Friday, 24 July 2020

Harvest Moon DS Courtship and Marriage Guide by Freyashawk

Harvest Moon DS Courtship and Marriage Guide

by Freyashawk

email: castleenchanted · aol

Created 15 September 2006
Last Updated on 4 April 2008 with Witch Princess marriage information and how 
the version of the game affects the animal death requirement and the 
requirement to experience Keira's 1st Heart Event in order to unlock the 
fourth mine


Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the game or my 
guide.  I try to answer all serious requests for help but I will not open any 
email with an attachment.  AOL sometimes considers a 'signature' or a simple 
icon as an attachment.  Please send your emails as plain text or I shall not 
be able to respond.  Thank you.

This is a Quick Reference guide to all Heart Events and Rival Heart Events in 
the new Harvest Moon DS game.  Birthdays and a few favourite Affection Point 
gifts are included in the section for each girl as well as items that are 
disliked.   (Remember that you may need to give a girl an item she dislikes in 
order to lower her heart level if you decide that you wish for her to marry 
your rival.)  

You will find characters both from Forget-Me-Not Valley of A Wonderful Life 
and Mineral Town of Friends of Mineral Town in this game.   Although it is set 
in Forget-Me-Not Valley, there will be some differences in terms of the Map 
from the Map in A Wonderful Life.    A few new colourful characters have been 

You will play a male in this game and eligible girls consist of Celia, Flora, 
Lumina, Muffy and Nami as well as the Harvest Goddess, a mermaid named Leia, 
an underground Sleeping Beauty named Keria and the rival to the Harvest 
Goddess, the Witch Princess.  If you insert an FoMT cartridge in your DS at 
the same time as the new HM DS game, you will be able to meet and court the 
eligible girls from FoMT as well, consisting of Ann, Elli, Karen, Mary and 

I have created a Comprehensive Guide that deals with all aspects of life in 
Forget-Me-Not Valley in the new DS Harvest Moon game.  You can find it at:

Harvest Moon DS General Guide

A simple Calendar Guide that lists all Birthdays and Festivals can be found at:

Harvest Moon DS Calendar Guide

A 101 Sprites Guide can be found at:

Harvest Moon DS 101 Sprites Guide

There are Event guides for the first four years of the game as well.  Links to 
all guides are given at the end of this one.

As previously stated, this is intended to be nothing more than a quick 
reference guide.  Birthdays, and the Most Favourite Affection Point Gift as 
well as other Favourite Affection Point Gifts are given as well in the section 
for each girl as well as gifts that the girl detests.  This is not an 
exhaustive list of the items that the girls like to receive, but I tried to 
make certain to include some items in each case that would be inexpensive or 
easy to acquire.  In most cases, I have not included cooked items.  I will add 
those later.  This guide is intended to make it easy for any player to raise 
heart levels quickly from the very start of the game.

A section has been added to this guide that gives only the 1st Heart and Rival 
Heart Events for all eligible girls according to the day of the week on which 
they can be experienced.  Events that can be experienced on any day are listed 
under every day of the week, so you will see repetitions.   This section is 
intended for the player who wishes to experience ALL possible Heart and Rival 
Heart Events.  On any day of the week, the player can look at the list of 
events that can be experienced on that particular day and organise the day 
accordingly.   When a particular weather condition is a requirement, that 
information has been included, as well as the time and location of the event.

The reason it is important to experience the 1st Rival Heart Event for any 
girl as quickly as possible is because you will not be able to experience it 
once you have raised the girl's heart level to purple.   It is easier to 
experience all the 1st or Black Rival Heart Events at the very beginning of 
the game, rather than being forced to reduce the heart level all the way down 
to black later in the game if you decide not to marry the girl yourself.

In the section that provides the actual text of events, all 4 Heart Events are 
given for Valley and Mineral Heart girls as well as the Marriage Event.  All 
four Rival Heart Events for Valley girls are included as well as Rival 
Marriage Events.

I have added a Walkthrough section to my General Guide under a section 
entitled 'A Perfect Game'.  By following the Walkthrough, you will be able to 
experience the 1st Heart and Rival Heart Events for every girl, including the 
Mineral Town girls, in the first Spring.  You will be able to experience the 
2nd and even 3rd Heart Events for some of the girls as well.  

Note about Witch Princess:  In certain versions of this game, you will not be 
able to marry the Witch Princess as the requirement of killing 50 animals 
cannot be fulfilled.  The game simply will not recognise the number of 

Table of Contents

I.  Introduction
II.  Friendship and Courtship
  Affection Points and Friendship Points
  Choosing Gifts Wisely
  Quick Reference Guide to Gifts
  Social Participation
  Romantic Festivals
    Spring Thanksgiving
    Fireworks Festival
    Winter Thanksgiving
    Starry Night Festival
  Harvest Goddess AP Bonus
III.  The Dangers of Neglect
  Resetting AP and FP Points
    Decreasing AP while maintaining FP
    Secret Weapon:  Most Hated Item
    Yellow Heart Event
IV.  Requirements for Marriage
V.  Difference between Heart Events and Rival Heart Events
VI.  Requirements for Heart Events
VII.  Requirements for Rival Heart Events
    Rival Weddings
VIII.  Girls from Mineral Town
IX.  The Love Bangle
X.  All Heart and Rival Heart Events
    Birthdays and Items that affect AP and FP (Heart Levels) included
  Ordinary Girls from Forget-Me-Not Valley
  Magical Girls from Forget-Me-Not Valley
    Harvest Goddess
    Leia  the Mermaid
    Witch Princess
    Keira the Sleeping Beauty
  Eligible Girls from Mineral Town
XI.  All 1st Heart and Rival Heart Events by Day of the Week
XII.  Actual Text of Heart and Rival Heart Events
    All Four Heart Events for each girl
    2nd Rival Heart Events for each Valley girl
    3rd Rival Heart Events for each Valley girl
    4th Rival Heart Events for each Valley girl
    Rival Wedding Events
XIII.  First Year Events Calendar
XIV.  Winter Thanksgiving Events
XV.  Starry Night Festival Events
XVI.  Marriage Proposals and Wedding Event
XVII.  Family Life
    Your Child

I.  Introduction:

Although you will be living in Forget-Me-Not Valley and in that sense, this 
game is more like A Wonderful Life than Friends of Mineral Town or More 
Friends of Mineral Town, the courtship system is very similar to that in 
FoMT/MFoMT.  It is a little more complex, however, in that there are two types 
of Points now:  Affection Points and Friendship Points.  Although Friendship 
Points are extremely important where all characters in the game are concerned, 
for the purpose of courtship and marriage, it is the Affection Points that 
count.  There are specific gifts that will give Affection Points and other 
gifts that a girl likes will give you Friendship Points.   Some gifts will 
affect both levels.  Unlike FoMT/MFoMT, you can give a person more than one 
gift in a single day.  With respect to the eligible girls, however, only the 
first gift that you give will have any effect in raising AP.  Subsequent gifts 
will raise only the FP.

Birthdays are extremely important as in all HM games.  If you give a girl a 
gift on her birthday, the value of the gift in terms of AP and FP will be 
multiplied by 5.  Celia's birthday is 6 Spring.  You therefore should be able 
to raise her heart to purple level faster than any of the other Eligible Girls.

II.  Friendship and Courtship

Affection Points and Friendship Points

As in every Harvest Moon game, Romance and Friendship are as important as 
success in farming, ranching, mining and fishing.  This game is a little more 
sophisticated and complex than other HM games in this respect.  Now there are 
two kinds of Points that affect your relationship with eligible girls as well 
as villagers.  These are 'Affection Points' and 'Friendship Points'.  Only 
eligible girls will have a gauge both for Affection and Friendship.  Affection 
refers to Romance and gaining points in this department will raise a girl's 
heart level.  Eligible girls have a Friendship gauge as well, and this is the 
only gauge that you will have with respect to all other characters in the 

Whenever you give a gift to some one, you usually either will gain or lose 
Friendship Points with that person.  If it is an eligible girl, you may gain 
Affection Points as well as Friendship Points.    As in all Harvest Moon 
games, there are 'Most Favourite' items that will give more points than other 
gifts.  Giving a favourite gift to some one on his/her birthday will multiply 
the points that the gift usually would be worth by 5.  It therefore is 
critical to remember every character's birthday with a gift that he/she likes 
very much.  

There are two ways to gauge the effect of a gift on a character.  One is by 
learning the responses that he/she makes to specific gifts.  The other is by 
purchasing the Love Ring from the Casino.

Once you have the Love Ring from the Casino, you will be able to gauge 
people's friendship and love levels precisely.  If you do not wish to make an 
error when you give a gift to any one, save your game before you give the 
gift, then reload if the person hates the item you gave to him/her!

I am working on a Characters Guide for this game that will give the items that 
each person loves or detests as well as actual responses in each case.  This 
guide deals only with eligible girls.

Friendship Tip:  An easy way to raise Friendship levels is to show a villager 
either your cat or your dog.  There are villagers who prefer one to the other 
and a few do not care for animals at all, but for the most part, you can win 
hearts by taking your cat or dog on a tour of the village and showing your pet 
to the villagers you encounter.

When an individual likes your pet, it will raise FP by 1 Point.  Here is a 
list of the eligible girls who like to be shown your Cat and/or Dog.

Cat or Dog:  Ann, Celia, Elli, Flora, Karen, Lumina, Mary,  Nami, Nina

Cat but not Dog:  Marlin, Muffy, the Witch Princess

Eligible girls who dislike Pets:  Popuri

Please bear in mind the fact that the 'Magical Girls' only can be found at 
specific locations.  After the Harvest Goddess has been rescued, you can 
interact with her only by going to the Goddess Spring and throwing an offering 
into the Spring.  Her 'Most Favourite' offering is a Strawberry.  The Witch 
Princess always can be found inside her hut.  Leia can be found in Daryl's 
basement in the bathtub until she returns to the sea.  After that, you must 
seek her on the beach at midnight on Tuesdays.  Keira can be found always on 
the 255th floor of the Third Mine.  Each time you visit her, you will be 
obliged to defeat every Dark Creature on that floor before the barrier will 
crumble and you will gain access to her chamber.  

Choosing Gifts Wisely:

Monetary value does not determine the value of an item in terms of romance or 
friendship.  Even when a girl likes to receive jewelry, she may be as thrilled 
with a simple flower.  As in all Harvest Moon games, flowers are a wonderful 
gift that can raise the heart levels of men and women alike.  There are a few 
individuals who either are indifferent or who actively dislike flowers, but 
for the most part, it is a great gift and easily acquired if you gather a few 
wild items each day.

For example, if you give a pair of expensive earrings to Lumina, it will raise 
her AP by 300 and her FP by 3, but a Moondrop flower will have the same 
effect.  Another gift that is popular with many characters is chocolate.  You 
can purchase chocolate for 100G from Karen's Supermarket, and it is always 
useful to have a few bars of chocolate in your rucksack to give to villagers 
and girls.

Another inexpensive gift that is quite popular with most people is an ordinary 
egg.  If you have flowers, chocolate and eggs in your rucksack, you will be 
able to make most people quite happy.  For those who do not care for any of 
these items, a fish often can be given instead.  

Actually, even a small fish can thrill the hearts of some characters in this 
game.  A small fish will raise Daryl's FP by 9!  You need to raise Daryl's 
heart level in order to be able to meet Leia the Mermaid.  Giving him a small 
fish each day is an easy and inexpensive way to do that.  Nami, who is rather 
particular and difficult to please, happens to like fish as well.

Quick Gift Guide:

Giving items as gifts in Harvest Moon DS is not as simple as it was in FoMT or 
MFoMT, but there are gifts that generally elicit a positive response from many 
of the eligible girls.  Have Flowers, Eggs, Chocolate, Fish and a few Wild 
Grasses in your Rucksack at all times in order to be able to boost Affection 
and Friendship levels.  

Other useful gifts that are not terribly expensive or difficult to acquire are 
Bread, Bamboo Shoots and Toiletries.   You can purchase Bread as well as 
Chocolate for 100G from Karen's Supermarket.  Flowers, Wild Grasses and Bamboo 
Shoots can be gathered from the wilds.  Chickens are usually the first animals 
you will purchase and raise, and eggs are plentiful thereafter.  Wine is a 
favourite for most men and even some of the women, like Muffy and Karen in 
particular, are very fond of it.  Jewelry and Toiletries in this game can be 
found at the Excavation Site using your hoe.  As soon as you obtain the 
Fishing Rod from Galen, you will be able to catch fish.  

What follows is a quick reference guide to the eligible girls whose Affection 
and/or Friendship levels will be raised by specific inexpensive or common 
gifts.  I listed common gifts before cooked items or ranch products because 
those will not be available to all players early in the game.  The items I 
tried to list first  are easily obtained by any player.  I included Bamboo 
Shoots because they are available in Spring at the start of the game.  These 
are gifts in each case that will raise FP at least by 3 points and in the case 
of the eligible girls, will raise her AP as well.  Incidentally, there are 
items that will raise an individual's AP 
and/or FP by 1 point.  It is better to give an item that raises AP and/or FP 
by one point than to give nothing at all.  There is no rush to marry or have a 
child.  You can raise a person's affection and friendship slowly but surely 
even if you cannot give the 'Most Favourite Item'.  Do what you can at any 
stage of the game.

All flowers will give 300 AP and 3 FP with the following eligible girls:  
Celia, Lumina, Karen, Harvest Goddess
  N.B.  Elli likes MOST flowers

Chocolate will give 500 AP and 9 FP with the following eligible girls:  Ann, 
Mary, Popuri
Chocolate will give 300 AP and 3 FP with the following eligible girls:  Flora, 
Lumina, Muffy, Nami, Elli

Eggs will give 500 AP and 9 FP with the following eligible girls:  Popuri
Eggs will give 300 AP and 3 FP with the following eligible girls:  Ann, Karen

Jewelry will give 500 AP and 9 FP with the following eligible girls:  Muffy, 
Elli, Popuri
Jewelry will give 300 AP and 3 FP with the following eligible girls:  Celia, 
Lumina, Karen, Mary

Toiletries will give 300 AP and 3 FP with the followiing eligible girls:  
Celia, Lumina, Muffy

Fish will give 300 AP and 3 FP with the following eligible girls:  Nami, Elli

Wild Grasses will give 300 AP and 3 FP with the following eligible girls:
   Mary and Elli like some Grasses but dislike others.

Bread will give 300 AP and 3 FP with the following eligible girls:  Lumina, 
Muffy, Ann

Bamboo Shoots will give 500 AP and 9 FP to the following eligible girls:  Karen
Bamboo Shoots will give 300 AP and 3 FP to the following eligible girls:  Mary

Wine will give 500 AP and 9 FP to the following eligible girls:  Muffy, Karen

The Point system in HM DS is a bit more complicated than this, however.  There 
are items that will raise or lower an individual's heart level by a single 
point.  There are other items that, when given, will have absolutely no effect 

The necessary number of AP points for each heart level are:
Black Heart:  0 AP to 10000 AP
Purple Heart:  10000 AP to 20000 AP
Blue Heart:  20000 AP to 30000 AP
Green Heart:  30000 AP to 40000 AP
Yellow Heart:  40000 AP to 50000 AP
Orange Heart:  50000 AP to 60000 AP
Red Heart:  60000 AP
Maximum AP:  65535 AP

Maximum FP for any one is 255.  After that, AP continues to rise but FP stays 
at 255.  Maximum AP is  65535.  

Strategies for gift-giving:

It is difficult sometimes to remember whether or not you have given an item to 
some one on a particular day, especially if there are interruptions to 
gameplay.  I find that it is easiest if I create a daily routine with respect 
to gifts for all the eligible girls.  Most of the girls will be in their 
bedrooms before 8.00 a.m.  Using one of the less expensive, most easily 
obtainable gifts that raises AP in each case as an example:  After feeding 
your animals and collecting all ranch products,  use the teleport stone to go 
first to Daryl's house to visit Leia and give her a medium fish, then to the 
Blue Bar to see Muffy and give her chocolate.  Go then to the Mansion, 
visiting Lumina in her room to give her chocolate or a flower.  If you have 
any rubbish or a weed, pop into the Witch Princess' hut and give it to her.  
Find Nami upstairs in her bedroom at the Inner Inn at this hour and give her a 
small fish or chocolate there.  Go to Daryl's house, enter the basement and 
give Leia a flower or a medium fish.  Even a small fish will raise her heart 
level, although a medium fish is more effective.  Celia and Flora are at the 
end of the list, simply because they can be found indoors later in the day 
than the other girls.  I recommend giving gifts to every one indoors whenever 
possible, as it does not consume any time.  Accessing your rucksack when you 
are outside takes time and often items must be separated before given as 
gifts.  In particular, if you wish to equip the Love Bangle before you give 
some one an item, it takes no time to do this if you are inside a building.  

Incidentally, visitors from Mineral Town will be found in the guest rooms on 
the 2nd floor of the Inner Inn before 8.00 a.m.  Go north from the stairs to 
find the guest rooms.  The guest room for girls is on the left near Van's 
orange crate and the guest room for the boys is on the right.   The only 
Mineral Town guest who never will be found in the Inn is Mary.  At the 
earliest, you can find her in Lumina's bedroom at 8.00 a.m. on Mondays.

Social Participation

You can gain or lose affection with girls simply by attending or failing to 
attend a festival.  It is a good idea always to attend festivals, even when 
the festival is one where you are not eligible to participate actively.  Speak 
to every one who is at the Festival, both before and after the main event if 
possible.  One festival that will raise the heart levels of all the ordinary 
eligible girls is the Fireworks Festival on 24 Summer.  If there is a girl at 
green heart level or higher, you can watch the fireworks with her.  If not, 
however, you can speak to every eligible girl and gain Affection Points by 
doing so.

The Harvest Festival is one that requires a difficult choice.  If you wish to 
marry the Witch Princess, you will be required to donate a Toadstool to the 
Hot Pot for 5 years.  If  you donate something good to the Hot Pot, however, 
you gain 5 FP with every one there.  The effect of donating a Toadstool is the 
same in terms of FP as if you did not attend at all.  In other words, you lose 
the chance to gain 5 FP if you do not attend or if you donate a Toadstool.   
AP is not affected no matter what.  Donating a Toadstool DOES affect your own 
energy levels, however.  It does nothing in terms of Stamina but it increases 
your Fatigue by 2 points.

The Benefits of Dialogue

In FoMT and MFoMT, you can raise affection levels somewhat simply by speaking 
to an individual twice each day.  In HM DS, conversation alone will not raise 
AP or FP but it can prevent FP from decreasing over time.  Once you have every 
individual at the maximum friendship level of 255 FP, all you need to do is 
visit every one at least once every few days to speak to him/her.

Like FoMT and MFoMT, conversation often can be a good indication of affection 
or friendship level.  As is the case in Mineral Town, there are specific 
locations where, if you speak to some one, his/her responses will differ 
according to heart level.  Especially where the Mineral Town girls are 
concerned, this can be useful as you cannot see the colour of their hearts at 
any point in time.  

It is interesting to note that, at black heart level, most people when you 
speak to them will assume that you have come to visit some one else.  When you 
meet Ann in the kitchen of the Inner Inn, for example, she will ask you if you 
need something from Ruby when she is at black heart level.  Celia in the 
kitchen of Vesta's house will ask you if you have come to visit Vesta.  

When you meet individuals in their bedrooms at 6.00 a.m., usually their 
conversation will remain the same no matter how high or low their AP and/or FP.
You need to confront them again at a location where their conversation does 
vary according to friendship level.  Meet Muffy when she is working at the 
Blue Bar to hear responses that reflect her degree of liking for you.  

Romantic Festivals

Although it is a good idea to attend all Festivals, there are Festivals that 
are Romantic in nature.  The first of these is the Spring Thanksgiving on 14 
Spring.  Players familiar with FoMT and MFoMT will recall the Spring and 
Winter Thanksgiving Festivals from those games.  Unfortunately, giving a girl 
the appropriate gift in Harvest Moon DS is not as simple!  In FoMT/MFoMT, a 
bar of chocolate would suffice, even though the traditional gift was Cookies.  
In HM DS, any gift apart from Cookies simply will not be recognised on that 
day as a Spring Thanksgiving offering.  

For those who are unfamiliar with Harvest Moon Thanksgiving Festivals, a brief 
explanation may be in order.  They are the HM  equivalent, not 
of 'Thanksgiving' but of St. Valentine's Day.   The main difference is that 
the Festival is gender-specific in Harvest Moon, divided into two separate 
days, one for the girls and the other for the boys.   On the occasion of the 
Spring Thanksgiving Festival, on 14 Spring, boys are expected to give Cookies 
to any girls they like.  On the occasion of the Winter Thanksgiving Festival, 
it is the turn of the girls to give boys Chocolate Cake.  

N.B. The celebration of two 'Valentine Day' festivals actually is Japanese, 
although the dates in reality differ.  The Valentine Day festival wherein 
girls give boys gifts is called the 'White Thanksgiving' and occurs in March 
in Japan.  In Harvest Moon, it occurs on 14 Winter.

Spring Thanksgiving Festival

In your first Spring, you will not have a Kitchen and thus be unable to give 
any Spring Thanksgiving gifts.  By your second year, however, you should be 
able to make and give Cookies to every eligible girl in the game.  Here is the 

Cookies:  Egg, Flour and Butter baked in an Oven.
Butter:  Milk churned in a Mixer

You can give Cookies to EVERY ONE if you like but it is only the eligible 
girls who will recognise them as a Thanksgiving gift and only the eligible 
girls who will gain 1000 AP if you present them with Cookies on this day.  
Even Karen from Mineral Town, who ordinarily loathes sweets, will accept 
Cookies graciously on the occasion of the Spring Thanksgiving.   It is only 
the AP that will be increased by 1000 points incidentally.  FP will not be 
affected by Thanksgiving Cookies.

The actual responses of all the eligible girls is given in a separate section 
below.  As you will see, the Winter Thanksgiving actually is considered the 
first Thanksgiving Festival and the Cookies given in Spring are considered 
a 'return' gift of gratitude.

Fireworks Festival

The second Romantic Festival is the Fireworks Festival on 24 Summer.  Between 
6.00 p.m. and 9.00 p.m., the two twins, Kassey and Patrick, will preside over 
a Fireworks Show at the Beach.  Go to the Beach and you will find every girl 
there.  If you have connected your GBA FoMT or MFoMT to your DS game, you will 
find all the girls from Mineral Town there as well.  If a girl is at green 
heart level or higher, she will invite you to watch the fireworks with her.  
You have the option to Accept or Decline.  Each girl at the appropriate heart 
level will ask you until you accept an invitation.    If no girl is at a high 
enough heart level, you can enjoy the show with the crowd.

Winter Thanksgiving Festival

The third Romantic Festival in Harvest Moon DS is the Winter Thanksgiving, 
which occurs on 14 Winter.  As previously stated, this is the day when girls 
give Chocolate Cake to the boys they like.   You need to leave your house at 
specific times in order to receive the gifts and you will receive them only 
from the girls whose hearts are at Purple or higher levels.  The schedule is 
as follows:

     Lumina:  visits from 6.00 a.m. to 7.00 a.m.
     Celia:  visits from 8.00 a.m. to 9.00 a.m.
     Flora:  visits from 10.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m.
     Muffy:  visits from 12.00 noon to 1.00 p.m.
     Nami:  visits from 2.00 p.m. to 3.00 p.m.

The 'magical girls' will not bring gifts on this occasion.  

If you are married, your spouse will smuggle a piece of chocolate cake into 
your rucksack in the middle of the night, as is the case in both FoMT and 

Starry Night Festival

Finally, there is the Starry Night Festival on 24 Winter.  The Festival is 
celebrated at 6.00 p.m. and occurs at the house of the girl with whom you have 
agreed to spend the Festival. You must be at Green Heart level or higher with 
a Valley girl in order to obtain an invitation.   In Celia's case, it occurs 
at Vesta's house.  In Flora's case, it occurs in the Tent.  If you agree to 
spend the evening with Lumina, you will go to the Villa.  Muffy will invite 
you to the Blue Bar and Nami will invite you to the Inner Inn.  Any of the 
magical girls will spend the Starry Night Festival with you at your 
farmhouse.  If you accept an invitation from a Magical Girl, she will come to 
your house at 6.00 p.m.  The text of each Starry Night Event is given in a 
section below.  It is not as truly Romantic an occasion as it is in FoMT or 
MFoMT.  In particular, in MFoMT, the bachelor will give you a Ring!  In this 
game, you will find your rival present at the event, and it is more of a 
family occasion than a romantic one.  Even so, it is an opportunity to become 
more intimate with the girl of your dreams and her family.

Harvest Goddess AP Bonus

After you rescue 60 Sprites, the Harvest Goddess will be restored to life.  
Visit her at the Goddess Pond each day for 10 days, giving her a gift that she 
likes each day.  Her favourite gift is Strawberries.  On the 11th day, she 
will thank you as usual, then say:  

And...  I must thank you for all the times you've come to me.  Freyr, is there 
some one that you like?

Your choices:


Harvest Goddess:  Who is it?  You can tell me.

You now can make a choice from three different menus:



Harvest Goddess
Witch Princess

When you have made your choice, the Harvest Goddess will declare:

Harvest Goddess:  Okay.  I'll bring (name of girl)'s Affection Rate up a 
little.  Just a minute.
(She casts a spell.)
Harvest Goddess:  And it's complete!  Come again any time.

She will raise the girl's Affection by 2000 AP.  If you have been diligent in 
giving gifts to the Valley girls, you will not need this boost from the 
Harvest Goddess.   It becomes most useful if you wish to raise the AP of one 
of the Mineral Town girls, as you see them only once each week and it takes a 
long time to raise their Heart levels.  Even if you do not intend to marry one 
of them, it is fun to experience their Heart Events and you gain point towards 
your Farming Degree for each Event that you experience.  In fact, it is not a 
good idea to marry a Mineral Town girl, as the game will end immediately if 
you do.   

Incidentally, if you choose 'Harvest Goddess', she will say:  'Oh, Harvest 
Goddess.  Then:  .............................  Oh Freyr, it's me that you 
like?  I see.'
(She then casts her spell.)
Harvest Goddess:  My Affection Rate went up a little bit.  Come again any time.

In all honesty, it is rather a waste of a wish if you use it on any of 
the 'Magical Girls' apart from Leia or Keira as their Heart Events are based 
on specific requirements rather than AP.  By the time you meet the 
requirements even for the Purple Heart Event, the Magical Girl's heart could 
be deepest red as the requirements can be arduous.  For example, you cannot 
experience the Witch Princess' Purple Heart Event until you have littered at 
least 10 times, have killed 50 of your animals, brought a Toadstool to the 
Harvest Festival 5 times, have attempted to leave the Valley 10 times, rescued 
the Harvest Goddess and passed out from exhaustion 5 times.   Even if you 
slaughter your animals mercilessly, you cannot experience this event until 
your 5th year at the very earliest, as the Harvest Festival occurs only once 
each year.   Where the Harvest Goddess herself is concerned, you must achieve 
10,000 steps on Pedometre, ship at least 10,000 items, catch at least 10,000 
fish and reach bottom of 1st Mine.  This theoretically could be done even in 
the first year, but it would require a tremendous amount of shipping and 
fishing.  As fish caught by the Fishing Team will not count towards your fish 
total, it is unlikely that you would be able to ship 10,000 fish in the first 

As far as actual AP is concerned, by giving the Harvest Goddess strawberries 
each day from the day of her 'rescue', her heart will be purple on the day 
when you are given the opportunity to make this wish.  To use the wish to 
boost her heart level, therefore, would be a total waste.

III.  The Dangers of Neglect

In this game, if you fail to give a gift or speak to a girl or any villager 
for a week, you may lose Affection and Friendship Points with the girl and 
Friendship Points with any other villager.   If you go to the trouble of 
finding and giving a gift that will raise a girl's AP by 500 Points and her FP 
by 9, your efforts effectively may be wasted if you then forget to visit her 
for a few days!  The degree to which AP and FP levels will drop depends on the 
time that elapses between gifts.   It is better to give an inexpensive item 
that raises AP by 300 and FP by 3 on a daily basis than to give a hugely 
effective item but then neglect the girl afterwards for a week.  

In this respect, you will find it more difficult to maintain high AP and FP 
levels with the girls of Mineral Town as they only visit Forget-Me-Not Valley 
once each week.  Make certain that you always see them and give them a 
favourite item on the day when each visits your village.  

Sometimes, you may meet a girl and have nothing in your rucksack that she 
loves.  In such a case, if you have not given her anything previously that 
day,  you should give her a gift that will raise her FP at least by 1 even if 
you have nothing that would thrill her enormously.  It is better to gain one 
point than lose any.

You must be aware of the dangers of littering as well.  Throwing an item onto 
the ground or an item (even a fish) into the sea is considered littering, even 
if you do this on your own land. You cannot throw a weed onto the ground on 
your own field or a public field without negative effect.  It need not be 
rubbish either.  Dropping a crop on the ground by accident will cause a loss 
of AP and FP with individuals.   Even the Witch Princess, who ordinarily 
delights in mischief, will be very cross with you if you drop an item in her 
house and her AP and FP will decrease!

Resetting AP and FP Points:

There is a possibility that, even if you give an individual a gift that he/she 
particularly likes, raising AP and/or FP, you will find that, the next 
morning, the individual's AP and/or FP has been reset to 0.  A number of 
players have experienced this when courting a girl.  This game is extremely 
strict with respect to the penalty for 'littering' as well as other 'anti-
social behaviour'.  If you drop an item on the ground or into the water, even 
on your own property, you will lose AP and FP with others.  Be extremely 
careful.  It is only when you possess the Miracle Glove that you will be able 
to dispose of unwanted items easily and be able to guarantee that any item in 
your hand will not be dropped accidentally.  (The Miracle Glove ensures that 
any item will go directly to the shipping container.)

When an individual reaches the maximum level of 255 FP, you will be able to 
restore points lost if you drop a single item accidentally.  Even if you have 
every one in the village at the maximum level of friendship and/or affection, 
there is a simple way to try to make certain that your relationships will 
remain stable.  The way to do this is by obtaining a Friend Brooch and 
equipping it before you go to bed at night.  The power of the Friend Brooch 
depends upon its size or level.  The Friend Brooch that can be purchased from 
Jet at the Sprite Company Tree is a 'Small' Friend Brooch.  When worn, it may 
or may not raise the friendship level of every individual by 2 points.  The 
most powerful Friend Brooch is the Large Friend Brooch that is found in the 
3rd Mine.  When found, it will be in Cursed form.  You must ring the Church 
and pay 100,000G in order to transform it into the Large Friend Brooch.  When 
equipped before bed, it will raise the friendship level of a random number of 
individual in the Valley by 2 points.  Obviously, in the case of individuals 
at maximum 255 Friendship level, it simply will guarantee that you lose no 
points with those individuals.

If you save your game at night before you go to bed, apart from making certain 
that the weather forecast is good the next morning before you save again, you 
can visit the girl you are courtiing immediately to make certain that her AP 
and FP have not decreased before you save again.   

Other risks exist in Harvest Moon DS.  Leia the Mermaid will return to the sea 
when her mother needs her at home in the Autumn of the second year, unless you 
take the Message in the Bottle to her sooner.  If you trigger her 4th and 
final heart event before the autumn of the second year, she will return to the 
sea afterwards.  In either case, you will be able to find her after that on 
Tuesday nights at midnight.  Obviously, it is easier to raise her affection 
and friendship when you are able to visit her daily in Daryl's basement.  
Although there are many events that you will miss if you marry too quickly, it 
is important to raise AP and FP levels of as many individuals as possible by 
the start of the second year.  

There may be advantages, however, if a girl's AP and FP are reset.  If a girl 
is at the highest heart level, you no longer will be able to experience her 
rival heart events.  The second rival heart event cannot occur before the 2nd 
year of the game.  The third rival heart event cannot occur before the third 
year of the game.   The fourth and final rival heart event cannot occur before 
the fourth year of the game.    By the second year, you should have a Kitchen 
and all cooking implements and therefore should be able to give Most Favourite 
items that are worth +800 AP and +9 FP to every girl in the game.  That will 
make it easier to raise a girl's heart level quickly if it has been reset.

Decreasing AP without losing FP

If you raise a girl's AP to maximum level in order to experience all of her 
Heart Events, you can decrease her AP level in order to allow her to 
experience the rival heart events afterwards while continuing to maintain 
maximum FP.  Remember that only the first gift of the day will affect a girl's 
AP.  If you wish to decrease her AP, give her an item that she detests.  For 
most girls, a weed is a good choice, but there is an item that each girl 
detests above all others, and it is a different item for each girl.  I have 
named it the 'Secret Weapon item' and the next section deals with this.   If a 
girl detests weed, both AP and FP will decrease.  You then can give her items 
to restore her FP to maximum on the same day without further affecting her 
AP.  In this fashion, you will be able to decrease her AP day by day while 
maintaining maximum friendship with her.

Secret Weapon:  Most Hated Item

Although each individual dislikes a number of items and detests others even 
more, the eligible girls are unique in that there is a single item for each 
that they utterly detest to the point of decreasing AP by 5000 and FP by 20.  
I believe that the purpose of this is to allow you to decrease their heart 
levels quickly after experiencing the yellow heart event in order to allow the 
rival heart events to occur.

For Celia, that item is Pickled Cucumber.  For Muffy it is a small fish.  For 
Flora it is Red Grass and for Nami it is Grape Jam.  For Lumina, it is Elli 
The 'Secret Weapon' item is good to use only if you need to lower a girl's 
heart quickly in order to experience a Rival Heart Event.  

Yellow Heart Events

The 'Yellow Heart Event' is the fourth and final Heart Event.  Once you 
experience this event, you simply need to raise the girl's AP to 60,000, make 
certain that you have the Big Bed in your house, buy the Blue Feather from 
Karen's Supermarket, then propose to her in order to marry her.  You do need 
to rescue the Harvest Goddess as well before you can marry ANY ONE.  She will 
be rescued automatically when you rescue your 60th Sprite.  

If you do not wish to marry the girl, then you will need to decrease her heart 
level AFTER experiencing the Yellow Heart Event to enable her to marry your 
rival.  The first way to do this is by answering incorrectly if you are given 
an option to do so during the Heart Event.  That will bring her heart level 
down to Green again.  It will not decrease her FP, however, which is good as 
it is best to maintain maximum FP with every one in the Valley.

For example, in Celia's 4th Heart Event, she will ask you to tell her 
something interesting.  You will be given the following options as the topic:

About the farm.
Girls in the Valley.

If you choose 'About the farm', her heart level will increase, but if you 
choose to talk about other girls in the Valley, her heart level will decrease 
to Green.  If you do not wish to marry Celia, it is best to answer 'Girls in 
the Valley'.  

In Flora's 4th Heart Event, you will overhear her musing to herself about her 
feelings for you when you enter the Excavation Site.  When she discovers your 
presence, you will have a choice of two responses.  Unlike the options in 
other heart events, the correct response may not be as obvious here:

I just got here.
I don't hate you.

If you declare, 'I don't hate you', she will realise that you overheard her 
monologue and be upset about that.  Her heart will go back to Green.  If, on 
the other hand, you tell her 'I just got here', she will not be embarrassed.

Lumina's 4th Heart Event occurs when you enter her bedroom at the Villa in the 
evening.  Like her second heart event, the last one involves her obsession 
with DVD players.  She will be upset because you purchased the only DVD player 
that Van had.  Your choices:

Come to my house anytime.
Give it up.

Obviously, you need to be rude and tell her to 'Give it up' if you have no 
intention of marrying the girl.

Muffy's 4th Heart Event will occur at your farm when you leave your farmhouse 
on a sunny morning.  She will suggest that you go on a date, as the weather is 

Your choices:

Let's go on a date!
Sorry, I have work to do.

If you tell her that you have work to do, her heart level will go back down to 

Like Muffy, for Nami's 4th Heart Event, she will visit your farm on a sunny 
day before noon when her heart reaches Yellow level.  She will ask you if she 
is in the way.  Simply tell her 'Yes' to decrease her heart level and end the 

IV.  Requirements for Marriage:

When Affection Points reach 60,000, you will be able to propose and be 
accepted by one of the eligible girls, provided that you have met all other 
requirements for marriage.  Like FoMT/MFoMT, requirements for marriage include 
ownership of the Big Bed, having experienced all four Heart Events and 
reaching a deep red heart level with the girl you desire to marry.  There is 
one new requirement in HM DS:  you must have rescued at least 60 Sprites in 
order to be able to marry as the rescue of 60 Sprites results in the rescue of 
the Harvest Goddess who acts as the protectress of all romance and friendship.

The Harvest Goddess rings the wedding bells at every wedding, and there can be 
no marriages until she has been returned to her position in the Valley.

