll down by 
pressing the 'down' arrow, you will see the first 'page' of items stored in 
your refrigerator.  Keep scrolling down to see all eight 'pages' of items in 
your refrigerator.  

Highlight the item you want by pressing 'A'.  Then press the 'Start' button.

You will see three options:

Ready to cook.
Change ingredients.
Change tools.

If you did not make an error in choosing the ingredients or tools, 
choose 'Ready to Cook' by pressing the 'A' button.

You will hear a chopping noise and see a black screen.  At the end, you should 
see a message that states:

'The Fruit Juice is done!'  (or whatever recipe you made)

If it is a new recipe, there will be a message to add it to your Cookbook.  
Next time you want to make that recipe, you can choose 'View recipes' instead 
of 'Cook'.

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