Friday, 24 July 2020

Harvest Moon DS Crops Guide

arvest Moon DS Crop Guide

by Freyashawk

email: castleenchanted · aol

Updated on 28 September 2006
Created on 26 September 2006


Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the game or my 
guide.  I try to answer all serious requests for help but I will not open any 
email with an attachment.  AOL sometimes considers a 'signature' or a simple 
icon as an attachment.  Please send your emails as plain text or I shall not 
be able to respond.  Thank you.

This is intended as a quick Reference Guide mainly for players who are 
interested in 'power farming' in Harvest Moon.  It shows the value of the 
basic item when shipped, the same item when shipped through the Cannery 
Machine and the item when elevated to 'Giant' status by upgrading the crop.

The number of days it takes to harvest each crop as well as the cost of a bag 
of seeds where applicable will be added when time permits.

With respect to the Cannery, its use is not restricted to traditional 'crops' 
or even edible items.  You can feed any item into the Cannery, including ores, 
gems and jewelry and you will gain 150% value.  All items are shipped 
automatically from the Cannery, however.  Do not expect to produce 
winter 'canned goods'!

A Giant crop will can randomly in a plot where you have planted more than one 
bag of seeds.   A Giant Crop is a single plant, whether vegetable or flower, 
that occupies four spaces.  It will look no different from an ordinary crop 
until it is ripe.  Then it will occupy four spaces instead of one.  You cannot 
harvest a Giant Crop yourself.  Instead, you will experience an event when you 
go to harvest it by pressiing 'A'.  Thomas will appear and say:

Oh, hey, Freyr!  That's a huge crop.  A crop that large must be a lot of work 
to pull up.  Want me to help you?

Your choices:
Yes, please.
No, thanks.

Thomas:  All right!
Thomas:  Hey!  The Legendary Harvet Sprites!  We'll harvest this huge crop! 
First, Staid!
Staid:  Ok, got it!
Next up, Nappy!
Nappy:  Harvesting is fun!
Thomas:  Next, Bold!
Bold:  Leave the heavy work to me!
Thomas:  Next up is Chef!!
Chef:  Can we cook it?
Thomas:  And next is, Aqua!
Aqua:  Wow, this is just huge!
Thomas:  And now, Hoggy!
Hoggy;  I'm hungry!  Thomas, send flour later!
Thomas:  And last, Timid!
Timid:  I'll do my best!
Thomas:  Ok, every one... pull!

Heave ho!
On a black screen:  It pulled up neatly!
Thomas:  Well, that was good!  Ok, it's ready for shipping.  There's no need 
to thank us.  See you later!

If you decline Thomas' offer, he will be very upset and say:

Thomas:  That's all right!  After we were so nice!  Got the message!

Without his aid, however, you will not able to harvest the crop.   When you go 
to harvest the crop again, Thomas will reappear and ask you again if you would 
like some help.  If you are familiar with FoMT/MFoMT and life in Mineral Town, 
you will recognise the 'Legendary Sprites' as your old Harvest Sprite crew!

The Giant Crop will be shipped directly and you never will be able to hold it 
in your hands.  Giant crop values are given below.  As you never have them in 
your possession, they cannot be fed into the Cannery.

The General Guide that deals with all aspects of life in Forget-Me-Not Valley 
can be found at:

Harvest Moon DS General Guide

A guide that deals with the eligible girls in the game, all Heart and Rival 
Heart Events can be found at:

Harvest Moon DS Heart and Rival Heart Events Guide

A simple Calendar Guide that lists all Birthdays and Festivals can be found at:

Harvest Moon DS Calendar Guide

A guide that gives the Complete Shipping List with values can be found at:

Harvest Moon DS Shipping List Guide

A guide that lists all recipes in the game can be found at:

Harvest Moon DS Cooking 101 Recipe Guide

Please refer to the above Guides for all other aspects of life in Forget-Me-
Not Valley in the DS version of Harvest Moon.

Here are the items that can be grown as crops and their values.  The values 
that are given are for the basic Level 1 Crop.  As you upgrade your crops, 
their values will increase dramatically.  A Level 2 Crop will ship for 4x the 
value of the basic Level 1 Crop.  A Level 3 Crop will ship for 9x the value of 
the basic crop.  In fact, you will make more of a profit from a 9 x 9 plot of 
Level 3 vegetables than you will if one becomes a Giant vegetable but the 
Giant Crops are rather bizarre and exciting.

Spring Crops:

Turnip:  60G
Cannery:  90G
Giant:  600G

Potato:  80G
Cannery:  120G
Giant:  800G

Cucumber:  60G
Cannery:  90G
Giant:  600G

Strawberry;  30G
Cannery;  45G
Giant:  300G

Cabbage:  250G
Cannery:  375G
Giant:  2500G

Toy Flower:  130G
Cannery:  195G
Giant:  1300G

Moondrop:  60G
Cannery:  90G
Giant:  600G

Summer Crops:

Tomato:  60G
Cannery:  90G
Giant:  600G

Corn:  100G
Cannery:  150G
Giant:  1000G

Onion:  80G
Cannery:  120G
Giant:  800G

Pumpkin:  250G
Cannery:  375G
Giant: 2500G

Pineapple:  500G
Cannery:  750G
Giant:  5000G

Pinkcat Flower:  70G
Cannery:  105G
Giant:  700G

Banana:  300G
Cannery:  450G
Giant:  3000G

Orange:  200G
Cannery;  300G
Giant:  2000G

Peach:  250G
Cannery:  375G
Giant:  2500G

Autumn Crops:

Eggplant:  80G
Cannery:  120G
Giant:  800G

Carrot:  120G
Cannery:  180G
Giant:  1200G

Lv 2 Carrot:  480G
Lv 2 Carrot/Cannery:  720G
Van will pay up to 969G for a bag of Lv 2 Carrot Seeds.

Yam:  100G
Cannery:  150G
Giant:  1000G

Lv 2 Yam: 400G
Lv 2 Yam/Cannery:  600G
Lv 3 Yam 900G
Lv 3 Cannery Yam:  1200G

Spinach:  80G
Cannery:  120G
Giant:  800G

Green Pepper:  40G
Cannery:  60G
Giant:  400G

Magic Flower Blue:  80G
Cannery:  120G
Giant:  800G

MagicFlower Red:  200G
Cannery:  300G
Giant:  2000G

Apple:  100G
Cannery:  150G
Giant:  1000G

Grape:  200G
Cannery:  300G
Giant:  2000G

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