When you have at least 50,000 Affection Points with any girl, the Blue Feather 
will become available at Karen's Shop.  

N.B.  Unlike FoMT or MFoMT, you need not purchase the Kitchen in this game.  
The Big Bed will be offered as soon as you have upgraded your house a second 
time.  A kitchen is very useful, however, and many gifts that individuals love 
best are cooked items.  Moreover, you will not be able to complete either your 
Shipping List or your Recipe List without a kitchen and all kitchen 
implements, nor will you be able to participate in the Cooking Festival.

When the girl of your dreams has reached at least 60,000 AP, you can take the 
Blue Feather to her.  Equip it in your tool slot and flourish it.  She then 
will respond to your proposal with a special event.  After accepting your 
proposal, the wedding will occur precisely one week later on the beach.  
Thomas will preside and the Harvest Goddess will make an appearance to give 
her blessing and supervise the tolling of the wedding bells.  All inhabitants 
of the Valley (apart from Mukumuku if it is not the Winter season) will 
attend, but the girls from Mineral Town will be absent.  After the bells have 
tolled, the credits will roll.  

You will resume your game a day after the wedding.  Your wife's first act as 
mistress of the house will be to ask you if you would like to be called by a 
special endearment.   It has to be six letters or less.  When that matter has 
been settled, you can resume your ordinary tasks.

V.  Differences between Heart Events and Rival Heart Events:

As in FoMT and MFoMT, each girl has four heart events and four rival heart 
events.  The Heart Events are the events that you must experience if you wish 
to marry the girl.  The Rival Heart Events are the events that occur between 
your rival and the girl.  You simply will witness Rival Heart Events rather 
than participating in them.  Heart events involve active participation.  Often 
a question will be asked during the course of a Heart Event.  By giving the 
correct answer, you will raise the heart level of the girl.

There is a special melody that accompanies all heart events and a different 
melody for rival heart events.  If you still cannot distinguish between the 
two, this guide has a section at the end that gives the texts of every heart 
event.  Remember that you cannot experience any of the 2nd Rival Heart Events 
before the second year, any of the 3rd Rival Heart Events before the third 
year, nor any of the 4th Rival Heart Events before the fourth year.  For the 
most part, ALL Heart Events can be experienced in the first year, provided 
only that the girl's heart level has been raised to the required level for 
each Heart Event and any other requirements for experiencing the event have 
been met.  In the case of some of the Mineral Town girls, the Harvest Goddess 
and the Witch Princess, there ARE other requirements apart from heart level, 
making it impossible to experience many of the Heart Events until those 
requirements have been met.  As far as the Valley girls are concerned, the 
only Heart Event that cannot be experienced in the First Year is the 4th Heart 
Event for  Leia.   Leia's 4th Heart Event requires that your character catches 
the Message in the Bottle and that only can be caught in Spring with a 
Mystrile Fishing Rod or higher rod at Mystrile Level.  It cannot be caught 
until Leia reaches Yellow Heart level and even if you meet her early in the 
Spring of your first year and give her a Big Fish every day, you cannot have 
her at Yellow Heart level before the end of your first Spring.  The best you 
can do is have her at Green Heart level.

VI.  Requirements for Heart Events

Heart Events can be experienced in any year, including the first year, 
provided the girl in question has reached the appropriate heart level.  In 
order to experience the 1st heart event, the girl can have a Black Heart level 
or greater.  In order to experience the 2nd Heart Event, she must have a 
Purple Heart (10000 AP) or greater.  In order to experience the 3rd Heart 
Event, her heart level must be Blue (20000 AP) or greater.  To experience the 
4th and final Heart Event, her heart level must be Yellow (40000 AP) or 
greater.  (Green Heart Level at 30000 AP is between Blue and Yellow.)   In the 
case of Heart Events, a girl can be at a higher heart level than that required 
and still experience the Heart Event.  In other words, if you never 
experienced any of Muffy's heart events, but have her at deepest red heart 
level, you still can experience all four of her heart events.  In fact, you 
MUST experience all four in order to be able to marry her.  Heart Events must 
be experienced in proper order.  You will not be able to trigger the 3rd Heart 
Event, for example, if you have not experienced the 2nd.

For those players who are not familiar with the concept of Heart Events, it 
may be useful to stess the fact that it is ONLY the Black Heart Event that 
does not require ANY AP points.  Every heart event that you experience, 
provided you give the correct response to the question given during the event 
will increase your AP by 3000.  This is NOT sufficient to change the heart 
colour of the girl, however, for the most part.  As stated previously, there 
is a specific AP point requirement for each Heart Event.  Only the Black Heart 
event can be experienced at 0 AP.

If you give the incorrect response during any Heart Event, the girl's AP and 
heart level will decrease.   For example, if she is at Blue Heart and you give 
the wrong response during the 3rd (Blue) Heart Event, her heart level will 
decrease to Purple afterwards.  Other than this, an incorrect response does 
not have any permanent effects.  It will not prevent you from experiencing the 
next heart event once the girl reaches the required heart level, nor will it 
prevent her from accepting your marriage proposal ultimately.  

Any heart event can be experienced only once.  If you answer incorrectly, you 
will be obliged to live with the consequences.   As previously stated, the 
only consquence for an incorrect response is that the girl's heart level will 
decrease and it therefore will take longer to bring her to the level required 
for the next event.   The only way to avoid the situation is by saving your 
game BEFORE you experience the heart event.  As a schedule of days and times 
when each event can be experienced is included in this guide, it is easy to go 
the right location at the right day and time and then save your game before 
you trigger the event.

Having a girl at the right AP is no guarantee that you will experience the 
next heart event.  You must be in the right place at the right time to 
experience ANY event in Harvest Moon and Heart Events are no exception.  If a 
girl's next heart event occurs only late at night when you walk up a specific 
path, you never will experience that event if you do not walk late at night on 
that path.  If her event requires bad weather, you will not experience it on a 
sunny day, even if you go to the right place at the right time.  One of the 
purposes of this guide is to give a list of all Heart and Rival Heart Events 
with their requirements in terms of weather, time and location.  If there is 
no mention of weather conditions, you can assume that the event may require 
good weather.

When you experience a Heart Event, often you will be asked a question.  If you 
answer correctly, you will gain 3000 AP for experiencing the Heart Event.  If 
you answer correctly, the girl's heart level will be reduced to the previous 
colour, as you will lose 3000 points instead.  You will not lose ANY FP points 
for answering incorrectly.  

N.B.  If you simply wish to experience all heart events but do not wish to 
marry a specific girl, you have an opportunity to begin to decrease her heart 
level during the fourth and final Heart Event.  You will be given a choice of 
responses during the event.  Deliberately choose the wrong response to 
decrease her heart level to Green.

Other Requirements for Heart Events

Although there is a rigid AP requirement for each heart event, in some cases 
there are other requirements you must meet in order to experience a specific 
heart event with a girl.  Usually these requirements are concerned with 
farming or an object that is needed for the heart event itself.  For example, 
in order to experience Leia's 4th Heart Event, you must have the Bottled 
Message.   You cannot catch the Bottled Message until Leia reaches Yellow 
Heart level and it can be caught only in Spring with a Mystrile Fishing Rod.   
It appears that these extra requirements are more common with respect to the 
Magical Girls and the Mineral Town girls than with the ordinary Valley girls.  
You will not experience even Elli's 1st or Black Heart event until you have 
passed out 50 times.  You cannot experience Mary's 2nd heart event if you do 
not have a Mushroom House and her 3rd requires that you have a Giant crop in 
your field ready to be harvested.   As there is no value in marrying a Mineral 
Town girl as it will bring your game to an end, their heart events do not have 
the same importance as those of the girls that you can marry and still carry 
on with the game.  In the case of the Harvest Goddess and the Witch Goddess, 
as they are 'immortals' and have exceptional magical powers, it is quite 
appropriate that they would require exceptional farming achievements or skills 
as a pre-requiiste to marriage.   Requirements for marrying the Harvest 
Goddess in this game are not that different from FoMT.  The requirements for 
marriage to the Witch Princess are somewhat negative and involve general 
mischief-making as she is practices black magic as well as white.

In every case, you must be aware that every heart event in the game has a 
specific weather requirement, whether foul or fair.  If you wish to experience 
a specific heart event, please make certain that you have read the schedule in 
this guide carefully.  In any case where weather conditions are not mentioned, 
you will be able to experience the event on a sunny day.  When rain or snow is 
a requirement, you probably will not be able to experience the event easily in 
the Summer Season as the chances of rain on any day in Summer are more remote 
than the chances that a typhoon will occur.

With respect to particular requirements for events, sometimes it is simply a 
matter of common sense.  As Lumina's 2nd Heart Event is based on a desire on 
her part to see your DVD player, it is not enough to purchase the player 
itself from Van.  You must purchase at least one DVD as well.  Otherwise, how 
on earth will she be able to see how the player works?

Muffy's 4th Heart Event can occur only in Summer.  If you wish to be able to 
marry her in the first year, you must give her gifts each day and experience 
her first three heart events before the end of the Summer season in order to 
be able to experience the 4th Heart Event in the Summer of the first year.  It 
can be done, but it requires some dedication.

One Heart Event per Day

Certainly where the Mineral Town girls are concerned, one only can experience 
one heart event in a single day even if the girl's AP is high enough to 
experience all the heart events.  Having experienced one heart event, you then 
must wait a week to experience the next.   I do not know if this is the case, 
however, where the Valley girls are concerned.

Moreover, in some cases, experiencing a different sort of event with a Mineral 
Town girl on any specific day will mean that you will have to wait until her 
next visit to experience her heart event.  Two events with Popuri that are 
triggered only on a rainy day cannot be experienced the same day.  One is her 
third Heart Event and the other is an event at the Blue Bar (not a heart 
event).  I found that, if I experienced the Blue Bar event on a rainy Sunday, 
I no longer could trigger her Third Heart Event.  In the same way, if I chose 
to experience her Third Heart Event, I no longer could trigger the Blue Bar 
event.  I would be obliged to experience the other event the next rainy Sunday.

VII.  Requirements for Rival Heart Events:

Rival Heart Events are quite different in their requirements.  In order to 
experience any Rival Heart Event, the girl's heart must be at a specific heart 
level or LOWER.  If her heart level is too high, you will be required to lower 
it (by giving her items that she detests) in order to experience the event.  
There are time restrictions on Rival Heart Events as well.  You cannot 
experience the 2nd Rival Heart Event until the 2nd year of the game.  You 
cannot experience the 3rd Rival Heart Event unless you have reached the third 
year and the 4th and final Rival Heart Event cannot occur before the 4th 
year.  This should give even the slowest and most bashful character a chance 
to woo the girl of his dreams away from his rival!    You must be aware of the 
fact that, should you experience the 4th and final Rival Heart Event for any 
girl, that girl WILL marry your rival.  It will be too late for you to 
experience the 4th heart event with her.  


It is a good idea to experience all the 'Black' Heart Events as soon as 
possible in the game.  This entails experiencing not only the First Heart 
Event for any girl but wherever applicable, the First Rival Heart Event as 
well.  The reason for this is that the higher a girl's heart level is raised, 
the more work it will be to lower it significantly.  Every girl starts out at 
Black Heart Level; thus, the best time to experience the first Rival Heart 
Event, requiring that a girl's heart level not be any higher than Black, is at 
the start of the game.  Specifically, try to experience the Black Rival Heart 
Event BEFORE the girl reaches 10000 AP.  There is a little Calendar at the end 
of this guide that lists all the First Heart and Rival Heart Events on a day-
to-day basis.

Once you have chosen the girl you wish to marry, you will want to experience 
the rival heart events for the other girls to encourage them to marry your 
rivals.  You receive 250 points towards your Farm Degree for each Rival 
Marriage.  Although you cannot view your points in this game as you can in 
MFoMT, you can see your Farming level when you access your Farm Assets Menu.


Actually, though, the requirements are not as stringent as they are in FoMT 
and MFoMT.  To experience the 3rd Rival Heart Event, the girl can be at either 
Purple or Blue Heart level.  To experience the 4th and final Rival Heart 
Event, the girl can be either at green or at yellow heart.  Incidentally, if 
you raise or lower the heart levels of the eligible girls and then marry some 
one else, you should be aware of the fact that every eligible girl's heart 
level will decrease by 5000 points upon your marriage.  

Another requirement for the marriage of the rival with the girl is that you 
have a high friendship level with the rival.  Make certain that the rival is 
at 255 FP if you wish to allow him to marry the girl of his dreams and to be 
invited to the wedding.

I receive countless emails from players who wonder why they cannot experience 
a girl's fourth rival heart event when her heart is deepest red.  You cannot 
experience the fourth and final rival heart event if the girl's heart level is 
higher than Yellow.  You cannot experience her third rival heart event if the 
girl's heart is higher than Green.  In this sense, the rival heart events 
differ from the regular Heart Events.  The reason for this is that, if the 
girl likes you too much, she will not respond to your rival!  The game will 
give you the advantage where any girl is concerned, and make her unavailable 
for your rival if her heart reaches a certain level.  In other words, once she 
reaches Red Heart level, your rival will be unable to persuade her to marry 
him and the fourth and final Rival Heart Event will not be able to occur.  You 
will be obliged to lower her heart level back to Yellow if you want to see her 
marry your rival.

VIII.  Eligible Girls from Mineral Town:

If you insert a copy of FoMT or MFoMT into your DS with your DS Harvest Moon 
game, you will unlock characters from Mineral Town and will be able to marry 
any of the eligible girls from Mineral Town.  If you marry a girl from Mineral 
Town, however, your game will end after the wedding as it is supposed that you 
then will move to Mineral Town.  Unfortunately, this information will NOT be 
loaded into your FoMT game!  It is a one-way street.  If you do marry a 
Mineral Town girl and your game ends, you will be able to reload your saved 
game and continue as if you never had married, however.

The eligible girls from Mineral Town will visit Forget-Me-Not Valley only once 
each week, on the day when her shop or business is shut.  It therefore will 
take more time to raise a Mineral Town girl's heart level than any ordinary 
girl from Forget-Me-Not Valley.

Here are the days when you can meet the Mineral Town girls:

Ann:  Friday, before 8.00 a.m. in girls' guest room on the 2nd floor of the 
Inn and in the kitchen of the Inn at 8.00 a.m.  In the afternoon on fine days, 
she stands by the Waterfall
Elli:  Wednesday before 8.00 a.m. in girls' guest room on the 2nd floor of the 
Inn and at Dr. Hardy's house at 8.00 a.m.; in the afternoon on fine days, she 
stands by the Waterfall
Karen:  Tuesday, before 8.00 a.m. in girls' guest room on the 2nd floor of the 
Inn and at Vesta's house in Celia's room at 8.00 a.m.; in the evening, you can 
find her at the Blue Bar.
Mary:  on Monday between 8.00 a.m. and 10.00 a.m. in Lumina's bedroom, 
afterwards in Romana's Mansion at the piano
Popuri:  on Sunday, before 8.00 a.m. in the girls' guest room on the 2nd floor 
of the Inn and in Takakura's house at 8.00 a.m.; in the evening, in the lobby 
of the Inner Inn.

Most girls, including both Mineral Town and Valley girls, can be found at a 
scenic spot at some point during the day.  If you go to the Goddess Pond or 
the Waterfall in the afternoon of any day, you probably will find an eligible 
girl there.  Lumina and Muffy often can be found at the Goddess Pond in the 
Flora and Muffy like to stand on the bridge in the morning.  Nami likes to 
stand on the bank of Turtle Pond or at the beach.

IX.  The Love Bangle

There are a number of different ways by which to gauge the effect of any gift 
on a girl's Affection and Friendship levels.  As in FoMT/MFoMT, each girl 
displays her 'heart' level on her breast.  Her heart will change colour as its 
level is raised or lowered by gifts and events.  Only girls eligible for 
marriage will display their 'hearts'.  

The second way is by listening carefully to the girl's response to a specific 
gift.  When she detests a gift, or is indifferent to it, her response will be 
very different from that to gifts she loves.  Actual responses to items will 
be included in this guide when time permits.

HM DS has a new accessory that allows you to see the precise effect that your 
gift has on a character.  This is the Love Bangle.  It can be purchased at the 
Sprite Casino for 5000 Medals.  When equipped as an accessory, the AP 
(Affection Point) level and FP (Friendship Point) level will appear in the 
bottom left corner of the screen.  You will see the AP and FP levels before 
the gift is accepted and afterwards as well.    The gifts that raise AP levels 
the highest will raise AP by 800 and FP by 9.  The item that will have this 
effect usually is the 'Most Favourite' and if you have played other Harvest 
Moon games, you may be aware of the girl's likes and dislikes.  They remain 
basically the same from game to game.

The next level of Favourite item will raise AP by 500 and FP by 9.  Below that 
are items that are liked that raise AP by 300 and FP by 3 and finally those 
that raise AP by 100 and FP by 1.  There are items that have no effect one way 
or the other.  These are gifts to which the girl is indifferent.  Items that 
the girl rather dislikes will lower AP by 500 and FP by 3.  At the bottom of 
the list are the items that the girl truly detests.  These will lower AP by 
800 and FP by 9.

For example, in Muffy's case:

Her Most Favourite Item is Apple Pie which is worth +800 AP and +9 FP.  Next 
are the items that she loves only a little less, such as Jewelry, Diamonds and 
Wine, as well as a Large Fish.  These are worth +500 AP and +9 FP.   Items 
that she likes that are worth +300 AP and +3 FP include all Fruits, Moondrop 
Flower, Sunblock, Chocolate, Bread and Flour.  Gifts that will decrease her AP 
by 500 and FP by 3 are every type of grass, Lumber and Stone.  Gifts that she 
truly detests that will decrease her levels by 800 AP and 9 FP include all 

The maximum FP with any individual, including eligible girls is 255 points.  
The maximum AP before marriage is 65535 points.  Once you reach this level, 
your gifts will have no effect in terms of raising points.

Family Life

The 'Circle of Life' is very much a part of the philosophy of Harvest Moon and 
marriage ideally leads to parenthood.  It does not do so inevitably, however.  
You must keep your spouse at 60,000 AP (deepest red heart level) or above for 
a full season before your wife will become pregnant.

When the happy event occurs, she will awaken in the morning feeling ill.  You 
will experience an event wherein you take her to Dr. Hardy's house and clinic 
to discover that she is 'expecting'.  The Blessed Event will occur after two 
seasons of pregnancy.  The day before your child is to be born, your wife will 
make an announcement.  

When your child is born, he will not spend any time as an infant (as in FoMT 
or MFoMT) but will become a toddler at once.   There are five 
different 'styles' of child, and the one you have is predicated upon your 
choice of spouse.   As you might expect, marriage to Flora or Muffy will give 
you a son with blonde hair, marriage to Celia or Lumina will give you a child 
with brown hair and marriage to Nami will result in a redhead.  Each spouse 
has a child with different clothing, so although Celia and Lumina both give 
birth to sons with dark hair, Celia's son will have a green outfit and Flora's 
son will wear a red and purple striped outfit.  

If you would like to see all the different types of children, you can refer to 
the Harvest Moon card decks.  They not only show the child as toddler, but as 
adolescent and adult as well.

If you marry a 'magical girl', your child's appearance will be chosen 
randomly.  In such a case, make certain that you save your game the night 
before the birth, so that you can reload if the child is not born with your 
favourite hair colour.  

Your child will develop through two more stages, from young boy to 
adolescent.  Burney's Circus will move into the Valley after the birth of your 
son.  Hugh and Kate will grow into adolescents as well.  

Even as an adult, your son will not help you on the farm, nor will he ever 
marry or have his own family.  This is a disappointment once again to all 
Harvest Moon fans who keep hoping that the extra set of tools you obtain will 
have some real use!

Rival Weddings

When you have experienced the 4th and final Rival Heart Event, the marriage of 
the couple will occur a week later.  The groom will be at your door at 6.00 
a.m. to insist that you attend the wedding.  All rival weddings take place at 
the beach, and almost every one from the Valley will be there.  (The sole 
exception was Nina who, although she still was living at the time of the 
weddings, could not be found in the crowd at the beach.)  

Each wedding will occupy an entire day and you will regain control of your 
character the next day.  If you experience more than one of the 4th Rival 
Heart Events in one day, the weddings will follow one another in succession.   
As with respect to your own wedding, losing control of your character for an 
entire day means that your animals will not be fed.   You could return to your 
chores to find barns filled with unhappy or sick animals, depending on the 
number of weddings you have attended in succession.

X.  All Heart Events and Rival Heart Events:


Birthday:  6 Spring
Most Favourite Affection Point Gift:  Cake
Affection Point Gifts:  Diamond, Pink Diamond, Perfume, Yarn, all Flowers, 
almost all Fruits

Most Favourite Item:  Cake  (+800 AP  +9 FP)
Favourite Items:  Yarn, Diamond, Pink Diamond  (+500 AP  +9 FP)
Next Favourite Items:  All Flowers, All Jewelry, Sunblock, Grapes, Apples, 
Peaches, Milk (+300 AP  +3 FP)

Items she dislikes:   All grasses, Fodder, Bird Feed (-500 AP  -3 FP)
Items she detests:  Poisonous Mushroom, All Ores, Rubbish  (-800 AP  -9 FP)

Show her your Cat or Dog for +1 FP.

Most Hated Item (Secret Weapon item):  Pickled Cucumber (-5000 AP -20 FP)

Her responses:

'Huh, a present?  Thank you.  I love this.'  for diamond, yarn (+500 +9FP)

'It's really pretty.  Huh... you're giving it to me?  Th... thank you.'  for 
earrings (+300 AP and +3 FP)   (+1 FP as second gift)

'I've only seen it in town.  I'll take good care of it.'  for sunblock  (+300 
AP and +3 FP)  (+1 FP as second gift)

'I'm happy.   Thank you.'  for Toy Flower   (+300 AP and +3 FP)  (+1 FP  as 
second gift)

'Thank you' for chocolate, egg  (+100 AP and +1 FP)

'Thank you,' for fish, rice ball  (no effect)

'I hate this the most in the entire world!  You're awful!!' if you give her 
pickled cucumber!  (Secret Weapon to lower her heart level quickly) (-5000 AP -
20 FP)

Recipe for Cake:

Fruit (one Fruit: can use a Strawberry)
Cook in Oven.  
N.B.  Butter is made by placing Milk in a Mixer

Celia's Heart Events

1st Heart Event, aka Black Heart Event: any rainy day but Monday in Vesta's 
farmhouse, 10.00 a.m. to 5.50 p.m
2nd heart event, aka Purple Heart Event:  any day but Monday, walking from 
Main Path to Goddess Pond, 3.30 to 5.50 p.m.
3rd heart event, aka Blue Heart Event:  rainy day at Dr. Hardy's clinic, 6.00 
a.m. to noon.
4th heart event, aka Yellow Heart Event:   4.00 p.m. to 5.50 p.m. any day but 
Tuesday or Wednesday at the Blue Bar  (The event cannot occur on Tuesday, as 
Karen visits on that day and Celia stays with her in her bedroom.  It cannot 
occur on Wednesday as the Blue Bar is shut that day.)

Celia's Rival Heart Events

Your rival for Celia is Marlin.

1st Rival Heart Event, aka Black Rival Heart Event: at Vesta's farmhouse, 5.00 
p.m. to 5.50 p.m. any day but Monday
2nd Rival Heart Event, aka Blue Rival Heart Event:  2nd year or later, walking 
from Main Path to Vesta's farm, 5.00 p.m. to 5.50 p.m. any day but Monday
3rd Rival Heart Event, aka Green Rival Heart Event:  3rd year or later, at 
Vesta's Shop, 5.00 p.m. to 5.50 p.m. any day but Monday
4th Rival Heart Event, aka Orange Heart Event:  4th year or later, walk from 
Main Path to Vesta's shop, 5.00 p.m. to 5.50 p.m. any day but Monday


Birthday:  16 Winter
Most Favourite Affection Point Gift:  Rainbow Curry
Affection Point Gifts: most fruits, most vegetables, chocolate,  fish, Cheese, 
Milk, Yarn, wine

Flora shares a tent with Carter, the resident archaeologist.  Although she 
obviously rather fancies him, she will fall in love with you if you court 
her.  She either is a terrible cook or Carter is extremely ungrateful as he 
complains bitterly about the food she prepares for him.  She can be found at 
6.00 a.m. in the tent to the left of the Excavation Site and during the day, 
she can be found inside the Excavation Site.  Tuesday is her 'day off' and on 
that day, in sunny weather, she will walk to the Sprite Company Tree and later 
stand on the bridge gazing at the river.  On rainy Tuesdays, she can be found 
in the lobby of the Inner Inn, where most of the girls gravitate on rainy days.

Most Favourite Item:  Rainbow Curry  (+800 AP  +9 FP)
Favourite Items:  Diamond, Pink Diamond, Lithograph  (+500 AP  +9 FP)
Next Favourite Items:  All Fruits, Most Vegetables, Fish, Chocolate, Wine  
(+300 AP  +3 FP)

Items she Dislikes:  All grasses, all jewelry, sunblock, Stone, Lumber (-500 
AP  -3 FP)
Items she Detests:  Poisonous Mushrooms, Rubbish, Fodder, Bird Feed  ( -800 
AP  -9 FP)

Show her your Cat or Dog for +1 FP.

Secret Weapon item (most detested to drop her AP by 5000 points):  Red Grass


'I'm gonna' get angry!  I hate this the most.  I'll give it to the 
professor.'  for Red Grass (-5000 AP)

'Is it alright?  Yeah, I'm gonna' dig in.' for diamond  (+500 AP  +9 FP)

'Heh he he he.  I like this you know.  Thank you.'  for chocolate  (+300 AP  
+3 FP)

'Thank you.'   for bamboo shoot  (+100 AP +1 FP)

'I'll have some, but I really don't care for it too much.'  lumber, grasses  (-
3 FP)

I'll have some, but actually I hate it.  I'll give it to the professor'.  for 

Her conversation at the Excavation Site:

At yellow heart:  Freyr~.  Thanks for your hard work~.  How's the work 
going?   I can't find antthing at all~  Well...

Recipe for Rainbow Curry:

Blue Curry
Green Curry
Red Curry
Yellow Curry
Orange Curry
Purple Curry
Indigo Curry
Curry Rice

Cook in Pot.

N.B.  Each of the above individual Curries is made using Rice Ball, Curry 
Powder and the Grass of that specific colour.

You will find Flora most days in the Excavation Site.  On Tuesday, she takes 
a 'day off' and can be found outside the Sprite Company Tree at noon.  On 
rainy afternoons, you will find her in the Lobby of the Inner Inn.

It is when she is at the Excavation Site that her responses depend on heart 

At blue heart she says: When I'm excavating here, time flies, and sometimes I 
forget to even make meals.  Hee hee hee.

Flora's Heart Events

1st Heart Event, aka Black Heart Event:  any day 11.00 p.m. to 12.00 a.m. at 
the Excavation Site
2nd Heart Event, aka Purple Heart Event:  Inner Inn, lobby, 6.00 p.m to 7.50 
p.m. on any day except Tuesday (rain or sun)
3rd Heart Event, aka Blue Heart Event:   walking from Vesta's farm to 
Waterfall on any sunny day except Sunday, 11.20 p.m. to 12.00 a.m.
4th Heart Event, aka Yellow Heart Event:  at Excavation Site, 7.30 a.m. to 
7.50 p.m. on any sunny day except Tuesday

Flora's Rival Heart Events

Your rival for Flora is Carter.

1st Rival Heart Event, aka Black Rival Heart Event:  Excavation site, 9.00 
a.m. to 10.50 a.m. any day but Tuesday
2nd Rival Heart Event, aka Blue Rival Heart Event:   Excavation site, 11.00 
a.m. or after, any day except Tuesday
3rd Rival Heart Event, aka Green Rival Heart Event:  Excavation Site, 1.00 
p.m. to 2.50 p.m. any day except Tuesday
4th Rival Heart Event, aka Orange Rival Heart Event:   Excavation Site, 3.00 
p.m. to 4.50 p.m. any day except Tuesday


Birthday:  29 Spring
Most Favourite Affection Point Gift:  Relax Tea
Affection Point Gifts:  Diamond, Pink Diamond, Perfume, all Flowers, 
Chocolate, all Gems, Wool, Yarn

Lumina lives with her grandmother Romana at the Villa, which is located in the 
northwest corner of the Valley.  Her bedroom is on the second floor of the 
Villa and she can be found there at 6.00 a.m. each morning.  Later, she walks 
to the Goddess Pond.  On rainy days, you will find her in the lobby of the 
Inner Inn.  In the late afternoon, she returns to the Villa and plays the 
piano in the front parlour there.   Lumina is fascinated with entertainment 
technology and the desire of her heart is to acquire a DVD player.  Her best 
friend is Mary from Mineral Town.  You can find both girls in Lumina's bedroom 
after 8.00 a.m. on Monday mornings. 

On Saturday morning, Lumina goes to the Beach. 

It is interesting to note that Lumina apparently has a weakness for baby 
animals.  Whenever you use Miracle Animal Potion, and whenever a baby animal 
is born on your farm, her heart level will increase.

Most Favourite Item:  RelaxTea  (+800 AP  +9 FP)
Favourite Items:  Diamond, Pink Diamond  (+500 AP  +9 FP)
Next Favourite Items:  Sunblock, Bread, Chocolate, all Flowers, all Gems  
(+300 AP  +3 FP)

Items she Dislikes:

All grasses  (-500 AP  -3 FP)
Poisonous Mushroom, Golden Lumber, Bird Feed, Fodder, Rubbish (-800 AP  -9 FP)

Most Hated item:  Elli Leaves (-5000 AP -20 FP)

Show her your Cat or Dog for +1 FP.

Actual responses: 

For weed:  'I'm not feeling well...'

'...................................'  for Elli Leaves (Most Hated Item)  (-
5000 AP -20 FP)

Recipe for Relax Tea:

Relax Tea Leaves  (purchase at Casino Window or make in your Kitchen)

Cook in Pot.

Lumina's Heart Events

1st Heart Event, aka Black Heart Event: at Romana's mansion, any evening from 
7.30 to 7.50 p.m.
2nd Heart Event, aka Purple Heart Event:  6.00 a.m. at home, must own DVD 
Player, and must be sunny day.  If you oversleep, you will not experience it!
3rd Heart Event, aka Blue Heart Event:   exit Sprite Company Tree, 3.40 p.m. 
to 5.50 p.m. any sunny day
4th Heart Event, aka Yellow Heart Event:  Lumina's Bedroom, any sunny day,  
9.00 p.m. to 10.50 p.m.

Lumina's Rival Heart Events

Your rival for Lumina's heart is Rock.

1st Rival Heart Event, aka Black Rival Heart Event:  Exiting the Sprite Tree, 
11.00 a.m. to 12.50 p.m. on a sunny Tuesday
2nd Rival Heart Event, aka Blue Rival Heart Event:  at Beach, 11.00 a.m. to 
12.50 p.m. on Saturday
3rd Rival Heart Event, aka Green Rival Heart Event:  leaving Sprite Company 
Tree 11.00 a.m. to 12.50 p.m. on Tuesday (unfortunately, you will see the 4th 
Rival Heart Event instead of the 3rd in the English version and it will end at 
the beach)
4th Rival Heart Event, aka Orange Rival Heart Event:  at Beach, 11.00 a.m. to 
12.50 p.m. on Saturday  (you will have seen this event before, but you must 
experience it again in the 4th year if you wish the couple to marry)


Birthday:  5 Summer

Muffy works at the Blue Bar with Griffin in the evenings.  She is a very open-
hearted girl with a love of life and is very sociable.  You can find her in 
her bedroom at the very back of the Blue Bar at 6.00 a.m. in the morning.  You 
need to climb the ladder in Griffin's room to reach her bedroom.  When she is 
there, her conversation will be the same no matter what her heart level is.  
It is when you speak to her in the Blue Bar in the evening that her dialogue 
will change according to her heart level.  

Most Favourite Affection Point Gift:  Apple Pie 
Affection Point Gifts: Diamond, Pink Diamond, Jewelry, Wine, Chocolate, Flour, 
Moondrop Flower, Flour, Banana, Orange, Pineapple

Most Favourite Item:  Apple Pie (+800 AP +9 FP)
Favourite Items:  All Jewelry, Diamonds, Wine  (+500 AP +9 FP)
Next Favourite items:  Moondrop Flower, Chocolate, Flour, All Fruits, 
Sunblock, Bread  (+300 AP  +3 FP)

Items that she dislikes:

All grasses, Lumber  (-500 AP -3 FP)

Items she detests:

All Ores, Poisonous Mushrooms, Rubbish, Fodder, Bird Feed  (-800 AP  -9 FP)

Most Hated Item (Secret Weapon):  Small Fish  (-5000 AP -20 FP)

Show her your Cat for +1 FP.

Actual responses:

'A birthday present?  It looks expensive, is it ok?  I'll take good care of 
it.  (for earrings on her birthday)

'Wow, it's wonderful.  I really like stuff like this.  Thank you.'  for Wine

'Oh, how gorgeous.  What?  You're giving it to me?  I really like you, 
Freyr!''  for all Jewelry   (+500 AP +3 FP)  (+3 as second gift)

'I've wanted one for awhile!  Thank you!!'  for skin lotion  (+500 +3 FP)

Yuck!  What is this?'  for weed  (-800 AP -9 FP)

'Don't do this again!  I can't stand this thing!'  for small fish (-5000 AP -
20 FP)  (Secret Weapon item to decrease AP)

Recipe for Apple Pie:


Cook in Oven.

Muffy's dialogue:

At the blue Bar at blue heart level, she will say:  Freyr, let's go on a date 

At the Blue Bar at yellow heart, she will say:  Hee hee (heart)  When you're 
tired, take a break here and reenergise.'

At the Blue Bar at orange heart, she will say:  So you've come over.  You're 
welcome.  I'm happy you've stopped by...

Muffy's Heart Events

1st Heart Event, aka Black Heart Event: at Blue Bar 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
2nd Heart Event, aka Purple Heart Event:  at Beach, 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. 
any rainy day but Wednesday
3rd Heart Event, aka Blue Heart Event:  at Blue Bar, 6.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. 
any day but Wednesday
4th Heart Event, aka Yellow Heart Event: when you exit farmhouse, 9.20 a.m. to 
noon. on a sunny Summer day

Muffy's Rival Heart Events:

Your rival for Muffy's heart is Griffin.

1st Rival Heart Event, aka Black Rival Heart Event:  Blue Bar, 9.00 a.m. to 
10.50 a.m. any day but Wednesday  (must be a rainy day)
2nd Rival Heart Event, aka Blue Rival Heart Event:  from your Farm to Main 
Path, 10.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. any day but Wednesday
3rd Rival Heart Event, aka Green Rival Heart Event:  Blue Bar, rainy day from 
9.00 a.m. to 10.50 a.m. any day but Wednesday
4th Rival Heart Event, aka Orange Rival Heart Event:  Blue Bar, rainy day from 
9.00 a.m. to 10.50 a.m. any day but Wednesday


Birthday:  24 Fall
Most Favourite Affection Point Gift:  Gratin
Affection Point Gifts:  Wild Grapes, Grapes, Red MagicGrass, Fish, Cut Gems, 

Nami is a bohemian who travels frequently.  She is a bit of a 'waif' or lost 
soul and Ruby has adopted a maternal role towards her.  Although rather 
unfriendly at the start, once you break through her defences, she proves to be 
kinder and more considerate than you may have thought originally.  She was a 
sportscaster in Magical Melody but left that job apparently long ago.  

If you have connected to the GBA FoMT or MFoMT, you will experience a scene 
involving Nami and Cliff from Mineral Town.  In this scene, Nami claims that 
she was the one who helped Cliff when he passed out in the snowstorm in Rose 
Square.  If you recall your FoMT or MFoMT game, however, you will remember 
that it was you, not Nami who rescued Cliff!

Most Favourite Item: Gratin  (+800 AP +9 FP)
Favourite Items:   Grape, Wild Grape, Red MagicGrass Flower, the Suns, 
Lithograph  (+500 AP +9 FP)
Next Favourites:  Fish, Cut Gems, Wine (+300 AP +3 FP)

Items she dislikes:  All Flowers, All Grasses, All Jewelry, All Ores,  (-500 
AP -3 FP)
Items she detests: Poisonous Mushroom, Bird Feed, Fodder, Rubbish  (-800 AP -9 

Show her your Cat or Dog for +1 FP.

Most Hated Item (Secret Weapon to decrease AP):  Grape Jam  (-5000 AP -20 FP)

Actual Responses:

'Gratin!  It looks delicious.  Huh?  You're giving it to me?  Thank you.'  
(+800 AP +9 FP)
'Oh, you're so generous.  Thank you.  I'll accept it.'  for any fish  (+300 AP 
+3 FP)  (+1 as second gift)
'You have a lot of things.  I'll accept it.'  (+1000 AP, +1 FP)  for 
chocolate, flour, bamboo shoot

'It might come in handy... I guess I'll accept it.'  for weed
'What's this?.......................... '  for bird feed  (-800 AP -9 FP)

'Oh no.  I hate this the most... I'm giving it to Ruby...  (-5000 AP -20 FP)  
(Secret Weapon item)

Recipe for Gratin:


Cook in the Oven.

Nami's Heart Events

1st Heart Event, aka Black Heart Event: Lobby of Inner Inn, 12.00 p.m. to 2.00 
p.m. any rainy Tuesday
2nd Heart Event, aka Purple Heart Event:   Lobby of Inner Inn,  6.00 a.m. to 
12.00 p.m.
3rd Heart Event, aka Blue Heart Event:  your Farmhouse, 6.00 a.m.
4th Heart Event, aka Yellow Heart Event:  exit your Farmhouse, any sunny day, 
6.00 a.m. to noon

Nami's Rival Heart Events

Your rival for Nami is Gustafa

1st Rival Heart Event, aka Black Rival Heart Event:  Exit from the Beach,  
3.20 p.m. any sunny day but Tuesday
2nd Rival Heart Event, aka Blue Rival Heart Event:  at the Beach, 12.00 p.m. 
to 3.00 p.m. any sunny day but Tuesday or Thursday
3rd Rival Heart Event, aka Green Rival Heart Event:  Beach, 12.00 p.m. to 3.00 
p.m. any sunny day but Tuesday or Thursday
4th Rival Heart Event, aka Orange Rival Heart Event:  Exit from the Beach, 
12.00 p.m. to 2.50 p.m. any sunny day but Tuesday or Thursday

Harvest Goddess

Birthday:  8 Spring

Most Favourite Affection Point Gift:  Strawberries
Affection Point Gifts:  Pineapples, all Fruits, all Vegetables, Eggs, Milk

The Harvest Goddess lives in the Goddess Pond north of the Sprite Company 
Tree, but until she is rescued, you will not be able to meet her.  When you 
have rescued your 60th Sprite, she will return to the Valley.  From that point 
on, you will be able to meet her whenever you throw an offering into the 
Goddess Pond.  Her Most Favourite item is a Strawberry.  Although you will be 
able to see her Heart colour, you will not see her AP and FP points even if 
you are wearing the Love Bangle when you visit her.

Show her your Cat or Dog for +1 FP.

Harvest Goddess' Heart Events

The Harvest Goddess' Heart Events basically are a matter of meeting specific 
requirements, not that different from the requirements for marrying her in 

1st Heart Event, aka Black Heart Event:  find 60 Sprites
2nd Heart Event, aka Purple Heart Event:  achieve 10,000 steps on Pedometre, 
ship at least 10,000 items, catch at least 10,000 fish, reach bottom of 1st 
Mine, then throw a gift into the Pond to trigger event
3rd Heart Event, aka Blue Heart Event:  unlock all 9 channels of the Sprite 
4rd Heart Event, aka Yellow Heart Event:  have given her at least 500 Gifts

Leia the Mermaid

Birthday:  30 Summer
Most Favourite Affection Point Gift:  Large Fish
Affection Point Gifts:  Red MagicGrass, Medium Fish, Diamonds, Jewelry, Wild 
Grape, Bamboo Shoots, Mushrooms, Fruits, Vegetables, Eggs

Leia is a Mermaid who washed ashore after a typhoon and was rescued by Daryl.  
She now lives in a bathtub in his basement but she worries about her Mother.  
You meet her only when you have befriended Daryl to the point of raising his 
FP to 100.  

Show her your Cat or Dog for +1 FP.

For medium fish:  You're giving me this?  Thank you.  I'm happy!!   (+500 AP 
and +9 FP)  

For small fish:  'Wow, it's a nice item.  Thank you!'  +300AP  and + 3FP

For large fish;   'Oh, it's a big fish!!  This is my favourite!!  Thank you!   
(+900 AP and +9 FP)  

'It's beautiful!!  There are things like this where humans live.  Thank you!   
Freyr...'  (+500  +9 FP)  for choker
'Thank you.  I'll take good care of it,' for toiletries like lotion.  (+300 AP 
and +3 FP)

For medium fish:  You're giving me this?  Thank you.  I'm happy!!   (+500 AP 
and +9 FP)

For small fish:  'Wow, it's a nice item.  Thank you!'  (+300 and +3 FP)

For bird seed:  'Are you trying to upset me?  Stop it already!'

Leia the Mermaid's Heart Events

You cannot meet Leia until you have attained more than 100 Friendship Points 
with Daryl.  This will unlock the Basement where she resides.  When Leia is at 
yellow heart level or higher, you will be able to catch the Bottled Message, 
provided your fishing rod is upgraded at least to Mystrile level.  (Note that 
you CAN catch the Bottle with a Blessed or Mythic Rod but only if you charge 
it to Mystrile level and no higher.)  

When you have the Bottled Message, take it to Daryl's house and you will 
experience Leia's fourth and last heart event.  The Bottle will be found to 
contain a message from Leia's mother, asking her to return home to the sea.  
Leia then will leave Daryl's basement and swim to her home in the ocean.  

That is not the end of the story, however.  Leia will visit the shore at 
midnight every Tuesday night.  If you enter the Beach at that time, you will 
be able to speak to her.  If she is at 60,000 AP, you will be able to propose 
marriage to her and be accepted.  The wedding will occur one week later in 
your own farmhouse.

1st Heart Event, aka Black Heart Event:  Basement of Daryll's house when Daryl 
has more than 100 FP.
2nd Heart Event, aka Purple Heart Event:  at Daryl's House.  You cannot have 
anything equipped in your item (green) slot.  (Can be rainy or sunny)
3rd Heart Event, aka Blue Heart Event:   Daryl's Basement
4th Heart Event, aka Yellow Heart Event:  Daryl's house, carrying Bottled 

The Witch Princess

Birthday:  29 Winter
Most Favourite Affection Point Gift:  Rainbow Curry (+800 AP +9 FP)
Affection Point Gifts:  Poisonous Mushroom, Red Grass, Gold Lumber, all 
Grasses, all Gems, all Ores, Fish Bone, Empty Can  (+500 AP  +9 FP)
Detests:  Boot  (-800 AP - 9 FP)

The Witch Princess lives in a little hut to the left of Romana's visit, in the 
Northwest corner of the Valley.  She will be there at all times, unless you 
experience a special event with her elsewhere.  Whenever you fulfill a 
requirement for marriage to her, she will give you a little gift of rubbish.  
Her gift is an item on your Shipping List, so even if you are not interested 
in courting her, you need to acquire at least one of her 'gifts' to complete 
your Shipping List.

Show her your Cat for +1 FP.

Recipe for Rainbow Curry:

Blue Curry
Green Curry
Red Curry
Yellow Curry
Orange Curry
Purple Curry
Indigo Curry
Curry Rice

Cook in Pot.

N.B.  Each of the above individual Curries is made using Rice Ball, Curry 
Powder and the Grass of that specific colour.

For Fishbone:  'You're thoughtful.  Thank you.  (+300 AP  +3 FP)

For Rainbow Curry:  'Wow!  It's Rainbow Curry, isn't it!!  Thank you.'  (+800 
AP  +9 FP)

For Toadstool:  'I was just thinking how I wanted to have some.  Way to go.'  
(+500 AP and +9 FP)

If you give her jewelry, she will say:  'I have a choker of skulls so... maybe 
I'll experiment with it.'  (-300 AP -3 FP)

Her conversation:

At yellow heart:  Freyr, you look well.   I enjoy seeing you and having your 
energetic presence here.
At orange heart:  Freyr, thank you for coming.  If you die let me know.  I'll 
bring you back to life with my tonic.
At red heart:  Freyr... Wel... welcome.    Recently...  I can't focus on my 
magic.  I wonder why...

The Witch Princess' Heart Events

Basically these Events, apart from the 1st Heart Event,  are a matter of 
meeting specific requirements, much like the requirements for marrying the 
Harvest Goddess, although in some cases, they involve mischief of the sort 
calculated to upset her rival, the Harvest Goddess.  

In terms of the 2nd Heart Event, it depends on your cartridge whether or not 
you can complete the requirement of killing 50 animals.  There are different 
versions of the game, and one of them contains a glitch that will not allow 
the game to accept the requirement.  If you find that you cannot marry the 
Witch Princess, you need a different version of the game.

1st Heart Event, aka Black Heart Event:  Exit Romana's Mansion, 6.00 a.m. to 
12.00 a.m.
2nd Heart Event, aka Purple Heart Event:  exit Sprite Company Tree, 6.00 a.m. 
to 12.00 a.m.  Requirements:  Must have littered at least 10 times, have 
killed 50 of your animals, brought a Poisonous Mushroom to the Harvest 
Festival 5 times, have attempted to leave the Valley 10 times, rescued HG and 
passed out from exhaustion 5 times.  N.B.  You do NOT lose any AP with 
eligible girls by donating a Toadstool to the Pot but the effect on FP is the 
same as if you did not attend the Festival at all.  You actually will GAIN 5 
FP by attending the Festival and placing something good into the Pot.
3rd Heart Event, aka Blue Heart Event:  Witch's Hut, 6.00 a.m. to 12.00 a.m. 
must have given at least 1000 gifts
4th Heart Event, aka Yellow Heart Event:  Witch's Hut, 6.00 a.m. to 12.00 
a.m., must have Elli Leaves Recipe, have nothing in your hands (green slot), 
have passed out from exhaustion 100 times.

There are no official Rivals for the Witch Princess.

Whenever you fulfill any requirement for marriage to the Witch Princess, you 
will receive a little gift of rubbish from her.  You will see her face move 
quickly across your screen with the little 'ching' that characterises a 
Farming Degree point and she will make a speech and give you her gift.  For 
example, when I gave her a total of 100 gifts, she said: 'Watch out!  Here I 
am!  The number of presents you gave me exceeds hundred!  Congratulations!  To 
commemorate this event I think that I'll give you a present!  The item would 
have been of no use anyway.  You probably would have thrown it away.  See you 

N.B.  It is possible to fulfil the 'littering' requirement even if you never 
litter if you incubate 10 eggs.  Evidently, throwing the eggs into the 
incubator is enough like littering that it will prompt the Witch Princess to 
give her gift to you, telling you that you 'threw' ten items away.  This is a 
better way of doing it than littering as incubating eggs will not decrease any 
one's FP.

Keira the Sleeping Beauty

Birthday:  26 Winter
Most Favourite Affection Point Gift:  Golden Lumber  (+800 AP +9 FP)
Affection Point Gifts:  Mythic Stone,  all four Suns  (+500 AP +9 FP)
Favoured Items:  Mystrile, Orichalc, Adamantite, Diamonds, Pink Diamonds, Cut 

Keira lives on the 255th floor of the Third Mine, but you will meet her for 
the first time on the 255th floor of the 2nd Mine when she gives you the 
Legendary Sword.  Once you have the Legendary Sword, you never will find her 
again in the 2nd Mine.  Instead, visit her on the 255th floor of the 3rd Mine, 
in her sleeping chamber.  In order to gain access to the secret chamber on the 
255th floor of the 2nd or the 3rd Mines, you must defeat every Dark Creature 
on that floor by hand, without cheating and without falling through a hole.  
In other words, reloading your game will cause an interruption that will 
prevent the barrier ever from crumbling on that particular visit to the mine.  
Be very careful, therefore, when you reach the 255th floor, especially of the 
Third Mine.  It is a good idea to save your game in the other slot at the 
254th floor, in case something untoward occurs, such as falling through a hole.

Show her your Cat or Dog for +1 FP.

Keiras Heart Events

1st Heart Event, aka Black Heart Event:  reach 255th floor of the 3rd Mine  
(may ask for Curry Rice:  bring Finest Curry or Ultimate Curry)
2nd Heart Event, aka Purple Heart Event:  255th floor of the 3rd Mine (may ask 
for a drink, bring Best Relax Tea)
3rd Heart Event, aka Blue Heart Event:  255th floor of the Mine, bringing 
random jewel requested
4th Heart Event, aka Yellow Heart Event:  255th floor of 3rd mine, bringing 
Golden Lumber

When you first meet Keira at the 255th floor of the Third Mine, where she 
sleeps in her bed, she may request 'Curry Rice.'  If you bring her Curry Rice, 
the notice will say that 'Regular curry rice won't satisfy her.'  When you 
bring 'Finest Curry Rice' or 'Ultimate Curry Rice'  she will be satisfied.  
She then will tell you that she is happy and ask for gifts that she 'likes'.  
This is your cue to give her gems or Suns to raise her AP and FP in order to 
reach the level where she will request another specific item.  If you can give 
her Golden Lumber every day,  you will raise her heart level faster.  


To experience her second heart event after raising her heart to the required 
level, simply walk out of her sleeping chamber, then walk back into it 
immediately.  This will trigger the event.  She will request 'something to 
drink'.  Bring the best recipe for Relax Tea when you visit her next and she 
will be satisfied.  Continue to bring Golden Lumber or Suns each time you 
visit her until her heart reaches the next level.

To experience her third heart event after raising her heart to the required 
level, simply walk out of the sleeping chamber, then return immediately.  She 
will request a specific gem.  Bring the precise gem requested rather than a 
more valuable one.  She requested Topaz when I experienced the event.  I 
brought a Topaz to  her the next day and she was satisfied.  

Incidentally, when you give her the item she requests, her AP will increase by 
5000.  This is a nice bonus.  In fact, once you begin to visit Keira, you will 
be able to raise her heart level very quickly simply by bringing the item 
requested in each event, then by giving Golden Lumber each day.

When she has reached 40000, you will experience her fourth and final heart 
event.  Simply walk back into the chamber as before to trigger it, once the 
required AP has been reached.  She will request Golden Lumber.  If you have 
been giving it to her on a daily or regular basis, simply give her another 
piece of Golden Lumber to raise her AP by 5000 points immediately.  Now you 
simply need to give her items until her AP reaches 60000 if you wish to marry 
her.  As with proposals to other girls, if Keira accepts your Blue Feather, 
the wedding will occur a week later.

For Golden Lumber:  '....................................... (musical note x3)
She looks really happy...'  (+800 AP +9 FP

For any of the Suns, she says  '.................................(music note) 
(music note)
She looks quite happy.'  (+500 AP +9 FP)

For mystrile, orichalc, adamantite:
.............................. (music note)
She looks happy.  (+300 AP +3 FP)

For Rainbow Curry:  'She looks uncertain.'  (+100 AP +1 FP)

for silver:  ..........................!!
Looks like she hates it a lot.  (-300 AP - 3 FP)

At black heart level, Keira will say:  'What do you want?'

At purple heart level, Keira will say:  'I'm sleepy.'

At blue heart level, Keira will say:  'I can only recall my name.'

At orange heart level, Keira will say:    'I'd like to see your world.'

At red heart level, Keira will say:  'You're a cutie... (heart)'

Eligible Girls of Mineral Town

You only will meet these girls if you insert a copy of FoMT or MFoMT into your 
DS System with your DS Harvest Moon game.


Ann visits the Valley on Friday.  She is the daughter of Doug, the Innkeeper 
of Mineral Town.   She can be found at 6.00 a.m. in the girls' guest room on 
the 2nd floor of the Inner Inn.  Later in the morning, she will go to the 
kitchen to help Ruby and learn new recipes.  She loves beautiful scenery and 
likes to stand near the waterfall in the afternoon.  At night, she returns to 
the Inner Inn.

Birthday:  17 Summer
Most Favourite Affection Point Gift:  Cheese Fondue
Affection Point Gifts:  Chocolate, Diamond, Pink Diamond, Strawberry, Wild 
Grape, Apple, all Juices, Eggs and all Egg Dishes

Most Favourite Item: Cheese Fondue  (+800 AP +9 FP)
Favourite Items:  Chocolate, Jewelry, Eggs, Strawberry, Apple, Pink Diamond  
(+500 AP +9 FP)
Next Favourites:  Toy Flower, Sunblock, Bread, Flour, Cut Gems, Milk  (+300 AP 
+3 FP)

Items she dislikes:  All Ores, Rice Cake, Turnip  (-500 AP -3 FP)
Items she detests: Poisonous Mushroom, All Grasses, Bird Feed, Fodder, 
Rubbish  (-800 AP -9 FP)

Show her your Cat or Dog for +1 FP.

Actual Responses:

For Cheese Fondue:  'Cheese Fondue!!  You made it, Freyr?  Thank you!!  (+800 
AP +9 FP)

'Are you sure it's ok?  Yeah!  Thank you!'  for chocolate  (+500 AP, +9 FP)

Recipe for Cheese Fondue:

Wine (optional)

Cook in Pot.

Ann's responses will change according to heart level if you speak to her in 
the kitchen on Friday mornings.

At black heart:  Freyr, is something the matter?  Need something with Ruby?

Ann's Heart Events

1st Heart Event, aka Black Heart Event:  Inner Inn, Lobby,  8.40 a.m. to . to 
12.50 p.m. on Friday
2nd Heart Event, aka Purple Heart Event:  Inner Inn, Lobby, 9.00 p.m. to 
midnight. rainy Friday  (cannot occur in Winter season)
3rd Heart Event, aka Blue Heart Event:  as you leave your Farmhouse, 12.00 
p.m. to 5.50 p.m. on a sunny Friday
4th Heart Event, aka Yellow Heart Event:  at the Blue Bar, 5.00 p.m. to 7.50 
p.m. on Friday

Ann's Rival Heart Events:

There are no rival heart events for Ann.


Elli is Trent's nursing assistant at the Clinic in Mineral Town.  On 
Wednesday, when the Clinic is shut, she and Trent visit the Valley
together.  Trent (Doctor) stays in the boys' room on the 2nd floor of the 
Inner Inn and Elli stays in the girls' room.  You can find them both in their 
guest rooms at 6.00 a.m. on Wednesday morning.  Later on Wednesday morning, 
they join Dr. Hardy in his house for his Clinic.  In the afternoon, Elli, 
Trent and Dr. Hardy will be seen near the Waterfall and Sprite Company Tree 
searching for medicinal herbs when the weather is fine.  On rainy afternoons, 
Elli goes alone instead to the Villa where she listens to Lumina play the 

Birthday:  16 Spring
Most Favourite Affection Point Gift:  Moon Dumpling
Affection Point Gifts:  Strawberries,  All Flowers except Moondrop,  Fish, 
Black Grass, Chocolate, Milk, Blue Grass, Purple Grass, Indigo Grass, White 
Grass, Jewelry

Most Favourite Item: Moon Dumpling  (+800 AP +9 FP)
Favourite Items:  All Flowers except Moondrop, All Jewelry, Dumpling Powder, 
Lithograph (+500 AP +9 FP)
Next Favourites:  Fish, Cut Gems, Black Grass, Blue Grass, Indigo Grass, White 
Grass, Sunblock  (+300 AP +3 FP)

Items she dislikes: Wine, Yellow Grass, Corn, Onion  (-500 AP -3 FP)
Items she detests:  Poisonous Mushroom (-800 AP -9 FP)

Show her your Cat or Dog for +1 FP.

'Oh, Moon Dumplings.  These are my favourite.  Thank you!'  (+800 AP +9 FP
'I'm happy.  Thank you, Freyr' for strawberry  (+500 AP +9 FP)

Recipe for Moon Dumplings:

Dumpling Powder/Mix

Cook in Steamer.

Elli's Heart Events

1st Heart Event, aka Black Heart Event:  on Wednesday if you have passed out 
from Exhaustion 50 times, this will occur the next time you do so on a 
2nd Heart Event, aka Purple Heart Event:  Walking from the Main Path towards 
Romana's Mansion, on a rainy Wednesday from 3.00 p.m. to 5.50 p.m.
3rd Heart Event, aka Blue Heart Event:  Romana's Bedroom, on a rainy 
Wednesday, 1.00 p.m. to 6.50 p.m.
4th Heart Event, aka Yellow Heart Event:  Exit your Farmhouse on a sunny 
Wednesday, 6.00 a.m. to 9.50 a.m. without anything in your hands (empty green 

Elli's Rival Heart Events

There are no Rival Heart Events for Elli.


Karen is the daughter of the owner of the Supermarket in Mineral Town.  Her 
father Jeff, although a talented painter, is chronically ill, and Karen has 
assumed the role of manager of the market.  When you make an order, she will 
be the one who takes it.  She will visit the Valley only on Tuesday, even 
though her Supermarket in Mineral Town is shut both on Tuesday and on Sunday.  
She will spend the morning in Celia's bedroom and in the evening at 5.20 p.m., 
she will walk across the bridge to the Blue Bar where she will spend the 
remainder of the evening.  She stays overnight in the girls' guest bedroom on 
the 2nd floor of the Inner Inn.  You always can find her there at 6.00 a.m. on 
Tuesday morning.

Birthday:  15 Fall
Most Favourite Affection Point Gift:  Pizza
Affection Point Gifts:  Bamboo Shoots, Wine, Diamond, Pink Diamond, All 
Flowers, Eggs, Jewelry

Most Favourite Item:  Pizza   (+800 AP +9 FP)
Favourite Items:  Bamboo Shoots, Wine  (+500 AP +9 FP)
Next Favourites:  All Flowers, Eggs, All Jewelry, Sunblock  (+300 AP +3 FP)

Items she dislikes:  All Grasses, Chocolates, All Sweets, Apple  (-500 AP -3 
Items she detests:  Poisonous Mushrooms, Ores, Bird Feed, Fodder, Rubbish   (-
800 AP -9 FP)

Show her your Cat or Dog for +1 FP.

Recipe for Best Pizza:

Medium Fish
Matsutake Mushroom
Green Pepper

+73 Stamina  -5 Fatigue

Karen's Heart Events

1st Heart Event:  Vesta's Shop, 4.30 p.m. to 4.50 p.m. on Tuesday
2nd Heart Event, aka Purple Heart Event:  Blue Bar, 6.00 p.m. to 9.50 p.m. on 
3rd Heart Event, aka Blue Heart Event:  Inner Inn, Guest Bedroom on 2nd Floor, 
6.00 a.m. to 8.50 a.m. on Tuesday
4th Heart Event, aka Yellow Heart Event:  Blue Bar, 6.00 p.m. to 9.50 p.m. on 

Karen's Rival Heart Events

There are no Rival Heart Events for Karen.

Karen's actual Responses to items:

'Wow, it's a Pizza.  Yahoo, it looks delicious.  Thank you.'  (for Pizza, 
obviously) (+800 AP, +9 FP)
'This is great, thank you.  I love it.' 
for Bamboo Shoot, Matsutake Mushroom, Cheese, Diamond, Pink Diamond, Wine, 
French Fries, Tempura, Popcorn, Pot Sticker, Wild Grape Wine, Fish Stew, 
Dumplings, Tempura Rice, Cheese Steamed Bun, Shaomi, Steamed Dumpling, Sushi, 
Risotto,  (+500 AP, +9 FP)

'I'm gonna dig in.  Thank you.'
for Potato, Cucumber, Egg, Corn, Eggplant,  Spinach, all Flowers, Sweet 
Potato, Green Pepper, all Jewelry, all Toiletries, Mayonnaise, all cut Gems, 
Stir Fry, Happy Eggplant, Scrambled Eggs, Grilled Fish, Fried Noodles, Pumpkin 
Stew, Boiled Spinach, Marmalade, Cheese Fondue, Egg over Rice, Baked Corn, 
Doria, Gratin, Butter, Steamed Egg, Chinese Bun, Salad, Pickled Turnip, 
Pickled Cucumber  (+300 AP +3 FP)

Items she detests:
'Hmm... I'm sorry.  I don't like this,' 
for chocolate  (-500 AP, -3 FP)

Karen visits Mineral Town on Tuesdays.  She can be found in the guest room 
until 9.00 a.m.  She then leaves the Inn and walks to Vesta's house to visit 
her best friend Celia.  She can be found in Celia's bedroom on the second 
floor until 5.00 p.m. when she walks to the Blue Bar.  She spends the evening 
at the Bar.


Mary is the Librarian in Mineral Town.  She is Lumina's best friend and always 
journeys to the Valley on Monday to spend the day with Lumina as the Library 
is shut on Monday.  She does not appear to stay overnight in the Valley but 
can be found from 8.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. in Lumina's bedroom on the second 
floor of the Villa.  In the afternoon, she listens to Lumina's recital at the 
piano in the parlour.

Birthday:  20 Winter
Most Favourite Affection Point Gift:  RelaxTea
Affection Point Gifts:  Poisonous Mushrooms, Black Grass and all other 
Grasses, Wild Grapes, Dumpling Powder, Bamboo Shoots

Most Favourite Item:  RelaxTea  (+800 AP +9 FP)
Favourite Items:  Poisonous Mushrooms, Grape, Blue Grass, Red Grass, Black 
Grass, White Grass, Chocolate, Dumpling Powder  (+500 AP +9 FP)
Next Favourites:  Bamboo Shoots, All Jewelry, Sunblock, Cut Gems (+300 AP +3 

Items she dislikes:  Fodder, Bird Feed, Lumber (-500 AP -3 FP)
Items she detests:  Rubbish  (-800 AP -9 FP)

Show her your Cat or Dog for +1 FP.

Recipe for Relax Tea

Relax Tea Leaves (purchased at Casino Window or made in your kitchen)

Cook in Pot.

Actual responses:  

For Relaxation Tea:  'It's Relaxation Tea.  When I drink this, I become happy.'

For Dumpling Powder:  'Yeah, thank you!  I'm very happy.'

Mary's Heart Events

1st Heart Event, aka Black Heart Event:  Lumina's Bedroom, 8.00 a.m. to 10.50 
a.m. on sunny Monday
2nd Heart Event, aka Purple Heart Event:  Mushroom House, 8.00 a.m. to 10.50 
3rd Heart Event, aka Blue Heart Event:  You must grow a Giant Crop (chances 
are 1 in 255) and harvest it after 8.00 a.m. on Monday to trigger this.
4th Heart Event, aka Yellow Heart Event:  Excavation Site

Mary's Rival Heart Events

There are no Rival Heart Events for Mary.


Popuri runs the Poultry Farm in Mineral Town and you will speak to her 
whenever you buy or sell chickens or ducks and when you need animal medicine 
or bird seed.   She visits Takakura in the Valley on Sunday when the Poultry 
Shop is shut.  She will be found in the girls' guest room at 6.00 a.m.  On the 
same day, you will find her brother Rick in the boys' guest room.   Popuri can 
be found in Takakura's house later on Sunday mornings.  In the afternoon, she 
crosses the bridge and wanders about Vesta's fields studying her crops.  She 
can be found in the Lobby of the Inner Inn in the evening.

Birthday:  3 Summer
Most Favourite Affection Point Gift:  Omelet Rice
Affection Point Gifts:  Eggs, Strawberries, Apple, Chocolate, Jewelry, Toy 
Flower, Pinkcat Flower, Jewelry

Most Favourite Item:  Omelet Rice  (+800 AP +9 FP)
Favourite Items:  Eggs, All Jewelry, Chocolate  (+500 AP +9 FP)
Next Favourites:  Bread, Flour, Cut Gems, Toy Flower, Pinkcat Flower, Sunblock 
(+300 AP +3 FP)

Items she dislikes:  Ores, Rice Cake (-500 AP -3 FP)
Items she detests:  Poisonous Mushrooms, All Grasses, All Rubbish (-800 AP -9 

Do NOT show her your Cat or Dog!

'Yeah (heart).  It's Omelet Rice!  I'm happy!'

At purple heart:  'Freyr, you'r lucky.  If you have prolems at the farm, you 
can ask Takakura.  At our place, no one shows me how to run the business.    
My brother says 'If you run things, nothing goods gonna' happen.'

Recipe for Omelet Rice:


Cook in Frying Pan.

Popuri's Heart Events

1st Heart Event, aka Black Heart Event:  Exit Farmhouse, 6.00 a.m. to 7.50 
a.m. on a sunny Sunday, after having made a purchase from Popuri's Store
2nd Heart Event, aka Purple Heart Event:  at Takakura's house, 9.00 a.m. to  
4.00 p.m. on Sunday
3rd Heart Event, aka Blue Heart Even;  Lobby, Inner Inn, 5.10 p.m. to 8.50 
p.m. on a rainy Sunday (must be after Rick enters the Inn at 5.10 p.m.)
4th Heart Event, aka Yellow Heart Event:  Kitchen of Inner Inn:  5.00 p.m. to 
9.00 p.m. on Sunday

Popuri's Rival Heart Events

There are no Rival Heart Events for Popuri.

XI. All 1st Heart and Rival Heart Events According to the Day of the Week


6.00 a.m. to 7.50 a.m. when you exit your Farmhouse, Popuri's 1st Heart Event, 
provided it is sunny and you previously bought a chicken or duck from Popuri's 
9.00 a.m. to 10.50 a.m. at Blue Bar, Muffy's 1st Rival Heart Event  (must be 
rainy day)
9.00 a.m. to 10.50 Excavation Site, Flora's 1st Rival Heart Event
10.00 a.m. - 5.50 p.m. at Vesta's Farmhouse, Celia's 1st Heart Event, must be 
rainy day
12.00 p.m. to 3.00 p.m., Exiting from the Beach, Nami's 1st Rival Heart Event 
(must be sunny)
3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. at Blue Bar, Muffy's 1st Heart Event
5.00 p.m. to 5.50 p.m., Vesta's Farmhouse, Celia's 1st Rival Heart Event
7.30 to 7.50 p.m, Romana's Mansion, Lumina's 1st Heart Event
11.00 p.m. to 12.00 a.m. at the Excavation Site, Flora's 1st Heart Event


8.00 a.m. to 10.50 a.m. in Lumina's Bedroom, Mary's 1st Heart Event  (must be 
a sunny day)
9.00 a.m. to 10.50 a.m. at Blue Bar, Muffy's 1st Rival Heart Event  (must be 
rainy day)
9.00 a.m. to 10.50 Excavation Site, Flora's 1st Rival Heart Event
3.20 p.m., Exiting from the Beach, Nami's 1st Rival Heart Event (must be sunny)
3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. at Blue Bar, Muffy's 1st Heart Event
7.30 to 7.50 p.m, Romana's Mansion, Lumina's 1st Heart Event
11.00 p.m. to 12.00 a.m. at the Excavation Site, Flora's 1st Heart Event


9.00 a.m. to 10.50 a.m. at Blue Bar, Muffy's 1st Rival Heart Event  (must be 
rainy day)
10.00 a.m. - 5.50 p.m. at Vesta's Farmhouse, Celia's 1st Heart Event (must be 
rainy day)
11.00 a.m. to 12.50 p.m. exiting Sprite Tree, Lumina's 1st Rival Heart Event 
(must be a sunny day)
12.00 p.m. to 1.50 p.m. in Lobby of Inner Inn, Nami's 1st Heart Event (must be 
a rainy day)  (12.20 p.m. on 10 Spring, rainy Tuesday)
3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. at Blue Bar, Muffy's 1st Heart Event
4.30 p.m. to 4.50 p.m. at Vesta's Shop, Karen's 1st Heart Event
5.00 p.m. to 5.50 p.m., Vesta's Farmhouse, Celia's 1st Rival Heart Event yes
7.30 to 7.50 p.m, Romana's Mansion, Lumina's 1st Heart Event (not on Tuesday, 
3 Spring as Van will be there)
11.00 p.m. to 12.00 a.m. at the Excavation Site, Flora's 1st Heart Event


Elli's 1st Heart Event if you have passed out from Exhaustion 50 times, this 
will occur the next time you do so on a Wednesday
9.00 a.m. to 10.50 Excavation Site, Flora's 1st Rival Heart Event
10.00 a.m. - 5.50 p.m. at Vesta's Farmhouse, Celia's 1st Heart Event (must be 
rainy day)
3.20 p.m., Exiting from the Beach, Nami's 1st Rival Heart Event (must be sunny)
3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. at Blue Bar, Muffy's 1st Heart Event
5.00 p.m. to 5.50 p.m., Vesta's Farmhouse, Celia's 1st Rival Heart Event
7.30 to 7.50 p.m, Romana's Mansion, Lumina's 1st Heart Event
11.00 p.m. to 12.00 a.m. at the Excavation Site, Flora's 1st Heart Event


9.00 a.m. to 10.50 a.m. at Blue Bar, Muffy's 1st Rival Heart Event   (must be 
rainy day)
9.00 a.m. to 10.50 Excavation Site, Flora's 1st Rival Heart Event
10.00 a.m. - 5.50 p.m. at Vesta's Farmhouse, Celia's 1st Heart Event. (must be 
3.20 p.m., Exiting from the Beach, Nami's 1st Rival Heart Event (must be sunny)
3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. at Blue Bar, Muffy's 1st Heart Event
5.00 p.m. to 5.50 p.m., Vesta's Farmhouse, Celia's 1st Rival Heart Event
7.30 to 7.50 p.m, Romana's Mansion, Lumina's 1st Heart Event
11.00 p.m. to 12.00 a.m. at the Excavation Site, Flora's 1st Heart Event


8.40 a.m. to 12.50 p.m. at Lobby of Inner Inn:  Ann's 1st Heart Event
9.00 a.m. to 10.50 a.m. at Blue Bar, Muffy's 1st Rival Heart Event  (must be a 
rainy day)
9.00 a.m. to 10.50 Excavation Site, Flora's 1st Rival Heart Event
10.00 a.m. - 5.50 p.m. at Vesta's Farmhouse, Celia's 1st Heart Event (must be 
3.20 p.m., Exiting from the Beach, Nami's 1st Rival Heart Event (must be sunny)
3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. at Blue Bar, Muffy's 1st Heart Event
5.00 p.m. to 5.50 p.m., Vesta's Farmhouse, Celia's 1st Rival Heart Event
7.30 to 7.50 p.m, Romana's Mansion, Lumina's 1st Heart Event
11.00 p.m. to 12.00 a.m. at the Excavation Site, Flora's 1st Heart Event


9.00 a.m. to 10.50 a.m. at Blue Bar, Muffy's 1st Rival Heart Event  (must be a 
rainy day)
9.00 a.m. to 10.50 Excavation Site, Flora's 1st Rival Heart Event
10.00 a.m. - 5.50 p.m. at Vesta's Farmhouse, Celia's 1st Heart Event. (must be 
rainy day)
3.20 p.m., Exiting from the Beach, Nami's 1st Rival Heart Event (must be sunny)
3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. at Blue Bar, Muffy's 1st Heart Event
5.00 p.m. to 5.50 p.m., Vesta's Farmhouse, Celia's 1st Rival Heart Event
7.30 to 7.50 p.m, Romana's Mansion, Lumina's 1st Heart Event
11.00 p.m. to 12.00 a.m. at the Excavation Site, Flora's 1st Heart Event

XII.  Actual Text of Heart and Rival Heart Events

This section is under construction.

Although there is different music for each type of event, sometimes players 
become confused as to which events they have experienced.  This section gives 
the actual text of each Heart and Rival Heart Event.  It is interesting to 
note that the music for the Heart Events of the girls from the Mineral Town is 
the 'heart music' from FoMT/MFoMT.  The Forget-Me-Not Valley Heart Events have 
their own 'heart music'.  Rival Heart Events have a different musical theme.

Celia's 1st Heart Event:

At 11.10 on a rainy Sunday in Spring, I entered Vesta's house:

Celia is in the farmhouse, doing the washing up.  She walks back and forth 
along the counter, working quickly.  Her back is to me.  

Celia:  Phew!  Almost done with the dishes.  I have to keep working.
I walk into the house:
Freyr: (!)
Celia: ( ! )  Kyaa! 
She breaks a plate.
Celia:  Freyr... Oh, what should I do?  Your standing behind me was a 
surprise, Freyr.  I broke the dish that was so important to Vesta.
Me: (...)
Vesta enters.
Celia and I both: (!)
Vesta:  Oh, I'm tired... I'll take a break... Celia, I'm home.
Hey, Freyr, welcome.
Vesta walks over to us.
Vesta:( ?)  You're both a bit pale, what happened?
Celia:  V... Vesta... I... I...

Your choices:

Tell the truth.
Keep quiet.

Choose:  Tell the truth.

Celia (?):  Freyr... What happened?
Me:  (with black cloud)
Vesta:  You're acting kind of strange.  If something happened, tell me.
I nod, and tell her what happened.
Vesta:  Oh, is that so.  When you scared her half jokingly, she dropped one of 
my plates?
I nod.
Vesta:  Okay.  Thank you for telliing me the truth.  Don't worry about it.
Celia:  Veata... I'm sorry.
Vesta:  That's okay, don't worry, because Freyr explained honestly.  I would 
have gotten mad if the explanation had just been left to you.  It's okay.  
Don't you two worry about it anymore.  Well, I'm going to do a bit more work...

Vesta leaves.
Celia:  Thanks for explaining it to Vesta.  Sorry I made you do something 

If I had chosen: 'Keep quiet'
Me: (...)
Celia:  I broke the plate that's so important to you, Vesta.
Vesta (!):  And how did that happen?
Celia:  When I was washing the dishes and Freyr was behind me.  I was 
surprised and dropped it...
Vesta (with cross hurt):  Freyr!!  This happened because you surprised her, 
right?  Why didn't you explain it?  I don't want to see the face of such a 
pitiful man!!  Get out right now!!
I would find myself outside the house in the rain, with both Celia and Vesta 
upset with me!

Celia's 1st Rival Heart Event

Tuesday, 3 Spring,
5.00 p.m. at Vesta's Store:

Marlin:  It's been awhile since you got here, right Celia?
Celia:  That's right.  
Marlin:Is your work interesting?  
Celia:  Yes, it's really interesting.  Growing crops brings a sense of 
Marlin:  Really.
Celia:  (?) Why do you ask?
Marlin:  Uh... it's just that it's good to do well at work.  Just forget it.
Celia:  (?)  Hm, that Marlin is strange.

Celia:  I have to work hard today.

Vesta:  These two are on good terms.
Marlin:  Oh, it's just you...

Flora's 1st Heart Event:

At 11.20 or  11.30 p.m. on Saturday, 7 Spring, I entered the Excavation Site.

Me (with music)
Flora:  Y... you over there...  Who are you...?
Me: (!)
Flora:  Even though I look like this, I'm really strong...
She enters.
Me:  (...)
Flora:  if you... try to do something strange to me, I'll beat you up.
Me: (...)
Your choices:

Watch for a bit.
Get closer.

'Watch for a bit' is the correct response here.

Flora:  Hurry up and go away, Or else...

She comes closer and sees me:

Flora:  Whaaat--?  Freyr, what are you doing here?  Oh, please be careful.  I 
saw some one suspicious.  I came to have a look --.
Me( unhappy)
Flora:  What, the suspicious figure was you, Freyr?  I'm sorry.  I... it was 
dark, I couldn't see a thing.  Oh but i'm so glad it was you, Freyr.  I was 
nervous.  What would I do if it were a strange man.
Me:  I nod.
Flora:  Well, I should go home.

Your choices:

Walk her home.
Say goodbye.

Walk her home.
Flora (with music):  Oooh, thank you so much.  to tell the truth I'm terribly 
scared.  There aren't any streetlights in this area at night.
I nod.
Flora:  But I'll be fine if you're with me, Freyr.  Well then, let's go.
(You find yourself with her in the tent now)
Flora:  Freyr, thank you very much.  Take care on your way home.

I nod, then find myself outside the tent abruptly.

Flora's 1st Rival Heart Event:

Monday, 9 Spring:

At 10.00 a.m. I reentered the Excavation Site:

Flora:  Professor-.
Carter:  What is it, Flora?
Flora:  How about Curry Rice for dinner tonight.
Carter (hurt):  What!  No!
Flora:  Don't be a picky eater.
Carter:  I'm beggin you, please.  No!
Flora:  Don't say that.  Do you want to make me mad-
Carter:  N... no... ... ... Ho ho ho... ... ...

Lumina's 1st Heart Event:

At 7.50 p.m. on Friday, 6 Spring, in the Mansion:

Sebastian was there trying to arbitrate between Romana and Lumina.
Both Lumina and Romana both were showing hurt.

Sebastian:  Both of you stop it...
Romana:  You, be quiet!
Lumina:  Yeah, Be quiet!!
Sebastian:  I'm so sorry...
Lumina:  Granma, I've put up with it until now but let me say it!! 
romana:  You have some complaint?
Shows both Lumina and romana giving me points?
Sebastian:  Ah wa wa wa wa wa ...
I enter.
Sebastian:  Oh!  Freyr!  you've come at a good time!!
Me: (?)
Sebastian:  These two started fighting and I can't put a stop to it. P lease 
help me.
Me: (!)
Lumina:  Freyr, we're in the thick of it!  Keep quiet.
Romana: Yeah, Keep quiet.
Me:  (with tear)
Lumina:  Huh?  What started it? ...  Yes.  It's not going to blow over if we 
keep doing this.  We'll tell Freyr and he can judge whose fault it is.  That's 
okay, right, Grandma?
Romana:  Fine.  Let's do that.
Lumina:  I'm worried about Grandma's health so today I've prepared a present 
for her.  And I gave it to her.  She was so happy until she looked in the box.
But... when she looked inside she got really mad.
Romana:  (showing cross hurt)
Romana: What were you thinking?  You can't give me a present like that!
Lumina (showing cross hurt):  Like what?  It's rude!  I just didn't want your 
back to hurt, that's why I got you a back support!
Romana:  A back support is what old people use!  I am certainly not that old!  
Lumina:  You're old enough!
Romana:  Oh, Lumina..!!
Lumina and Romana both:  (show cross hurt)
Sebastian:  A wa wa wa wa...
Lumina:  Well, Freyr, who is in the wrong...
Romana:  Please answer.

My choices:
Lumina is wrong.
Romana is wrong.
Sebastian is wrong.

The correct response is:  Sebastian is wrong.

Sebastian:  Huh?
Sebastian:  (...) (!)  Y... yes, that's right.  Everything is my fault! please, Ms. Romana, Miss Lumina...  Please stop fighting and make up.
Romana and Lumina:  (...)
Lumina:  I... I wasn't serious.  I'm sorry.
Romana:  I'll show deference to Sebastian this time and take the present.  
Thank you.
Lumina:  That's great.

Lumina:  I'm sorry.  I put you in the middle of something strange.  
Romana:  I've done wrong to Sebastian as well.
Sebastian:  Thanks to your quick-thinking, you saved us!  Thank you so much.

If you say 'Romana is wrong'
Lumina laughs and Romana is furious.
Romana:  Are you saying that I'm in the wrong?
Lumina:  Look, I'm right, aren't I?
Romana:  Why would you turn against me?  I don't want to talk to you.
Sebastian:  Ah wa wa wa wa..........

Lumina:  It's just what I thought.  Romana is stubborn.
Romana:  I'm still very young.  What's so wrong about telling the truth?
Sebastian:  Miss Lumina...

If  you say: 'Lumina is wrong'
Lumina (with cross hurt):  Oh my!!  Are you saying that I'm in the wrong, 
Romana:  Oh, ho ho ho ho ho.  Well, look at that.
Lumina:  I htought Freyr would see my point of view.....  You have deceived 
me.  I just don't know.
Sebastian:  Ah wa wa wa wa ...

Lumina:  I don't know you at all!
Romana:  Even though you're so young you truly understand people.  I really 
admire you.
Sebastian:  Ms. Romana...

Event occurred at 7.50 p.m. on Friday, 6 Spring.

Lumina's 1st Rival Heart Event

Tuesday, 3 Spring at 11.20 a.m. coming out of Sprite's Tree:

Rock:  Lumina, there's something I want to ask you.
Lumina:  (?)  What is it?
Rock:  Lumina, you used to like me, didn't you?
Lumina: (!)  What?  That's not true.
Rock:  Don't worry and just say it.  I realised it long ago.
Lumina  (upset):  It's not true.  Don't be a nuisance.  Please don't talk 
about it to other people.
Rock:  Okay. This will be a secret just between you and me.
Lumina:  .................

Muffy's 1st Heart Event:

Tuesday, 3 Spring:
I went into the Blue Bar at 6.00 p.m. and got a scene:

Muffy:  Whee whee wheee (note)
La la la la laaaa (note)
Muffy: (with music)  Oh, Freyr.  Welcome.  Come sit at the counter. 
I nod and do so.
Muffy: How is work?  Are you busy? 
I nod.
Muffy:  Really.  Well, that's better than just loafing about.  Men who work as 
hard as they can are wonderful.
Me: (with tear)
Muffy:  Are you embarrassed?  How cute!  Oh, yes.  There's something I've been 
thinking about for a while now.
Me: (?)
Muffy:  Tee hee.  Uh, well...  Freyr, what kind of girl is your type?
Me:  (!)
Muffy:  I wish you would tell me.

My choices:  
Cheerful and pretty.
Quiet and cute.
No special type.

I said 'Cheerful and pretty' and Muffy displayed a big red heart.

Muffy:  Oh really!   That's great!!
Muffy:  Don't worry.  I'll keep this just between us.  Freyr, go ahead and 
drink.  It's my treat.
Me: (with music)
Miuffy:  Wait a second.  I'll make you something.  Actually, this would be the 
first time making it.  Well, I can mix some things.  Griffin makes it so 
Me: ( ...)
She goes to the back of the bar and makes something.
Muffy:  Here you go... All done.  Give it a taste (heart).
I drink it:  B A D
Muffy:  Oh my, it tastes bad?  I must have used the wrong ingredients.  I'm 
I shake my head to convey 'not to worry'.
Muffy:  You're nice.  Thank you.  Please, take your time.

After:  I'm going to make you something really delicious next time.

On a rainy Saturday, I walked into the Blue Bar and experienced Muffy's 1st 
Rival Heart Event with Griffin:
Both Muffy and Griffin were behind the counter.

Muffy:  Oh, Griffin.
Griffin:  Yes?
Muffy:  You used to be a musician, right?
Griffin:  Yeah.
Muffy:  Why did you start playing?
Griffin shakes his head.
Griffin:  The catalyst, huh...?  It happened upon an old guitar laying around 
this shop...  It's like it was asking me to play it.  Then I asked my father 
about it, and he said that one of my ancestors used to play the guitar 
regularly.  It was like the voice of my ancestor reached me?
Muffy (with music):  Hm, that's really lovely.  Play it for me.
Griffin:  Okay.  In time.

Muffy:  Do you play any musical instruments?
Griffin:  I promised, but... I'm kind of embarrassed.

Nami's 1st Heart Event:

At 12.20 p.m. on Tuesday, 10 Spring, a rainy day:  
I ring the bell at the desk again and again.

Nami:  Aaargh!!!  That's annoying!!!!
Me: !
Nami (with hurt( comes out of the kitchen:  You're annoying!!!  You ruined my 
Me: (tih tear)
Nami:  Asssh... It's OK...
Nami: Ruby?  She had some errands,  I'm all alone.  Can I help you?

My choices:

I was just ringing it.
I came to stay the night.

Choose: I came to stay the night.

Nami (with music):  A ha ha ha ha... Are you serious?  You live in the 
Valley.  You're making jokes, that's enough.  I'm not mad that you rang.  Ruby 
really takes care of me, so the least I can do is hold down the fort here.  
Well, it's rare to have a guest.  Take your time.
Nami;  Ruby... Is she here yet?  Huh...

If I had chosen:  I was just ringing it.
Nami:  (with cross hurt):  Why would you do something like that...  I have no 
time for this, would you please go home?
Nami:  What?
And her heart level would decrease by 3000 AP.

Nami's 1st Rival Heart Event:

Saturday, 3.20 p.m. coming from the Beach towards Turtle Pond:
Nami's 1st Rival Heart Event

Gustafa and Nami are standing at the south side of the pond.
Gustafa:  Nami, you said that you like to travel alone?
Nami:  Yes.
Gustafa (with music):  Me too.  You can relax and spend your time any way that 
you wish.
Nami:  That's right.  
Gustafa:  I think many people who love to travel have free hearts and are 
Nami:  That's what I think when I look at you.
Gustafa:  Ha ha ha, that's an honour, thank you.

Ann's 1st Heart Event:

I entered the Inn at 8.40 a.m. on Friday and got an event with Ann:

Me: (?)
I rang the bell.
Ann enters.
Ann:  Welcome.  Welcome to Inner Inn!
Me: (?)
Ann:  What am I doing?  It's nice to be a customer, but if I do it every day I 
get antsy...  Of course, I'm an innkeeper's daughter.  When I see Ruby 
working, I want to help, so then I help.
I nod.
Ruby enters: (!)
Oh, Ann.  What are you doing?
Ann:  Oh, Ruby, I just thought that I would help out.
Ruby:  Oh, Ann.  I've told you before, you're a guest so please, just relax.
Ann:  It's no problem.  I'm used to this.
Ruby (with black cloud):  Freyr, what do you have to say.  She won't listen to 
a word I say.
Your choices:
She shouldn't help.
Let her help if she wants to.

Choose:  'Let her help if she wants to.'
Ann (with music)  Lucky!!
Ruby:  Oh, Freyr...
Ann:  Ruby, please let me help.  I want to learn more about running an inn as 
Ruby: (...)  Okay Ann, you win.  You can help.  Do as you wish.
Ann:  Thank you, Ruby.
Ruby:  Ann's a really hard worker... She could be really helpful.
Ann:  I'll do my best.

If you answered:  She shouldn't help.
Ann: (!)  Whaaat!!!  Why?
Ruby:  See, even other people think it's strange.  They'll think this Inn is 
odd if they see
guests helping.  It probably affects the attraction of customers, too.  I'm 
asking you nicely
to stop.  Your desire to help really makes me happy but...
Ann: (...)  Uuuugh... I get it...

Ruby:  Freyr, thank you.
Ann:  I really thought I'd work hard...

Elli's 1st Heart Event

You will not experience Elli's 1st Heart Event until you have passed out 50 
times from exhaustion.  If after that you pass out on a Wednesday, you will 
experience this event.  Rain or shine, the weather is immaterial.

You will be in bed and Elli will stand next to you.

Elli:  Ah, you've woken up?  You shouldn't work when you're that tired.  It 
would have been a real mess if you'd kept that up.  Be more careful from now 

Your choices:
Mind your own business.
Thank you!

Thank you.
Elli (with music):  No problem.  You're welcome.  You were a very good 
patient.  Well, i'll go home now.  Take care.

If I had said, 'Mind your own business!'
Elli (with cross hurt):  What a way to talk.  After all I did to help... I get 
it.  Next time I won't help you!

Karen's 1st Heart Event

Tuesday, 3 Spring, 4.40 p.m.,
I entered Vesta's Store, to find Vesta alone there and HM FoMT heart event 
music playing.

Vesta:  Hey, Freyr.  Welcome.
Me: (?)
Vesta:  Celia?  She's not feeling well today.
Hey!  Why don't you go visit here?  It sure would make her happy.  At least go 
and give her some one to talk to.
I walk into Celia's room, where I find Karen and Celia.

Karen:  Oh, Freyr.
Celia:  Freyr, what are you doing here?
My choices:

Visiting Celia.
Just hanging out.

Choose:  Visiting Celia.

Celia:  Oh Vesta...  She didn't just call Karen.  she called Freyr too... 
Freyr too...  I am just a little under the weather...  Thank you for your 
concern.  Don't worry.  I'm fine.
Karen  You were worried about Celia and came to check on her.  thank you.  
You're kind.
Me:( ?)
Karen:  I'm kind too?  Thank you.  I'm kind of embarrassed.  I'm a realtive of 
Celia's.  We've always been close.  Even though she was a bit weak and 
couldn't go outside.
Celia:  Yes... cough cough
Karen and I: (!)
Karen;  There, there, you should rest a little more.
Celia:  Ye... yes.
Karen:  Freyr, come here a second.
Celia:  Freyr, Karen, thank you.
Karen;  Well, let's go...
Karen:  Thank you for coming to visit, Freyr.  Celia looks a little better.  
Freyr, I have a new opinion of you.  Well, I'll return now.  Bye.

I was outside at the end of this event.

Mary's 1st Heart Event:

8.00 a.m. at Lumina's bedroom:

Mary:  Freyr?  I heard from Lumina that you're an interesting person.  I'm 
Mary.  Nice to meet you.  Lumina is truly a young lady from a good family.  
Then:  I feell like my knowledge has expanded since i met Lumina.

I went out and directly back into Lumina's bedroom then to experience Mary's 
1st Heart Event:

Mary and Lumina are standing side by side in front of the round table:  

Mary and Lumina: (!)
Lumina:  Hello, Freyr.  I think you've met her before, but let me introduce 
you again.  This is my best friend, Mary.  She writes novels.
Mary:  Hello, I'm Mary.  It's good to meet you again.  
Lumina:  This is Freyr.  He runs a farm.  Oh, there is some one who runs a 
farm in your town too, right?
Mary:  Right.  That family has been in farming for generations.  Their goods 
are traded at a high price and are popular.
Lumina:  Wow, that's wonderful.  Freyr's farm has been around for a while, too.
Mary:  Really?  Is that so.
Mary:  Freyr, what is the specialty on your farm?

Your choices:

If I say Crops:

Mary:  Your specialty is crops.  My family has been working with plants for 
generations.  Even in my novels I write about plants as a theme sometimes.  
It's really interesting.  Can I come look sometime?

I nod.

Mary:  Wow, thank you.

Lumina:  The crops that Freyr grew look delicious.
Mary:  I have samples of many crops at my house.  I've seen them since I was 
little, so I love crops.

If you say 'Animals':
Mary:  Your specialty is animals,.  And you get milk from cows, right?  i'd 
like to taste it.  Can I come over sometime?
I nod.
Mary:  Wow, thank you.

Lumina:  Animals, they're so cute.  I understand your enthusiasm.
Mary:  Animals, they're so cute.  That's why they should be raised with love.

You can choose either 'Animals' or 'Crops' and you will gain 3000 AP with Mary.

If you say: 'Nothing'

Mary:  ..............  If you don't work properly you can't make a life...
Lumina:  I thought you were working hard, Freyr.

Lumina:  To find that you are lazy, it's a shock...
Mary:  Oh, you're an adult now.  You have to work!

You will lose all your AP with Mary but no FP.  You will lose 2000 AP with 
Lumina but no FP.

Popuri's 1st Heart Event:

Going outside at 6.00 a.m. on a sunny Sunday, I went outside and experienced 
Popuri's 1st heart event.  She was at my door.

Me: (!)
Popuri:  good morning.
Popuri:  Thank you for always using the Poultry Farm.  As our best customer I 
came to say hello.
Rick is relaly happy, and I'm happy too!  The farms near my house are big, but 
this farm is pretty big, too.  And the chickens are happy to live in a place 
like this.  Are you raising your chickens carefully, too?

I just keep them outside.
I raise them lovingly.

I raise them lovingly.

Of course you are.  They're so cute.  It would be strange not to raise them 
with love.  Oh good!  I was worried, but you're a good person, so I can relax.
Well, I'll go home.  Please come to the Poultry Farm again.

If I had said, 'I just keep them outside' she would have said:  Y... you're 
kidding!  That's horrible!!  Poor chickens!!  I'm sorry I came to say hello!  
I'm leaving!

Witch Princess' 1st Heart Event:

At any time, come out of the mansion and hear three sentences in her secret 

Me:  (?)  I hear somethtng comeing from over there...  I'll go check it out.
Freyr goes to the left of the mansion.
If I'm not mistaken... I heard something from around this area...
That same spell three times.
Me:  (!)  From here... I'll go in and see...

The WP is at her cauldron:
Wp:  (...)  
Her spell three times again...

She sees me.
WP:  Huh... While it was a mistake... I feel bad for the Harvest Goddess.  But 
it's really the fault of the Harvest Goddess!  I was just making mischief and 
teasing the Harvest Sprites, annoying the Harveset Goddess, breaking up 
couples, pulling up crops, making animals sick, and she gets mad easily.  Does 
she really want to be such a good girl?  Whatever!
WP: (upset)

WP:  You were listening!!
If you were listening, answer.  Aren't you fed up with her?

Your choice:
I'm fed up.
I'm not fed up.

You say:  I'm fed up' if you want her heart level to increase.

WP:  I knew it.  Freyr, I like you!
(with music)  If there's something that you need, please come again.  I'll 
help as much as I can.

After the event:  

WP:  When the Harvest Goddess returns, I'll play tricks!

Leia's 1st Heart Event:

At 8.40 a.m., I walked into Daryl's house and opened the door to the basement.

Leia: Who is it?
Me: (!)
Leia: (?)  Who are you? A friend of Daryl's?  What's your name?  I see.  So, 
Freyr, you're Daryl's friend.  Then that's okay.
Me: ?
Leia:  Me?  My name is Leia.  I'm a mermaid.  It's wonderful, isn't it?
Me: !
Leia:  A-hem.  Uh, why am I here you ask?  The truth is, there was a big 
hurricane and I was washed up on the beach.  I was injured...  Daryl happened 
to come by, and he kindly carried me here.  Oh my, it's embarrassing for a 
mermaid to be washed up.  Anyway, Daryl has been taking care of me.

My choices:

He's kind.
He'lll experiment on you!

He's  kind.

Yes, that's true.  His outward appearance is, you know... but I'm impressed 
because he's so kind.  I want to return the favour somehow.  So I'm cooking 
for him and stuff here.  Of course since you're a friend of Daryl's, you know 
him well, don't you?  That's it!  I'll be your friend too.
Thank you, Freyr.  We'll be good friends.

After:  I'm glad to meet a new friend like you.

If I had said:  He'll experiment on you!
She would have been hurt and said:  That's horrible!!!  Some one who would say 
such a thing is not a friend.  Go home!!
Then:  Are you still here?  Go home already.

Princess Keira's 1st Heart Event:

When you reach Floor 255, you will find that there are many rocks in your path 
as well as a number of Dark Creatures, including a Dark Sheep.   There is a 
doorway in the northern wall similar to that in the second Mine at the 255th 
floor.  There is a barrier as well here, and until you defeat all the Dark 
Creatures, the barrier will not crumble.  What you should do is create a 
pathway for yourself that does not allow the Dark Creatures to attack you, but 
yet will allow you to attack them with the Legendary Sword.  Swing the sword 
from a safe position from behind a rock and defeat them one by one.  The 
barrier will crumble and you will be able to enter another chamber.

Here you will find a Sleeping Beauty, the Princess Keira.  

You now will experience an event.

Me:  ?
I walk to the bed.  A sign is to the left of the bed.
Me:  I wonder why she is sleeping at a place like this...?
Me: (!)
The Princess awakens and sits up in bed.  
Keira: .........................
Me: (....)
Let's check the message board.
Message:  I am hungry.  Please bring curry rice.
Keira: ........................
She falls back into slumber.
Me:  (...)
The event ends and I am left in the room with the Sleeping Beauty Keira.

If I go to read the sign, it will say;  I'm hungry.  Bring me Curry Rice.
(The item is random and will change from game to game.)

Celia's 2nd Heart Event:

At 3.30 p.m. I was at the place where the path and bridge meet on the west 
side.  I walked north up the path onto the next screen and experienced another 
event with Celia:

Wait, Freyr.
Me: ( ! ) 

I turn.
Celia:  Ha... ha... ha...  I finally caught up to you.  Freyr, you're really 
Me: (?)
Celia:  Oh, I'm sorry.  A little while ago I was on my way to the spring, and 
then I saw you.  I thought we could go together, that's why I was following 
you.  Do you want to join me?

Your choices: 
Don't go with her.
Go with her.

Choose:  Go with her.

I nod and she shows a big red heart.
Celia:  Really?  That's great.  Well, let's go.
We walk together to the Spring and then sit there together.
Celia  Hmmm, it's pretty here every time I come.  Freyr, do you know the 
legend about the harvest Goddess living here?  I believe that legend.  Tee hee 
hee, strange isn't it?
I shake my head.
Celia:  It's the first time any one has said he'd believed it too.  When I 
told Vesta, all she did was laugh...  Freyr, can I tell you the real reason 
why I come here...
Me: (?)
Celia:  I've been in rather delicate health since I was young so I haven't 
gone outside much.  My friends all played outside but I couldn't go out.  I 
was really sad.  But as I 've gotten older I've gradually gotten better.  I 
wanted to see what it was llike to work in the outsdie world, so Vesta is 
letting me work with her.  But sometimes I have pain in my chest...  I'm not 
completely healed yet.  That's why I come here to pray.   The Harvest Goddess 
is here, so every time I come I make a wish.  I hope that my illness will be 
cured quickly.  My thinking is childish, don't you think?
I shake my head.
Celia (!)  Freyr, thank you for listening.  It's about time to go home.  Well, 

Lumina's 2nd Heart Event:

On 23 Spring at 6.00 a.m. I was awakened by Lumina and thus experienced her 
2nd heart event.  I had purchased the DVD player and three DVDs yesterday.  If 
I had not purchased both the player and a DVD, the event would not occur.  In 
another game, it occurred on 3 Summer at 6.00 a.m.  If you oversleep, it will 
not occur...

Me: (!)
I walk to the door.
Lumina:  Freyr, do you have a minute?
Me: (!)
Lumina:  Sorry about the hour. Freyr,  I have a favour to ask you...
Lumina:  I heard through the grapevine that you bought a DVD player, is that 
I nod.
Lumina:  I've been interested in them for a while.  Would you show it to me?

Your choices:
Show her.
Absolutely not!!

Show her.
I nod yes.

Lumina (With music)  Yeah!  Thank you so much!  Well, please show it to me.

I nod and lead her to the DVD player and television.

Lumina:  Wow.  Show me how it works.
I nod and do so.  Time passes as the screen goes black.


Lumina:  Oh, that's interesting.  Thank you very much.
I should get home... Well, please show me more sometime.
I nod.
She leaves and it remains 6.00 a.m. when the event ends inside my farmhouse.

If you do not show it to her, she will say that she did not realise it was 
that important to you and will go home unhappy, her heart level down again to 
If you say: Absolutely not!!
Lumina: (...)  Oh, I see... It's that important to you... I'll just go home.

Muffy's 2nd Heart Event:

I went to the Beach at 9.00 a.m. in the rain and experienced Muffy's second 
heart event:

I was by the bench.
Muffy:  Oh, they've got to be kidding!  Why are they sticking their nose in my 
Me: !
Muffy enters the Beach area.
Muffy (upset):  Oh.. It's aggravating.
I walk over to her.
Muffy (!)  Freyr... Haaaa...
Me: ?
Muffy:  I need your advice... Will you listen?  

My choices:

Muffy (with music)  Really?  Thank you.
I nod.
Mufffy:  The truth is, my parents have started talking about setting me up on 
a blind date.  I wasn't really interested, but I thought I'd decide once I saw 
a picture.  I saw the pictrue they sent...  Ther guy in the picture wasn't my 
type.  And... I want to decline the blind date, what should I do?

Meet him and turn him down.
Don't even contact him.

Tell her:  Meet him and turn him down.

You're right.  It would be mean to turn him down without meeting him.  Thank 
you, Frreyr.  I came close to being a very bad woman.
I nod encouragingly.
Muffy:  Well, next time I'll turn him down politely.  See you later.
Muffy (with music) leaves the beach.

If I had said 'No'
Muffy: (...)  I see... I'm sorry.  It's my problem, so I'lll resolve it myself.
Her heart level would decrease, as one might have guessed.

If I had said 'Don't even contact him'
Muffy: ..........  But... if you think about the other person's feeliings, 
poor thing.  I'll think hard about this in my room.  See you later.
Her heart level would decrease.

Flora's 2nd Heart Event:

I walked into the Inner Inn at 5.10 p.m. and got a scene with Flora.
Flora (with cross hurt):  Why don't you have any?  You know that I like it.  
You always kept some here before.
Ruby (with black cloud):  We don't have it anymore.  That was the last of 
Flora:  What!!  What will I do.
I enter.
Me: (?)
Ruby:  Oh, Freyr.  Welcome.
Flora:  Freyr, listen to this... This shop is horrible.  
Ruby:  Give me a break...
Me: ?
Flora:  Until recently this shop carried the Ancient Herb drink that I like.  
And suddenly they don't anymore.
Ruby:  The business partner that made it doesn't anymore... It can't be 
Flora:  Freyr, what do you think?

My choices:
It can't be helped...
Does another shop have it?

Choose:  Does another shop have it?

Ruby (!):  Now that you mention it... I heard that Blue Bar keeps it in stock.
(Flora's picture goes across the screen with a 'ching') 
Flora:  R... really!
Ruby:  Yes, really... I'm asking you not the scary face.
Flora:  Freyr, what are you doing.  Let's go.
Me: (!)
We leave together.
Next we are at the counter of the Blue Bar.
Griffith and Muffy are behind the bar.
Griffith:  Here, this is it.
Muffy:  It's the first time I've seen it.  Who knew of such a drink.
Flora (with a big red heart):  Th... this...!
Griffith:  Here, drink up.
Flora:  May I -  I'll take it. glug glug glug... Buwaaa.
Griffith:  You sure can gulp!
Flora:  It's delicious - - -
Flora turns to me: 
Flora (!): What!  You want to try some?
I nod.
Flora:  Okay... Here you go...
Me (with music)  : ?
Flora: (?)
Me:  (...)
I am staggering in front of the counter.
Flora:  Wa wa wa... Freyr, what happened?
Muffy:  Oh my, he's out.
Griffith:  Well, this is usually what happens when you drink this.  Strange if 
it doesn't happen.  Can't leave him like this, we have to take him to the farm.
Flora:  I'm responsible for this happening so... I'll take him.
I am staggering back and forth, arms waving, in front of the bar.
Griffith:  Well, we're counting on you.
Flora:  Yes.  Freyr, let's go...
She carries me out of there.
Darkness then.
...c'mon....... wake....... up.  
Flora: Freyr!  Please wake up.
She puts me in bed.
She is standing by the bed.
Flora: (!)  He's finally come to.
I leap out of bed.
Flora:  Before you ask why you're here...  You drank the drink I gave you...  
And Freyr, you got kind of woozy.  So then I carried you here.  You were 
I nod.
Flora (with tear)  Oh, it's my fault so please don't apologise...I didn't 
think that would happen to other people when they drank that.  I'm sorry.
I nod that it doesn't matter.
Flora (with music):  But... I'm glad to know that shop stocks the drink.  
Well, Freyr, you're all better so I'll go home.
I nod.
Flora:  Okay, goodbye.
She leaves.
It is 5.10 p.m. still on Friday though, and I am in my own house.

If you choose:  It can't be helped...
Flora (...):  No way!
Ruby:  See, Freyr says it too.  Maybe you should give up.
Flora:  Hmph.
Flora (...):  I... I'm going home...  Goodbye...
Flora (...) walks out the door.
Ruby:  Thank you.  Freyr, that was quite troubling.
The screen goes black, with the sound of a door slamming.
I find myself outside the Inn.
Flora would be at black heart level again.

Nami's 2nd Heart Event:

I entered the Inner Inn at 6.00 a.m. to experience Nami's 2nd Heart Event.

Ruby was at the counter, although she usually does not leave her bedroom until 
7.00 a.m.
I walk up to the counter.

Ruby:  Welcome, Freyr.   

I nod.
Ruby: Ah, Nami asked me to let her know if you came here.  I wonder why?  Just 
a minute.
Me:  (?)
Ruby walks to the stairway and shouts:  Nami, Freyr's here.
She goes back to her counter.
Ruby:  Freyr, I think she'll be right out, so can you wait a bit?  You're such 
a good friend.  I'll be in the kitchen.
She leaves, following her words by action.
Nami:  Sorry to make you wait.  
Nami walks over to me.
Nami:  Actually, there' s something I want to ask you...
Me: (?)
Namie:  For a while I've thought that farming is interesting.  I don't quite 
understand what it really is like.  And I'm embarrassed to ask when every one 
is here so I'm asking when we're alone.  Well... I'd like you to teach me some 
things, will you?

My choices;

I say: Sure.
and nod.

Nami (with music):  Thank you.

I nod again and the screen goes black.

Suddenly my face appears across the screen with a 'ching'.

I show her the motions of using the brush to wash an animal.
Nami (with music):  Oh, is that so...

I show how to milk a cow.
Nami (with music):  That's interesting.
I nod.

The screen goes black... some time later...

Nami:  I understand now.  Thank you.
I nod.

Ruby enters and goes behind the counter.  We both turn towards her.

Ruby:  Huh?  You're done talking?
Nami:  Yes.  He's taught me a lot.
Ruby:  I don't know what's going on really, but, great.
Nami:  Yep.

Nami:  You must be busy, too.
Ruby:  Nami, you look so happy.

If you say:  Uuuh...

Nami (with cross hurt):  I see... If you don't want to teach me, then that's 
She will stalk off displaying cross hurt.
Me: (...)
Ruby:  What?  You're done talking?   What did Nami want to talk to you about?
Me:  ...
Ruby (with cross hurt):  Oh, you.  Any one would get mad.  Next time you meet 
there will be an apology.

Ruby: You don't understand women.
(And Nami's heart level will decrease.)

Leia's 2nd Heart Event:

When I gave Leia a large fish, her heart changed.  I left the basement and 
left Daryl's house.  When I  walked back through the door into the house, I 
experienced Leia's 2nd heart event.  This can occur on a sunny or a rainy day.

Me: ?
Me:  Hmm?  Daryl's not here...?  Is he in the basement?
Daryl:  Wheeeew... The mystery of Mother Nature.  I will reveal you!!
Me:  (!)

Your choices:

Go home right away.
Barge into the basement.

I choose to barge into the basement and Daryl is standing in front of Leia's 

Daryl:(!)  What has you all in a panic?
Me: (showing cross hurt)
Daryl:  What? I'm using Leia as a subject for an experiment?  Why would you 
say something so foolish?
Daryl (with black cloud):  Well then Leia.  Thanks for your trouble.  I'll 
quckly get to research.
Leia:  Do your best.
Daryl:  I will.
He goes to the bookcase and  I go up to Leia.
Me: ?
Leia:  You think I'm the subject of an experiment so you barge in?  Ah ha ha 
ha ha ha ha ha...  There's no reason that I would be true.  You've got the 
wrong idea.  There was talk of my hometown and something provoked his desire 
to research.  I was explaining about that.  So, please feel at ease.  And 
don't thiink something like that about a friend.  I hope you understand.  And 
thank you so much for being concerned about me.

Daryl has been searching the bookshelves on the other side of the room.
Daryl:  I need to research so sorry, but could you leave?

If I had chosen to go home right away, I would have run quickly from the 
house.  Returning afterwards, I would find that Leia had returned to black 
heart level.

Keira's 2nd Heart Event:

In order to raise Keira's heart level, you must visit the 255th floor of the 
Third Mine day after day, bringing her things that she 'likes'.  Her Most 
Favourite item is Golden Lumber, raising her AP by 800 and her FP by 9.  As a 
Mythic Stone can be found on the 255th floor, it is a good idea to ship the 
Mythic Stone in your possession (if you have one) BEFORE you go to the Mine to 
visit Keira so you can find another while you are there.

After giving Keira Golden Lumber, her heart turned purple.  

'I'm sleepy.'
... she wrote (at purple heart level)

The message board continued to declare: 'I'm happy.  Bring me things that I 
like' so I left the room, then immediately re-entered it to trigger her second 
heart event.  The heart event music greeted me.

Me: ( ! )  (at the foot of the bed)
I walk to the side of the bed then.
Me: ( ! )
Keira: ..................................
Me: (...)
Me: She wants me to look at the message board agaiin.   Uhh....................
Keira:  I'm thirsty.  Bring something to drink.
Me: (...)

Keira:  'I'm sleepy.
... she wrote.

On the Message Board now, it stated:   I'm thirsty.  Bring me a drink.

Ann's 2nd Heart Event:

At 9.00 p.m. on a rainy Friday, I entered the Inner Inn and experienced Ann's 
second heart event to the Mineral Town heart music.  This event could not be 
experienced in the Winter season as it involves the purchase of seeds from 
Vesta.  Vesta sells no crop seeds in the Winter season.   On the first rainy 
Friday in Spring, therefore, the event was triggered:

Ann is alone in the lobby.  When she sees me, she displays music.
Ann: 'Freyr, I have a favour to ask of you...
Ann:  Dad asked me to do the shopping for the crops.  I'm going to go now but 
it's dark here at night, and scary.  I was wondering if you'd come with me.

My choices:
It's scary, so no.
Of course I will!

Of course I said I would go with her!
I nodded.

Ann (with music):  That's great.  I thought that's what you would say, Freyr.  
Well then, let's go!
I nod and we leave.
In Vesta's storeroom, Vesta is behiind the counter.  Ann and I stand in front 
of the counter before her.

Vesta:  Thanks for coming this late.  It's dark around here at night, weren't 
you scared?
Ann:  No, Freyr came with me so I wasn't scared.
I nod to confirm this.
Vesta (roaring with laughter):  I see.  That was nice of you.  Well, when a 
girl this cute asks, you can't say no, can you?
Ann:  La la laaa, More than that, vegetables, please!
Vesta:  Here you go.

The screen goes black.  Next, we are back in the lobby of the Inn.
Ann:  Freyr, thank you very much.  Freyr, you are quite a boy.
Me: (?)
Ann:  I think it's amazing that you can walk such a dark street without fear.  
I see you differently now.  Well, get home carefully.  Good night.

When the event ends, I find myself outside the Inn.  It still is only 9.00 
p.m.  If I return to the Inn, Ann no longer will be in the lobby.  She will be 
upstairs in the guest room.  Her heart level would be higher by 3000 AP and 

If I had said it was too scary, she would have replied:  
(....) ....................... Yes, you're right...  Anyone would be scared.  
I'll do it another day.  Sorry to hold you up.
I nod.
After:  I'll go buy them tomorrow.  Her heart level would return to black.

Elli's 2nd Heart Event:

At 3.00 p.m. I climbed the wide white staircase towards the Villa to 
experience Elli's Second Heart Event.

Elli was standing in the middle of the staircase.

Elli (with black cloud)
Me: (!)
I rush to her side.
Elli:  Freyr...  Ouch...
Me: ?
Elli:  I was at the Villa and realised I'd forgotten...  I rushed outside, and 
fell when coming down the stairs.  Ouch...

Your choices:
Take her to the hospital.
That's too bad.

Choose:  Take her to the hospital.

Elli:  (with music):  Really?  You're very kind.  I didn't know if I should 
return to the Villa or go to the hospital.  I'll take you up on the offer.
I nod.
Next we are at the Clinic.

Dr. Hardy: (...)
Elli:  Doctor... How is it...?
Dr. Hardy:  With an injury like this, don't come to the hospital.  You know 
about hospitals.  You should be able to tell how bad your injury is.
Elli:  I ...  I'm sorry.  I was injured and lost my head...
Me (with cross hurt)
Hardy (with tear):  I know.  I know.  I was joking.  Don't get so angry.  
Every one makes mistakes.  But don't lose your head when you're with a patient!
Elli (happily):  Yes, doctor!  Freyr, thank you for everything.  I'm going 
back to the Villa.
Hardy:  Freyr, I must go so please excuse me.

Elli and I leave together.
My thoughts:  You look busy, I'll go home.

If you choose:  'That's too bad':

Elli: (...)
And the event ends abruptly as you walk away.  Elli's heart level will 
decrease because of your lack of concern.

Karen's 2nd Heart Event:

To experience this, you must enter the Blue Bar after Karen reaches it at 6.20 
p.m. on a sunny Tuesday.

Griffin:  Welcome.
Karen turns from the counter to see me.
Karen (with music):  Freyr, come here.  Let's drink together.
Griffin:  Hey, are you okay?
Karen (showing cross hurt):  What are you saying, of course I am.
Griffin (showing black cloud):  This is no good.
Karen:  What are you saying.  Keep bringing more milk.
Griffin:  Okay.  Freyr, come and keep her company.
Karen:  Keep me company!!

I enter and walk up to the counter to stand next to her.

Karen:  Oh, men.  Let's keep drinking.
Griffin:  Sorry... Don't worry about it.  it's my treat.
Me: (with music)
Karen:  Here's the first.

My options:
Don't drink.

I chose to drink.
Me: (with music)
Karen:  Okay, the second.

My options:
Don't drink.

I chose to drink. 
Me: (...)

Karen:  Hey, the third.

Don't drink.

I drank.
Me: (black cloud)

Karen:  You're a good man.  The fourth.

Don't drink.

I drank.
Me: (black cloud)

Karen:  Amazing.  Hey, the fifth!

My choices:
Don't drink.

I drank.
Me: (showing skull)

Karen:  Excellent.  Amazing!!

The screen turns white.

Karen:  Who's sleeping.
Griffin:  Aaah...

The screen turns white again.
I find myself still in the Blue Bar, tugging at my cap and shaking my head.
Karen is still on my left, but Griffith is standing at my right in front of 
the counter now.

Me: (?)
Karen:  He's up!  Great!
Griffin:  Are you okay?

I nod.
Karen:  Nobody has ever stuck it out with me this long.  I'm really sorry.

I nod that it does not signify.
Karen: (with music):  Thank you.
Griffin:  Well then, you're done.  Good job.

There is the sound of the door slamming and I found myself outside the Blue 
Bar.  It still is 6.20 p.m.
Despite my illness during the event, my energy remains stable at the level at 
which I entered the Blue Bar originally.

If I had ever chosen 'Don't drink' at ANY point during the event:

Karen:  (showing cross hurt):  Hmmph.  So then get out!!!
Her heart level would decrease back to black level.

If I drink with her to the bitter end, her AP will rise 50,000 points and now 
be at purple level.

After this, if you speak to her in the Blue Bar at purple heart level, she 
will say:

Hello?  The Blue Bar is fun, isn't it?  It's a nice place.'

At blue heart level:

'My father is not well... That's why I help with the store.' 
Then:  'Sorry... That was a depressing subject.'

Mary's 2nd Heart Event:

After raising Mary's heart level to 10500 AP with RelaxTea, I walked into my 
Mushroom House at 8.00 a.m. and experienced her Second Heart Event.

Mary:  Hello...!!
Me: (!)
Mary;  Freyr, I have a favour to ask you today.  I'd like you to show me your 
mushroom shed.  We don't have such a facility in my town, so it's rare.  But 
that means that you can grow mushrooms, right?  Please, I'd like to see it.

My options:

I said, 'Sure.'

Mary (with music):  Thank you.  Well, then let me just look around.
I nod encouragingly.
The screen goes black, then:
Mary:  ...... hm hmm...... Interesting.......  I wonder how this is put 
together.  And it's even quite humid...  Ah, there's some artificial way to 
set it up.  That's amazing.
Vision of the shed is restored.
Mary:  Thank you so much.  I'm going to ask Gotz if he can make one at my 
house.  See you.
She leaves.  It remains 8.10 a.m.

Popuri's 2nd Heart Event:

When the Harvest Goddess offered to raise a girl's AP, I chose Popuri as it 
was Sunday and I thought it might lead to an event.  In fact, when I entered 
Takakura's house afterwards at 10.30 a.m. I experienced Popuri's second Heart 

Takakura:  ........ and that's how it is.
Popuri:  Oh, really.  Grandpa, you sure know a lot.
Takakura (!)  (...)  ....... hey, hey... I'm begging you, stop calling me 
Popuri:  Well, what should I call you?
Takakura:  You can call me Takakura.
Popuri:  Okay.  Takakura it is.
I enter.
Takakura:  Good.
Popuri:  Freyr, hello.
I nod, then: (?)
Popuri:  What were we doing here?
Takakura:  What do you mean by that?
Popuri:  What do you think?

My choices:  
A date?
Getting advice?

I chose: Getting advice?
Popuri:  That's right.  Takakura was teaching me about caring for chickens.  
We sell them at my house, you know?  I help but... when it comes to the 
management, my mom and Rick won't teach me about it.  So I learn from 
Takakura, who has tons of experience.
Takakura:  And I had some free time.  It's a good way to kill time.
Popuri turns to Takakura.
Popuri:  Teach me more please, Takakura.
Takakura:  Yep, I'm going to get strict so be prepared.
Popuri:  Okay.  (turning to me then):  I'll do my best.  Freyr, you cheer me 
on too, okay.
I nod.
Popuri (with music)
Popuri:  Okay, I'm going to do it!
Takakura:  Popuri is listening closely.  She must really like working with 

Her heart now is 13300 and FP 141

If I had chosen:  A date:
Popuri (with cross hurt)
Takakura (!)
Popuri:  Aaaargh...!!!!!
Me: (!)
Popuri:  Not that!!  I can't believe you.  I'm angry!!  Hmph!!  (with hurt 

Popuri:  Hmph!  Whatever!
Takakura:  That's really scary.  Are all girls nowadays like this?

After her heart changes to purple, she says something different at Takakura's 
house:  Freyr, you're lucky.  If you have problems at the farm, you can ask 
Takakura.  Then:  'At our place, no one shows me how to run the business.  My 
brother says, 'If you run things, nothing good's gonna happen.'

N.B.  This event can be experienced as late as 12.50 p.m., possibly even 
later.  At 3.00 p.m. Popuri still is at Takakura's house.

Celia's 3rd Heart Event:

It can be experienced as early as 6.00 a.m. on any rainy day at Dr. Hardy's 

Celia (...):  Dr. Hardy...   How is it...?
Dr. Hardy (...):  Hm-hum.  You're doing much better.  Thanks to the climate 
Celia (with music):  Really?  That makes me happy.  It's good that you came 
Hardy:  And by the way, you've also gotten prettier.
Celia:  Huh?  What... really?
Hardy:  Yes.
Celia:  You're a smooth talker.  But thank you.
Hardy:  When a girl gets prettier it often means she likes a boy.
Celia (!): Well......
Hardy:  Don't keep it a secret.  I won't tell any one, go on.
Celia: ...............
I enter.
Celia and Hadry: (!)
Hardy:  Hey, Freyr.  You came for a visit?
Me: ?
Hardy:  Aah, Celia came for an exam.
Celia:  Ye... yes, that's right.  Well, not an exam, just a routine health 
check.  I'm fine, so don't worry.
Hardy:  Oh, your face is red.  Are you okay?
Celia:  Uh... uuhhhmm... I'm fine.
Hardy:  (!)  Oh, I see.  Hey, Freyr.  Do you have a girlfriend?
Your choices:

If you shake your head, answering no:

Hardy:  There you go.  That's great.
Celia:  Eh... uhh... uhmmm...  I... I don't know!  I'm going home!
Celia (with cross hurt) begins to leave.
Celia:  See you later, Freyr.
Celia (with music) walks out the door.

Hardy says nothing different but makes his usual comment:  The people in this 
valley are all good people.  I am convinced of this.

If you had said 'Yes': 
Hardy and Celia both: (!)
Hardy:  Oh... I see...
Celia: .....
(and her heart would go down to purple again)
Marlin would enter then.
Marlin:  Celia!  Are you okay?  You really don't look well!
Celia (upset)  Marliin... I'm okay.. Well, let's go home...
Marlin:  Ah... yes...
They leave together.

Flora's 3rd Heart Event:

11.20 p.m.  I experienced an event with Flora as I walked from the screen that 
has Vesta's farm up towards the tent.
Carter and Flora were standing in front of the tent.
Carter;  Hurry, show me what you found.
Flora:  Okay...  This is it, Professor...
Carter:  What, what...
Carter: (...)  (!)
Flora and Carter appear across the screen with a ching signifying points.
Carter:  This is an amazing discovery!  Flora!
Flora:  Really...!  Is it really...?
Carter:  Yes it is.  It looks like this lithograph will help us scout things.
Flora:  Could it be like a treasure map...?
Carter:  That's right, Flora!
Flora:  You did it!  Professor... Let's go hunt.
Carter:  Yes, I'd really love to but... I have some things to do...
Flora:  What...?
Carter:  Yes, it's annoying...
I walk up the path towards the tent.  Borth Flora and Carter turn to face me.
Carter:  Hey!  Freyr!!  What timing!
Me: (?)
Carter:  Just a minute ago Flora dug up this lithograph... I took a look and 
it seems as though these are hints on where to scout for things. 
Flora: That's what it looks like.
Carter:  But the problem is that I have an errand and can't go hunt for 
things...  What do you think.  Will you go scout things out with Flora?

Your choices:
Don't scout.

Carter:  Oh, really!!  Well then, let's quickly translate it!  Wait a  minute.
The screen goes black.
Carter:  Okay, it's done!!  The paper I just gave you has all the translations 
on it.  Good look on the search.
Flora:  Okay, Freya, Let's go.
I nod and we walk away together.
Next we are between the three pines in the Northeast of the map near the big 
Flora (with tear):  Haaa... I'm tired of looking...
I nod.
Flora:  According to what the professor wrote... It should be right here.  
Freyr, please dig here.
I dig: 
Me: (...)  (?)  (with cross hurt) 
The earth shakes repeatedly.
Both of us: (?)
Flora:  Uwaaa...
The screen goes white.
We now are in front of my farmhouse.
Flora:  It's a hot spring, that surprised me.  We can't just leave it like 
that...  We'll ask Gotz to make us a bath.  I'll go ask him...
I nod.
Flora:  Haaa, the Professor will be disappointed.

If you had chosen 'Don't scout'
Flora:  What... C'mon, let's go look.

Again you will be offered:
Don't scout.

She will keep this up until you agree to scout with her.

You can use the Hot Spring immediately after the event if you like.  Cast your 
fishing rod into it to rescue Blue, Leader of the Fishing Team.

Lumina's 3rd Heart Event:

You must exit the Sprite Company Tree at 1.00 p.m. or later (until 6.00 p.m.) 
to experience this event. I experienced it on Saturday at 3.40 p.m. and on 
Monday at 1.20 p.m.  If you are carrying an item when you exit the Tree, you 
will not experience the event.

Me: (!)
Lumina is pacing left and right on the path above the Sprite Tree.
Lumina (with black cloud):  .............
She is searching next to the field above the Sprite Tree.
Me: (?)
Lumina walks north and I follow her.

The screen goes black.
Then you see Lumina next to the Goddess Pond, looking left and right.
Lumina: (...)  I wonder where I dropped it.

I walk up to her.
Lumina (with music):  Freyr, you came at a good time.
Me: (?)
Lumina:  Actually... Somewhere around here I dropped something really 
important.  Will you help me look for it?  If I don't find it I'll... Boo 
hoo... I... I...

Your choices:
Let's look together.
Sorry, I have to work.

I nod.
Lumina (with music):  Oh... Thank you so much!!  It's very important to me, 
itt's an heirloom choker.  Okay, I'll look over here, so Freyr, you look over 
I nod.  She goes to the right and I go to the left.
Both of us:  (...)
Lumina:  No really, where did I drop it...
Me: (...)
Freyr, have you found it?
I shake my head.
Lumina:  I see.....  Please keep looking.
I nod  and we continue looking.
Me: (? )
I find the necklace near the Goddess Pond and carry it to Lumina.  
Lumina:  Aaaaah!!  Th... that's it!!
I give it to her.
Lumina:  Thank you so much.  Now Grandma won't get mad at me.  Freyr, you have 
helped so much.  
I shake my head as if to say it was nothing at all.
Lumina:  When you said you would help me look, Freyr, you seemed very 
dependable.  I...I... What can I say... I... should go home.  Well, see you.
Lumina leaves with music.

If you had said, 'Sorry, I have to work.'
You would shake your head negatively.
Lumina:  I... I'm sorry.
She would walk to the left, then say:  You're so busy and I stopped you.  It's 
my problem, I'll find it...' and her heart would be purple now.
Lumina:  What's this?
Lumina: (!)  
She picks up her necklace.
Lumina:  I found it!!  That's great!!!
Lumina:  Freyr.  I found what I was looking for, now I'll go home.  Please 
excuse me.
She would then leave.

Muffy's 3rd Heart Event:

On Thursday night at 6.20 p.m., I entered the Blue Bar and experienced an 
event with Muffy.  If I had arrived at 5.50 p.m., no event would occur.  It 
only occurs at 6.00 p.m. or thereafter.

Muffy was alone behind the counter.
Muffy:  Welcome.
I walk into the Bar.
Muffy (with music);  Oh, Freyr.  Come in.
I walk to the counter.
Muffy:  Freyr, do you know what I'm doing?
Me: ( ? )
Muffy:  Actually... Griffin always makes the drinks at Blue Bar.  Sometimes I 
want to help Griffin.  But, he makes them quicker than I do...  So I started 
thinking that I'd develop a new drink.
Me: (...)
Muffy: (with tear)  Wha... what's that look...  You want to ask if I can 
really do it, don't you?  I know exactly what you want to say.
Me: (...)
Muffy:  I have a favour to ask...  I'm a little bit insecure about this so 
help me.  Don't say no.  If you say no, I won't let you in the bar again.

I nod.

Muffy:  Thank you.  Okay, come stand by me and we'll do this together.
The screen turns black.
I go behind the counter with her.
Muffy:  Well, the base is done.  Add something and it's perfect.
She turns towards me.
Muffy:  Freyr, you decide the final thing.
My choices:

Chose: Milk

Muffy:  Milk.  Okay.
Muffy:  It's done!!
She turns to me again.
Muffy:  Okay, give it a taste.
I drink it.
(My face and Muffy's face go across the screen with a 'ching')
Me:  G O O D
Muffy:  Yay, we did it.  This will help Griffin.  Freyr, th... thank you... 
it's all thanks to you  I'll tell Griffin that you'll make it for him next 
time you come to the bar.
I nod.
I find myself outside the Blue Bar at 6.20 p.m.

If I had chosen 'Mushroom' instead:
Muffy:  A mushroom, okay.
Muffy:  It's done!!
Okay, give it a taste.
Ching: I see two portraits in the centre of the screen: Muffy and me.
Me:  B A D
Muffy:  Aah... That's no good.  It looks like I shouldn't make drinks... 
That's too bad... Sorry but, would you leave... This is quite a shock...
And her heart level would go down to 18100 and she would have a purple heart 

Nami's 3rd Heart Event:

On a sunny Tuesday morning at 6.00 a.m., the day after her heart turned blue:

Freyr, are you home?
Me: (!)
Nami:  I have a favour to ask you.  Will you open the door?

My choices: 
No solicitors, please.
Come in.

I nod and Nami enters.
Nami:  Sorry that I've come at this hour.  There's something I want to ask you 
Me: ?
Nami:  As you know, Freyr, I really owe a lot to Ruby.  I'd like to show Ruby 
that I appreciate her everyday with a little present.  I've thought a lot and 
narrowed it down to 3 things.  But that's as far as I can go.  I was hoping 
you would make the final decision for me.  Will you do that?

My choices:
Leave it to me.
You should choose yourself.

Leave it to me.
Nami (with music):  Thank you.  Which do you choose...?

Your choices:
Nami's homemade food.
A rare ore.
A rare ring.

If you choose homemade food:
Nami:  Hmm... homemade food...  Yes, I think that's what would make the 
happiest.  I'll do my best...  Thank you.  Now I can at last get a present...
I nod.
Nami:  Well, I'm going home..

If you choose a rare ring:
Nami;  Of cours that's the kind of present that would make a woman happy... 
Thank you.  Now I can at last get a present...

If you say: 'A rare ore', she will say:  'I see... I guess you're right.  I 
see...  Thank you.  Now I can at last get a present...

If you say:  You should choose yourself'
Nami will be cross and reply:  I can't decide, that's why I'm asking you...  
(her heart will turn back to purple):  Fine.  I'm going home.

If you say:  No solicitors please, she will say:
Nami:   ....................Okay, I'm going home.  
And although she remains at blue heart, you will not gain the 300 AP points 
for experiencing her heart event.

Thus, you need to invite her to enter if you wish to gain 300 AP for 
experiencing the event, and then you must agree to help her choose if you do 
not want her heart to go down to purple level but any of the three choices of 
gift will have the same effect.

Leia's 3rd Heart Event:

Monday, 5 Fall:   It is a rainy day, and Leia's heart changed to blue with the 
gift of a medium fish.  I left the basement, then returned immediately to 
experience her third heart event:

When her heart changed, so did her response: I wonder if my mom is worried.  
She doesn't know I'm here you see...

The heart event:

Leia:(with music):  You came at just the right time.
Me: ?
Leia:  I want to talk to you about something.  Will you listen?
I nod.
Thanks, Freyr.  You're dependable.
I walk over to the bathtub.
Leia:  You know that I've been staying here to help Daryl, returning his 
kindness, right?  I'm doing the housework and things, but lately I'm running 
out of ideas on what to make for dinner.  Oh, I'm not bad at cooking.  It's 
just that my repertoire is small...  Don't misunderstand!  Okay!
Me: (with tear)
Leia;  (!):  Ahh.....!! You're skeptical.....!  You haven't even eaten 
something that I've made...!!  My grilled fish is exquisite!!
I nod reassuringly.
Leia:  Okay!  As long as you understand.  Uhhh, Where was I....?
Me: (....)
Leia (!):  Oh, that's right.  We've gotten in a rut when it comes to food.  So 
that's why I thought we should challenge ourselves with a new menu...  Won't 
you please give it a taste.

My choices:
No thanks.


Leia:  Thank you.  Okay, I'll hurry back.  Just a minute.

The screen goes black, then:
Leia:  Cooking, cooking, and it's so fun. (musical note)  My specialty is 
dishes that are made with fish.  I'll make something with fish for you now.  
I've finished preparations while we were talking.  Now it needs to simmer...  
Ah, I forgot the secret ingredient, cooking wine!  That was close.  Now it's 
Darkness again, and the chopping sound of cooking, then:  'The 'Simmered Fish' 
is done!!
Leia (with music):  Let's eat right away.  I think I made it well!  Well then, 
let's eat.
Me:  G O O D
Leia:  Is it good?
I nod.
Leia:  That's great!  It's the first time I made it so I was scared to taste 
it.  It helped that you tasted it.  Thank you.
Me: (...)
Leia:  I'll make another dish and you taste it for yourself.  
(She actually is NOT in the bathtub at the end of this scene, but is standing 
on the floor!)

If I had refused, saying 'No thanks', Leia would have said:  'You would turn 
down food homemade for you by such a lovely woman...  Hmph.  Fine.  Don't eat 
it!  (And of course, her heart would return to purple.)

Keira's 3rd Heart Event:

The Princess Keira was at 19900 AP  118 FP when I arrived at the 255th floor 
today.  At this level, she says:  'I'm sleepy.'  I gave her Golden Lumber as 
usual, raising her AP to 20700 and her FP to 127.  

As before, I left the room and immediately walked back into it to experience 
her Third Heart Event:

I went to the foot of the bed first:
Me: (!)
I went to the side of the bed then:
Me: (!)
Keira: .......................................
Me: (...)
Me: She wants me to look at the message board again.  Uhhh........
Keira:  I want precious stones now.  Well.  Bring me a(n) Topaz.
Keira: ..............................
Me: (...)
Her heart is blue now.

N.B.  The choice of gem is random evidently.  She will be satisfied by the 
precise gem requested.  In other words, if she asks for Topaz, bring Topaz 
rather than giving a more valuable gem to her.

Ann's 3rd Heart Event:

On Friday, 17 Summer, I gave Ann Cheese Fondue.  As it was her Most Favourite 
and given on her birthday, it raised her heart level to blue.  
At 12.00 noon I left my farmhouse again and experienced Ann's third heart 

Me: ( ! )
Ann: Hello, Freyr, not long ago Kassey and Patrick invited me over to their 
house.  I thought you might like to go, Freyr.  So I came over to invite you.

My choices: 
It's a pain, so no.
I'll go with you.

Of course I told her I would go with her.

Ann: (with music):  Yes, you have to come.  Okay, let's go!

Next we were inside the tower, standing side by side on the left, facing 
Kassey and Patrick on the right.

Kassey:  Welcome, Ann.  How are you?
Patrick:  Come in, relax.
Kassey:  Even the extra guy that you dragged along!
Me: (...)
Ann: (!)  You're mean!  If you mean it I'll go home!
Kassey:( ! )  Ha... ha ha ha ha... It was a joke.  A joke.

(Patrick, Ann and I all show black clouds.)

Patrick:  Hon, my brother is obviously up to somethiing.
Kassey:  something!  Don't talk to me like that!  If I weren't around, you 
couldn't make fireworks.
Patrick:  What!!  I could make fireworks if you weren't around.
Kassey:  Ugh...!!  I'm a great fireworks craftsman, you'd better show me some 

Both brothers show hurt in the form of a cross.

Ann (black cloud):  OK, enough!!  I thought you were going to show me 
fireworks.  I don't want to see this!!
(Both brothers continue to show hurt cross.)
She turns to me:
Ann:  It's a waste to be here.  Shall we go home?
I nod.
Ann:  Well, let's go home.

Next in front of my house:
Ann (black cloud):  I'm sorry.  I never thought it would be like that.  Are 
you mad?
I shake my head.
Ann (red heart) (with music):  Oh good!  I'm relieved to hear that.  If 
there's something else, I'll come invite you again.  Well, bye bye.
I  nod and she walks away.

If I had said 'It's a pain, so no'  to her invitation:
Ann (showing black cloud):  I thought it would be fun.  I understand.  I'll go 
Her heart level would drop back to purple.

Elli's 3rd Heart Event:

On a rainy day at 2.20 p.m., I entered the Villa and found myself instantly in 
Romana's bedroom, experiencing Elli's 3rd Heart Event:

Elli:  How are you feeling?
Romana:  Pretty good.
Elli:  I see.  That's great.
I enter.
Romana:  Oh, Freyr.  Welcome.
Me: ?
Romana:  My legs have gotten bad lately...  Sometimes I get a massage from 
I nod.
Elli:  It's no big deal.  We have a book that shows how to massage all the bad 
legs in the family.  The book was written by an ancestor of mine.  Her 
grandmother had bad legs so he desperately made a massage method.  They say 
that that grandmother was able to walk again.  I thought it would be nice if 
the method worked even a little bit, so I'm trying.  Don't worry about it.
Romana (with music):  No, I was impressed.  Usually people don't go this far 
for strangers.

My choices:
Does it really work?
I respect that.

I chose I respect that.
Elli turned away from us.
Elli:  Please, it's not that great.  It hasn't had any acclaim.
Romana:  Oh no, every one is telling the truth.  You should be proud.
Elli:  .......Yes!  It makes me happy.  I want to keep trying.  Thank you.

Elli:  I'll try and work harder.
Romana:  I hope my granddaughter will be as compassionate an individual as she 

If I had chosen:  Does it really work?
Romana: !
Elli: (...)
Romana:  How could you say that.  That's so rude!!  Get out of here!!
(I would find myself  outside the locked bedroom.  Elli's AP would have 
decreased to 18000.

Karen's 3rd Heart Event:

At 6.00 a.m. on a sunny morning,  I walked upstairs in the Inn and when I 
entered the corridor on the second floor where the guest rooms are, I 
experienced Karen's 3rd Heart Event:

Karen: (!)  Oh, Freyr.  You're just in time.
Me: ?
Karen:  I thought I'd take a walk over there... Do you want to come with me?
Me: (!)
Karen:  No deep meaning to this.  I just thought that if you're free, I'd like 
you to come.

My choices:  
Well, let's go.

Me: (with music)
Karen:  Okay, let's go.
I nod.
We walk past Vesta's farm, and past the windmills.
Karen:  Every time I see the windmills they just amaze me.
I nod.
Karen:  There are watermills in my town, but no windmills.  There are a lot of 
things here in the Valley that my town doesn't have.  I like it.
We turn to face one another.
Karen:  And there are a lot of things that are similar, too.  For example, 
there are farms in my town, too.  There are a lot of people your age who work 
hard every day.  And... The people who live there are really kind.  I haven't 
stopped talking.  Let's head home.
I nod.
Next, in front of my farmhouse:
Karen:  Sorry, what a companion I am.
I shake my head negatively, to tell her she is great.
Karen:  Really?  That't good.  Well, let's do this again.  See you.

if I had said 'Sorry' instead:
Karen (showing black cloud):  Oh, I see.  See you later.
She would go into the guest room, slamming the door and her affection would 
decrease to 18600.

Mary's 3rd Heart Event:

Mary's 3rd Heart Event is one of the most unusual events in this game.  Even 
when her heart is at the required level, you will not be able to experience 
this event unless you have a Giant Crop in your field AND you do not harvest 
it before Monday when she visits the Valley.  You need to go to the crop to 
harvest it AFTER 8.00 a.m.  in order to trigger the event:

I went to my Giant Carrot Crop to harvest it at 8.20 a.m. on Monday morning 
and instead of Thomas, Mary was there with the 'heart event music' in the 
Mary:  Freyr, you're going to harvest that?  Won' t you let me help?  We can 
harvest  together.  You'll let me harvest?  Yippee!!  Okay, let's do it!!
The sound of a failed attempt to pull the huge crop out of the ground.  
Actually, it sounds like a hoe hitting the soil once.
Mary:  I can't do it well... I have to try harder.
The sound of two failed attempts.
Mary:  Phew... Phew...  Even harder.
The sound of three failed attempts.
Mary:  Just a little more!  Heave ho, heave ho.
Mary:  I did it!  I gathered it up!!
The sound of a hoe once more.
Mary;  Freyr, I have a favour...  I'd like to study this crop.  If you can 
grow such huge crops as this one, it could really help countries with food 
shortages.  Please.  May I have this crop?

Your options:
I'm sorry but...

If you say 'Sure'
Mary;  That's Freyr, you're so generous.  Oh, I can't carry this alone.  Let's 
carry it to the villa.

In front of the Villa:
Mary:  (with music):  Thanks for carrying it all the way inside.  I'll really 
study hard.  Thank you so much for today.
She goes inside and the door slams.  You will find yourself outside the Villa 
at the end of the event.  If you let Mary take the crop, there will be no 
record of it in your shipping list.  In fact, however, your Giant Crop still 
will be in place AFTER the event and you can ask Thomas and the Legendary 
Sprites to harvest it in the normal fashion.

If you say, 'I'm sorry but...'
Mary:  Of course... I'm sorry.  That was selfish of me.  You can't carry that 
alone.  Let's carry it to the farm.
Next, you will be in front of the shipping container.
Mary:  Oh, that was heavy.  I'm tired.  I'll head home now.  See you...
Her AP will decrease by 10000 points and the Giant Crop still won't register 
in your Shipping List as it will be in your field as before after the Heart 
Event ends.

To actually harvest the crop, go up to it after the Heart Event:

Thomas:  Oh, hey, Freyr!  That's a huge crop.  A crop that large must be a lot 
of work to pull up.  Want me to help you?

Your options:

Yes, please.
No, thanks.

(If you refuse his aid, you will not be able to harvest the crop in any case, 
so you must accept, sooner or later.)

Thomas:  All right!
Hey!  The Legendary Harvest Sprites!  We'll harvest this huge crop!
First, Staid!
Staid: Ok, got it!
Thomas:  Next up, Nappy!
Nappy:  Harvesting is fun!
Thomas:  Next, Bold!
Bold:  Leave the heavy work to me!
Thomas:  Next up is Chef!!
Chef:  Can we cook it?
Thomas:  And next is, Aqua!
Aqua:  Wow this is just huge!
Thomas:  And now, Hoggy!
Hoggy:  I'm hungry!  Thomas, send flour later!
Thomas:  And last, Timid!
Timid:  I'll do my best!
Thomas:  Ok, every one... pull!  Heave ho!  There!
It pulled up neatly!
Thomas:  Well, that was good!  Ok, it's ready for shippiing.  There's no need 
to thank us.  See you later!

Popuri's 3rd Heart Event:

At 5.10 p.m. after Rick entered the Inner Inn on a rainy Sunday, I entered the 
lobby  to experience Popuri's third heart event.

She and Rick were standing facing one another in front of the counter.

Rick: (showing cross hurt): I can't believe you're saying those things again.
Popuri (showing cross hurt):  What!  No matter what I think it's none of your 
The door opens, but Popuri turns first to the left.
Popuri: (!)

She then turns towards the door and sees me enter.

Popuri:   Oh, Freyr!  Good timing!!!!
Me: (?)
Popuri runs to stand behind me.

Rick: (!)  Aaaaaah!!!!  When the going gets rough you always hide behind  some 
one else.
Popuri:  What!  I haven't done anything!
Me: ?
Rick:  Okay, I've got it!  We'll let Freyr decide whose argument is correct!
Me: !
Popuri:  You wish!!
I move to the right, away from both of them,  and both of them turn to face me.
Rick:  So the fight we were having, It's about our business.  As you know, 
Freyr, our business is to care for birds.  Popuri does delivery work for us.  
Lately she's been saying that she wants to try her hand doing management 
work...  If we leave that work to Popuri we won't be able to feel secure about 
finances.  That's what the fight we were having was about.
Popuri turns to face Rick.
Poouyri:  I want to do it, so let me do it!
Rick:  Let's reflect on the positives and negatives so far.  You make mistakes 
with money, won't sell birds you like, and forget to feed them.  Look, there 
are this many just off the top of my head.
Popuri (with tear)  Uuuuuush... It's frustrating...
Rick:  Come on, there's nothing you can say in return, right?
Popuri:  But, but if I really work hard I"m sure I can do it well.
Rick:  It's no good.  Because I know how unskilled you are.
Popuri:  Uuuuuuuugh.....
She turns to me.
Popuri:  Freyr, you know what I'm saying, right?

My options:
If you try, it'll work out.
It's no good...

I choose:  If you try, it'll work out.

Popuri: (with music)
Rick: (!)
Rick:  What are you saying!!
Popuri turns to face Rick again.
Popuri:  Ha haaa!  Freyr agrees with me.  Starting tomorrow I'll work really 
Rick (with black cloud)  Oooh... mom will be mad at me.
Popuri:  Freyr, thank you so much!!
I nod.

Popuri:  Yippee!  I'm so excited!
Rick:  ......................

If I try to go upstairs now:
Popuri:  Ruby said not to go up to the second floor.

 I had chosen to say:  'It's no good...'

Popuri: (...)
Rick (with music):  Right!
Popuri:  Uuuuugh... Freyr, you're mean!
Rick:  Thanks for the help.

Popuri:  I was really excited about it...
Rick:  I appreciate that you told me in such an honest way.

Popuri's AP would decrease as well.
Incidentally, if you answer in Rick's favour, his FP will increase.

Celia's 4th Heart Event:

At 4.20 p.m. I entered the Blue Bar.  Griffin was alone behind the Bar.

Griffin:  Oh, welcome.  You're got time, right?   I'll buy you one, so drink 
Me (with music)
Griffin:  Okay, wait here a minute.
He looks at his shelves.
Griffin:  Uh, hmmm... Ah, here it is.  this is it. 
He brings something back to the bar.
Griffin;  Here, this is special.  Drink up.
I drink it.
Griffin;  Is it good?  Of course it is.
Celia now enters, walking to the bar, where she takes a place next to me.
Celia:  Good afternoon, Griffin.  I brought vegetables.
Griffin:  Hey, thanks for doing that.
Celia:  Here are the vegetables.
Griffin:  Thank you.  I have some things to do so I need to leave but please, 
take your time.
Celia:  Thank you.
Griffin goes out the front door, oddly enough.  We both watch him leave.
Celia:  Hey Freyr, 
I turn to her.
Me:  ?
Celia:  it's just the two of us now.  Why don't you tell me some interesting 
My choices:

About the farm.
Girls in the Valley.

I nod.
I tell her about the farm and get a 'ching' and my portrait goes across the 
centre of the screen.
I show her how to scythe.
Celia:  (!)
I then show her how to sow seeds.
Celia (with music)
The screen goes black to show that time has passed.  Then:
Celia:  Farms take a lot of work.  I really admire your hard work, Freyr.
I show a big red heart.
Celia:  It's about time to go home.  It was fun.  Tell me more stories soon.
I nod and she leaves.
Griffin returns.
Griffin: (!)  You're acting a bit goofy.  Did something happen?
I show a big red heart.
Griffin shows a tear.
Griffin:  You are acting weird... Oh, maybe something good happened.  Well, 
that's great.  Well, sorry to hold you up.  Pleae come again.
I nod.
I find myself outside the front door of the Blue Bar.  No time has passed.

It can occur any time after 4.00 p.m.
If I had chosen:  Girls in the Valley:
I would have shown a big red heart, but Celia would have shown hurt.  Hurt 
back and forth, (...) and a tear.  Both of our portraits would 'ching' across 
the screen and Celia's heart would turn green.   Then:
Well, Freyr:  I understand quite well!!  I'm going home.  
Griffin:  You look like you're goingn to cry... Did something happen?
Me: (...)
Griffin:  (!)  I'll just leave it be and not ask.  You should go home.

Celia's heart would be green and go down to 38400 but her FP would stay at 255.

Flora's 4th Heart Event:

After getting five of the Cursed Tools and  20 Suns as well as a lithograph in 
the 3rd Mine this morning, I left the Excavation Site at 11.30 a.m. on 
Saturday, then walked back into it and experienced the fourth heart event with 

Flora:  I wonder what Freyr thinks about me...
I enter.
Me: ?
Flora:  I am absolutely sure that he doesn't hate me.  Hmmm...  I've never 
really had a boyfriend so... I don't know about such things.   He seems dim 
about these things too.  The beest would be if I...  Kyaaa... it's 
embarrassing...  Just the thought of it makes me feel faint...
(Ching and picture of Flora across the centre of the screen)
Flora (!):  Aaaaaargh!!!!  Wa... what... what are you doing here...!!!
I walk over to her.
Me: ?
Flora: (with tear)
Flora:  Huh... what are you doing here...!!
My choices:
I just got here.
I don't hate you.

I choose 'I just got here.'
Flora (with music)  Oh, I see.  Sorry I yelled out.
I nod reassuringly.
Flora:  Please, take your time.
Flora:  Hope your dig goes well? (heart)

If I had chosen:
I don't hate you.
Flora (with hurt):  You should have said something when you came in.  That's 
the polite thing to do.
I would shake my head and Flora would turn her back on me.
Flora:  Oh, I don't know what to do!!
And her heart would turn green.
Flora:  I don't know!!

Lumina's 4th Heart Event:

I went to the Mansion at 9.20 p.m. on Sunday night and, when I entered 
Lumina's bedroom, experienced her 4th event.    (In another game, when it WAS 
Van's day to visit the Valley, I was unable to experience the event before 
10.00 p.m. when he left the Villa.)

Lumina was standing at the window.

Lumiina (with music):  Ah... Is Van here yet?  I can't wait...
I enter.
Lumina (!):  Oh, Van, you're late!
She turns and sees me.
Lumina (!):  Oh, Freyr... Good eveniing.  I'm sorry.  I mistook you for Van.
Me: ?
Lumina:  Why did I mistake you for Van, you ask?
She walks over to stand close to me.
Lumina:  I want to watch DVD's at home just like you, so I thought I'd buy a 
DVD player from Van.  I'm really looking forward to it!  I asked Sebastian to 
go and get Van for me.
I nod.
Van is at the door to her room now, even though it is not his usual day in the 
Van:  Lumina, may I come in?
We both turn towards the door.
Lumina (!):  Oh, that's Van.  Yes, it's open.
Van:  Excuse me.
He enters.
Van (with music):  I heard from Sebastian.  He said you want to buy something?
Lumina:  Yes.  I want to buy the DVD player that Freyr has.
Van:  (!)
Lumina: (?)  What's wrong?  You look pale...
Van:  Well... actually, that product... Freyr got the last one...
Lumina and I both:  (!)
Van:  Oh... please don't cry... Well... well then... I should leave...  Freyr, 
I'll leave it to you.
Me:  (...)
Van leaves.
Lumina:  Freyr... What... Should I do...

Your choices:
Come to my house anytime.
Give it up.

Of course I said, 'Come to my house anytime.'

Lumina (with music):  R... really?
I nod reassuringly.
Lumina:  Thank you so much.  I'll come watch next time.

Lumina:  I should have asked you from the beginning, Freyr.

As any one might guess, if I had said, 'Give it up':
Lumina:  (...) ...................... I see... .......................  Just 
let me be alone for a little bit.

(Her heart now will be green)
Lumina:  Please leave me alone...

Muffy's 4th Heart Event:

On a sunny morning, I went into my house at 9.20 a.m.  When I left again, I 
experienced Muffy's 4th Heart Event:

Me:  (!)
Muffy:  Freyr, Good morning.  Beautiful weather today.
I nod.
Muffy: When the weather is this nice it's a shame not to go out.
Me:( ?)
Muffy (with cross hurt):  Oh, you don't get it...  Will you go somewhere with 
me?  A date.  D. A. T. E (heart)
Me (!)
Muffy: With weather as nice as this it would be a shame not to go on a date.  
Let's go.  Okay?

My choices:
Let's go on a date!
Sorry, I have work to do.

I nod yes.
She shows a huge red heart.

Muffy:  Of course we should go!!  Well, let's go!
I nod.

We next are standing at the Goddess Pond.
Muffy;  It's always pretty here.  I really like this place.  This spring is 
mysterioius... It has a sacred feeling.
She turns to me.
Muffy:  Don't you think so too, Freyr?
I turn to her and nod.
Muffy:  I'm glad that I'm not the only person who feels that way.  Shall we go 
someplace else?  Let's go.
I nod.

We next are at Kai's stall at the beach.
Kai:  Welcome.  Oh, it's rare for the two of you to come together.  Are you on 
a date?
Muffy:  Yes, that's right (heart)
Kai:  Oh really?  You're a smart man, Freyr.
Muffy:  Hm, ha ha ha...
Kai:  Okay, today it's my treat!  Go ahead and eat anything.
Me: (!)
Muffy:  What, really?  Lucky.  Let's eat a lot, Freyr.
Me: (with music)
The screen darkens, sound of chopping, slurping and chewing.
Kai:  I can't believe how much the two of you ate.
Muffy:  After all, it was really delicious.
I nod.
Muffy:  Thank you so much for treating us.
Kai:  Hey, you take care, now.
Muffy:  Leave it to me!
She turns to me again.
Muffy:  Shall we go back to the farm?
I nod.

Next we are at the door of the farmhouse.
Muffy:  Oh, that was fun.  How about you, Freyr?  Did you have fun?
I  nod.
Muffy:  That's great.  This is the first time I've had this much fun on a date 
with a boy.  Tee hee (heart)  Well, see you later.  
She walks away.
When the music changes, signifying the end of the event, it remains 9.10 a.m.

If I had said, 'Sorry, I have work to do.'

I would have shaken my head negatively and Muffy would have shown hurt (cross).
Muffy:  I see!  I'm sorry that I bothered you.  I'm going home!
Me: (black cloud)
As Muffy flounces away, her heart level lowered by my churlish behaviour.

You can experience this event in your first year, provided you work hard to 
bring Muffy's heart level up to Yellow before the end of Summer.  I actually 
was able to experience it in the first week of Summer in the first year.

Nami's 4th Heart Event:

When I went outside at 6.00 a.m. on Saturday morning, I experienced Nami's 4th 
heart event:
Me: (!)
Nami: Hey, good morning. 
Me: (?)
Nami:  Hm?  Why am I here?  Well, I was passing by and I thought we could do 
something together.  So I stopped by.  Am I in the way?

My choices:

I choose 'No.'

Nami (with music):  Okay.  Want to go to the beach?
I nod.
We stand at the shore together watching the waves.
I've been to a lot of places but the atmosphere here is special.
I turn to her.
Nami:  yes, I've traveled to many different lands.  The atmosphere is each one 
of those places is different.  I like the atmosphere in the Valley... It's 
kind and somehow, warm.  I think it probably feels that way because the people 
who live here are kind.  Freyr, have you ever felt that?

I nod.
Nami (with music):  Ha ha ha... We seem to get along.  There aren't many 
people who feel that way.  It's about time to go.
I nod.
We are back at the farmhouse.
Nami:  Well, thank you for coming with me.  See you again.
I nod and she leaves.
No time passes in reality.  It remains 6.00 a.m.

If I had said 'Yes', that she was bothering me...
Nami:  I see.  I'm sorry.  Bye.  (And her heart would return to green.)

Leia's 4th Heart Event:


At 8.40 p.m., using the Mythic Rod only with a Mystrile level charge, on 16 
Spring in the second year, I caught a 'Message in a Bottle' at the beach.  It 
was described as follows:
Caught at sea.
A letter is inside.

I went to Daryl's house carrying the bottle and experienced an event as soon 
as I entered.
I rushed with the bottle over to Daryl.

Daryl: (?)
What happened to get you flustered?  Huh?
Wheeeeew-!!  No matter what you do it won't crack, what will you do?  Leave it 
to me.  Wheeeeew-!!  I'm excited!!!
The screen turns black, then:
Daryl:  Wheeeeew-!!  It ... it's hard.  The 'Super-Great-Delicious-Wonderful 
Corkscrew' that I developed broke!  Next is the 'Hyper-Miracle-Sweet-Gorgeous-
Beautiful Corkscrew.'  Bakeeeeeen... ... ...
Wheeeee-!!  It has gone to pieces!!!  My 'Hyper-Miracle-Sweet-Gorgeous-
Beautiful Corkscrew' ...!!!  Wha... what strength.  Stronger than a diamond?  
Wow, I won't give up!  Well then, my final weapon, the 'Angel-Eternal-Pure-
Fresh-Elegant-Corkscrew'!!!  Pfft pffft... Dokaaaaaaaan!!!  Gyaaaaaaaa!!!  
Scientific crystals have broken!!!  I  ... give up.  My science give up to one 
bit of glass...
.............................  All there is left... is the 'regular corkscrew' 
that I bought from Van. ... Go ahead...  And try to use this.  I'm tired.  
Either way we can't open it.'

In the darkness:  Pop!

Daryl: !!!!! You got it!?  How silly!!  I see!  It was loosened by the three 
corkscrews before!  If not, there's no way Van's product could have pulled 
it.  That's surely it!  And that explains this phenomenon!!

Daryl: (...)  The case of pulling the cork is closed.  Hey.  What's written 
Me: !

In the darkness: Th... this is...

We next are in the basement.  The bottle still is on my head.  We are in front 
of Leia's bathtub.
Leia: (?)  What is it?
Daryl:  Read it and see.
Leia:  Okay.
I hand her the bottle.
Leia: (!)  From my mother!
Daryl:  That's what I thought.    She's worried because you haven't been home 
since the hurricane.  She wrote a letter.  Your wounds have healed so go home 
to her.  You don't have to prepare meals anymore.
Leia: (!)   Huh?  I haven't repaid the kindness!
Daryl:  Wheeeeew-!!  You're a nuisance if you stay here!
He turns to me.
Daryl:  You, take Leia away.
I nod.

We now are at the shore, standing in front of the umbrella and beach towels, 
at the eastern end of the beach.
Leia (...):  I, did I repay Daryl's kindness?
I nod.
Leia:  I see.  Then that's fine.  This is a nice place.  Every  one I met here 
was a good person.  The only people I met were Daryl... and Freyr but...  Can 
I come over sometimes?  Just occasionally?

My choices:
Whenever you want.
No, you may get caught.

Of course, I told her to come whenever she wished.  I was sad to see her 
leave, after I finally managed to make her fall in love with me!
I nod yes.
Leia shows a huge red heart.
Leia:  Really?  Great.  I'll see you later then.  Bye-bye.
She swims out to sea.  I am left alone on the beach.

If I had answered: No, you may get caught:

Leia (black cloud):  I see... Then I shouldn't come again.  I don't want to 
trouble you.  Well, bye...

Keira's 4th Heart Event:

When I first visited Keira today, she had the same message as usual:  'You're 
not busy, are you...' she wrote.
She was 40700 255 after Golden Lumber, so I left the chamber and re-entered 
Me at foot of bed: (!)
I walked to the side of the bed then.
Me: (!)
(...)  She wants me to look at the message board again.
Me: Uhhh..............
I love Golden Lumber.  Bring them.
Keira:  ........................................
Me: (...)

After the event, she was at 40700 255 and she said, 'You're an interesting 
I gave her another Golden Lumber immediately.
Me:  Evidently I have satisfied her. 

Her points went to 45700 255 after the piece of Golden Lumber she stipulated.  
If I wished to marry her, all I would have to do now is to bring her AP to 

Ann's 4th Heart Event

At 5.00 p.m. I entered the Blue Bar to experience her 4th Heart Event.

I walked up to the counter.  Muffy and Griffin were behind the counter.
Muffy:  Oh, welcome.  
Griffin:  Welcome.
Muffy:  Did you come to see me?
I nod.
Muffy: (!)  Oh you are so nice.  Griffin, give him something to drink.  It's 
on me (heart).
Me: (with music)
Griffin:  She's good, isn't she.  Here it is.
I gulp it down.
Muffy:  Is it good?   Take your time.
I nod.
The door opens suddenly and Ann enters.
Ann:  Here I brought the food that you've ordered from Ruby.
Griffin:  Oh, sorry.
Ann gives him the food.
Griffin (with music)
Griffin turns to Muffy
Griffin:  I'm going to eat, so I'll leave the shop to you.  Don't treat Freyr 
to too many drinks.
Muffy:  I understand.
Griffin leaves, going to his room in the back.
Muffy:  Griffin said that but don't worry about it.
Ann turns to me (!)
Ann:  Ah!!  If you're not working at this hour, what are you doing?
(She is quite cross)
Muffy:  Hey, that's rude.  He has to take a break sometimes.
Ann actually pushes me to the left so that she can stand directly across the 
counter from Muffy.  She turns to Muffy.
Ann (still with her cross face):  Freyr has a job to do!  If you thought about 
it you'd know!
Muffy (also with a cross face now):  I do know!  Why do you talk like you're 
Freyr's wife?  YOU are Freyr's ... what?
Ann (...):  ......wh, what do you mean...
A moment of silence.
Ann:  Oh, enough!  Whatever!!  Anyway, Freyr is busy!  I'm going home, and I'm 
taking Freyr.
Muffy:  What are you talking about.  Freyr is going to relax here with me.

Muffy's and Ann's faces 'ching' across the screen. 
Ann:  Freyr!
Muffy:  Do you want to stay here?
Ann:  Or leave with me?  Which is it?

Your choices:

If you choose:  Leave.
Ann (with music):  See? (musical note)
Muffy (with cross hurt):  Arrgghhh!  It's frustrating!!!
Ann:  All right, let's go then.
We leave together.
Next we are in front of my farmhouse.
Ann (with black cloud):  I'm sorry, really.  It turned into a fight.  But it's 
good.  I'm glad you came home with me, Freyr.
I nod.
Ann (with music):  Well, do well at work.
I nod.
Ann walks away.

If you chose: 'Stay'
Muffy (with music):  I knew it (musical note)
Ann (with cross hurt):  Oh really!  I won't worry then.  Please, take your 
Ann leaves, slammiing the door behind her.

Muffy:  He will.

Muffy:  A rival appears... Maybe...

If you choose Ann, Muffy's AP will drop but Ann's AP will increase.  Choose 
Muffy and Muffy's AP will increase, but Ann's will decrease back to Green 
heart level.

Elli's 4th Heart Event

Me: ?
Elli:  Good morning, Freyr, you're busy every day.  If you work that hard, 
don't you get tired?  Actually...  I made something that helps you with your 
condition, Freyr.  Will you take it?

Your options:
Mind your own business.
I'd certainly take it.

I nod.
I'd certainly take it.
Elli displays a big red heart.
Elli:  R... really?  It was worth it to work so hard at making it.  Here, take 
She hands something to me.  Looks like Elli leaves.
Elli:  Okay work hard.  See you.
She leaves.  I have some Elli Leaves!

If you chose:  Mind your own business.
Elli (...)  Yes, yes I will... I'm sorry...
And her heart level would decrease.

Karen's 4th Heart Event

At 6.20 p.m. on Tuesday,  I followed Karen into the Blue Bar to experience her 
4th heart event.

I entered and found only Griffin behind the counter.  Karen was the only 
customer at the left end of the bar.
Griffin:  Welcome.
Karen turned and saw me.
Karen (with music):  Hey, Freyr.  Want to come over here?
Me: (!)
I shook my head no.
Karen (with cross hurt):  Ah~ come on...!  No milk for me today.  It's okay.  
Me: (...)
Karen turns back towards Griffin.
Karen:  Griffin, you tell him, too.
Griffin:  That's right.  Hey, she's not drinking yet, so it's okay.
I walk towards the counter.
Karen:  Don't be afraid.  Come on... That's rude.
Griffin:  I understand your feelings.
Karen (with cross hurt)  C'mon Griffin, go away!
Griffin:  Okay, okay.
He simply walks further towards the left corner of the bar.
Karen:  Phew, the nuisance is gone.
Karen approaches me.
Karen:  Freyr, there's something I want to ask you...
Me: ?
Karen:  My father runs the market...  I'm looking for some one to talk with me 
about what I should do with my future.  Other people think that I'm doing 
well,   It's difficult to find some one to give me serious adv ice.  Freyr, 
you and I are friends, right?  I was wondering if it's possible for me to talk 
with you about this.  Is that annoying?
I shake my head no.
KAren (with music):  Just what I'd expect from you!  Thank you.  Well... to 
continue where I left off...  My father manages the shop and his health is 
getting worse.  I get nervous watching him.   I think I should follow in his 
footsteps, but I'm conflicted about it.  What do you think?

Your choices:
Take over the store.
Get life experience.

If you say:  Get life experience.

Karen (with music):  Wow, Freyr is really grown up.  But I think you're 
right.  With some life experience it wiill be easier to do business.  I'll 
take your opinion into consideration.   Thank you!!  I'm so glad I consulted 
with you, Freyr.
I nod.

Karen:  You think like such an adult.  I see you differently now.
People at your age just can't express themselves like that.  Taht's really 

And if you speak to Karen now at yellow heart at the Blue Bar, she will say;  
How're you feeling?  Are you busy with work?  Then:  If you have any trouble, 
call me at the store anytime.  i'll help.  (Her AP will have increased by 3000 
because you gave the correct response.)

If you say: Take over the store.
Karen:  Yes, you're right.  I should take over...  Hm, I'll think a little 
more.  Thank you for the advice.
I nod.

Karen:  Hmm, what should I do?
Griffin:  He's young, so he shouldn't worry about things too much.
And Karen's AP would have decreased.

Mary's 4th Heart Event

I entered the Excavation Site on Monday at 8.00 a.m. to experience Mary's 4th 
Heart Event.

At first, I was alone in the Excavation Site.
Mary:  Freyr, are you here?
Me: (!)  
I turn to face the entrance.
Mary enters.
Mary:  The truth is... I'm writing a novel and I thought I'd make the setting 
an excavation of ruins.  I want to gather information at a real excavation 
site.  Is that okay?

My choices:  No.
Of course yes!

I chose: Of course yes!

Mary (with music):  Yippee (musical note).  Well, let's do it right away.
I nod.

I then use my hoe to dig in the Excavation Site repeatedly on the same square.
Mary:  Huh, I see... That's how you excavate.  Oh, wait!  You found something.
(I have a huge silver coin on my head.)
Mary:  What?  You're giving it to me?
I hand it to her and she displays a huge red heart.
Mary:  Oh...,  thank you.  I'll take good care of it.
I nod.
Mary:  I've got my research so I'm going to go home.  See you again.

She leaves.
Afterwards, Flora and Carter are in the Excavation Site, although no one was 
there when I entered!

If I had told Mary:  No!
Mary (with cross hurt):  I get it.  I thought I'd write it, but I can't count 
on you!  Next time I'll ask Carter!!

Popuri's 4th Heart Event

At 5.00 p.m. on a sunny Sunday,  I entered the kitchen of the Inner Inn to 
experience Popuri's 4th Heart Event.
I walked through the door.
Ruby (!):   Freyr, how are you?
Me (with tear):  
Ruby;  What is it, you're hungry, aren't you?  What would you like.  Let me 
make you something.  Just give me a minute.
Me: (with music)
Popuri entered and went to stand in front of Ruby.
Popuri:  Ruby, hello.  Oh, Freyr, you're here, too.  Hello.
Ruby:  Ah, hello.  
I nod.
Ruby: So what's going on?
Popuri:  Well, you know those snacks you made for my mom?  I want to make them 
so I came here to learn.
Ruby:  Oh, I see.  That's fine, let's make them.
Popuri:  Lucky!
Ruby: (!)
Popuri:  What?
Ruby:  I just thought of something.  Freyr is hungry.  Popuri, you make the 
snacks, and we'll let Freyr eat them.
Popuri (!)  What?  Whaaat!!!
Ruby turns to me.
Ruby:  Well Freyr, will you eat them?
I nod.
Ruby:  That's great.  That's a good boy.  Popuri, that's okay with you, right?
Popuri:  Yeah... Let's do it.
Ruby:  Yes, let's do it.
Sound of chopping.
Ruby (with tear)
Popuri (with black cloud)
They are on one side of the table.  I am on the other side, a plate of burnt 
food on my head.  (Failed dish with oven?  Mostly white plate with a few 
burned pieces on it.)
Ruby:  Well, looks like you messed it up good.
Popuri:  I... I'm sorry...
Ruby:  What went wrong?  
Popuri:  Freyr, sorry... You can't eat something like this... can you?

My choices:  I'll eat with pleasure!
I can't eat it.

Chose:  I'll eat with pleasure!

I gulped down the horrid mess.
Popuri and Ruby both: (!)
Popuri:  Freyr, is it okay?
I say nothing but turn to face them across the table.
Ruby:  You certainly are manly.  It's admirable!
Popuri:  Freyr, thank you.  Next I'll make them perfectly for you to eat.
I nod reassuringly.
Popuri:  I'll do my best to practice.  Thank you so much.  Bye-bye.
She leaves.

Ruby:  Freyr, you impressed me!

If I chose: I can't eat it.
Popuri and Ruby both: (...)
Popuri:  Oh... of course not...
Ruby:  I can't believe you say that...
Popuri:  I'm disappointed... Well, bye-bye.
Popuri leaves.

Ruby:  I feel so bad for Popuri.  She worked so hard on it...

2nd Rival Heart Events

The second Rival Heart Event cannot occur before the second year.  The girl 
can be either at purple heart or at blue heart and the event will trigger, so 
if you brought her to yellow heart in order to experience all four of her 
heart events in the first year, you need only decrease her heart level back 
down to Blue to trigger the 2nd Rival Heart Event.   There is an item for each 
ordinary Valley girl that is so detested that it will drop her AP by 5000 
points.  In the case of Celia it is Pickled Cucumber.  For Muffy, it is a 
Small Fish, although she loves Large Fish as much as wine.

Incidentally, it is not the rival's FP that will change his responses to you 
in specific locations but the rival heart events.  After you experience a 
rival heart event, the rival's conversation will change.  If you never 
experience the rival heart event, you never will hear the different responses 
he will make after each one has been triggered.  A rival heart event will NOT 
change the girl's responses to you, but it will change the rival's responses.

For example, when you speak to Carter inside the Excavation Site before you 
experience the 2nd Rival Heart Event, he will complain about Flora's cooking.  
After you experience the 2nd Rival Heart Event, he will talk about his 
ancestor instead.  In similar fashion, when you speak to Marlin inside Vesta's 
shop before the 2nd Rival Heart Event, he will tell you that Celia is a very 
dedicated worker.  After the event, however, he will warn you not to 'mess 
with her'.  

Celia's 2nd Rival Heart Event

On Saturday, 6 Spring of the second year, at 5.00 p.m. I crossed the bridge 
from the west towards Vesta's land to experience Celia's 2nd Rival Heart Event:

Marlin was walking through the field behind Vesta's farmhouse and shop.  
Marlin (showing cross hurt)
Celia walked behind him.
Celia:  Marlin, calm down.
He turned then to face her.
Marlin:  That customer quibbled over crops you sold him!  I'm going into town 
to complain!!
Celia:  Please don't.  It would be horrible if the shops reputation suffered.
Marlin:  No!  I won't allow that!
Marlin (with cross hurt)
Celia:  I'm not worried about it at all.  So please, Marlin.  Calm down.
marlin: (...)  ......Okay...
Celia (with music):  But thank you, Marlin.  For getting angry for me.
Marlin:  ..............that's okay.  Shall we go?
Celia:  Sure.
They both walk away.  When the scene ends, I remain on the bridge.

After, if I speak to Marlin in the shop:  If I don't watch after Celia, guys 
will give her trouble.  Don't you mess with her!  I'm warning you!  I'm 
watching you!

Flora's 2nd Rival Heart Event

At 11.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 3 Spring of the second year, I walked into the 
Excavation Site to experience Flora's 2nd Rival Heart Event:

Carter stood facing the west wall of the Excavation Site and Flora stood 
behind him.

Flora:  Professor.
He turned to face her.
Flora:  Is it true that yur ancestors rest at these ruins?
Professor: (with cross hurt)  Wh-what do you mean?  It is written in a diary 
left by my ancestors that they are in fact buried here.  My father believes 
that diary, too.  I'm going with it.  I want to find it and show them.  Flora, 
will you believe and support me?
Flora (with music)  Why, yes.  Let's do our best and work hard.
Carter:  I'm so happy you understand, Flora.

Carter:  You can count on my ancestor's diary.  I'm digging based on it.
His ancestor's name?  His name was Carter as well.  A great person, no doubt.
(Carter now will say this whenever you speak to him in the Excavation Site.)

Lumina's 2nd Rival Heart Event

After Rock entered the Beach screen at 11.00 a.m.,  I went to the Beach as 
well and experienced Lumina's 2nd Rival Heart Event.

Lumina and Rock stood facing one another at the shore.
Rock:  Hey, Lumina.  You look cute again today.
Lumina (with music):  Complements get you nowhere.  (Natsume misspelling of 
the word.)
Rock:  I'm not that foolish.  That reminds me, Lumina.  You haven't changed a 
bit from before.
Lumina: (!)  Are you calling me childish?
Rock:  Yes.  And that's what cute.
Lumina (with cross hurt): ......................
Rock:  What?  Why are you angry?
Lumina:  I don't know what to do with you, Rock.
Rock:  You're cute when you're angry, too.
Lumina: ............................

Rock:  Whenever I talk to her, Lumina always seems to get mad at me.  I guess 
that is how she wants to return my love.  Don't you think that's harsh?

Lumina at the shore:  I like the sea here.  When I watch the sea, I feel as 
though my own soul is being cleansed.

Muffy's 2nd Rival Heart Event

At purple heart level on Tuesday, 2 Spring in the second year, at 10.00 a.m.   
I left my house and walked down the path to the crossroads to experience 
Muffy's second rival heart event:  
Muffy stood alone at the bridge, thinking.
Muffy:   (...)
Griffin came from the west, walking up to her as she continued to brood.
Muffy:  (...)
Griffin:  Look at your face, what's wrong?
Muffy: (...)
She turned to face Griffin: (!) 
Muffy:  Griffin, listen to me!  I got a letter from a friend... She's getting 
married to a boy I used to date and wants me  to come to the wedding!  I can't 
believe it!!  It makes me want to cry!
Griffin: (...)  I'm sorry to hear that.  At times like this you should cry, so 
you'll feel better.  Cry all you want then come back to the shop.
Muffy; (...)  Griffin... Thank you.
Griffn:  No problem.

Nami's 2nd Rival Heart Event

On Wednesday, 3 Spring of the second year, I walked to the Beach to experience 
Nami's 2nd Rival Heart Event:

Nami was at the shore. Gustafa came up behind her.

Gustafa:  Hello, Nami.
Nami: (!)  Hello.
Gustafa:  This ocean is beautiful every time I see it.
Nami:  Yes it is.  Even if you travel, you don't often see one this pretty.
Gustafa:  I may travel, but I always come home to the Valley.  Wonder why?
Nami (?)  Hmmm...
Gustafa:  I come home because I adore this ocean and sky, and the hearts of 
the people.
Nami:  I see.
Gustafa:  Nami, you've been on this land a while, isn't there something here 
that pulls at your heart?
Nami (...)  I........
Gustafa:  Oops, I should go.  See you.
Nami:  See you....

Third Rival Heart Events

The 3rd Rival Heart Event cannot occur before the third year.  This event is 
known as the 'Green Rival Heart Event' as well as the event cannot occur if 
the girl is ABOVE Green Heart level.  Remember that the Rival Heart Events 
advance the courtship of your rival for the girl rather than yours.  Every 
event that you experience will give you points towards your Farming Degree.  
Apart from this, the couple will not be able to marry if you do not experience 
all four Rival Heart Events for the girl and your rival.

One can experience four out of the five 3rd Rival Heart Events for the various 
girls in the first week of Spring in the third year.  The only exception is 
Lumina's 3rd Rival Heart Event, as that can be experienced only on Tuesday.  
As the first Tuesday is 1 Spring and therefore a Festival Day, you will be 
obliged to wait until the following Tuesday to experience her event.

Celia's 3rd Rival Heart Event

At 5.00 p.m. on Wednesday, 2 Spring, I entered Vesta's storeroom to experience 
Celia's 3rd Rival Heart Event.
Celia was in the southeast corner of the room.  Marlin was in the northeast 
corner and Vesta was behind the counter as usual.  
Celia:  Okay, now I'll carry this bundle there.
Marlin: (!)  No problem, I'll carry it.
Celia:  Oh really.  Okay, I'll get that one.
Marlin:  I'll carry that one, too.
Celia:  ..............................
Celia (with black cloud):  Why won't you let me work?  Even I can carry 
something like this.
Marlin: !!  I meant no harm... I just ... didn't want you to hurt yourself...
Celia:  Don't worry so much.
Marlin:  It's okay, just leave it over there.
Celia:  Yes, sir.  I understand.  I'll accept the offer.
Marlin:  Glad you understand.

Celia:  Marlin is a worrier, isn't he?  Don't you think?
Marlin:  Let's work a little more.
Vesta:  His constitution is not so strong, but he pushes it.

Afterwards, I returned to the storeroom to give her Cake.  She now is at 33800 

Now Marlin will say:  Celia doesn't look it, but she's a strong woman.
I wonder what Celia thinks about me... Hmmm...

Flora's 3rd Rival Heart Event

At 1.00 p.m. on Wednesday, 2 Spring, I entered the Excavation Site to 
experience Flora's 3rd Rival Heart Event:

Flora was standing facing the left wall.  The Professor stood facing the right 
Flora:  Professor.
Carter turned but stayed in place.
Flora:  Something strange came up.
Carter:  Hm?  Show me.
Flora:  Here.
She walked over to Carter and handed him something.
Carter (...):  Th... this is!
Flora: ?)  What happened~
Carter:  We... well done, Flora.
Flora:  Yes?  What is it?
Carter:  Ah, at last you've found a clue.
Flora:  Congratulations.
Carter:  Oh, thank you.  You're like the goddess of good fortune.
Flora: (!)  I'm, I'm embarrassed.  But happy.

Carter:  At last!  I've found a clue!  Let's get to it!
With Flora I feel I can make all sorts of discoveries!

Lumina's 3rd Rival Heart Event

N.B.  This actually is supposed to be Lumina's 4th Rival Heart Event.  There 
is a defect in the English version of the game wherein when you are supposed 
to trigger the 3rd Rival Heart Event by exiting the Sprite Company Tree, you 
experience the 4th Rival Heart Event instead.  Very disappointing!  If you 
wish to allow Lumina and Rock to marry, you must go to the Beach in the 4th 
year to trigger this event again properly there.

On Tuesday, 8 Spring, I left the Sprite Company Tree at 11.00 a.m. and 
instantly found myself transported to the Beach to experience Lumina's 3rd 
Rival Heart Event, actually an error as this is the 4th Rival Heart Event as 

Rock and Lumina were standing facing one another at the shoreline.
Rock:  Hmm?  You don't look good.  What happened?
Lumina (with black cloud):  I'm fine.  Leave me alone.
Rock (with cross hurt):  I can't do that.
Lumina: (!)  Rock......
Rock:  The girl who likes me is cryiing.  A man can't just leave her alone, 
Lumina (...):  ...............................      .................... sniff.
Rock:  Huh?
Lumina:  When I look at you, I forget what I'[m worrying about.
Rock:  That's good.  Whatever that means...  Anyway, do you think you've 
fallen in love with me again?
Lumina: .............................Yes!

Muffy's 3rd Rival Heart Event

At 10.20 a.m. on a rainy Thursday, 3 Spring, I entered the Blue Bar to 
experience Muffy's 3rd Rival Heart Event.

Muffy and Griffin were behind the counter.  Muffy turned to face him.

Muffy:  Don't you think that I have no luck with men?

Griffin continued to look straight ahead.

Griffin:  Hmm, I don't know.
Muffy:  After all, I've never dated a decent man.
Griffin:  Do you thinkk that may be because you're a poor judge of men?
Muffy:  Maybe... I can't deny that I've had no luck so far...
Griffin:  Well, the men in the Valley are all good men, why don't you look 
Muffy: (!)  Yeah, that's right.  I didn't realise until now.  I wonder why I 
didn't realise it.  Griffin, thank you.
Griffin:  Sure.
Now they face one another at last.

I enter.

Muffy: The men of the Valley...
Griffin:  Well, what should we do?

Nami's 3rd Rival Heart Event

At noon, I walked to the beach to experience Nami's 3rd Heart Event:

Nami was standing by the shore.  Gustafa walked up behind her.
Gustafa:  Hey.
Nami: (!)  Hello.
Gustafa:  What are you doing?
Nami:  Hm?  Looking at the ocean, thinking.
Gustafa:  About what?
Nami:  Just wondering if I'm okay like this...
Gustafa:  Now it's okay, right?  Just like this.
Nami: (!)
Gustafa:  After all, it's not good for people to feel pressured.  Just like 
the Valley, just the way you are.  Then the answers will come naturally.  
Well, I should go.
Nami:  Ah...
Gustafa: (?)  Yes?
Nami:  Th... thank you.
Gustafa:  No problem.

Now, if you visit Gustafa in his yurt, he will say something different.  

4th Rival Heart Events

The 4th and final Rival Heart event cannot occur before the 4th year.  When 
you witness the 4th rival heart event of a couple, they WILL marry in a week's 
You can experience the 4th rival heart event for every girl in the first week 
of Spring of the fourth year provided all other conditions are met.  

Celia's 4th Rival Heart Event

At 5.00 p.m. on Wednesday, 2 Spring of the fourth year,  I crossed the bridge 
going east from the crossroads to experience Celia's 4th Heart Event.

Celia and Marlin were standing behind Vesta's storeroom looking at the field, 
which was filled with ripe turnips, although it was only 2 Spring!
Vesta's crops always ripen on the first day of any season, bizarrely enough.

Celia:  We've grown them into good crops.
Marlin:  Yeah.
Celia:  it was worthwhile to be able to grow them like this.
Marlin:  Yeah.
She turns away from contemplating the crops to face him.
Celia (...):  You're not listening to a word, are you?
Marlin:  Yeah.
Celia: .......................
Marlin (!) .......................  Sorry.  What were we talking about?
Celia (with cross hurt):  Forget it!  I was only talking about our crops!  
What were you thinking about?
Marlin:  Oh, no.  Just that lately you've been so energetic...
Celia:  Yes, that's right.  I think the climate suits me.
Marlin:  Stay here forever.  I'll take care of you.
Celia: (!)  What did you say?
Marlin turns and walks away.
Marlin (with tear):  I won't say it again.  I'm going back to the shop.
Celia:  Oh, wait, Marlin...
Both Marlin and Celia walk away.  
I find myself on the bridge after this event.

In the storeroom afterwards, Marlin now says:  From now on I will always 
protect Celia.

Flora's 4th Rival Heart Event

On Wednesday, 2 Spring of the 4th year, I entered the Excavation Site at 3.00 
p.m. to experience Flora's 4th Heart Event.

As in the third event, Flora stood at the left wall and the Professor stood at 
the right.

Flora (!)  Professor.
He turns.
Flora: Something strange has come up, again.
Carter:  Hm?  Show me.
Flora:  Here.
She walkes over to him and hands him something.
Carter (...)  Th... this is!
Flora (?)  What is it?
Carter:  This was without a doubt... something used in a ritual for an ancient 
royal wedding.
Flora:  Really.  Is that so.
Carter: (...)  This is........ I think it's a sign from my ancestors.
Flora:  You've been mumbling.  Is something wrong?
Carter:  Flora!!
Flora: (!)
Carter:  Y... yes.  Will... will you marry me!
After a moment of stunned silence:
Flora: (!)  What!  Whaaaat!!
Carter:  If I'm with you, the excavation and everything will go well.  Please.
Flora: (...)  Let me think a minute...
Carter;  I'm hoping for a good answer.

If you speak to the Professor in the mine after this, he will say;  I will 
marry Flora soon, but I worry about the age difference.  What do you think?
Then:  'Do I worry about it too much?  Hmmm... What will every one think?

Lumina's 4th Rival Heart Event

On Saturday, 5 Spring of the fourth year, at 11.00 a.m., I entered the Beach 
to experience Lumina's 4th Heart Event:

Rock and Lumina were standing facing one another at the shoreline.
Rock:  Hmm?  You don't look good.  What happened?
Lumina (with black cloud):  I'm fine.  Leave me alone.
Rock (with cross hurt):  I can't do that.
Lumina: (!)  Rock......
Rock:  The girl who likes me is cryiing.  A man can't just leave her alone, 
Lumina (...):  ...............................      .................... sniff.
Rock:  Huh?
Lumina:  When I look at you, I forget what I'[m worrying about.
Rock:  That's good.  Whatever that means...  Anyway, do you think you've 
fallen in love with me again?
Lumina: .............................Yes!

Afterwards, when speaking to Rock at the Beach, he will say;  Ha ha ha... I 
think I am going to marry Lumina!

On Saturday morning, you can find the following people at the Beach;  Rock, 
Takakura, Nami, Cody and Lumina

Muffy's 4th Rival Heart Event

At 9.50 a.m. on the 6th of Spring in my fifth year, I entered the Blue Bar on 
a rainy Sunday morning to experience Muffy's 4th Heart Event:

Muffy:  Huh...
Griffin:  What happened?
Muffy:  Griffin, you know how you said that the men of the Valley are good 
men, and I could find a boyfriend here?
Griffin:  yes.
Muffy:  But there's nobody I really click with...
Griffin:  Really.  Well, you should take your time to look.
Muffy:  Yes, I should.  But you're the only one I can talk to like this.
Griffin:  Oh really.
A moment of silence, then:
Muffy (!)  Aaaah!!!
Griffin turns to face her.  Wha... what happened?
Muffy:  There's some one I click with!
Griffin:  Wh... where?
Muffy:  In front of my eyes.
Griffin: (!) M... me!?
Muffy:  I wonder why I didn't realise it?  That's it, that's it!!!
Griffin:  Hey, hey...

Muffy:  I wonder why I never considered them...
Griffin:  What happens next?

Nami's 4th Rival Heart Event

On Friday, 4 Spring of the fourth year, I entered the Beach at 12.00 p.m. 
(noon) precisely and experienced Nami's 4th Heart Event.  Oddly, although I 
had been in the process of entering the beach, I saw Nami and Gustafa standing 
at Turtle Pond.

Gustafa:  Nami, aren't you going on any trips?
Nami:  What?
Gustafa:  No, I just...
Nami: ........................  I've traveled to many places, and I feel like 
the Valley suits me the best.  To me, the purpose of a trip is to find the 
place for you to be.  So I don't think I'll travel anymore.
Gustafa (...):  I see.  Well then, I won't travel anymore, either.
Nami:  Wh-what?
Gustafa:  I recently realised that the place I should be is where you are.  
That's why I won't travel anymore.
Nami (!):  Silly... You don't know what you are saying...
Gustafa:  It's my true feeling.
Nami: ................

Afterwards, I found myself at the entrance of the Beach, looking at Turtle 
Pond where Gustafa stood now alone.

Rival Marriage Events

Provided all other requirements are met, you should be able to experience the 
4th Rival Heart Events in the first week of the 4th year.  Whenever you 
experience one of these final Rival Heart Events, however, the couple will 
marry a week later and you will be invited to the wedding.  For each Wedding 
Event that you experience, you will lose a day at the farm.  Bear this in mind 
when you decide to trigger the 4th Rival Heart Events.  In one game, I 
triggered Celia's and Flora's 4th Rival Event on the same day, Nami's on the 
next, Lumina's on the Saturday and then Muffy's on the day after, a rainy 
Sunday.  When the first groom appeared outside my farmhouse, I had no idea 
that I would be attending one marriage after another without any 
interruption!  I went to bed on 8 Spring and did not regain control of my own 
life until Tuesday, 14 Spring.

All Rival Marriages occur at the Beach.  Each occupies an entire day.  Here is 
the text of each.  As I had married Leia in this game, I was able to 
experience the marriages of all five of the Valley girls.

Marlin was outside the farmhouse when I awakened. 
Marlin: ......... Hey, Celia and I are getting married.  If you're free, 
please come.  See you.

He walked away and the screen darkened.

Next I found myself at the Beach.
I stood next to Takakura at the left end, then Muffy with Griffin, Nami, Ruby, 
Rock, Lumina, Sebastian, then Flora and Carter.
In the back row, Wally, Chris, Hugh, Grant, Kate, Kassey, Patrick, Hardy, 
Daryl, Cody, Gustafa, Van, Galen, and Murrey at the end.  No Nina.

Thomas:  It is my honour to preside over this wedding.  
Thomas:  And now I will ask the bride.  Do you promise to love Marlin as long 
as you shall live?
Celia turns to face Marlin and her face goes 'ching' across the screen.
Celia:  Yes, I do.
Thomas:  Wonderful!
And now I will ask the groom.  Do you promise to love Celia as long as you 
shall live?
Marlin turns towards Celia and his face goes 'ching' across the screen.
Marlin:  ...........I do.
Celia displays a huge red heart.
Celia:  Marlin, I'm so happy.
Marlin:  Me too.
They kiss, then face Thomas.
Thomas:  I now pronounce you married.
Every one cheers.
Harvest Goddess:  (Freyr, Freyr.)
Me: (?)
Harvest Goddess:  (For the two of them, let me toll the wedding bells.)
The wedding bells toll.

Immediately thereafter, Gustafa was outside the farmhouse.  (It was the next 
day, actually.)
Gustafa:  Hello.  Nami and I are getting married today.  We're having a 
ceremony.  We're inviting every one in the Forget-Me-Not Valley.  Won't you 
I follow him off the screen.

Next we are at the beach.

This time, it is a different configuration.

Ruby is at the very front alone.
In the first row:  Marlin, Vesta, Celia, then Griffin with Muffy, Takakura, 
me, Rock, Lumina, Romana, Sebastian, with Flora and Carter at the end.
In the back row, Wally, Cris Hugh, Grant, Kate, the Twins, hardy, Daryl, Cody, 
then Van with Galen and finally Murrey.

It is my honour to preside over this wedding. 
And now I will ask the bride.  Do you promise to love Gustafa as long as you 
shall live?
Nami's face goes 'ching' across the screen.
Nami:  .................I do.
Thomas:  Wonderful!
And now I will ask the groom.  And do you promise to love Nami forever?
Gustafa's face across the screen.
Gustafa: I do.
Nami displays a huge red heart.
Nami: .........................
Gustafa:  I'm happy.
They kiss, then face Thomas.
Thomas:  I now pronounce you married.
Harvest Goddess: (Freyr, Freyr.)
Me: (?)
Harvest Goddess:  (For the two of them let me toll the wedding bells.)

Next,  Rock is outside my door.  (It is the next day.)
Guess what.  Can you believe it, I'm getting married.  To Lumina.  It's not 
easy to be a popular guy like me.  The ceremony is now.  Come to the beach 
with me.  Let's go!!

At the beach:

This time, it is:
In the very front, Ruby, Romana, Sebastian
Marlin, Vesta, Celia, then Griffin and Muffy, then Nami, then Takakura with 
me,  Flora with Carter
Back row:  Wally to Murrey all the same as before.
Thomas:  it is my honour to preside over this wedding.  And now I will ask the 
bride.  Do you promise to love Rock as long as you shall live?
Lumina's face 'chings' across the screen.
Lumina:  I do (heart)
Wonderful!  And now I will ask the groom.  And do you promise to love Lumina 
Rock's face goes 'ching' across the screen.  
Rock:  I do.
Lumina displays a huge red heart.
lumina:  Make me happy.
Rock:  Leave it to me.
They kiss then face Thomas.
Thomas:  I now pronounce you married.
Harvest Goddess: (Freyr, Freyr.)
Me: ?
Harvest Goddess:  (For the two of them let me toll the wedding bells.)

Next Griffin was in front of the farmhouse.
Griffin:  Hey.  Actually, I'm marrying Muffy.  She talked me into this 
somehow...  Our ceremony is today, please come.

I follow him from the screen.

At the beach, there is no one in the very front.
Marlin, Vesta, Celia, Takakura with me, Nami, Ruby, Rock, Lumina, Romana, 
Sebastian, then Flora with Carter
In the back, the same configuration as always: Wally ending with Murrey.

Thomas:  It is my honour to preside over this wedding.
And now I will ask the bride.  Do you promise to love Griffin as long as you 
shall live?
Muffy's face goes 'ching' across the screen.
Muffy:  Yes, I do (heart)
Thomas;  Wonderful!
And now I will ask the groom.  You'll love muffy forever?
Griffin's face goes 'ching' across the screen.
Griffin:  Yes.
Muffy displays a big red heart.
Muffy:  Yaaaaaaay.  I'm happy.
Griffin:  Calm down...
Thomas:  I now pronounce you married.
Harvest Goddess: (Freyr, Freyr.)
Me: ?
Harvest Goddess:  (For the two of them let me toll the wedding bells.)

Finally it is Carter.
Carter:  I think you'll be surprised, but I'm getting married.  To who?  To 
Flora.  The ceremony is soon, please take part.
I follow him.

At the beach: 

There is no one in the very front.
1st row is Marlin, Vesta, Celia, Nami, Ruby, Rock, Lumina, Romana, Sebastian, 
then Takakura and me.
Back row is the same as before.

Thomas:  It is my honour to preside over this wedding.
And now I will ask the bride.  Do you promise to love Carter as long as you 
shall live?
Flora's face goes 'ching' across the screen.
Yes, I do.
And now I will ask the groom.  Do you promise to love Flora as long as you 
shall live?
Carter's face goes 'ching' across the screen.
Carter:  I do.
Flora displays a big red ehart.
Flora:  I'm happy.
Carter: Mm hmm.

As previously stated, having experienced all five of the 4th Rival Heart 
Events in the space of the first week, the weddings followed one another 
without any interrruption.  I had a Bird Barn filled with sick birds and two 
Animal Barns filled with sick livestock at the end of this Marathon of 
weddings.  On the other hand, I was able to cure all the Animals with a single 
dose of medicine, without having to go through days of 'unhappiness' and more 
than one occasion of illness.   A rival wedding will occur a week after the 
4th Rival Heart Event.   Plan accordingly.

XIII.  Specific Times and Dates when Events Occurred:

Here is a First Year Events Calendar, giving the data from two separate 
games.  As you will see, in the Freyr2 game, he was able to experience all 4 
Heart Events for every Valley girl as well as the 1st Rival Heart Event for 
each in the first year.  Events requiring that individuals be at 100 FP as 
well as those requiring 200 FP were experienced as well.  The 1st and 
sometimes 2nd Heart Events for the Mineral Town girls are included.  The 2nd 
Rival Heart event cannot be experienced until the 2nd year, and therefore will 
not be found here.  Leia's 4th Heart Event cannot be experienced until Spring 
of the 2nd year.

First Year Events Calendar

Monday, 2 Spring:  Romana's Birthday  (Moondrop, Toy Flower)
First Day of Gameplay

7.20 a.m. exit Villa to experience Witch Princess' 1st Heart Event (Freyr2)
5.20 p.m. at Blue Bar:  Muffy's 1st Heart Event (Freyr2)

Tuesday, 3 Spring:  Gustafa's Birthday  (all flowers)

Van opens stall on 2nd Floor of Inn

11.20 a.m. coming out of Sprite Tree:  Lumina's 1st Rival Heart Event (Freyr1) 
12.00 noon, coming out of Romana's Mansion, Witch Princess' 1st Heart Event  
4.40 p.m. at Vesta's Shop, Karen's 1st heart Event (Freyr1)  (Freyr2)
5.00 p.m. at Vesta's Shop, Celia's 1st Rival heart Event  (Freyr1)  (Freyr2)
9.30 p.m. at Excavation Site, Flora's 1st Heart Event  (Freyr2)
10.00 p.m. at Excavation Site, 1st Mine Event with Carter (Freyr2)
10.30 p.m. at Excavation Site, 2nd Mine Event with Carter (you must have gone 
to 10th Floor of 1st Mine first)  (Freyr2)

Wednesday, 4 Spring:

10.20 a.m.  at Excavation Site, Flora's 1st Rival Heart Event  (Freyr2)
3.50 p.m.  exiting Beach towards Turtle Pond, Nami's 1st Rival Heart Event  
7.40 p.m. at Villa, Lumina's 1st Heart Event  (Freyr2)
7.40 p.m. in Romana's bedroom at Villa:  Romana's Painting Event (100FP)  

Thursday, 5 Spring: 

9.00 a.m. at Blue Bar (rainy day):  Muffy's 1st Rival Heart Event (Freyr2)
10.00 a.m. at Vesta's house (rainy day):  Celia's 1st Heart Event (Freyr2)

6.00 p.m. at Blue Bar:  Muffy's 1st Heart Event (Freyr1) (sunny day)

Friday, 6 Spring:  Celia's Birthday (all flowers)

8.40 a.m. entering Inner Inn:  Ann's 1st Heart Event  (Freyr2)
3.50 p.m. exiting crossroads to take path to Waterfall, Celia's 2nd Heart 
Event (Freyr2)

8.00 p.m. at Romana's Mansion, Lumina's 1st Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Saturday, 7 Spring:  

12.10 p.m. Galen's House, Fishing Rod event  (cannot have tool equipped when 
you enter)  (Freyr1)  (Freyr2)
3.20 p.m. exiting Beach, Nami's 1st Rival Heart Event (Freyr1)
8.40 p.m. in Romana's Bedroom, Romana's 100 FP Event, 1st Painting Event  
11.20 p.m. at Excavation Site, Flora's 1st Heart Event (Freyr1)

Sunday, 8 Spring (rainy day):  Harvest Goddess' Birthday (she will not be able 
to receive gifts this Spring)

6.40 a.m. entering basement at Daryl's house, Leia's 1st Heart Event (Daryl at 
100 FP today)  (Freyr2)
8.00 a.m. crossing bridge to East, Roller's Event, Opening of Casino  
(Freyr1)  (Freyr2)
9.20 a.m. entering Blue Bar on rainy day,  Muffy's 1st Rival Heart Event  

Monday, 9 Spring:  Rock's Birthday  (Moondrop, Toy Flower, chocolate)

8.00 a.m. in Lumina's Bedroom, Mary's 1st Heart Event (Freyr2)
10.00 a.m. at Excavation Site, Flora's 1st Rival Heart Event  (Freyr1)
4.00 p.m. at farmhouse, Takakura brought horse (shipped 1000 items)  (Freyr2)
7.00 p.m. at 255th floor of Second Mine:  obtained Legendary Sword from Keira  
(Must have a tool at mystrile level for sword)  (Freyr2)
10.00 p.m. at Excavation Site: Carter's 3rd Mine Event  (must have reached 
255th floor of 2nd Mine, defeating all Dark Creatures) (Freyr2)

Tuesday, 10 Spring: Rainy Day

6.40 a.m. in Griffin's room at Blue Bar:  Griffin's Event (100FP)  (Freyr2)
9.10 a.m. on rainy day,  entering Beach, Muffy's 2nd Heart Event  (Freyr2)
12.10 p.m. on rainy day at Inner Inn, Nami's 1st Heart Event  (Freyr2)

Wednesday, 11 Spring:  Carter's Birthday  (Turnip, wine, sashimi)

Thursday, 12 Spring:  Dr. Hardy's Birthday (all grasses)

6.10 a.m. in Gustafa's yurt, Gustafa's Event (100 FP)  (Freyr2)

1.00 p.m. on rainy day in Cody's caravan, Grey's Event.  (No FP requirement 
for either Grey or Cody)  (Freyr2)

Friday, 13 Spring:

8.40 a.m. entering Inner Inn:  Ann's 1st Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Saturday, 14 Spring:  Spring Thanksgiving

9.00 a.m.  Shopping Channel becomes available when item purchased from Karen's 
Supermarket today if you have purchased an item each day the Supermarket has 
been open for business:  Beauty Box offered by Shopping Network  (Freyr2)

Sunday, 15 Spring:

6.00 a.m. on sunny day at farmhouse, Popuri's 1st Heart Event (Freyr2)  (You 
must have purchased at least one chicken from her before you can experience 

11.00 a.m. on rainy day at Vesta's Farmhouse:  Celia's 1st Heart Event  

Monday, 16 Spring:  Elli's Birthday (grasses, ToyFlower, strawberry)

6.00 a.m. Beauty Box delivered by Thomas if ordered on Saturday
6.00 a.m. on a rainy day at Hardy's house, Celia's 3rd Heart Event (Freyr2)
6.10 a.m. on a rainy or sunny day at Daryl's house, Leia's 2nd Heart Event 

8.00 a.m. in Lumina's Bedroom, Mary's 1st Heart Event (Freyr1)

6.30 p.m. at Blue Bar, Kassey's 100 FP Event (rain or sun)

Tuesday, 17 Spring:

Wednesday, 18 Spring:  Duck Festival at Beach

Thursday, 19 Spring:

6.10 a.m. in Cody's caravan, Cody's 100 FP Event (Freyr2)

Friday, 20 Spring:  Chris' Birthday (chocolate, all flowers)

6.00 a.m. at Inner Inn:  Nami's 2nd Heart Event  (Freyr2)
6.10 a.m. at Grant's house:  Grant and Kate's 100 FP Event  (Freyr2)
5.10 p.m. at Inner Inn, Flora's 2nd Heart Event (Freyr2)
5.20 p.m. in kitchen of Villa, Sebastian's 200 FP Event  (Freyr2)
6.00 p.m. in Blue Bar, Muffy's 3rd Heart Event  (Freyr2)

3.30 p.m. on path, Celia's 2nd Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Saturday, 21 Spring:

Coffee Table offered by Shopping Channel: order today

Sunday, 22 Spring:  Gourmet Cooking Contest at Beach

Monday, 23 Spring:

Coffee Table delivered by Thomas if ordered on Saturday; First House Expansion 
becomes available
Order First House Expansion today (Freyr1)
Bought DVD player and DVDs from Van today  (Freyr2)

Tuesday, 24 Spring: Marlin's Birthday (wine, fruit)
6.00 a.m. at farmhouse, Lumina's 2nd Heart Event (must have DVD player and a 
DVD)  (Freyr2)
6.20 p.m. at Blue Bar, Karen's Earring Event (100 FP)  (Freyr2)

Wednesday, 25 Spring: 
6.00 a.m. in Daryl's Basement, Leia's 3rd Heart Event (Freyr2)
6.10 a.m. in Romana's bedroom, Romana's Event with Elli (Romana at 255 FP)  
10.00 a.m. at Dr. Hardy's house, Trent and Elli's 100 FP Event  (Freyr2)

Thursday, 26 Spring:

5.40 p.m. in kitchen of Inner Inn, Ruby's 150 FP Event  (Freyr2)
5.40 p.m. in Vesta's storeroom, Murrey's 100 FP Event (Freyr2)

Friday, 27 Spring:

Saturday, 28 Spring:  Nina's Birthday  (Moondrop, Toy Flower)
If 1st House Expansion completed, Refrigerator will be available from Shopping 
Channel today; if not, Clock will be available.
Ordered Refrigerator (Freyr2)

1.00 p.m. at Inner Inn Lobby, Cliff and Nami's 100 FP Event

Sunday, 29 Spring:  Lumina's Birthday  (all flowers, chocolate)  
For chocolate:  'A birthday present!? Is it really alright?  Thank you very 

6.00 a.m. at Farmhouse, Maker Barn completed  (Freyr2)
6.00 p.m. on rainy day in kitchen of Inner Inn, Nami and Popuri's 100 FP 
Event  (Freyr2)

6.00 a.m. at Farmhouse:  Popuri's 1st Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Monday, 30 Spring:

6.00 a.m. at Farmhouse:  Kai's introduction
1.20 p.m. exiting Sprite Tree, Lumina's 3rd Heart Event  (Freyr2)

9.00 a.m. on rainy day entering the Beach:  Muffy's 2nd Heart Event  (Freyr1)
6.30 p.m.on rainy day entering Inner Inn, Flora's 2nd Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Tuesday, 1 Summer:  Beach Festival  10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. at Beach

Wednesday, 2 Summer:

6.00 a.m. at Farmhouse, Lumina's 2nd Heart Event  (Freyr1)
6.00 p.m. at  Inner Inn, Flora's 2nd Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Thursday, 3 Summer:  Popuri's Birthday  (chocolate, egg, Toy Flower)

2.10 on second floor of Inn at Van's orange crate, Van's 100 FP Event with 
Murrey (Freyr2)

Friday, 4 Summer:  Barney's Birthday (not able to give him a gift this year)

Saturday, 5 Summer:  Muffy's Birthday  (Moondrop, chocolate, flour)

Cabinet (Shelf) offered by Shopping Network (Freyr2)  
N.B.  If Freyr2 had expanded his house for the 2nd time, the Big Bed would 
have been offered today instead.  This is a choice then:  do you want to 
complete your storage items, kitchen and cooking implements or do you want to 
buy the Big Bed immediately?  You will not be able to marry any one this early 
in the game.  I prefer to hold off on the 2nd House Expansion so that the 
Shopping Network will offer the Shelf, then the Kitchen and kitchen 
implements.  When all the Kitchen implements have been purchased, I then 
proceed to expand the house for the 2nd time.  This will put the second house 
expansion in the middle of the Autumn season.  At that point, I will have 
experienced all 4 heart events for every Valley girl as well as rescuing the 
Harvest Goddess and buying the Blue Feather.  I then will be able to marry as 
soon as I buy the Big Bed.

6.00 a.m. at farmhouse, Nami's 3rd Heart Event (Freyr2)
11.20 p.m. on path from Vesta's house to tent, Flora's 3rd Heart Event (Freyr2)
1st Hot Spring built as result of Flora's Heart Event (Freyr2)

Sunday, 6 Summer:  Cliff's Birthday  (chocolate)

9.20 a.m. at farmhouse on sunny day, Muffy's 4th Heart Event (Freyr2)

Monday, 7 Summer:  Chicken Festival at Beach  10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.

Tuesday, 8 Summer:

12.10 p.m. on second floor of Inner Inn, at Van's orange crate:  Van's 200 FP 
Event with Daryl (Freyr2)
6.30 p.m. at Blue Bar, Karen's Event with Kassey (Freyr2)
8.00 p.m. at Villa, Van's 200 FP Event with Romana (Freyr 2)
Obtained two Cursed Tools at 3rd Mine, Cursed Fishing Rod and Cursed Watering 
Can (Freyr2)
On 255th floor of 3rd Mine, defeated Dark Creatures to experience Keira's 1st 
Heart Event  (Freyr2)
Obtained Cursed Harvest Goddess Hat in 3rd Mine  (Freyr2)

8.00 a.m. at Dr. Hardy's house/clinic on rainy day:  Celia's 3rd Heart Event  

Wednesday, 9 Summer:

Thursday, 10 Summer:

Friday, 11 Summer:  Ruby's Birthday  (Bamboo Shoot, Egg)

9.20 a.m. at Inner Inn:  Nami's 2nd Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Saturday, 12 Summer:

Kitchen offered on Shopping Network (Freyr2)
Church transformed Cursed Fishing Rod to Blessed Fishing Rod (Freyr2)
Caught Pirate Treasure with Blessed Fishing Rod  (Freyr2)
Caught first King fish, 'Angler' with Blessed Fishing Rod (Freyr2)
All tools now at Mystrile level; bought Mystrile Necklace from Jet (Freyr2)

Sunday, 13 Summer:  Griffin's Birthday
For small fish:  'What a treat on my birthday!  Thank you so much.'

8.40 a.m. in Griffin's bedroom: Griffin's 100FP Event  (Freyr1)

Monday, 14 Summer:

Experienced 2nd Hot Spring event after entering 1st Hot Spring 100 times 
Transformed Cursed Watering Can to Blessed Watering Can (Freyr2)
Cast Fishing Rod into 2nd Hot Spring to rescue Reese (Freyr2)

Tuesday, 15 Summer:  Kate's Birthday

Thursday, 17 Summer:  Ann's Birthday  (egg, chocolate)  only in Valley on 

6.00 a.m. Cheese Maker completed (Freyr2)
4.10 p.m. at Blue Bar, Celia's 4th Heart Event (Freyr2)

6.20 p.m. at Blue Bar:  Muffy's 3rd Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Friday, 18 Summer:  Takakura's Birthday  (large fish, cheese, sashimi)
For sashimi:  A birthday present?  You really didn't need to... Thanks!

6.00 a.m. in field, first giant Pumpkin to be harvested (Freyr2)

11.40 p.m. walking from Vesta's farmhouse towards the tent, Flora's 3rd Heart 
Event.  (Freyr1)

Saturday, 19 Summer:

Mixer offered on Shopping Network (Freyr2)
Pedometre counted 100,000 steps  (Freyr2)

3.40 p.m. coming out of Sprite Company Tree, Lumina's 3rd Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Sunday, 20 Summer:  Cow Festival at Beach 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.

Tuesday, 22 Summer:  Kai's Birthday (pineapple, egg, flour)

Rescued 60th Sprite, thereby rescuing Harvest Goddess (Freyr2)
Rescued Baby Sprite in Pot at Sprite Company Tree (Freyr2)

Wednesday, 23  Summer: 

7.20 a.m. entering Romana's bedroom, event with Elli and Romana  (Freyr1)

4.40 p.m. at Villa, Kate and Lumina's 200 FP Event (Freyr2)
8.50 p.m. in farmhouse, passed out from Exhaustion deliberately to experience 
Elli's 1st Heart Event (Freyr2)  (must have passed out 50 times)

Thursday, 24 Summer:  Fireworks Festival at Beach  6.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m.  By 
simply attending, you will raise the Heart Levels of all eligible girls who 
are there  (You go directly to bed afterwards, so make certain to complete all 
tasks before you go to the Festival.)

Friday, 25 Summer:  Thomas' Birthday  (Bamboo Shoot, Egg)

6.10 a.m. in Cody's caravan, Cody's 200 FP Event (Freyr2)

Saturday, 26 Summer:

Frying Pan offered on Shopping Network (Freyr2)

Sunday, 27 Summer:  

Seedmaker completed (Freyr2)

Monday, 28 Summer:  Vesta's Birthday  (all flowers)

9.30 a.m. in Lumina's bedroom, Mary and Lumina's 200 FP Event  (Freyr2)

Tuesday, 29 Summer:  Daryl's Birthday (small fish)
For fish:  'Oohh... That's right, it's my birthday!  I really appreciate it.

6.00 a.m. at your farmhouse:  Nami's 3rd Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Wednesday, 30 Summer:  Leia's Birthday  (large fish, toy flower)
For big fish:  'Wow, it's a birthday present!  I'm happy!!  Thank you!!!


Thursday, 1 Fall:  Van's Birthday  (chocolate)

6.00 a.m. in Twins' Tower, Kassey and Patrick 100 FP Fireworks Event (Freyr2)  
(must be Autumn)

6.40 p.m. in Kitchen at Romana's Mansion:  Sebastian's 200 FP Event  (Freyr1)

Friday, 2 Fall:  Gotz's Birthday  (egg)

Saturday, 3 Fall:  Music Festival in Mineral Town:  All Mineral Town shops 
shut today

6.00 a.m. exiting farmhouse, Nami's 4th Heart Event (Freyr2)
10.00 p.m. in Lumina's bedroom, Lumina's 4th Heart Event (Freyr2)

Sunday, 4 Fall:

Monday, 5 Fall:

7.40 a.m. in Daryl's Basement:  Leia's 3rd Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Tuesday, 6 Fall:

Wednesday, 7 Fall:

Thursday, 8 Fall:
6.00 a.m.  at farmhouse, Vesta announces Harvest Festival tomorrow

Friday, 9 Fall:  Harvest Festival  (bring something for the pot):  If you 
bring something good, every one's heart level will go up by 5 points.  If you 
bring toadstools, almost every one will be ill, and you will lose energy as 
well but you will not lose friendship with any one.   If you do not attend, it 
will be the same as if you gave a toadstool.

Saturday, 10 Fall:  Wally's Birthday (wild Grapes, grasses)

Oven offered on Shopping Network (Freyr2)

11.10 a.m. at the Excavation Site, Flora's 4th Heart Event (Freyr2)

Sunday, 11 Fall:

5.40 p.m on a rainy day at Blue Bar, Popuri's 200 FP Event (Freyr2)

Monday, 12 Fall:

Oven delivered by Thomas (Freyr2)

Tuesday, 13 Fall:

Wednesday, 14 Fall:

Thursday, 15 Fall:  Karen's Birthday  (bamboo shoots, all flowers, eggs)

As Karen is in the Valley only on Tuesdays, you will be unable to give her 
anything this year for her birthday.

Friday, 16 Fall:

Saturday, 17 Fall:

Sunday, 18 Fall:  All Mineral Town shops and businesses are closed today.

4.00 p.m. at Blue Bar:  Celia's 4th Heart Event  (Freyr1)
5.00 p.m. at Vesta's Farm:  Murrey's Event  (Freyr1)

Monday, 19 Fall:  Trent's Birthday  (Toadstool, grasses)

Tuesday, 20 Fall:

6.40 p.m. at the Blue Bar, Karen's 2nd Heart Event (Freyr2)

Wednesday, 21 Fall:  Sheep Festival at beach from 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.  
(submit entry the previous day, neither sick nor pregnant)

Thursday, 22 Fall:

Friday, 23 Fall:  Sebastian's Birthday (all flowers)

6.00 a.m.  at farmhouse, 2nd House Expansion complete (Freyr2)  (waited until 
he had the Pot to order this House Expansion)
Ordered 1st Basement from Gotz  (Freyr2) 

1.40 p.m. on rainy day at Twins' Tower, Kassey, Patrick and Ann's 200 FP Event 
(Freyr2)  (must be Autumn)

Saturday, 24 Fall:  Nami's Birthday  (wild grape, fish, bamboo shoot,curry 

Big Bed offered on Shopping Network as 2nd House Expansion completed (Freyr2) 
11.30 a.m. at Excavation Site:  Flora's 4th Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Sunday, 25 Fall:

12.40 p.m. at Takakura's house, Popuri's 2nd Heart Event (Freyr2)

9.30 p.m. in Lumina's bedroom:  Lumina's 4th Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Monday, 26 Fall:

6.00 a.m. at farmhouse, Big Bed delivered  (Freyr2)
N.B.  As he has experienced all 4 Heart Events for each of the Valley girls, 
has them at deepest red heart, has rescued the Harvest Goddess and purchased 
the Blue Feather, he could propose to any of the Valley girls today and be 
accepted.  His wedding then would occur in a week.  Freyr2 chooses NOT to do 
this in order to be able to continue to experience all the Mineral Town girl 
Heart Events.

8.00 a.m. in Mushroom House, Mary's 2nd Heart Event (Freyr2)

Tuesday, 27 Fall:  Rick's Birthday  (egg, Birdfeed)
N.B.  Rick only visits the Valley on Sunday with his sister Popuri

9.00 p.m. at Blue Bar: Muffy and Karen's Earring Event  (Freyr1)

Wednesday, 28 Fall:  Hugh's Birthday  (milk, chocolate:  as a child)
For yoghurt:  Today is my birthday.  I'm so happy.

3.00 p.m. on a rainy day, walking up the staircase towards the Villa, Elli's 
2nd Heart Event (Freyr2)

Thursday, 29 Fall:  Murrey's Birthday  (egg)

Friday, 30 Fall:  Pumpkin Festival:
      Hugh visits from 6.00 a.m. to 7.00 a.m.
      Katie visits from 8.00 a.m. to 9.00 a.m.
      Popuri visits from 10.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m.


Saturday, 1 Winter:  Mukumuku's Birthday  (all flowers)

Shopping Network offers Tool Box (Freyr2)

N.B.  From 1 Winter, can experience Nina's 200 FP Stocking Event at any time 
when Nina is in her house: I have experienced this at 6.00 a.m. and at 9.40 
p.m., but only during the Winter season and only if Nina is at 200 FP or higher

Sunday, 2 Winter:  Thomas' Winter Request  (random item requested)

6.00 a.m.  Thomas' Winter Request made at farmhouse
6.00 a.m.  Mukumuku's Gift Event (Big Fish)  (Mukumuku at 100 FP) (Freyr1)
5.00 p.m. Gave Thomas the Black Grass he requested (item is random)  (Freyr1)

6.00 a.m.  Thomas' Winter Request made at farmhouse (Peach)  (Freyr2)
6.00 a.m.  Mukumuku's 100 FP Gift (Big Fish) Event  (Freyr2)
Third Basement completed today  (Freyr2)
5.00 p.m.  Gave Thomas the Peach he requested (Freyr2)

Monday, 3 Winter:  Grant's Birthday  (wine)

6.00 a.m. at farmhouse, Thomas delivered Tool Box (Freyr2)
N.B.  You cannot find the sixth and last Cursed Tool in the 3rd Mine until you 
have a Tool Box
Freyr2 found the sixth Cursed Tool, had it Blessed, then returned to the 3rd 
Mine to find his first Mythic Stone

6.00 a.m. at Galen's house, Nina's Stocking Event (gave her ball of yarn)  
5.00 p.m., with Fishing Team working at the Beach, obtained 1,000,000,000G 
Fishing Bonus  (Freyr2)
Ordered Bathroom from Gotz (Freyr2)

7.30 p.m. at Romana's Mansion:  Van's Event (Freyr1)

Tuesday, 4 Winter:

6.10 a.m. at Galen's House:  Stocking Event with Nina (gave her a ball of 
yarn) (Nina at 200 FP)  (Freyr1)
7.20 p.m. at Gustafa's Yurt:  Gustafa's event (100FP)  (Freyr1)

Wednesday, 5 Winter:

9.20 a.m. at Dr. Hardy's house:  Event with Elli and Trent  (100 FP)  (Freyr1)

10.50 a.m. at Dr. Hardy's house:  200 FP Event with Elli, Trent and Hardy 

Thursday, 6 Winter:  Grey's Birthday  (egg, ores and gems)
Grey for Baked Corn:  Huh?  A birthday present?  This is great!  Thank you!
N.B.  Grey visits the Valley on Thursdays.  This year, therefore, you can give 
him a gift on his birthday.

6.00 p.m. in Kitchen of Inner Inn:  Event with Ruby  (Ruby at 150 FP)  (Freyr1)

Friday, 7 Winter:

1.20 p.m. on snowy day at Twins' Tower, Kassey and Patrick's Winter 200 FP 
Fireworks Event (Freyr2)  (could occur at 6.00 a.m. as well)

6.30 a.m. at Grant's house: 1st Event with Grant and Kate  (both at 100 FP)  
6.50 a.m. at Cody's house:  1st Event with Cody  (Freyr1)
8.00 a.m. in Kitchen at Inner Inn:  Event with Ruby and Ann  (Ann at 100 FP)  

Saturday, 8 Winter:  

Sunday, 9 Winter:  Galen's Birthday (wild grape, turnip, sashimi)
For sashimi:  Is this my birthday present?  I don't know if I should...  Thank 

6.10 p.m. in Kitchen of Inner Inn on snowy day:  Event with Nami and Popuri  

Monday, 10 Winter:  

2.20 p.m. at Romana's Mansion:  Event with Kate and Lumina  (both at 200 FP)  
6.30 p.m. at Blue Bar:  Event with Kassey and Muffy  (Kassey at 100 FP)  

Tuesday, 11 Winter:  Kassey's Birthday  (wine)
                 Patrick's Birthday  (wine)

Wednesday, 12 Winter:

Thursday, 13 Winter; 

1.40 p.m. on 2nd floor of Inner Inn:  Event with Van (and Murrey)  (Freyr1)

Friday, 14 Winter:  Winter Thanksgiving:  Girls give cake to the boys they 
like.  Any girl with Purple Heart through Blue Heart will bring you chocolate, 
and any girl at Orange or Red Heart will bring you cake at the following times:
     Lumina:  visits from 6.00 a.m. to 7.00 a.m.
     Celia:  visits from 8.00 a.m. to 9.00 a.m.
     Flora:  visits from 10.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m.
     Muffy:  visits from 12.00 noon to 1.00 p.m.
     Nami:  visits from 2.00 p.m. to 3.00 p.m.

N.B.  The Magical Girls will not bring gifts, nor will the Mineral Town girls 
visit on this day.

Received Winter Thanksgiving gifts from all eligible Valley girls (Freyr2)

Saturday, 15 Winter:  

6.00 a.m. at Farmhouse:  Nami's 4th Heart Event  (Freyr1)

Sunday, 16 Winter:  Flora's Birthday  (chocolate)
For chocolate:  'Huh, is it alright?  Wow, what a pleasant surprise!'  (Flora 
is one of those who does not mention the word 'birthday' when she receives a 
gift on her birthday.)

Monday, 17 Winter:

Tuesday, 18 Winter:  

6.10 a.m. at Cody's house:  Cody's second event  (200 FP)  (Freyr1)
10.40 a.m. on 2nd floor of Inn:  Van's event with Daryl (200 FP)  (Freyr1)
6.30 p.m. at Blue Bar:  Kassey's Event with Karen (Karen at 100 FP)  (Freyr1)

Wednesday, 19 Winter:

Thursday, 20 Winter:  Mary's Birthday  (toadstool, chocolate)
N.B.  As Mary visits the Valley only on Monday, you will not be able to give 
her a birthday gift this year.

Friday, 21 Winter:

Saturday, 22 Winter:

Sunday, 23 Winter:

Monday, 24 Winter:  Starry Night Festival.  Find partner on 23 Winter to see 
if you will obtain an invitation.  

Tuesday, 25 Winter:  Yule Festival (Stocking Event).  You must have a stocking 
from Nina and you must go to bed after 9.00 p.m. to receive a visit from Santa.

Wednesday, 26 Winter:  Keria's Birthday  (valuable ores and valuable gems, 
Golden Lumber)

Thursday, 27 Winter: 

Friday, 28 Winter:  Cody's Birthday  (copper or any other ore, flowers, wood 
lumber, stone lumber)
For mystrille:  A birthday present?  I'm so happy!  Thank you.

29 Winter:  Witch Princess' Birthday  (Toadstool, fishbone, gems, ores, all 

4.00 p.m. gave Mukumuku a Medium Toadstool and experienced his Event with Dr. 
Hardy (Freyr2)

30 Winter: Year End or New Year's Eve Festival:   At Beach after 6.00 p.m.:  
obtain Buckwheat Flour or Buckwheat Noodles

N.B.  Events given in this Calendar that are not Heart Events or Rival Heart 
Events will occur in the 1st year only if the individuals involved are at 100 
FP or 200 FP.


Spring Thanksgiving Festival

When you give Cookies to any of the eligible girls, this is the response each 
will make:

Celia:  Oh, a thank you gift?  Thank you.  But you didn't need to do that...

Flora:  Thank you.  You didn't need to go to the trouble of a return gift.  
But I'm happy.

Lumina:  Thank you very much.  I didn't think I'd receive a return gift, so 
I'm very happy!

Muffy;  Hee hee.  I'm happy.  But you didn't have to go out of your way.

Nami:  Thanks... You really didn't need to.  I don't mean it in a bad way.

Leia:  Oh!!  A Thanksgiving present?  Thank you.

Witch Princess:  A Cookie?  Oh, thanksgiving?  Thank you.  You'll get a thank 
you gift.

Harvest Goddess:  Oh my, it's Freyr, isn't it?  I'm glad you came.  I will 
receive your offering.  Thank you.  Hmm?  These are Cookies.  Oh, it's Spring 
Thanksgiving.  Thank you.  Perhaps I'll give presents, too.

Popuri:  Wow, thank you.  But is it alright?  I didn't give you anything at 
the Winter Thanksgiving.'

Unlike FoMT, MFoMT or Magical Melody, other townspeople will not recognise a 
Thanksgiving gift.  They simply will make their usual responses to the gift.  
Even Kate will not recognise a Thanksgiving Gift today.

Even after marriage, you can continue to give Spring Thanksgiving gifts to 
single or married women.  The responses will change, however.  My character 
after his own marriage gave Cookies to all the Valley girls after their 
marriages.  Here are their responses:
Celia: Th... thank you. I'll eat it and make sure Marlin doesn't see it. If he 
sees it, he'll complain. 
Karen: What... it's alright? At Winter Thanksgiving, I didn't give you 
anything... Thank you. I'll savour every bite. 
Nami: 'Ha ha ha ha ha. Thanks. I'll eat it later. 
Flora outside the Sprite Tree at 1.00 p.m, for Cookies:  What? I'm a married 
woman. But, I accept it with gratitude. 
Muffy at the Goddess Pond; Oh, Cookies. Thank you. I need to get some from my 
husband, Griffin. 
Lumina: Thank you very much. I'm happy you do things like this after we're 

Fireworks Festival Events:

Fireworks Festival:
Held on 24 Summer,
From 6.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. at the Beach

In every year:

If you go early to the beach, Kassey will stop you saying:  So, we're gonna' 
shoot Fireworks here today from 6.PM.  Preparations for it are taking place 
now.  If you have time, come back again at 6.00 PM.  The fireworks will be 

This is a romantic festival only in the sense that you will be given an option 
to watch fireworks with any girl whose heart level is green or higher.  Make 
certain that you speak to the girl with whom you do wish to watch the 
fireworks LAST if you wish to have a chance to speak to every one.  

(If any ordinary Valley girl or Mineral Town girl is at green heart or higher, 
she will invite you to watch the show with her when you speak to her at the 
Beach.  If not, speak to every one and simply enjoy the show!  In your first 
year, you probably will not have any girl at a high enough level.   N.B.  
The 'magical' girls will not attend and there is no opportunity to invite any 
of them.

Popuri: Yaaay, fireworks!  I love fireworks
Ann:  I'm looking forward to the Valley fireworks.  Aren't you, Freyr?
Elli:  Good evening.  Looks like it's going to start.

Nami is alone at the shore.  
Nami:  Fireworks displays are rare, so I came to watch.

On the right, Flora and Muffy are with Kassey and Patrick.

Kassey:  Look at our skills.  They'll be totally in awe of us.
Patrick:  Kassey and I made this year's fireworks together.
Muffy:  There'll be fireworks today.  It's romantic to watch the fireworks at 
the beach.
Flora:  The fireworks will be fun.  I'm excited.

Mary and Lumina are together at the top right of the screen.
Mary:  Valley fireworks are made by the world's top craftsmen.  They're quite 
a sight to see.
Lumina:  Good evening.  This day has come around again.

Up at the top left are Karen and Celia.
Karen:  Mineral Town's fireworks are nice but the Valley's fireworks are good 
Celia:  Did you come to watch the fireworks too?  The fireworks here are best.

If you reject the option to watch with all girls, after you decline the 
invitation of the last one, you will find yourself between Kassey and Patrick 
at the shore watching.  During the fireworks:

Kassey:  Yup, there is no doubt that our fireworks are the best.
Patrick:  You got that right.

For any girl whose heart level is high enough, you will see the following 
options after you speak to her:

Let's watch them together.
See you later.

If you try to go to the island:
Kassey and Patrick;  Where are you going?  Our fireworks are just starting!

If you don't accept any invitation, you have to watch with Kassy and Patrick 

Kassey:  of course, our firewoarks are the best.
Patrick:  That's right.

Here are the responses of each of the eligible Valley girls if you agree to 
watch the show together.  In each case, the girl will accept then make a 
statement during the show.  

Muffy:  I'd be happy too.
During:  Absolutely beautiful.  The city is so crowded that you can't see 
much.  The Valley isn't crowded, so you can watch comfortably.

Nami:  Hm?  Whatever.  Let's watch together.
During:  The amount of explosives, the way they're lined up, and the shapes 
change.  Humans really think up a lot of things, don't they?  It's impressive.

Lumina:  Will you watch with me?  Thank you very much.
During:  Watching fireworks at the beach is romantic, isn't it?  It makes me 
feel happy.

Flora:  Watch with you.  It would be my honour.
During:  Owww...!  How beautiful!  It's a different kind of beauty than gem 

Celia:  With me?  Okay.  Let's watch them together.
During: I think the fireworks in this town are the best.  They are so 

For the Mineral Town girls, you will see the following option if her heart 
level is at green or higher:

Watch fireworks with her?

Your choices:
Let's watch them together.
See you later.

If you agree to watch with the girl:

Ann:  Okay... Let's watch together.  I was hoping we would.  At any rate, 
fireworks really are loud, aren't they.  Boom ... Heeeee, Bang!  I think it 
will startle the animals e in the Valley.  (The e is included by Natsume for 
some reason.)

Elli:  You will watch with me?  I'd love to.  Pretty, isn't it...?  The 
fireworks in Mineral Town are pretty, but the ones in the Valley are prettier.

Karen:   Bravo!!   What?  Don't you yell out when the fireworks go up?  You 
should try it.  It feels good.

Mary:  Oh, sure.  Let's watch them together.
That's what the world's best fireworks craftsmen can do.  It's rare to see 
fireworks like this.

Popuri:  With you, Freyr?  Yay, I'll watch them with you.
Wow, they're pretty!  The biggest punch of the firework is at the blast off.  
I love the blast off!

My last thoughts:  A great view from the beach.

Winter Thanksgiving Events:

If the eligible girls from the Valley are at Purple Heart or above, you will 
experience the following:

Friday, 14 Winter, Winter Thanksgiving:

At 6.00 a.m., I walked out the door and...
Lumina:  Can I come in?  I just have some business with you, Freyr...
I walked up to her to speak to her when she entered.
Lumina:  You always take such good care of me so... I made it the best I 
could.  Please eat some if you'd like.
She gave me a piece of chocolate cake and left.

At 8.00 a.m. when I walked out the door,  Celia:
Celia:  Can I come in?  I have some business with you, Freyr.
Go up to her to speak to her when she enters.
Celia:  You're always so nice to me, so...  Here, have this.
She gave me a piece of chocolate cake and left.

At 10.00 a.m. when I left the house, Flora was at the door.
Flora:  Can I come in?  I have some business with you, Freyr.
Go up to her to speak to her.
Flora:  You're always very kind, so... Please eat this.
She gave me a piece of chocolate cake and left.

At 12.00 noon when I left the house, Muffy was at the door:
Muffy;  Can I come in?  I have a bit of business with you, Freyr.
Go up to her to speak to her.
Muffy:  You're being so kind to me.  Here you go.  Eat it all.
She gave me a piece of chocolate cake and left.

At 2.00 p.m. when I left the house, Nami was at the door:
Nami:  Can I come in?  I have some business.
Walk up to her to speak to her.
Nami:  My gratitude for every day.
She left after bestowing the traditional piece of chocolate cake upon me.

Note that you must be inside the house and then leave the house in order to 
experience each visit.  If you wish to obtain cake from all five girls, you 
basically have to pop in and out of your house all day at two hour intervals!

Depending on heart level, you may receive chocolate instead of chocolate 
cake.  When I was decreasing heart levels to try to trigger rival heart 
events, I had all the girls except Nami at green heart.  I received chocolate 
from them.  Nami, at orange heart, gave me chocolate cake as before.

At 6.00 a.m., I walked out the door and...

Lumina at 6.00 a.m.:  Can I come in?  I just have some business with you, 
Freyr?  To thank you for those cookies you gave me in the spring.  Please eat 
some if you'd like.
(She gave me chocolate as I had decreased her heart level to green.)

Celia at 8.00 a.m.
Celia:  Freyr, this time I wanted to give you a gift.  Please eat this.

Flora at 10.00 a.m.
Flora:  Can I come in?  I have some business with you, Freyr.
Hi, Freyr.  I thought it's my turn to give you something.  Have this.

Muffy at noon.
Muffy:  Can I come in?  I have a bit of business with you, Freyr (heart).
Freyr, this is in return for the cookies.  I did my best.

Nami at 2.00 p.m.
Nami:  Can I come in?  I have some business.
This is for you.  (chocolate)

After you are married, you will not receive any visits from any one.  Instead, 
your wife will place a piece of chocolate cake into your rucksack in the 
middle of the night.  

Starry Night Festival Events:

What follows is the text of the Starry Night Festival Event with each of the 
girls of the Valley.  The Harvest Goddess  did not extend any invitation, but 
Leia the Mermaid and the Witch Princess did, as you will see.   (As the 
Harvest Goddess was at yellow heart level, it appears that she will not come 
to your house for the Starry Night Festival.)   If you wish to experience the 
event with each of the girls as I did, simply save your game on the 23rd 
BEFORE you speak to any of the girls, then speak to one girl, accept her 
invitation, experience the event the next day and reload your game without 
saving back to the morning of the 23rd.  This only will work if you have high 
heart levels with all the girls... The actual Heart Level requirement is Green 
heart level or higher.   Incidentally, no invitations are made by the girls of 
Mineral Town either, no matter how high their heart levels may be..

Starry Night Festival with Celia:

On the 23rd:

Celia:  Freyr, The Starry Night Festival... You know it, right?  I'm having a 
party at 6PM, so come by if you'd like.

If I decline:
Celia:  Oh... that's too bad.

If I accept:

I'm glad.  I'll be waiting.

I went to Vesta's house at 6.00 p.m. on 24 Winter to be greeted with the 
Festival music from Mineral Town.
Both Vesta and your rival Marlin will be there as well.
Celia:  Welcome.  Freyr...
Vesta:  We were waiting for you.  Don't just stand there, come this way.
Marlin:  Oh, it's you.  You'd better go home right away, or else.
Vesta (furious):  No food for anyone who would say such a thing!  Just leave 
the guy alone.  Let's start.
The screen goes dark and I had no chance to talk to any one.  Then:  I had fun 
at the Starry Night Festival with Celia's family.

Starry Night Festival with Flora:

I met Flora at the Tent at 6.30 a.m. and she said:
'The Starry Night Festival.  We're having a party with the professor, won't 
you come?

If I decline:
Flora:  That's too bad.  I'll invite you again.

If I accept:
Flora:  I'm happy.  So, I'll be waiting.

At 6.00, I was able to enter the tent where I found Flora and Carter facing 
one another across a table on which three places were set with cake with a 
cherry on top and a jar filled with milk.

Flora:  Welcome.
Carter:  We're glad you came, Freyr.
Flora:  I worked hard to make this.  There's a lot more so start eating.  I 
think I made a little too much.
The screen darkens and then:   I had fun at the Starry Night Festival with 
Flora.  (No mention of the surprisingly jovial Carter.)

Starry Night Festival with Leia:

Leia will say:  'Will you spend the Starry Night Festival with me?  Can I come 
over to your house?

If I decline:  That's no fun.  It's alright!

If you accept she will say:  'That's great!!  I'm looking forward to it!  Huh, 
how am I getting there?  I'll ask Daryl so don't worry.

At 6.00 p.m. I opened the door to my farmhouse to see if Leia would be 
anywhere in sight.
Leia:  Freyr, it's me.  Open up.

The next thing I know, she is seated at the head of the table and I am 
standing at the foot of it.  There is neither food nor drink in sight.  The 
table is absolutely bare.

Leia:  How did I get here?  I lured Daryl with food and he carried me.  You 
take me home, okay?  We don't have Starry Night Festival where I'm from.  This 
will be fun.  What?  Where's dinner?
Me:  (...)
Leia:  Really!  No dinner?  I was looking forward to eating your food!  OK.  
I'll cook for you.  My food is delicious so look forward to it.
Me (with music)

The screen goes dark and then:  I had fun at the Starry Night Festival with 

Starry Night Festival with Lumina:

Lumina:  B... by the way, tomorrow is the Starry Night Festival... We're 
having a party at the Villa, would you like to come?


If you decline:

Lumina: I see... I'm sorry.  Sorry for wasting your time.

Her heart level stays the same, however, as does any girl if you decline her 
invitation.  If you accept:

Lumina:  So... I'll be waiting for you...

When I entered the Villa at 6.00 p.m.  I heard the Festival Music from Mineral 
Town festivals.
Oddly enough, you will be in Lumina's bedroom but the food is set out on the 
small round table there.  The food consists of a chocolate bar and an 
orange/reddish beverage, possibly a Latte.  Romana and Sebastian are standiing 
on the left side of the room, one in front of the other in a very unrealistic 
Romana:  Welcome.  It will be lively this year.  Lumina's been looking forward 
to it.
Sebastian:  Welcome.  Eat as much as you want today, please.  I'll go get the 
food now.  If you're hungry, you can help yourself to what's on the table.
Lumina:  Well then, let's begin...
Unfortunately the screen goes black then so you never get to see what is 
served after the odd 'starter'.
Then:  I had fun at the Starry Night Festival with Lumina's family.

Starry Night Festival with Muffy:

On the 23rd:

Muffy:  The Starry Night Festival... Why don't we spend a memorable night at 
the Blue Bar?


If I declined:

Muffy:  Oh... If you're busy I guess there's nothing that can be done.

If I accepted:  

Muffy:  Yeah!!  I'm happy.  I'll be waiting for you.

At 6.00 p.m. on 24 Winter,  I entered the Blue Bar to find Muffy and Griffin 
behind the counter.  There were three bottles of wine on the counter with a 
jar filled with some sort of juice (orange/red) and absolutely NO food at all!
Muffy:  Oh... I think it's about time to get started.
Griffin:  Muffy made the drinks and food today so be prepared.
Muffy (miffed):  Well, excuse me!  You don't have to drink, Griffin!!
On this note, the screen goes black and then:  I had fun at the Starry Night 
Festival with Muffy.

Starry Night Festival with Nami:

When I see her at 6.00 a.m. in her room, Nami tells me:  The Starry Night 
Festival... Apparently there'll be a party in the inn's kitchen.  Won't you 


If I decline:
Nami:  I see... I understand.

Nami:  All right.  I'll be waiting.

when I enter the Inn at 6.00, I go directly to the Kitchen.  Ruby is in front 
of the cooker and Nami is in front of the table to greet me.
Nami:  We've been waiting for you.
Ruby:  we made so much food so we better start eating. It's good that Freyr 
came isn't it, Nami.  You've been looking forward to it.
Nami:  No... No I haven't!!!  Let's get started.
And with that, the screen goes black.  then:  I had fun at the Starry Night 
Festival with Nami.

Starry Night Festival with Flora:

I met Flora at the Tent at 6.30 a.m. and she said:
'The Starry Night Festival.  We're having a party with the professor, won't 
you come?

If I decline:
Flora:  That's too bad.  I'll invite you again.

If I accept:
Flora:  I'm happy.  So, I'll be waiting.

At 6.00, I was able to enter the tent where I found Flora and Carter facing 
one another across a table on which three places were set with cake with a 
cherry on top and a jar filled with milk.

Flora:  Welcome.
Carter:  We're glad you came, Freyr.
Flora:  I worked hard to make this.  There's a lot more so start eating.  I 
think I made a little too much.
The screen darkens and then:   I had fun at the Starry Night Festival with 
Flora.  (No mention of the surprisingly jovial Carter.)

Starry Night Festival with the Witch Princess:

The Witch Princess will say;  It's Freyr.  Tomorrow's the festival.  Can I go 
over to your house tomorrow, Freyr?


That's great, Freyr.  I'll look forward to it.

When I left the farmhouse after 6.00 p.m. on the 24th,  the Witch Princess was 
at the door and the Festival Music was playing loudly in the background.

Witch Princess:  Freyr, I'm here.

She sat at the head of the table and I sat at its foot.

Witch Princess:  This is a special day for witches.  I'm glad I can spend it 
with you.  
(Then with a worried expression on her face):  By the way... ... Where's 
Me: (...)
Witch Princess:  No dinner?  I was looking forward to it.  
(Now laughing):  Well, it can't be helped.  I'll make it for you.  I'll make 
you the Witch Princesses special food.
Me: (with music)

My last thoughts:  I had fun at the Starry Night Festival with Witch Princess.


Marriage Proposal Events:

Celia's Proposal and Wedding Event:

Today Celia is at 65535 AP and 255 FP.  If I show her the Blue Feather, she 
will say:

Celia:  (!)  ..................... Let's go to your place, Freyr.  

At the farmhouse then:

Celia:  I didn't think you would just give it to me out of the blue so I was 
I nod and show her the feather again.  She displays a large red heart.
Celia:  My health has been poor for a long time so I didn't think I would get 
married...  But since meeting you, Freyr, that feeling has faded away.  Every 
time we meet I get nervous and excited.  Freyr, I think you're the best 
medicine there is for me.(heart)  My answer?  Of course it's yes.
I show a big red heart now.
Celia:  I... I'm going to tell Vesta.  Won't you come with me?
I nod and we next find ourselves in Celia's bedroom.
Vesta and Marlin are standing on one side and Celia and I face them.
Vesta and Marlin both:  (!)
Vesta:  Congratulations!!
Celia:  Thank you, Vesta!
Marlin (angry):  What's this about a wedding!  I won't allow it!!
Celia: Marlin...
Vesta turns to Marlin (with hurt):  Why would you say such a thing!!  This is 
something to be celebrated!  It will make this child miserable if you oppose 
this.  If you're so against it then get out of here!!
Marlin (...):  Hey!  Freyr!  If you make Celia cry, I will never forgive you.  
Celia!  If something happens, you come right home!
Celia:  Nothing will happen so please don't worry.
I nod reassuringly.
Vesta:  Well, that's good.  When is the ceremony?
Celia:  We talked about it, and we're going to have it in about a week.
Vesta:  I see.  You'll live happily with Freyr.
Celia:  Yes.  I'm happy, Vesta.
Vesta:  Well, Freyr you better get to work and earn a good living.
I nod  submissively in agreement.
I find myself back home and no time has passed.

Wedding Event

Precisely a week after my proposal was made and accepted, I would awaken on 
the day of the wedding.  In the darkness, I first would hear a mighty tumult.  
At first, I did not know whether it is a storm or a crowd, but then I found 
myself on the beach with every inhabitant of the village.  The Mineral Town 
citizens, alas, will not be present, but it is a huge crowd even so.  Every 
one is there apart from poor Mukumuku who only can exist in a snow-clad 
landscape.  Even Van has made the trip to attend.

Thomas presides and my bride and I stand before him at the edge of the shore.  

Thomas:  It is my honour to preside over this wedding.
Every one cheers loudly with great vigour.

Thomas:  And now I will ask the bride:  Do you promise to love him as long as 
you shall live?
She turns to me and her portrait 'chings' in the centre of the screen, 
denoting points.
Celia:  Yes, I do.
Thomas:  Wonderful!  And now I will ask the groom:  do you promise to love 
Celiar as long as you shall live?
My portrait 'chings' across the centre of the screen now as I nod.
Celia:  I'm completely happy.
I nod, we turn first to one another, then turn back to Thomas.
Thomas:  I now pronounce you married.
Another mighty cheer from the crowd.
Harvest Goddess: (Freyr, Freyr.)
Me: ?
Harvest Goddess:  (Tadaaaaaaaaa.  Congratulations.  Let me toll the wedding 
The bells toll, the screen turns white and the credits roll.
Celia:  Starting today we're husband and wife, let's change what we call each 
other.  I'm Celia.  How about you, Freyr?
(You must choose a word of six letters maximum.  I thought of 'Tesoro' which 
is 'treasure' in Italian.)
Celia:  I understand.  Starting today I'll call you Tesoro.
Well, tomorrow we'll begin a new life!
(Bit of a cheat there as she didn't give me the option to call HER by a 

The next day:
Celia:  Good morning...  I had a dream about you last night, Tesoro.  Then:  
Did you know that I liked you from the very first time I met you, Tesoro?

As in FoMT and MFoMT, all her responses will change after marriage.    For 
example, if you give her a Dress, Celia now would say:   It looks expensive, 
is it ok?  I'll use it soon.  Thank you.'

Lumina's Proposal Event:

Lumina:  (!)
What... Freyr... Let's go to your house.
At the farmhouse:
Lumina:  I'm really... surprised.
I nod.
She shows a big red heart.
Lumiina:  It has always been my my dream...  To have a lovely romance, receive 
a lovely proposal...  Then we will have a happy married life.  I never thought 
this would really happen.  Right now I'm really happy.  If this is a dream, 
don't wake me up.  My answer?  Of course, yes.  Please, let's be happy.
I show a big red heart.
Lumina:  I have to tell Grandma and every one...  Won't you come with me?
I nod.
We are in Romana's bedroom then.
Romana and Sebastian both: (!)
Sebastian:  Lu... Lumina...
Romana:  You've been acting kind of strangely lately.  This must be why. 
Lumina:  Yes, that's right.
Freyr, by marrying here, it means that you will continue this family's noble 
name.  Can you bear that responsibility?
Lumina:  Romana, is that really important?
Romana:  You be quiet!  It's very important!
Sebastian:  Ms. Romana...
Both Lumina and myself: (...)
Lumina:  Grandma...
Romana:  Ha ha ha ha... I'm joking.
Lumina:  Grandma!
Romana:  I saw you two looking so happy and I just wanted to tease you, sorry.
Sebastian:  Ms. Romana, it's bad for my heart.  I wish you'd quit making jokes 
like that.
Romana:  That's why I'm apologising, isn't it.  Oh, there have been no 
celebratory words yet.  Congratulations to you two.
I nod graciously.
Sebastian:  So Miss Lumina, where do you intend to live?
Lumina:  Once we're married I think we'll live on the farm. I've been 
interested for awhile.
Sebastian:  I see... It will be lonely here.
Romana:  It's close so please come over sometimes.
Lumina:  Of course.
Romana:  When's the ceremony?
Lumina:  We decided to have it in about a week.  Will you please attend?
Romana:  Of course.
Sebastian:  Absolutely, we'll attend.
Lumina:  Thank you.
Romana:  Freyr, please take care of my baby girl.
I nod in my usual reassuring manner.

N.B.  Romana always has had a reputation as a bit of a practical joker. She 
obviously is no different in this version of Harvest Moon.  It is interesting 
to see that Sebastian appears to be more upset by the prospect of losing 
Lumina than Romana is.   One wonders as well if Lumina is marrying one because 
she is in love with the farmer or with the farmer's DVD.  After all, it is the 
only one of its kind!

Flora's Proposal Event:

Flora in the tent:  Ohhhh.  It's embarrassing here.  Let's go somewhere else.
At the farmhouse:
Flora:  That's sudden.  I'm surprised.
I nod and show her the feather again.
Flora shows a big red heart.
Flora:  I... I haven't been able to focus on digging lately.  I didn't know 
how a certain person felt about me.  but, at last I know that person's 
feelings.  Freyr, you feel the same as me.  I accept with pleasure.
I show a big red heart now.
Flora:  Oh, I have to tell the professor.  Won't you come with me?
I nod.
At the tent we stand together before Carter.
Carter: (!)  Is... is this the truth?
Flora:  Yes, it is... I'm going to be a bride.
Carter:  Wh... what's going on...
Flora:  Professor... Your feelings for me...
Carter:  Who will make my meals from now on...?
Both Flora and myself:  (...)
Flora:  Professor...
Carter:  Oh!!  I'm sorry,, I'm sorry.  I'll be fine.  Congratulations.  I give 
you my blessing.  Flora, what will you do now?
Flora:  Let's see.  Once I'm married, I think I'll quit the excavation.
Carter:  I see... That's too bad, but, oh well.  I'll continue with the 
excavation, don't worry.  When is the ceremony?
Flora:  Just now we decided we'd do it in about a week.  Will you attend.
Carter:  Well, let's see.  I'd be happy to attend.
Flora:  Good, thank you very much.
Carter:  Freyr, I'm counting on you to take good care of Flora.
I nod reassuringly.

N.B.  Considering the fact that Carter always complained bitterly about the 
food Flora cooked, his gloom at the thought of having to prepare his own meals 
is a bit much!

Nami's Proposal Event:

 If I were to show her the Blue Feather, she would say:

Nami:  'Ugh... here?  Let's go somewhere else.

We then will find ourselves at my house.

Nami:  You're kidding... What are you thinking?  You are embarrassing me...
I nod, but flourish the Blue Feather again.
She shows a big red heart then.
Nami:  Hmm.... Get married... That might be a good thing... Okay.  Let's get 
I now show a big red heart.
Nami:  I'll go tell Ruby.  Come with me?
I nod.

We then find oursevles in Nami's bedroom at the Inn.
Ruby: ?  Are you serious?
Nami:  Yes.  Ruby, you've been so kind I wanted to tell you first.
Ruby:  Oh my, so nice of you to say that...
Nami:  It's true.
Ruby:  ...
Nami (with tear):  what's the matter?
Ruby:  So this is what it feels like when your daughter is a bride.
Nami:  Ruby......
Nami (...)
Ruby:  Now it's time to celebrate, not say something tedious.  Congratulations!
When is the ceremony?
Nami:  We talked it over and decided on about a week from now.
Ruby:  I see.  I'll definitely be there.
Nami:  Yes.
Ruby:  In a week Nami, you'll be gone.  I'll certainly miss you.
Nami:  I'll still come to see you.  I'll be close.
Ruby:  Good.  Freyr, please take good care of my Nami.
I nod.

After this, I find myself at home alone.

Leia's Proposal Event

You only will find Leia on the beach on Tuesday at midnight once you have 
given her the message in the bottle.  I went to the beach the day after she 
returned to the sea and found her on the eastern edge of the shore at 
midnight.  I showed her the Blue Feather.

Leia:  (!)  Wow, what's this?  It's beautiful.  What-----!!  Propose?  I'm a 
mermaid.  Is it still alright?  I understand.  I'll get married to you.  Oh, 
that's right!  I'll live in the pond, so please don't remove it.

When I spoke to her again, she said: It seems marrying a human is rare.  If I 
tell the other mermaids I'm getting married, I bet they'd be surprised.

I left her at the shore, but returned a couple of times and found her there 
still, as late as 2.00 a.m.  I finally restrained my curiosity as I needed 
some sleep and simply went home to bed.  

A week later, on Tuesday morning, I awakened to the Marriage Celebration music 
with Thomas in the farmhouse and Daryl behind Leia.  Leia and I stood before 

Thomas:  It is my honour to preside over this wedding.  And now I will ask the 
bride.  Do you promise to love him as long as you shall live?
Leia's face (ching) across the screen.
Leia:  Yes, I do.
Thomas:  Wonderful!  And now I will ask the groom.  Do you promise to love 
Leia as long as you shall live?
My face (ching) across the screen.
Leia:  We'll be happy together.
I nod at Leia then we turn again to face Thomas.
Thomas:  I now pronounce you married.
Harvest Goddess:  (Freyr, Freyr.)
Me: ?
Harvest Goddess:  (Tadaaaaaaaaa.  Congratulations.  Let me toll the wedding 
bells as a gift.)

The wedding bells then began to toll.

In the next scene,  it now is 10.00 a.m. and Leia and I are sitting on either 
side of the table.
Leia:  Let's change how I call you now that we're married.  You can just call 
me Leia.  What about you, Freyr?
(I chose Tesoro)
Leia: Okay.  From now on I'll call you Tesoro.  I have to live near water.  
I'll just go in the pond on the farm.  There's water there and it's perfect.
I nod.

Leia:  Well, tomorrow we start our new life!

You then will find her as she promised, in your duck pond.  Whenever you speak 
to her in the morning, she will say:  'Good morning.  I'm really happy!'

If you give her a large fish, she will say:  It's a big fish!!  I'm gonna 
really savour it!  Thank you (heart heart heart).

After 12.00 p.m., she will say:  Today I'll prepare a special meal for you.  
It makes me happy when you finish everything on your plate (heart).

Muffy's Proposal Event

On 2nd Summer of my second year, after experiencing Muffy's 4th Heart Event, I 
rushed into the house to find my Blue Feather, then found Muffy at the Bridge 
and flourished it.  (You can marry Muffy in the first year only if you can 
experience her 4th heart event before the end of the first Summer.)

Muffy: (!)  Let's go somewhere else.  Our location...

A door slams and we both are in my farmhouse.

Muffy:  You surprised me!  I didn't think that you would give me a Blue 
I nod and flourish it again.
Muffy shows a huge red heart.
Muffy:  I've been longing for a Blue Feather.  It's wonderful to get one from 
a boy I like.  Freyr, did you know that I've liked you for some time now?  No 
reason you would know.  You're a bit clueless...  Well, that's okay.  
Ultimately you chose me.  I forgive you.  ................ I really love you 

I show her a big red heart.

Muffy:  I'm going to tell Griffen.  Won't you come with me?  (N.B.  Muffy's 
misspelling of his name!)
I nod encouragingly.

Next, we are in the middle room of the Blue Bar facing Griffin together.
Griffin: (!)  Wha... What a surprise.
Muffy;  Nothing to be surprised about.  I'm at the right age to get married.
Griffin:  Well, that's true... I never thought it would be with Freyr.
Muffy;  Griffin, you can't read the feelings of women.  That's why you're not 
married.  (Rather cruel of her, I must say!)
Griffin: (...)
Muffy (with tear):  I... I'm sorry... I've hurt you...
Griffin:  No... You're right... Ha... ha ha ha...
Me: (...)
Griffin:  I ... I certainly give you my blessing.  Congratulations!
I nod.
Muffy: There's nothing more to say.  It's too bad my parents can't come to the 
Griffin:  Yes, it is.
Muffy:  That's okay.  It seems that neither can take time off work to come.  
Once we're married, I'll take Freyr and visit them.
Griffin:  Okay, When is the ceremony?
Muffy;  We thought we'd do it about a week from now.
Griffin:  I see.  Let me come to your wedding.  In a week, you won't be here 
anymore... I'll miss you...
Muffy:  Oh no.  We can meet whenever we want.
Griffin:  Well, that's true.  Freyr, please take care of Muffy.
I nod.

I find myself back in the farmhouse after that.

Wedding to any of the ordinary Valley Girls

The following is the text of a Wedding to Muffy, but the weddings to any of 
the Ordinary Valley girls basically follow the same format.  Only a few words 
would be different.

A week after my proposal is accepted, I awaken and am spirited instantly to 
the beach for my Wedding.
Thomas:  It is my honour to preside over this wedding.
Every one cheers, and I mean EVERY ONE.
Thomas:  And now I will ask the bride.  Do you promise to love him as long as 
you shall live?
(Ching)  The bride's face across the screen.
Muffy:  Yes, I do.
Thomas:  Wonderful!  And now I will ask the groom.  Do you promise to love 
Muffy as long as you shall live?
(Ching)  My face across the screen.
I nod.
Muffy shows a huge red heart.
Muffy:  I love you.
I nod and we kiss.
Thomas:  I now pronounce you married.
Every one cheers loudly.
Harvest Goddess:  (Freyr, Freyr.)
Me: ?
Harvest Goddess:  (Tadaaaaaaaaaa.  Congratulations.  Let me toll the wedding 
The bells toll.  The credits roll.

Then, back in the farmhouse facing my new wife across the table:

Muffy:  Our names for each other don't sound like we're married.  How about 
nicknames?  Call me Moo.  What about you, Freyr?
Okay.  From now on, I'll call you Tesoro.
The screen goes black.
Well, our new life starts tomorrow!

The next morning when I speak to her:
Muffy:  A very good morning to you.  Smooch (heart)  Why are you embarrassed?  
Oh (heart)  How cute (heart x 3)

Keira's Proposal and Marriage Event:

I gave her Golden Lumber and her heart turned deep red.  Now she 
says:  'You're a cutie... (heart)

I returned to the chamber and showed her the Blue Feather.
Keira:  (heart) x 13
heart x 13
heart x 13

Me:  Evidently the answer is yes.  The ceremony's in a week.

Keira:  ............................
Looks like that's okay.

After, if I speak to her in the mine:  I'd like to live my life with you 

Precisely a week after my proposal was accepted, I would awaken in my 
farmhouse, with Keira at my side and Thomas in front of us.

Thomas:  It is my honour to preside over this wedding.  I'm envious that you 
get to marry this princess.  And now I will ask the bride.  Do you promise to 
love him as long as you shall live?

Keira turns to me and:
(Her face is displayed across the screen with 'ching')
Keira:  ...................... (heart)
Thomas:  Wonderful!  And now I will ask the groom.  Do you promise to love 
Keira as long as you shall live?
I turn to Keira.
(My face is displayed with 'ching' across the screen.)
Keira:  (heart) x 6
Keira displays a big red heart.
We kiss then turn back to Thomas.
Thomas:  I now pronounce you married!!
Harvest Goddess:  (Freyr, Freyr.)
Me: ?
Harvest Goddess:  (Tadaaaaaaaaaaaa.  Congratulations.  Let me toll the wedding 
The screen turns white and the credits roll.  Then:

Keira faces me across the table.
Keira: ...................................
(You need to type your nickname for her.)
Keira:  Heart x 6
I nod.
Well, our new life starts tomorrow.

When you speak to her after you are married and living together:

She's writing something:
Keira:  'Wh... what.  Don't stare at me (heart)'  ... she wrote.

If you speak to her in the afternoon:  'Maybe I'll try cooking.  I am a wife 
after all.'  ... she wrote.

XVII.  Family Life

The 'Circle of Life' is very much a part of the philosophy of Harvest Moon and 
marriage ideally leads to parenthood.  It does not do so inevitably, however.  
You must keep your spouse at 60,000 AP (deepest red heart level) or above for 
a full season before your wife will become pregnant.

When the happy event occurs, she will awaken in the morning feeling ill.  You 
will experience an event wherein you take her to Dr. Hardy's house and clinic 
to discover that she is 'expecting'.  The Blessed Event will occur after two 
seasons of pregnancy.  The day before your child is to be born, your wife will 
make an announcement.  

When your child is born, he will not spend any time as an infant (as in FoMT 
or MFoMT) but will become a toddler at once.   There are five 
different 'styles' of child, and the one you have is predicated upon your 
choice of spouse.   As you might expect, marriage to 
Flora or Muffy will give you a son with blonde hair, marriage to Celia or 
Lumina will give you a child with brown hair and marriage to Nami will result 
in a redhead.  Each spouse has a child with different clothing, so although 
Celia and Lumina both give birth to sons with dark hair, Celia's son will have 
a green outfit and Flora's son will wear a red and purple striped outfit.  

If you would like to see all the different types of children, you can refer to 
the Harvest Moon card decks.  They not only show the child as toddler, but as 
adolescent and adult as well.

If you marry a 'magical girl', your child's appearance will be chosen 
randomly.  In such a case, make certain that you save your game the night 
before the birth, so that you can reload if the child is not born with your 
favourite hair colour.  

Your child will develop through two more stages, from young boy to 
adolescent.  Barney's Circus will move into the Valley after the birth of your 
son.  Hugh and Kate will grow into adolescents as well.  

Even as an adult, your son will not help you on the farm, nor will he ever 
marry or have his own family.  This is a disappointment once again to all 
Harvest Moon fans who keep hoping that the extra set of tools you obtain will 
have some real use!


Links to all Freyashawk Harvest Moon DS Guides:

Harvest Moon DS General Guide

Harvest Moon DS Heart and Rival Heart Events Guide

Harvest Moon DS Shipping List Guide

Harvest Moon DS 101 Sprites Guide

Harvest Moon DS Calendar Guide

Harvest Moon DS Cooking 101 Recipe Guide

Harvest Moon DS Crops Guide

Harvest Moon DS Ultimate Guide to Mining

Harvest Moon DS First Year Events Guide

Harvest Moon DS Characters Guide

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